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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I didn't say you pray to Sauds

but Mecca is in the KSA and you are praying towards Saudi Arabia :D

I said they are the keyholders and caretakers of Mecca, no?

when muslims pray towards Mecca they don't pray towards a regime, a family or a property

people when they go KSA to see the Mecca , they don't go there to see saudi family or wahhabi retard ideology
they go there for Islam purpose
Islam has nothing to do with a property of a family , a country

they are not the key holders or bullshit stuff , they have a responsibility to take care of muslims coming here
in their territory like everyone should act the same in any land of the world

some people in this forum believe too much they are representative of Arabs or Islam
nobody is, nothing is
and for me pakistanis or indians or chinese have exactly the same rights to say they are as much muslims as we are
nobody owns a special "title"
this is the strong faith of Islam: no property. it is inside all of us. we are all equal to Islam

Why are you writing nonsense again? Who said that anyone is praying to a family or a country? Or that Arab or Iranian Muslims are better than Chinese, Pakistani or Indian Muslims? I think that you are the one that is retarded here. Keep ignoring being exposed too.

Funny that a supporter of the retarded Wilayat al-Faqih is talking about equality when your regime uses religious titles to stay in power. In fact only Wilayat al-Faqih supporters and Shia Twelver's can rule Iran. Not only that you have a whole class of people based on their ancestry (Sadah families) alone.

At least it is normal in monarchies as this is what monarchies are and have been all over the world regardless of race, religion etc.

At least anyone in KSA regardless of descent can become a Grand Mufti in KSA. Speaking about religious titles.

I didn't say you pray to Sauds

but Mecca is in the KSA and you are praying towards Saudi Arabia :D

I said they are the keyholders and caretakers of Mecca, no?

He obviously has trouble with English or he is deliberately putting words into people's mouths. I think that it is a combination. He is all over the place. One can just reread this debate to see this. Sad that you have 42 year olds acting like this.
The Holy City of Makkah is a Saudi Arabian city. It's the same thing. Semantics.

That is why KSA is also called The Land of the Two Holy Mosques in media across the world.

So? Just because Mecca is in Saudi Arabia does this mean no Muslim country can fight a war with Saudi Arabia? Heck, even Ali was killed by a Muslim, even Husayn was killed by a Muslim. What's so special about Saudi Arabia?
and by the way i am against Iranian spiritual leadership. i said hundred times. so stop your lies hundred time
al hasani second account

it is not because they are some crap people in Iran that it gives a better image of retard wahhabi fanatics
So? Just because Mecca is in Saudi Arabia does this mean no Muslim country can fight a war with Saudi Arabia? Heck, even Ali was killed by a Muslim, even Husayn was killed by a Muslim. What's so special about Saudi Arabia?

What the hell has that to do with the fact that both Makkah and Madinah are two ancient Saudi Arabian/Hijazi cities which they have always been or the fact that KSA is also known as the Land of the Two Holy Mosques?

In theory a Muslim country can start a war with KSA but militarily, politically and religiously this would be an own goal or even a suicide.

Over 1/3 of all Saudi Arabians live in Hijaz and no Muslim or even non-Muslim country is foolish enough to attack the holy lands of Hijaz @Superboy

No Muslim country dares to attack the Holy Land. This is very simple. It won't ever happen. Allah (swt) is protecting the Holy Land along with 35 million Saudi Arabians the descendants of Prophets, Sahabah and blessed clans and tribes.
What the hell has that to do with the fact that both Makkah and Madinah are two ancient Saudi Arabian/Hijazi cities which they have always been or the fact that KSA is also known as the Land of the Two Holy Mosques?

In theory a Muslim country can start a war with KSA but militarily, politically and religiously this would be an own goal or even a suicide.

Over 1/3 of all Saudi Arabians live in Hijaz and no Muslim or even non-Muslim country is foolish enough to attack the holy lands of Hijaz @Superboy

No Muslim country dares to attack the Holy Land. This is very simple. It won't ever happen. Allah (swt) is protecting the Holy Land along with 35 million Saudi Arabians the descendants of Prophets, Sahabah and blessed clans and tribes.

I don't think so 8-) The world is a pretty secular place these days. No one would care if some country invades Saudi Arabia.
I don't think so 8-) The world is a pretty secular place these days. No one would care if some country invades Saudi Arabia.

You must be mentally ill if you think that the 35 million Saudi Arabians, 450 million Arabs, 1.7 billion Muslims and world powers would sit idle by if anyone was foolish enough to attack Makkah, Madinah, Hijaz and KSA as a whole.

Very in fact.
You must be mentally ill if you think that the 35 million Saudi Arabians, 450 million Arabs, 1.7 billion Muslims and world powers would sit idle by if anyone was foolish enough to attack Makkah, Madinah, Hijaz and KSA as a whole.

Very in fact.

Why wouldn't they? o_O
You will never learn.


The Syrian opposition arrested regime officer Nour Safi from 4th Armoured Division in Darkoush (Idlib) trying to flee to Turkey.

Something more sad:

Barrel bombs dropped on Zabadani by the criminal Al-Assad (or Al-Washi his family's original name which means savage in Arabic) regime today.

@Dr.Thrax @Antaréss
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We didn't fail. We kicked your asses in Grozny. 300 tanks lost? The majority the fairly new T-80? That's a success.

Only reason we lost in Chechnya was because some genius decided to invade Dagestan.

BS :mad: We have technology. You don't. You can't win a war without technology.

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