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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

These bastards are shelling towns with 60,000 population full of women and kids, while in Zabadani, there is no one except armed men. All residents have already left.

Fu'ah and Kafraya can not even import these food and medicine and if not for the air drops,many would have starved to death already.

This is another typical side of terrorists, Shelling towns whose only crime is being Shias, for SAA attack on Zabadani who hosts nothing except armed terrorists.

Anyway, at least 20 Nusra terrorists were sent to hell in their failed attack against Fu'ah, by brave defenders of the town.
Brave defenders of the town. You know, the same town that carried out massacres against the people of Idlib. Also that's disinformation (as usual) because there is no actual rebel advance on the town, it's been indiscriminate shelling only for now.
Food and water are allowed in, just like all other regime held areas. Rebels aren't the regime.
Zabadani, on the other hand, is not "nothing but armed terrorists." It still has a significant civilian population.
See, here is the difference between pro-revolution people and pro-regime people: Yes, rebels are indiscriminately shelling Fua'a and Kufraya and yes, they have killed 4 women doing so. But we acknowledge and condemn that.
You, on the other hand, claim Zabadani is completely free of any civilian population, and justify the entire flattening of of the city because "resistance!," even though this is the exact same rhetoric your "enemy" Israel employs. But but but resistance! Remember this is the same city that sheltered the Hezbollah cunts in 2006. Not that you care.
Despite Assad's staunch support from Iran, Russia, China, and even North Korea (<- all countries known for their "glorious" human rights records), rebels are still winning from minimal support from the US & some decent support from the Arab Gulf. Shows you who actually has support of Syrians.
Air power is a deterrent, but not an offensive. It can only delay rebel advance, or deter it in areas they're weak. Rebels in Aleppo are NOT weak. If we do have such a bad leadership, but what does that make SAA who lost Idlib, Jisr al Shughour, Ariha, Shiekh Miskeen, etc. all strategically valuable cities in their respective fronts?
And you think U.S is any better then them, how they just massacred civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq etc, How their troops are direct involved in atrocities , Burning Quran, Shooting and burning civilians, Bombing Mosques etc. not just that but they also are more satisfied with Assad presence in Syria. What rebels call their victories? Their is greater part of Syria is remaining and every side of this war have committed war crimes.
And you think U.S is any better then them, how they just massacred civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq etc, How their troops are direct involved in atrocities , Burning Quran, Shooting and burning civilians, Bombing Mosques etc. not just that but they also are more satisfied with Assad presence in Syria. What rebels call their victories? Their is greater part of Syria is remaining and every side of this war have committed war crimes.

US is bad, but despite all their wrong doings the only thing the US actually did right is supporting the Syrian people against the genocidel Assad regime.
And you think U.S is any better then them, how they just massacred civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq etc, How their troops are direct involved in atrocities , Burning Quran, Shooting and burning civilians, Bombing Mosques etc. not just that but they also are more satisfied with Assad presence in Syria. What rebels call their victories? Their is greater part of Syria is remaining and every side of this war have committed war crimes.
That's literally the same exact argument Zionists use. "Yeah we're bad, but look over there!"
Resistance axis tards and Zionists are two sides of the same coin, same fallacious reasoning. Neither side care about the people they claim to represent.
Rebels have committed war crimes, but on a much, much smaller scale than either Assad or ISIS, and most have been condemned by rebel leadership.
Yes, the United States has committed war crimes. But so have Russia, China, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, India....every single country with some power on this planet has committed a war crime in some way, albeit all on different scales. Most countries are not ashamed of them, but some are proud of them (Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Saudi gov't to some extent.) To single out a single country is wrong. If you want to be hypocritical, go ahead and single them out. If you don't, pull your head out of your arse and see the reality of the world.
To single out a single country is wrong. If you want to be hypocritical, go ahead and single them out.
But then why do you always single out Israel? Genuinely curious.. And why "Death to Israel" in your signature?
These bastards are shelling towns with 60,000 population full of women and kids, while in Zabadani, there is no one except armed men. All residents have already left.
In 2011 total population of Fuah and Kafriya was about 18 K. Since then many civilians left.
Zabadani was heavily barrel bombed while there were still civilians inside. Thats why they left. Similarly many other town were and still are barrel bombed while there are civilians like huge tows of Aleppo and Douma. When Hezbollah attacked Yabroud with its Volcano rockets and barrels it was still full of civilians including Christians.

Fu'ah and Kafraya can not even import these food and medicine and if not for the air drops,many would have starved to death already.
Ghouta towns blockaded and bombed by Hezbollah dont have even airdrops. Helicopters drop only barrel bombs on them.
But then why do you always single out Israel? Genuinely curious.. And why "Death to Israel" in your signature?
I wouldn't care for Israel if they were a country based on democratic principles...but that's not what it was built on. It was built on kicking out indigenous population and replacing it with an oppressed population from elsewhere. I don't have a problem with Jews, just with the Zionist ideology. Likewise, I wouldn't have a problem with Israel if they hadn't oppressed Palestinians, but unfortunately they do. In Islam any and all oppressors must be removed.
In 2011 total population of Fuah and Kafriya was about 18 K. Since then many civilians left.
Zabadani was heavily barrel bombed while there were still civilians inside. Thats why they left. Similarly many other town were and still are barrel bombed while there are civilians like huge tows of Aleppo and Douma. When Hezbollah attacked Yabroud with its Volcano rockets and barrels it was still full of civilians including Christians.

Ghouta towns blockaded and bombed by Hezbollah dont have even airdrops. Helicopters drop only barrel bombs on them.

All of the towns in Qalamun were either emptied or nearly emptied, including Yabrud. You can't fool anyone here, seriously. Given your obsession with Hezbollah, that ups your blood pressure when you hear the name, this nonsense is not a surprise.

About Eastern Ghouta, they are not under food siege or even medicine siege, Syrian red crescent goes in there regularly. And BTW, Ghouta has massive amount of farms, it produces its own food even and is self-sustained. Also, unlike people and defenders of Foua, those IF nutsacks in Ghouta regularly shoot rockets at Damascus. They shouldn't expect flowers in return. We all see how Israel goes like a mad dog over few rockets that don't even hit civilian areas, let alone those who actually hit towns. You are not in a position to give a moral lesson here.

And BTW, there is no Hezbollah 'barrel'.
All of the towns in Qalamun were either emptied or nearly emptied, including Yabrud.
No, Qalamoun towns including Yabroud were full of civilians right before the offensive started. This report shortly before the offensive:

You can't fool anyone here, seriously. Given your obsession with Hezbollah, that ups your blood pressure when you hear the name, this nonsense is not a surprise.
What obsession? I never created a single thread on Hezbollah. Merely reply when I see nonsense posted.

About Eastern Ghouta, they are not under food siege or even medicine siege, Syrian red crescent goes in there regularly.
What are u babbling? Hundreds people died of starvation there. There was and still is a heavy siege. The siege became easier when regime made truces with some Ghouta towns and they are used as supply routes to rebel held areas.

And BTW, Ghouta has massive amount of farms, it produces its own food even and is self-sustained.
Ghouta has about 1 million population, it has large towns like Douma, Arbin , Daraya and so on, you cant supply them with farms. On the other hand Foua and Kafria are basically large villages and much more self sustained.

Also, unlike people and defenders of Foua, those IF nutsacks in Ghouta regularly shoot rockets at Damascus.
Foua served as base for raids and artillery shelling against rebel towns since 2011. Now situation turned. And Ghouta was barrel bombed since 2012 long before they got any tiny rockets there.

They shouldn't expect flowers in return. We all see how Israel goes like a mad dog over few rockets that don't even hit civilian areas, let alone those who actually hit towns. You are not in a position to give a moral lesson here.
The biggest shelling from rebel Ghouta was in February 2015 (after almost 3 years of berrel bombs) when they fired couple dozen 107-mm rockets and some junk self made mortars. Hamas fired hundreds much larger Grad and Fajr rockets and huge amount of 120-mm mortars.

And BTW, there is no Hezbollah 'barrel'.
Hezbollah has Volcano rockets which are basically an explosive barrel with Grad motor. And helicopter barrels are also used to support each Hezbollah offensive.
US is bad, but despite all their wrong doings the only thing the US actually did right is supporting the Syrian people against the genocidel Assad regime.
Rather then fake cheering , Please let me know what U.S have really done for Syrian people. Here Dr Thrax complaining day and night for absence of heavy weapon and blamed it for rebel defeats. Dancing while watching people dying from mountains, That is how US have helped Syrian civilians.

That's literally the same exact argument Zionists use. "Yeah we're bad, but look over there!"
Resistance axis tards and Zionists are two sides of the same coin, same fallacious reasoning. Neither side care about the people they claim to represent.
Rebels have committed war crimes, but on a much, much smaller scale than either Assad or ISIS, and most have been condemned by rebel leadership.
Yes, the United States has committed war crimes. But so have Russia, China, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, India....every single country with some power on this planet has committed a war crime in some way, albeit all on different scales. Most countries are not ashamed of them, but some are proud of them (Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Saudi gov't to some extent.) To single out a single country is wrong. If you want to be hypocritical, go ahead and single them out. If you don't, pull your head out of your arse and see the reality of the world.
You know what? every country you mentioned have committed war crimes but not against their own country mates, Unlike syrian Rebels all of these countries decides their foreign policies within their system and putting their national interest first rather than fighting and depending on allies which actually want Syrian people suffering. You should have know their internal politics before highlighting their names.
Rather then fake cheering , Please let me know what U.S have really done for Syrian people. Here Dr Thrax complaining day and night for absence of heavy weapon and blamed it for rebel defeats. Dancing while watching people dying from mountains, That is how US have helped Syrian civilians.

You know what? every country you mentioned have committed war crimes but not against their own country mates, Unlike syrian Rebels all of these countries decides their foreign policies within their system and putting their national interest first rather than fighting and depending on allies which actually want Syrian people suffering. You should have know their internal politics before highlighting their names.
Russia killed millions of Russians, Chechens, Tatars, central Asians (Kazakhs, Afghans, etc.); China killed millions of Chinese ("great leap forward"). None of our allies want Syrian people to suffer, especially Turkey, who regularly helps Syrians on a massive scale.
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