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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Yeah, there are not enough Arabs on here to get a fair representation of different Arab peoples. Some of my views, for example, are only held by a small minority of Jordanians (unfortunately lol) so I don't represent the typical Jordanian mindset when I say certain things, although on other things I believe I completely do. I certainly hope hazzy doesn't represent most Palestinians, although he probably represents enough Palestinians to render the future of Palestine even more tragic than it is currently. You can probably admit that a majority of Saudis don't hold some of your views either..

That would be perfect :yahoo: bye bye 'Muslim' Brotherhood, y'all won't be missed. In the real word though we (countries that know what s best for themselves) have to force you into irrelevance before you bring us all down.

What they form a buffer between are societies and progress.
UNHCR - Jordan's Za'atari refugee camp turns three, challenges for the future of thousands living there un-registered Syrian refugees in Jordan are increasingly opting to go to the refugee camps because of high cost living in the cities and high unemployment.

This is why I don't like the notion that we can just ignore the Syrian war and be neutral, because hundreds of thousands of kids are growing up displaced and poor in countries that are not doing so well themselves. It's an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, only second to ww2 because major world powers want to keep playing their chess game in countries they don't care about instead of putting an end to it. Btw @Saif al-Arab i disagree that the American Russian rivalry is only played out in Ukraine, it's played out everywhere that it can. The Russians don't care about alawites or Assad, just influence in this region. Same for Americans, no hurry to end anything, couldn't care less. Actually the American apathy to foreign crisis will only grow in coming years, most Americans want focus on domestic reform and not foreign wars (even though they are partially complicit in those wars..)

We number 450 million people. It's complete and utter utopia to think that we all hold the same views or ever will. The Arab world is a diverse place on most fronts and it would be a shame if that was lost.

Well, I think based on personal interaction that enough Saudi Arabians hold my views actually, minus the criticism of the existing regimes although my impression is that many people are tired/unsatisfied by the same issues, the only difference is that I voice them publicly and strongly.

Of course my views are many and complex but in regards to politics and the Arab world I base my views on the need for increasing Arab cooperation (no blind Arab nationalism though), more freedom for the common man (political and social reforms in other words), more inclusiveness rather than the "my way or the highway" mentality currently predominant among the regimes, an increased focus on educational and economic reforms etc. The need to try to have cordial ties with most powers and be equal on the negotiation "table" which can only happen if progressing as a nation and people.

At the same time I am a conservative person and a traditionalist when it comes to areas such as our ancient culture, traditions, values, religion (not an Islamist though) etc.

As I told you or someone else here then I am not a fan of giving myself or people "labels" as I believe that most of us are too complex to just put us in a few boxes but a Muslim conservative-liberal that is in favor of progress, open to different opinions and who wants changes on those areas above would be a good initial description.

Also it would be a mistake to believe that my views are static or that of people in general.

Regarding my "Ukraine comment" then I don't recall if I wrote that the West (read USA) is only worried about Russia in Ukraine. What I meant is that the main confrontation has moved from Syria to Ukraine.

I know that Syria is part of that battlefield as well but in regards to Europe (the EU especially) the main worry in connection with Syria is extremism (Daesh) that can potentially be a threat for Europe (we already have seen 3000 or 4000 Europeans joining ISIS) and increasing waves of migrants. The rest is secondary IMO.

Yes, the US will definitely focus more on the "Chinese challenge" but I don't see them leaving the MENA region anytime soon. They will still play a major role in the events.
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You are being too dramatic here and exaggerating to get your points across. Iran can't do anything other than supporting a few Shia proxies in tiny Lebanon and Southern Iraq and they can't go too far the locals won't accept any Iranian supremacy. Many Shia Arabs don't see them (Iranians) as equals to begin with even. It's all exaggerations. They would have no influence at all if they did not play the "Islamist" and "Palestine" card in those countries and the Mullah regime knows it. They won't stand a chance against the Arab world which outnumbers them in population with a ratio 1:6/7 and which is much richer, powerful etc. Even despite the conflicts. If Iran could they would have damaged GCC long ago but they can't.

It will remain a proxy war at most in failed states/states at war.

In reality Arabs are their own biggest enemies. Regimes in particular and the various political fractions who are not mature and have grown up in a culture where it is either "my way or the highway". We need to remove this attitude if we want to see improvements.

Trust me, I am as sick and tired of the status quo as you are and most sincere Arabs are that too. I dislike the regime aass lickers too with a great passion. Or at least I have developed an antipathy for them because they are an obstacle for the region and fooling nobody but themselves. Similarly I have the same view in regards to shallow Islamists - the type that think that they can suddenly and magically improve everything while in reality they derive from the same rotten tree.

Hence my main point here - the new generation needing to take over eventually. A new generation that hopefully remains steadfast to our religion, ancient customs and religions but at the same time do not shun modernity JUST like past Caliphates did.

Don't speak in the name if the iraqi shia yes many Shiites in Iraq belong to noble arab tribes but we don't have or accept any ummyyad supremacy or bigotry or hatred.

We shia don't care about the ethnicity of other Shiites.
Don't speak in the name if the iraqi shia yes many Shiites in Iraq belong to noble arab tribes but we don't have or accept any ummyyad supremacy or bigotry or hatred.

We shia don't care about the ethnicity of other Shiites.

I can speak in the name of anyone that I like as an Arab. I have ancestral ties to Iraq too.

Secondly no sane Iraqi Shia Arab will accept any "Iranian supremacy". That was never the case historically, nor is it the case today nor will it be the case tomorrow. Iraqi Shia Arabs gave more martyrs in the fight against Iran than anyone else.

An Iraqi Shia Arab will always (in general) feel more attachment to an fellow Shia Arab from nearby KSA, Kuwait, Bahrain, Southern Lebanon or Yemen than a Persian Shia from Mashhad near the borders of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan that he cannot even communicate with!

Your beloved Nasrallah and his supporters, including Hezbollah, are one of the most pro pan-Arab militant groups in the region. Groups like Daesh and Al-Qaeda on the other hand do not care about ethnicity at all.

Why are you blabbering about the Umayyad Caliphate which ended almost 1300 years ago in the ME only to move to Al-Andalus (Spain and Portugal) and establish themselves there?

You cannot speak in the name of Arab Shias either using your logic. Fact of the matter is that Arabs tend to care/worry about themselves more than foreigners. Just like any other foreigners tend to care more about themselves before others.

Read what well-known Iraqi Shia Arab clerics such as Sheikh Ayad al-Ekabi and Mahdi al-Shawki have to say about Iranian Mullah influence in Iraq.


Or this one;

In any case most of your beloved Iranian clerics are Iranian Arabs originally.

You also know that most Farsis are not Muslims. Only by name and culture. Their priority is to spread their filth in the Arab world and as long as we Arabs are alive we will prevent them from doing just that as we have always done historically.

Any Arab siding with them against his brethren and countrymen is a traitor that deserves the harshest punishment. I have faith that Shia Arabs won't ever fall this low so I have nothing to worry about.
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I can speak in the name of anyone that I like as an Arab. I have ancestral ties to Iraq too.

Secondly no sane Iraqi Shia Arab will accept any "Iranian supremacy". That was never the case historically, nor is it the case today nor will it be the case tomorrow. Iraqi Shia Arabs gave more martyrs in the fight against Iran than anyone else.

An Iraqi Shia Arab will always (in general) feel more attachment to an fellow Shia Arab from nearby KSA, Kuwait, Bahrain, Southern Lebanon or Yemen than a Persian Shia from Mashhad near the borders of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan that he cannot even communicate with!

Your beloved Nasrallah and his supporters, including Hezbollah, are one of the most pro pan-Arab militant groups in the region. Groups like Daesh and Al-Qaeda on the other hand do not care about ethnicity at all.

Why are you blabbering about the Umayyad Caliphate which ended almost 1300 years ago in the ME only to move to Al-Andalus (Spain and Portugal) and establish themselves there?

You cannot speak in the name of Arab Shias either using your logic. Fact of the matter is that Arabs tend to care/worry about themselves more than foreigners. Just like any other foreigners tend to care more about themselves before others.

Read what well-known Iraqi Shia Arab clerics such as Sheikh Ayad al-Ekabi and Mahdi al-Shawki have to say about Iranian Mullah influence in Iraq.


Or this one;

In any case most of your beloved Iranian clerics are Iranian Arabs originally.

You also know that most Farsis are not Muslims. Only by name and culture.
Why you always don't read or understand my posts??! you speak without even understanding what i said

1.I didn't say we accept iranian supremacy I am against any supremacy

2.In our shia sect we don't look at the ethnicity of other shia nor we consider them less than us

3.The ummyyads who started this supremacy by consider the others as less and this poisened many sunni arabs who see non arabs as less

I can speak in the name of anyone that I like as an Arab. I have ancestral ties to Iraq too.

Secondly no sane Iraqi Shia Arab will accept any "Iranian supremacy". That was never the case historically, nor is it the case today nor will it be the case tomorrow. Iraqi Shia Arabs gave more martyrs in the fight against Iran than anyone else.

An Iraqi Shia Arab will always (in general) feel more attachment to an fellow Shia Arab from nearby KSA, Kuwait, Bahrain, Southern Lebanon or Yemen than a Persian Shia from Mashhad near the borders of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan that he cannot even communicate with!

Your beloved Nasrallah and his supporters, including Hezbollah, are one of the most pro pan-Arab militant groups in the region. Groups like Daesh and Al-Qaeda on the other hand do not care about ethnicity at all.

Why are you blabbering about the Umayyad Caliphate which ended almost 1300 years ago in the ME only to move to Al-Andalus (Spain and Portugal) and establish themselves there?

You cannot speak in the name of Arab Shias either using your logic. Fact of the matter is that Arabs tend to care/worry about themselves more than foreigners. Just like any other foreigners tend to care more about themselves before others.

Read what well-known Iraqi Shia Arab clerics such as Sheikh Ayad al-Ekabi and Mahdi al-Shawki have to say about Iranian Mullah influence in Iraq.


Or this one;

In any case most of your beloved Iranian clerics are Iranian Arabs originally.

You also know that most Farsis are not Muslims. Only by name and culture. Their priority is to spread their filth in the Arab world and as long as we Arabs are alive we will prevent them from doing just that as we have always done historically.

Any Arab siding with them against his brethren and countrymen is a traitor that deserves the harshest punishment. I have faith that Shia Arabs won't ever fall this low so I have nothing to worry about.
Again with your BS its like the persians live only in mashad:lol:
Why you always don't read or understand my posts??! you speak without even understanding what i said

1.I didn't say we accept iranian supremacy I am against any supremacy

2.In our shia sect we don't look at the ethnicity of other shia nor we consider them less than us

3.The ummyyads who started this supremacy by consider the others as less and this poisened many sunni arabs who see non arabs as less

Again with your BS its like the persians live only in mashad:lol:

You are the one that started commenting on 1 sentence of my many spot-on posts about the current realties of the region despite the fact that what I wrote was/is right. You seem to agree yourself.:lol:

If you don't accept any supremacy either what are you discussing then?

Are you disputing the FACT that Iraq Shia Arabs have a much bigger affinity with fellow Shia Arabs from neighboring countries such as Kuwait, KSA, Bahrain and those a bit further away such as Lebanon and Yemen rather than Persians that they cannot even communicate with?

Also people tend to care more about their own before foreigners in general regardless of being Arabs or non-Arabs. Especially in the ME. That's a fact too.

I wrote Mashhad because that is the religious center of Iran along with Qom (two Persian majority cities of Iran) and were most if not all Shia Arab pilgrims go to.

Whenever Arab Shias especially those from the Peninsula visit Najaf or Karbala they are treated especially well for political reasons. Same story with Iraqi Sunni Arabs visiting Makkah and Madinah. Let's not kid ourselves here.

You are ignoring all my correct points because it does not suit your agenda.

1) Most of your beloved Iranian Shia clerics have Arab ancestry or are even recent arrivals to Iran from Iraq, Lebanon, the Arabian Peninsula etc. Some even say this openly in Shia Arab media.

2) Most Persians are cultural Muslims at most and equally as many are heavily anti-Muslim and thus by default also anti-Arab, which obviously includes Iraqi Shia Arabs. You ignore that purposely.

3) I suggest that you watch the video that I posted.

4) No shame in admitting that you are an Iranian Arab or even an Iranian if that is the case.
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All "armor add-ons" that are DIY (whether made by FSA, SAA, YPG, ISIS, whoever) are bad (for the occupants.) They aren't made out of ballistic steel or composites, and any hit registered on the "add-on armor" will create a huge-backspall, which would kill the occupants on the inside, unless they lined the inside with Kevlar, which they didn't because no one in Syria has the capability to do that.
Not to mention, even if it didn't create a backspall, since it isn't ballistic steel or ceramics I still doubt it would stop a 5.45, 5.56, or 7.62 (x39 or x51) ball round anywhere.
All "armor add-ons" that are DIY (whether made by FSA, SAA, YPG, ISIS, whoever) are bad (for the occupants.) They aren't made out of ballistic steel or composites, and any hit registered on the "add-on armor" will create a huge-backspall, which would kill the occupants on the inside, unless they lined the inside with Kevlar, which they didn't because no one in Syria has the capability to do that.
Not to mention, even if it didn't create a backspall, since it isn't ballistic steel or ceramics I still doubt it would stop a 5.45, 5.56, or 7.62 (x39 or x51) ball round anywhere.
Maybe its purpose is to make it look intimidating or possibly to give the fighters higher morale before going into combat if they believe that the add-on's will protect them.
You are the one that started commenting on 1 sentence of my many spot-on posts about the current realties of the region despite the fact that what I wrote was/is right. You seem to agree yourself.:lol:

If you don't accept any supremacy either what are you discussing then?

Are you disputing the FACT that Iraq Shia Arabs have a much bigger affinity with fellow Shia Arabs from neighboring countries such as Kuwait, KSA, Bahrain and those a bit further away such as Lebanon and Yemen rather than Persians that they cannot even communicate with?

Also people tend to care more about their own before foreigners in general regardless of being Arabs or non-Arabs. Especially in the ME. That's a fact too.

I wrote Mashhad because that is the religious center of Iran along with Qom (two Persian majority cities of Iran) and were most if not all Shia Arab pilgrims go to.

Whenever Arab Shias especially those from the Peninsula visit Najaf or Karbala they are treated especially well for political reasons. Same story with Iraqi Sunni Arabs visiting Makkah and Madinah. Let's not kid ourselves here.

You are ignoring all my correct points because it does not suit your agenda.

1) Most of your beloved Iranian Shia clerics have Arab ancestry or are even recent arrivals to Iran from Iraq, Lebanon, the Arabian Peninsula etc. Some even say this openly in Shia Arab media.

2) Most Persians are cultural Muslims at most and equally as many are heavily anti-Muslim and thus by default also anti-Arab, which obviously includes Iraqi Shia Arabs. You ignore that purposely.

3) I suggest that you watch the video that I posted.

4) No shame in admitting that you are an Iranian Arab or even an Iranian if that is the case.
Well I don't think you understand or wil understand what I a have wrote

Yes we don't have anything to do with arabs or we need anything from them
no iraqi feel ties with arab or iranian
U.S. Shoots Down Idea of Syria Safe Zone

Days after the U.S. and Turkey announced a breakthrough deal to fight together against the Islamic State, U.S. officials are insisting that -- contrary to reports -- there are definitely no U.S. plans for a "safe zone" inside Syria. In fact, there really is no "zone," and there is no plan to keep the area "safe."

U.S. Shoots Down Idea of Syria Safe Zone - Bloomberg View

Obama wants doing business with Ayatulas, so Assad can keep dropping barrels on Syrians as much as he likes.
U.S. Shoots Down Idea of Syria Safe Zone

Days after the U.S. and Turkey announced a breakthrough deal to fight together against the Islamic State, U.S. officials are insisting that -- contrary to reports -- there are definitely no U.S. plans for a "safe zone" inside Syria. In fact, there really is no "zone," and there is no plan to keep the area "safe."

U.S. Shoots Down Idea of Syria Safe Zone - Bloomberg View

Obama wants doing business with Ayatulas, so Assad can keep dropping barrels on Syrians as much as he likes.

Hey is you want a safe zone, no fly zone or whatever, you, Turkey and your GCC buddies can implement it yourself. Obama is gone next year. Its not his, nor America's war.
UNCONFIRMED: Reports are saying that YPG have given Tal Abyad to the regime. FSA fighters arrested as a result.
SAA Ba'ath battalion of Raqqa said this was true on their twitter page.
FSA Liwa Thuwar Raqqa said it was false on their facebook page.
Still unconfirmed for now, but I wouldn't be surprised. PKK & YPG are backstabbers, like I have said many times before.
Hey is you want a safe zone, no fly zone or whatever, you, Turkey and your GCC buddies can implement it yourself. Obama is gone next year. Its not his, nor America's war.
I have news for u: US is involved in Syria and Iraq up to its neck, bombing on daily basis.

UNCONFIRMED: Reports are saying that YPG have given Tal Abyad to the regime. FSA fighters arrested as a result.
SAA Ba'ath battalion of Raqqa said this was true on their twitter page.
FSA Liwa Thuwar Raqqa said it was false on their facebook page.
Still unconfirmed for now, but I wouldn't be surprised. PKK & YPG are backstabbers, like I have said many times before.
Sounds like total rubbish, for simple reason that Tal Abyad connects two Kurdish enclaves. They need it for themselves. And I dont see where from loyalists can come there. at all.
I have news for u: US is involved in Syria and Iraq up to its neck, bombing on daily basis.

Sounds like total rubbish, for simple reason that Tal Abyad connects two Kurdish enclaves. They need it for themselves. And I dont see where from loyalists can come there. at all.
I know. But According to some it's for "retaliation" against "Turkish aggression" against the PKK. It doesn't make sense at all, true, but it's not something completely out of the ballpark, YPG would do it if they wanted to.
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