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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What an achievement thousands killed many thousand lives ruined. What an achievement to be proud of. Bravo may the misery catch u for what u have celebrated on others.

Russian-Chechen war was a stupid war. It was not a Russian-Muslim war. I don't know why you and Dr. Thrax are giving that impression. Some nations had interests in supporting Chechens. Muslims are a very large group hence have differences which are very difficult to put aside hence we can't give such impressions. If it was up to me I wouldn't want that war to happen in first place which was exploited by outsiders and lead to suffering of both peoples.

Soldier of Putin is superboy he's Chinese makes some informative and funny sarcastic posts.


Similiar to what you did in July 2014 in Gaza.
Meanwhile in Ukraine....

We got Crimea back. Khrushchev transferred it from Russia to Ukraine in 1954. We never accepted Russia's loss of territorial integrity. BTW, Syria still does not have Golan back.

What Ukrainians do their own country is none of our business. We back Ukrainian separatists because of national interests.
We got Crimea back. Khrushchev transferred it from Russia to Ukraine in 1954. We never accepted Russia's loss of territorial integrity. BTW, Syria still does not have Golan back.

What Ukrainians do their own country is none of our business. We back Ukrainian separatists because of national interests.
Back? Ukrainians hated Russian rule and have hated it for years...Kiev was also established before Moscow. Therefore, Crimea is their land. Now back to Syria. Reason we don't have Golan is because of the fuckhead named Hafez.
Also, using your logic, that means when Syria is free we can go out and send suicide bombers into China, Iran, and Russia out of "national interests."

In other news, Division 30 fighters are now in Mare', Nusra has released the rest of them and pulled out of North Aleppo, air strikes are now being called in and a counteroffensive is coming soon.
Also, using your logic, that means when Syria is free we can go out and send suicide bombers into China, Iran, and Russia out of "national interests."

No one's stopping you. Human wave tactics work when you don't have technology.

Reason we don't have Golan is because of the fuckhead named Hafez.

What Hafez did was right. Israel is a thorn in the side of Arabs. Sooner or later Israel will invade Syria and annex. Current strategy is depopulation of Syria. These days almost all rebels killed in Syria are Turks.

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No one's stopping you. Human wave tactics work when you don't have technology.

What Hafez did was right. Israel is a thorn in the side of Arabs. Sooner or later Israel will invade Syria and annex. Current strategy is depopulation of Syria. These days almost all rebels killed in Syria are Turks.

You are really, really, dense.
First, I was using a metaphor. Trust me, when we come to crush Russia we won't be sending suicide bombers.

Second of all, Hafez did nothing right. He could've easily taken over the Golan, but he told his forces to stay put which allowed Israelis to regroup and counterattack. That way he could sell them the Golan and have them never attack him again.
The vast majority of rebels killed in Syria are Syrian. If you had half a brain, spoke Arabic, or both, you'd know that they are Syrian from the videos they post.
1. sure, gaddafi was surprised in the manner of a cat surprised by a suddenly fierce bird... gaddafi was also genuinely surprised by abdullah's strange statement of libyan jamahiriya being created by "colonial powers"... what was that??

2. pot smoker?? believe that if you want but i will hope for wisdom upon you.

3. "the idiot" had been the biggest supporter of liberation movements and revolutionaries all over the world, east to west, north to south, from farc in columbia to eta in spain to yes, nelson mandela's anc...

View attachment 253080

let me see you spit on gaddafi's comrade, nelson mandela... at the moment, "the idiot" has inspired a new worldwide revolutionary movement that seeks to bring the jamahiriya political arrangement to their own societies and to the world eventually... also, the bolivarian republic of venezuela is undergoing change to reflect the self-governing direct-democracy communes from the libyan jamahiriya...

who has king abdullah and saudia inspired, other than reactionaries and fools??​

you have heard a lot of things...

...have you heard this vid - abdullah again in confrontation with muammar, and walking out again?? :)

(( Muammar al-Gaddafi attacking the king of Saudi Arabia in the Doha Summit - YouTube ))

Gaddafi was a retarted pot head, and so is everyone that supported him
''National Security Council (MGK) statement calls for safety zone to resolve refugee crisis


Turkey’s National Security Council has emphasized the government’s “resolute will” to achieve peace in neighboring Syria, the body said in a statement on Wednesday night.

The council - chaired by the president and including the armed forces’ chief and Cabinet ministers - was meeting for the first time since a caretaker government was put in place last week.

“The meeting reviewed border security measures and confirmed Turkey's resolute will and stance on enabling an environment of peace and security in Syria''

It called for the establishment of a “terror-group-free zone” within Syria as a key development for the “preservation of the Syrian people's right to life.”
The statement also expressed Turkey's concern over European countries' attitude towards the refugee crisis.''


''Turkish parliament extended mandate for military operations in Iraq, Syria''

Gaddafi was a retarted pot head, and so is everyone that supported him

Well, we can just study the conduct of Jamahir to get an idea. The funniest thing is that we are talking about an Indian in some call center in Bangalore (or wherever he dwells) that is a bigger Ba'athi than even the most hardcore old-school Arab Ba'athist's. I can already picture him during some regime meeting. They would make a mockery out of him, lol, to put it mildly.
Gaddafi was a retarted pot head, and so is everyone that supported him

are you 10-year old??

Well, we can just study the conduct of Jamahir to get an idea. The funniest thing is that we are talking about an Indian in some call center in Bangalore (or wherever he dwells) that is a bigger Ba'athi than even the most hardcore old-school Arab Ba'athist's. I can already picture him during some regime meeting. They would make a mockery out of him, lol, to put it mildly.

1. did i ever say i am ba'athi?? :lol:

2. i have told you before that you react automatically to my flags and that you wouldn't have the courage to say a similar thing to a britisher or a french person, for that matter... here, this link is for a russian green committee ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов )... send them a mail with your educated theories... do let me know of their reply.

3. you are just a saudi, just a saudi.
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1. did i ever say i am ba'athi?? :lol:

2. i have told you before that you react automatically to my flags in the manner and that you wouldn't have the courage to say a similar thing to a britisher or a french person, for that matter... here, this link is for a russian green committee ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов )... send them a mail with your educated theories... do let me know of their reply.

You did. Not only that you are supporting all Ba'athi dictators. Those dead long ago and those few that remain alive.

I would have said the exact same thing to anyone regardless of their nationality if they acted like you. Europeans must obey our laws in the GCC. If not they will be deported. We don't give them citizenships either regardless of how long they live in the GCC or even if they have been born there unless in special circumstances or they have been born to an Arab GCC father abroad. Nor has anyone from the GCC ever sought refugee in Europe/West. Only highly educated people who have been welcomed by the West or so-called "political" refugees who can be counted on 2-3 hands. Are you not the same user that has been crying about cases where ignorant Europeans and others have been deported from the GCC for breaking rules or not following local customs?

Besides I am part European and people are judged, or at least they should be, by their abilities and not nationality. That song about being "impressed" with nationality x or y belongs among uneducated people or those who have never stepped outside of their ancestral village. Or people with no history. Arabs don't belong in that category and never did or will. Even those Arab countries who were under European rule for a few decades almost all won their freedom back by fighting. In a way this was karma as Arabs ruled large areas of Southern Europe for centuries upon centuries and they were weak due to their own faults at the start of the 20th century. Just like partially today. But that won't last forever. A new generation is growing up. One that won't tolerate status quo much longer.

You are really, really, dense.
First, I was using a metaphor. Trust me, when we come to crush Russia we won't be sending suicide bombers.

Second of all, Hafez did nothing right. He could've easily taken over the Golan, but he told his forces to stay put which allowed Israelis to regroup and counterattack. That way he could sell them the Golan and have them never attack him again.
The vast majority of rebels killed in Syria are Syrian. If you had half a brain, spoke Arabic, or both, you'd know that they are Syrian from the videos they post.

He is polluting all threads with silly and idiotic one-liners. It's obvious that he is @Superboy as well but the moderators must be sleeping. Meanwhile I am getting 3 negative ratings in a day (while not breaking any rules) by a biased newly appointed farsi Mullah "think tank" that himself has 3 negative warnings. It's a joke but that won't silence me rather the contrary.
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You did. Not only that you are supporting all Ba'athi dictators. Those dead long ago and those few that remain alive.

so supporting the socialist systems of iraq and syria makes me a ba'athi??

funny reasoning... so me supporting ussr should make me a kazakh or russian communist.

but point to my post where i said i am ba'athi.

I would have said the exact same thing to anyone regardless of their nationality if they acted like you.

here was a south american acting libyan...


Building Socialism from Below: The Role of the Communes in Venezuela | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

you really don't understand that socialism is world socialist solidarity and exchanges and influences and learnings and adoptions.

Europeans must obey our laws in the GCC.

i am talking about you the saudi citizen going to france and trying to teach a french green movement activist that he is not libyan ( or "arab" in your words ) so must stop being green.

Are you not the same user that has been crying about cases where ignorant Europeans and others have been deported from the GCC for breaking rules or not following local customs?

i have posted in only one thread with that context... a australian or british lady arrested in dubai for agitating against a european person who had parked his car in a space meant for disabled persons.

other than that, i don't know.

Besides I am part European and people are judged, or at least they should be, by their abilities and not nationality. That song about being "impressed" with nationality x or y belongs among uneducated people or those who have never stepped outside of their ancestral village.

and yet you have been singing the same song for months.

good luck finding a saudia worshiper... you can try the israeli and turk and jordanian members you happily chat with in the "syria civil war" thread... i for one am not it.

Arabs don't belong in that category and never did or will. Even those Arab countries who were under European rule for a few decades almost all won their freedom back by fighting. In a way this was karma as Arabs ruled large areas of Southern Europe for centuries upon centuries and they were weak due to their own faults at the start of the 20th century. Just like partially today. But that won't last forever. A new generation is growing up. One that won't tolerate status quo much longer.

oh, man... your "arab world" talks again...

al-hasani, why don't you understand for once that there is no such thing... "arab nationalism" was a tactic used by people like nasser to encourage socialism in arabic speaking places... obviously, it didn't work over the years, and evidenced especially when arab-cultured gcc conspired with non-arab-mostly nato in attempting regime-change of arab-cultured libya and syria.

please accept this once and for all... and your identity is saudi... you won't be listened to over me, say in syria, just because you were born of arab heritage, and nor can you claim al-andalus anything other than via being muslim.
If Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Hafez al-Assad and now Bashar al-Assad are your average peaceful socialist comparable to the ones found on the streets of Barcelona, Athens, Cairo, New Delhi, Beijing, Moscow or Rio de Janeiro, my middle name is Karl Marx. Quit the joking, please.

None of those were socialists but deluded mass-murdering dictators and sons of uneducated peasants. They should have never reached power and they helped ruin Syria (which before 1970 was one of the most developed Muslim countries), Iraq (similar story before the Ba'athi coup d'état) and Libya. The reason why those countries are in chaos now is because of the predecessors who failed at installing a system that would survive them and ensure stability regardless of who ruled. When you rule with fear, commit crimes in your own name and neglect your country and citizens to a large degree, this is the end result.

I am not a refugee but a student who is eligible for French citizenship based on ancestry. Besides I have never met a single French person who is worshipping Gaddafi like you do and his system. None. Ever.

I don't know about other developing countries but in the GCC Europeans are only allowed to do as much as the locals allow them to. Neither are they allowed to hunt our wildlife as they please like they do in many regions of the developing world, change systems or customs as they please, get citizenship, settle in huge numbers etc. You get the point. On the other hand no sane person is doubting the fact that European firms have helped tremendously in the development of the GCC but that goes for all developing countries really. In the GCC the relationships are on the same level. In Europe/the West as well. Europeans don't cause problems in the GCC nor do GCC Arabs cause problem in the West outside of a microscopic minority of deranged militants that can be counted on a few hands. Many of non-GCC Arab origin to begin with.

I already told you that I don't worship any regime, this includes the House of Saud, but I can tell you that most of the 450 million Arabs and 1.7 billion Muslims have affinity for the Holy land. Saudi Arabians are some of the most hospitable and jovial people out there which even numerous nationalities on PDF (non-Muslims) have testified while I have been here. Not to me either. This is well-known and even those who criticize KSA say it. Media as well. All the bad publicity that KSA gets (despite that it has good relations with almost every power, in the West and East) is bound in certain regime policies + laws and actions of a microscopic minority of deranged people. Those foreigners who have interacted with Saudi Arabians (average Joe) and visited are mostly very positive. We can't hide the fact that there is a lot of nonsense spread in the media by various media groups for various reasons and much of it is based on ignorance. The media lives of such stuff. The reality is much different and I suggest that you ask Westerners and non-wesrenrers who have lived and interacted with locals in KSA and seen the country from first hand. Hardly anyone say that it is how they thought it would be or what they have heard.

Buddy, those who founded Al-Andalus were people from modern-day KSA, Yemen + Morocco and Algeria. Go take a look at the dynasties who ruled, scientists, military personalities etc. Almost all from those regions. So please, don't teach me the history of the Arab world. I don't attempt to teach you the history of your own country or region. Al-Andalus is the heritage of all Arabs + Berbers and others who contributed to it (Jews, locals etc.)
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