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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Besides I have never met a single French person who is worshipping Gaddafi like you do and his system. None. Ever.

there is no worship but you should have tried harder...

franco pucci at the paris match.jpg
there is no worship but you should have tried harder...

View attachment 253331

Although he looks as a local French we don't know whether he is an Libyan. Many Arabs can pass as Southern Europeans and vice versa. Even if that individual is a Gaddafi supporter who truly believes that his system was the best thing since sliced bread, you can count those lunatics on a few hands. It's similar to all of those North Korea supporters that you have in each Western country. It's absurd but it is what it is. I went to school with a boy whose father was a member of the French-North Korean friendship group. His father even visited North Korea. They truly believe that North Korea is a fantastic system. I mean you have many messed up people out there that is why the world is at it is.
Freedom of speech and all that. I got no problem with it but I will point the lunacy out. Just like I am pointing your lunatic worship of Gaddafi knowing fully well what kind of twisted man he was and his regime.

I saw this Youtube channel of a Black-American woman (single) that went to KSA for work. Watch some of her numerous videos where she talks about everything and her videos from KSA.

Desert Debutante - YouTube

That alone should be a wake up call for you. I recall that you once wrote that Black people are almost killed in KSA which is also complete and utter nonsense.
I already told you that I don't worship any regime, this includes the House of Saud

well, that at least is a change from the earlier times when you would write glowingly about the late abdullah.

Although he looks as a local French we don't know whether he is an Libyan. Many Arabs can pass as Southern Europeans and vice versa. Even if that individual is a Gaddafi supporter who truly believes that his system was the best thing since sliced bread, you can count those lunatics on a few hands.

why not you meet him and find out for yourself, frenchman or libyan, lunatic or not??

in fact, that is a group march ( others hold the green flags ).

It's similar to all of those North Korea supporters that you have in each Western country. It's absurd but it is what it is.

sure, anyone supporting a non-nato/anti-nato society must must definitely be lunatic.

saw this Youtube channel of a Black-American women (single) that went to KSA for work. Watch some of her numerous videos where she talks about everything and her videos from KSA.

Desert Debutante - YouTube

she seems to be enjoying herself and talks in a calm way.

I recall that you once wrote that Black people are almost killed in KSA which is also complete and utter nonsense.

i never said that.
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well, that at least is a change from the earlier times when you would write glowingly about the late abdullah.

why not you meet him and find out for yourself, frenchman or libyan, lunatic or not??

in fact, that is a group march ( others hold the green flags ).

sure, anyone supporting a non-nato/anti-nato society must must definitely be lunatic.

she seems to be enjoying herself and talks in a calm way.

i never said that.

Being fond of individuals on fronts where I believe that they did a good job (education, infrastructure) and leaders whose personality I liked is not the same as being a blind supporter of an establishment or an regime.

I am very critical of not only the regime of KSA on certain fronts but that of the entire Arab world AND Muslim world. So much that I don't have time criticizing anyone else although they also deserve their share of criticism. We all do.

Ok, let's jus say that he was a local Frenchman. So what, Jamahir? The point is that hardline Gaddafi supporters like you can be counted on a few hands in the West. If you don't believe me ask any random person who lives there.

How can anyone support a regime like the North Korean? Have you not read about what is going on there? What has that to do with NATO or not? Would you rather live in North Korea or the evil West? Be honest now.

I have only watched a few videos but there are hundreds of such videos out there, articles, personal stories on forums. Of course you also have the stereotypical stories (a few idiots abusing migrants) and Western media making fun of some laws etc. It's not a Swedish Buffet. The point here is that KSA is not what a large percentage of the media portrays it to be and this is not just me blabbering but actually a consensus among the vast majority of all visitors regardless of nationality, religion and race. Saudi Arabians too are by nature very hospitable and jovial. At leas the vast majority. KSA has a great reputation for comedy in the Arab world.

Then I must have mistaken you with someone else. It would not have made any sense as 10% of the locals are Afro-Arabs who are great people.
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Film...the city that never dies.

Arab dictators of the 20th and 21st century are a special breed. I really don't know what is going through the head of Bashar al-Assad when he orders his army to carpet bomb 2/3 of Syria and turn most of "his" people into refugees killing well over 100.000 civilians in the process.

Never again should any Arab country or society allow uneducated people and families like the likes of Saddam, Gaddafi, Al-Assad etc. to ruin whole societies and countries for generations to come. It's something that we as Arabs must correct and never repeat again.

I am quite honestly at times angry that so many Syrians have left the country although I understand the enormous hardships that they are living under. What is certain is that we, the Arabs, need to win against our own demons (dictators) and get the rights we deserve and carve after. This process will be painful like it was for Europeans. Once again 60 million Europeans died just between WW1 and WW2. Before that in their fight against the Church/Clergy/Absolute Monarchs many more millions died. Nobody helped them back then but themselves.

This sounds harsh but I hope that you understand my point. We need changes from within. Serious ones.
People like Al-Assad, Gaddafi, Saddam etc. don't come out of nowhere. They are a product of the ills found in our societies. All emerging after 1945 and all being students of the brutal Soviet School. You can say a lot about monarchs and monarchies not being democracies but the situation in the Arab monarchies whether it is Morocco or Bahrain in terms of rights is/was much greater than in Libya during Gaddafi, Saddam in Iraq, Hafez + Bashar in Syria etc.

A new way is needed.
Arab dictators of the 20th and 21st century are a special breed. I really don't know what is going through the head of Bashar al-Assad when he orders his army to carpet bomb 2/3 of Syria and turn most of "his" people into refugees killing well over 100.000 civilians in the process.

Never again should any Arab country or society allow uneducated people and families like the likes of Saddam, Gaddafi, Al-Assad etc. to ruin whole societies and countries for generations to come. It's something that we as Arabs must correct and never repeat again.

I am quite honestly at times angry that so many Syrians have left the country although I understand the enormous hardships that they are living under. What is certain is that we, the Arabs, need to win against our own demons (dictators) and get the rights we deserve and carve after. This process will be painful like it was for Europeans. Once again 60 million Europeans died just between WW1 and WW2. Before that in their fight against the Church/Clergy/Absolute Monarchs many more millions died. Nobody helped them back then but themselves.

This sounds harsh but I hope that you understand my point. We need changes from within. Serious ones.
People like Al-Assad, Gaddafi, Saddam etc. don't come out of nowhere. They are a product of the ills found in our societies. All emerging after 1945 and all being students of the brutal Soviet School. You can say a lot about monarchs and monarchies not being democracies but the situation in the Arab monarchies whether it is Morocco or Bahrain in terms of rights is/was much greater than in Libya during Gaddafi, Saddam in Iraq, Hafez + Bashar in Syria etc.

A new way is needed.
The problems in the Middle East are due to secularism. Islamism (implemented correctly) is the cure.
The problems in the Middle East are due to secularism. Islamism (implemented correctly) is the cure.

Indiscriminate justice is what makes the society functioning. Comparing rule of Hazrat Umar (RA) vs Hazrat usman (RA), the later lax attitude in persecuting his governors led to his downfall.
The problems in the Middle East are due to secularism. Islamism (implemented correctly) is the cure.

I would prefer that Arab, Muslim and developing countries aimed at developing pluralistic societies where there would be room for not only Islamists but also opponents of that ideology. Following in the footsteps of authoritarian regimes where only 1 worldview is allowed would be to commit the same mistakes that the dictators we dislike committed.

Of course if the majority of Syrians would want to have an Islamist society (what kind exactly nobody probably knows) this should be respected.

Personally I think that we need pluralism in the Arab world, much more cooperation as people while adhering to our ancient traditions and culture but not being shy to shun away negatives and adopt ideas from abroad if necessary.

As Muslims we are capable of living in both secular and Islamic societies. I at least don't consider an Muslim in Lebanon a lesser Muslim than a person living in KSA.

Indiscriminate justice is what makes the society functioning. Comparing rule of Hazrat Umar (RA) vs Hazrat usman (RA), the later lax attitude in persecuting his governors led to his downfall.

Yes, or I could just have stated that I wish to see more just societies/regimes and already by doing that we would have solved most of the trouble.
I would prefer that Arab, Muslim and developing countries aimed at developing pluralistic societies where there would be room for not only Islamists but also opponents of that ideology. Following in the footsteps of authoritarian regimes where only 1 worldview is allowed would be to commit the same mistakes that the dictators we dislike committed.

Of course if the majority of Syrians would want to have an Islamist society (what kind exactly nobody probably knows) this should be respected.

Personally I think that we need pluralism in the Arab world, much more cooperation as people while adhering to our ancient traditions and culture but not being shy to shun away negatives and adopt ideas from abroad if necessary.

As Muslims we are capable of living in both secular and Islamic societies. I at least don't consider an Muslim in Lebanon a lesser Muslim than a person living in KSA.

Yes, or I could just have stated that I wish to see more just societies/regimes and already by doing that we would have solved most of the trouble.
Let's not forget, IIRC under Sharia non-Muslims get autonomous regions, pay the same tax rate as Muslims (2.5% Zakat for Muslims and 2.5% Jizya for non-Muslims = same), and all that Jizya goes to extra security for them. That's pretty damn pluralistic.
Let's not forget, IIRC under Sharia non-Muslims get autonomous regions, pay the same tax rate as Muslims (2.5% Zakat for Muslims and 2.5% Jizya for non-Muslims = same), and all that Jizya goes to extra security for them. That's pretty damn pluralistic.

There isn't a single country that practices Sharia and I doubt there ever will be a country that practices Sharia.
I have to say, this war is getting boring now.

Both sides should put down their arms, divide Syria on sectarian lines with a clause in the agreement that in 10 years' time, unification talks take place.
The problems in the Middle East are due to secularism.

believe me, you would truly enjoy the company of the hindu fanatic groups like rss and "bajrang dal" in india.

but i never enjoyed interacting with you.
I have to say, this war is getting boring now.

Both sides should put down their arms, divide Syria on sectarian lines with a clause in the agreement that in 10 years' time, unification talks take place.

This conflict is not about religion. This is an anti terror operation ATO. The majority of Syrian soldiers are Sunnis. In fact, the defense minister is a Sunni.

Fahd Jassem al-Freij - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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