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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Allegedly a rocket that landed on a Jordanian village in the north (Al-turrah), multiple injuries reported and it didn't even explode!
Anyway, I'm no expert so if anyone can tell me what kind of rocket this is and who uses it I'd appreciate it.

It's an illumination mortar, whatever that means.

This is what it means: Illumination rounds can be used to disclose enemy formations, to signal, or to mark targets. There are illumination rounds available for all mortars.

So this one just went too far. Still don't know who fired it, probably the same people with horrible aim that have been firing mortars at Jordan for weeks.
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Allegedly a rocket that landed on a Jordanian village in the north (Al-turrah), multiple injuries reported and it didn't even explode!
Anyway, I'm no expert so if anyone can tell me what kind of rocket this is and who uses it I'd appreciate it.
It's an illumination mortar, whatever that means.
M853 infrared illumination mortar, American. It isn't supposed to explode, it's supposed to float down by parachute. And you need night vision goggles to see the light produced by its candle.

I would guess that the Jordanians are using these to monitor the border area at night. Perhaps the parachute didn't deploy properly.
Most of it is desert. In desert warfare, it's usually wide open, just like naval warfare. So wherever you project power is wherever you control, but Daesh obviously has fighters on the frontlines. They are constantly attacking rebels in Eastern Qalamoun.

It was not an explosive factory, it was a weapons store. It belonged to Jaysh al Sunnah, who are not designated as a terrorist organization. Meaning the US bombed a sovereign group.
It did help Assad because it was an HQ and a weapons depot.

Did you already seem to forget that Iran has imperial ambitions? Iran will invade Saudi Arabia, and they will be repelled by an Arab alliance. That's in hadith.

Assad indiscriminately bombing Darayya with Napalm:

Beside no one will invade al harameen only if that means liberate them from al saud
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What Arabian people did 100 years ago is ust coming to bite them again and again. First it was Arabi and Ajmi divide by british that took out the Khilaphat which was the only last power remaining of our Great Muslim legacy, now even those small individual nations r again being divided into other useless and un islamic trends! be it Shia Sunni rubbish or democracy-dictatorship slogans by west. Because this time they have their own presence in Middle East in the shape of Israel and its hunger for expansion. Because either Asad dies or Al Baghdadi in both ways Muslims r getting killed. Israelis, Americans and Britishers would be laughing at them. ISIS what started as a distraction for israeli cruelty in ghaza has done a great job for everyone whose against Islam.

A great win-win for them.

More divide and Rule policy.
M853 infrared illumination mortar, American. It isn't supposed to explode, it's supposed to float down by parachute. And you need night vision goggles to see the light produced by its candle.

I would guess that the Jordanians are using these to monitor the border area at night. Perhaps the parachute didn't deploy properly.
That is possible, and it's no minor screw-up if that's the case since it landed on a house.
That is possible, and it's no minor screw-up if that's the case since it landed on a house.
Rebels haven't received any 81mm mortars to my knowledge, but they have received 82mm mortars and obviously captured quite a lot. I would also expect that rebel crews aren't even trained in using Illumination rounds, and I haven't seen them ever fire them. (You know the rebels, they film everything.) So probably an accident?

What Arabian people did 100 years ago is ust coming to bite them again and again. First it was Arabi and Ajmi divide by british that took out the Khilaphat which was the only last power remaining of our Great Muslim legacy, now even those small individual nations r again being divided into other useless and un islamic trends! be it Shia Sunni rubbish or democracy-dictatorship slogans by west. Because this time they have their own presence in Middle East in the shape of Israel and its hunger for expansion. Because either Asad dies or Al Baghdadi in both ways Muslims r getting killed. Israelis, Americans and Britishers would be laughing at them. ISIS what started as a distraction for israeli cruelty in ghaza has done a great job for everyone whose against Islam.

A great win-win for them.

More divide and Rule policy.
Stop making everything about Israel, Israel has nothing to do with this conflict. If they try to invade they would face a massive insurgency. They know that. Israel pussies out at the thought of losing soldiers, and the Syrian rebels are definitely stronger, more numerous, and better equipped than Hamas or Hezbollah. They also know their territory much more than Israelis. It wouldn't make sense for Israel to make any move, even just a small land grab.
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Stop making everything about Israel, Israel has nothing to do with this conflict. If they try to invade they would face a massive insurgency. They know that. Israel pussies out at the thought of losing soldiers, and the Syrian rebels are definitely stronger, more numerous, and better equipped than Hamas or Hezbollah. They also know their territory much more than Israelis. It wouldn't make sense for Israel to make any move, even just a small land grab.
:rofl: yr not only world's most foolish people but most ignorant was well.

Remember that whose money is involved in a war, the results r only in its favor in long run.

In this war no matter who wins only Israel is in most beneficial position!
they try to invade they would face a massive insurgency.
Who do you think pays for this "Insurgency" ?
The day the Israelis stop pumping shekels into the rebellion, they'll fall apart within a year.
Who do you think pays for this "Insurgency" ?
The day the Israelis stop pumping shekels into the rebellion, they'll fall apart within a year.
more important question is where did they got chemical weapons to fire at Syrian forces when they were using them against them?:azn:

While we are aware of the fact that Israel has one of most advanced stockpiles of chemical and nuke weapons in world and the fact hat it has western support to do what he likes.

Sorry to bug you again. What's your latest assessment? Seems like the SAA is getting whipped left, right and centre. Its on the retreat from everywhere. How do you see the situation in the coming months?

Has SAA improved its training and tactics or is it still relying on its outdated methods and tactics. Its such a shame that SAA with all its arsenal and weaponry has failed horrendously in employing its full might.
On contrary, thanks for your question.

My assessment does not really change since your last question:

Now regime has 3 major vulnerable points:

1) Aleppo "gut".
2) Dar'a gut.
3) Isolated troops in Deir ez Zor.

(I am not talking about little things like isolated Fua town, Abu Duhur and Kwers airbases).

I think all 3 are doomed but it can take lots of time. Here are major factors:

1) ~20K strong Jeysh al-Fatah. ~80% of them are from Idlib. Will they continue fighting in other provinces or stay in Idlib?
2) US Coalition activity. Right now they mainly support Kurds and virtually non existent in Homs. I think that without Coalition support Assad cant take Palmira back.
3) Weapon supplies to rebels. In recent months rebels in North get nice quantities of TOWs (about 50 a month) and some other weapons like mortars, on the other hand Daraa rebels get little supplies (only TOW launch in past 2 months). So we see little activity in Daraa.
4) Hezbollah. If they mobilize they can easily double their forces in Syria from some 6K to 12K+.

So what happened since then.

1) Regime Idlib "gut" is gone.

This is how it was in the beginning of March:

This is when you asked me last time 2.5 months ago:

And this is now:

2) US led Coalition is bombing heavily in Deir Ez Zor, Hasaka, Raqqa, but not involved in Homs. As result as I predicted regime could not return Palmyra and even lost Qaratayn.

3) Rebels in Idlib still got dozens of TOW ATGMs for their offensives, while Dar'a rebels dont get them. Thats one of the reasons why Idlib rebel offensive was successful while Dar'a not.

4) Hezbollah did not increase their presence and keeps fighting near the border (now they storm Zabadani).

Seems involved parties are not changing their modus operandi so I dont expect big changes either.
What Arabian people did 100 years ago is ust coming to bite them again and again. First it was Arabi and Ajmi divide by british that took out the Khilaphat which was the only last power remaining of our Great Muslim legacy, now even those small individual nations r again being divided into other useless and un islamic trends! be it Shia Sunni rubbish or democracy-dictatorship slogans by west. Because this time they have their own presence in Middle East in the shape of Israel and its hunger for expansion. Because either Asad dies or Al Baghdadi in both ways Muslims r getting killed. Israelis, Americans and Britishers would be laughing at them. ISIS what started as a distraction for israeli cruelty in ghaza has done a great job for everyone whose against Islam.

A great win-win for them.

More divide and Rule policy.

And what did the "Arabian people" do a 100 years ago?
Turkey escorts scores of militants to join Daesh in Syria: Report

Turkey’s intelligence agency has delivered more than 60 foreign militants over the Turkish border into Syria to fight in the ranks of the Daesh terrorist group, a new report says.

The National Intelligence Organization (MİT) ensured a safe passage for the Daesh elements who had been arrested by Turkish police between April and September last year for suspected involvement in terrorism-related activities, Turkey's English-language newspaper Today's Zaman reported on Wednesday, citing a report by Turkish Nokta weekly news magazine.

MİT collected the militants directly from jail and handed them over to Daesh handlers in Syria through the Akcakale border gate, situated in Turkey’s southern Sanliurfa Province, the report said.

The prisoners should have been deported, but they were delivered instead to MİT agents with the knowledge and authorization of Sanliurfa police chief Eyup Pinarbasi, the report added.

The paper said CCTV cameras were turned off while border personnel were ushered away from the meeting spot on the day of delivery of the 60-strong group.

Militants from the US, Turkey, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Macedonia, Turkmenistan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, East Turkestan and Australia were among the militants, the report said.
Back in June, Today's Zaman accused MİT of helping Daesh elements cross into Syria based on a footage obtained by the center-left Turkish daily, Cumhuriyet.


A screengrab of footage released by the daily, Cumhuriyet, on June 12, 2015, shows a Turkish driver pointing to the Daesh base where he dropped off militants.

The video showed bus drivers admitting that they had transferred “heavily bearded people, who looked scruffy” to the border at the order of MİT.

The militants were collected from the Atme camp in northwestern Syria, transported via Turkey's southeastern border and dropped off in Akcakale town, where they reentered Syria, according to footage.

Ankara has come under fire for not doing enough to halt the advance of Daesh as well as for its perceived reluctance to crack down on militants using its territory to travel into Syria, gripped by deadly unrest since March 2011.
The US and its regional allies - especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey - are supporting the militants operating inside the Arab country.

PressTV-‘Turkey delivers 60 militants to Daesh’

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