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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

ahahah nice propaganda :D very funny
and by the way our religion is born there but people there are not our prophet . islam is in every people who have the faith. one day maybe you'll understand it.
and KSA doesn't mean Arab , cretin.

about KSA:
Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Virtually all Saudi citizens are Muslim[276] (officially – all), and almost all Saudi residents are Muslim.[277][277][278]Estimates of the Sunni population of Saudi Arabia are somewhere between 75–90%, with the remaining 10–25% being Shia Muslim.[15][279][280][281][282] The official and dominant form of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia is commonly known as Wahhabism, (proponents prefer the name Salafism, considering Wahhabi derogatory[283]) and is often described as 'puritanical', 'intolerant', or 'ultra-conservative' by observers, and as "true" Islam by its adherents. It was founded in the Arabian Peninsula by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the eighteenth century.​
that is your country man ;)

about Iran:
Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The remaining 2% are non-Muslim religious minorities, including Christians, Jews, Bahais, Mandeans, Yezidis, Yarsanis, and Zoroastrians.[35][282]

still not enough tolerance and too many left but compared to yours , we are very ok

about Lebanon:
Lebanon is the most religiously diverse country in the Middle East.[164] As of 2014 the CIA World Factbook estimates the following: Muslim 54% (27% Shia Islam, 27% Sunni Islam), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, 1% Protestant, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, and Hindus and Mormons.[165] A study conducted by the Lebanese Information Center and based on voter registration numbers shows that by 2011 the Christian population was stable compared to that of previous years, making up 34.35% of the population; Muslims, the Druze included, were 65.47% of the population

i'd like so much our countries be more like this.
Farsi cretin, so it is now propaganda that Islam originated in Hiajz, modern-day KSA? Sunni Islam, Shia Islam and Sufism included obviously. You learn something new each day from the farsi Mullah lot here on PDF.

So when you say ideology from KSA there is only one answer and that is Islam. Daesh has nothing to do with KSA anymore than your Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense has.

Lastly KSA hosts the largest amount of foreigners in the Muslim world and 1-2 millions of them are Christians. Many are Arab Christians but there are also many Roman Catholic Filipinos and Africans. Many were born in KSA and have grown up there. So yes, KSA is home to more Christians than Iran. Only Egypt, Lebanon and Syria (this is even doubtful today - speaking about Syria here) have more Christians in the MENA region than KSA. That's a fact.

Most native people in KSA are Muslims which is hardly strange. Just like 98% of all Iranians are Muslims and the only Christians are non-Iranian people such as the Semitic Assyrians and Armenians.

In what is now KSA in pre-Islamic times there were large Christian, Jewish (fellow Abrahamic/Semitic religions), Hanifs, ancient non-Abrahamic Semitic religions (called Paganism by all 3 Abrahamic religions) communities but after the advent of Islam most converted to Islam.

In fact one of the oldest churches in the world is located in KSA (Jubail) and many so-called "Saints" in Christianity were born in modern-day KSA.

Christianity in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jubail Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now go obsess about affairs in the Arab world. No Arab takes the opinion of farsis seriously anyway nor have your barking any influence on the ground.
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Then Muslims reserve the right to defend Muslims in Chechnya.

Also, using Wikipedia as a source = bad. Assad family was born and raised in Qardaha.

You tried and failed in Chechyna. Who do you think we are? We are a super power.
in your own quote:
The percentage of Saudi Arabiancitizens who are Christians is officially zero,[6] as Saudi Arabia forbids religious conversion from Islam (Apostasy) and punishes it by death (Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia).[3][7]

and KSA is not the center of Arab world. KSA doesn't represent the Arabs.
at all.

Same thing in Iran de jure but in reality this never happens. KSA for instance has one of the largest atheist communities in the Muslim world, even the world.

A surprising map of where the world’s atheists live - The Washington Post


Never in the history of KSA has anyone been killed for conversion nor has there been 1 single recorded stoning. There have been less than 80 cases of amputations of repeated thief's hands in 83 years. Meanwhile in Iran……...

Secondly you are either thick as usual or you have not yet learned English yet. The answer seems to be both.

Let me repeat myself for the third time. KSA hosts many more Christians than Iran. In fact there are almost 2 million Christians in KSA. Majority being Filipino Roman Catholics, Arab Christians and migrants from Africa (Ethiopia + Eritrea mainly). A large percentage of them have been born in KSA and lived there all their lives.

In 80 million big Iran there are less than 400.000 Christians and almost all of them are Assyrians or Armenians. Non-Iranians in other words.

Anyway I am not sure why we are discussing this. Fact is that your fake wannabe Arab Mullah regime (Black turban heads) have been causing misery in the MENA region continuously since 1979. You have turned peaceful countries into battlefields. This is the work of you and nobody else and this is why you have been sanctioned, isolated etc. and why you are still considered a pariah state although it seems that you are opening up a bit. Better late than never they say.

Also your obsession about associating groups that were not founded in KSA, not led by people from KSA, not present in KSA with KSA makes as much sense as blaming KSA for your Wilayat al-Faqih rule and terrorism because you also claim to be Muslims as Islam originates in what is today KSA (Hijaz).

Another thing, KSA hosts almost 1 million Hindus as well.
in your own quote:
The percentage of Saudi Arabiancitizens who are Christians is officially zero,[6] as Saudi Arabia forbids religious conversion from Islam (Apostasy) and punishes it by death (Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia).[3][7]

and KSA is not the center of Arab world. KSA doesn't represent the Arabs.
at all.
KSA is not the center of Arab world

don't you have to face Mecca,KSA when youpray? you got to travel to Mecca once in your life??

the Sauds holds the keys to Islam and are the caretakers.
don't you have to face Mecca,KSA when youpray? you got to travel to Mecca once in your life??

the Sauds holds the keys to Islam and are the caretakers.

Yes and yes.

Makkah and Madina (two ancient cities in the historical region of Hijaz) are located in modern-day KSA and have been part of KSA for 83 years. Of course they have always been Hijazi and Arabian cities.

See post 9347.

Nobody has said that KSA is the center of the Arab world (all sane Arabs consider their brethren as equal as we are all Arabs) but KSA is indeed not only a regional power but also the main Arab power along with Egypt. Be it financially, religiously, culturally, military wise, in terms of geographic size etc.

In any case I have to tell you that many Arabs on the Arabian Peninsula (Arabians) look at the Arabian Peninsula as 1 single entity and 1 single people. I am one of them. You can include Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt in that group as well on many fronts. If not the Arab world as a whole.

Arabian Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway back to Syria.
don't you have to face Mecca,KSA when youpray? you got to travel to Mecca once in your life??

the Sauds holds the keys to Islam and are the caretakers.
ahahah what a bullshit answer
Mecca is Islam property. it is a place of all muslims... when i pray toward Mecca of course i don't pray Saud guys
man you are funny
ahahah what a bullshit answer
Mecca is Islam property. it is a place of all muslims... when i pray toward Mecca of course i don't pray Saud guys
man you are funny

Are you not the same Farsi who claims that he is a Sayyid (a descendent of Prophet Muhammad (saws) ) just like your demonic Mullah regime and many farsi users on PDF?

Do you know where Prophet Muhammad (saws) was born and the history of his family and lineage? They are Hijazis. Today all Hijazis are Saudi Arabians.

So this is good evidence of your fairytales. Your hatred for not only KSA's regime (which is legitimate as they are a regime like any other in the MENA region) but the people have exposed you.

Terrorists work together with other terrorists. Nothing new.

Hezbollah kills innocent civilians = yes.

Hezbollah beheads = yes.

Hezbollah burns people alive = yes.

Hezbollah shells civilian areas = yes.

Hezbollah has used suicide bombings = yes.

Hezbollah kidnaps = yes.

Hezbollah uses the drug trade to earn money = yes.

Hezbollah uses moronic slogans to demonize people or countries = yes.

You can say the same about Daesh and many Iranian sponsored Shia militias in Iraq as well.
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Are you not the same Farsi who claims that he is a Sayyid (a descendent of Prophet Muhammad (saws) ) just like your demonic Mullah regime and many farsi users on PDF?

Do you know where Prophet Muhammad (saws) was born and the history of his family and lineage? They are Hijazis. Today all Hijazis are Saudi Arabians.

So this is good evidence of your fairytales. Your hatred for not only KSA's regime (which is legitimate as they are a regime like any other in the MENA region) but the people have exposed you.

Terrorists work together with other terrorists. Nothing new.
again, islam is the property of all muslims
and of course not the property of a family
and of course when you pray towards Mecca you pray towards something else than saud property

i cannot believe this quantity of bullshit you fanatics are saying here :D
again, islam is the property of all muslims
and of course not the property of a family
and of course when you pray towards Mecca you pray towards something else than saud property

i cannot believe this quantity of bullshit you fanatics are saying here :D

Why are you blabbering about something that I have never written? Do you understand English? You are 42 years old. What has your reply anything to do with my posts or what I have written? Everything that I have written is factually correct.

Why are you ignoring my post? Did I catch you with your pants down?
Why are you blabbering about something that I have never written? Do you understand English? You are 42 years old. What has your reply anything to do with my posts or what I have written. Everything that I have written is factually correct.

Why are you ignoring my post? Did I catch you with your pants down?
you said yes and yes to the retard comments of your bro: be honest once :
don't you have to face Mecca,KSA when youpray? you got to travel to Mecca once in your life??

the Sauds holds the keys to Islam and are the caretakers.​
you said yes and yes to the retard comments of your bro: be honest once :
don't you have to face Mecca,KSA when youpray? you got to travel to Mecca once in your life??

the Sauds holds the keys to Islam and are the caretakers.​

Ok, you have been exposed and cannot reply. Fair enough. I always knew by your conduct. Same story with not only KSA but Arabs as a whole excluding fellow Shia Arab Wilayat al-Faqih fanboys. Just like your fellow Iranians here. Nothing new. You are all obsessing about the 450 million Arabs due to the subsequent Arab military, religious, cultural and linguistic conquest that took place 1400 years (!) ago and is still present today on most fronts. This is why Arabs don't trust your likes and even dislike you. That hate/obsession of yours is eating you up.

So Makkah and Madinah are not the two holiest cities in Islam and the spiritual home of Islam? So when you pray you don't face the Ka'aba in Makkah. Makkah and Madinah are not Hijazi cities now part of KSA either?

OK, as I wrote before we constantly learn something new from our Iranian friends on PDF when they are discussing Arab affairs.
ahahah what a bullshit answer
Mecca is Islam property. it is a place of all muslims... when i pray toward Mecca of course i don't pray Saud guys
man you are funny

I didn't say you pray to Sauds

but Mecca is in the KSA and you are praying towards Saudi Arabia :D

I said they are the keyholders and caretakers of Mecca, no?

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