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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The main objective of any bomb is to kill and maim whoever might be around, isn't it?

Don't you remember all those civilian Libyans Coalition JDAMs killed in Libya during that civil war?
Now look at Libya, It's the Islamic state's back yard. Once Assad is gone, all these rebels will flock to ISIS. Perhaps the few ones who have other intentions might fight back, but they'll be outnumbered 10 to 1. Syria is a Libya 2.0 with the Islamist Radicals DLC
This comparison always seems kind of silly to me actually, Libya is currently in a better position than Syria. As for Syria, yeah its war will last for many more years and so will the devastation unfortunately, but that's the price of a real revolution which you'll see if you research all the world's great revolutions, non of which weren't messy. That's why they should only be carried out if necessary.

Another point: why then are most government barrel bombs dropped on civilian targets like hospitals and apartment buildings?
This comparison always seems kind of silly to me actually, Libya is currently in a better position than Syria. As for Syria, yeah its war will last for many more years and so will the devastation unfortunately, but that's the price of a real revolution which you'll see if you research all the world's great revolutions, non of which weren't messy. That's why they should only be carried out if necessary.

Another point: why then are most government barrel bombs dropped on civilian targets like hospitals and apartment buildings?
In Syria, the true face of mankind is visible.
Assad is bad. The rebels are even worse and Isis is Evil.
Ok, So called moderate Islamist rebel(term contradicting itself), your ideological parent America had already done nuclear deal with the country that you consider is actually responsible for atrocities in Syria , Now how can you satisfy your audience when your major suppliers stand along side Iran? wait I know, as you always satisfied them, with guns and weapons that US and gulf monarchs have provided you to make Syrians your hostage.
Moderates/extremists in Syria a nutshell:

Moderates = long beards, kill Shia, love Saudi.
Extremists = long beards, kill Shia, hate Saudi
Saudi Arabia, despite its many drawbacks, is miles ahead of Iran in most aspects. They have a better human rights record. That's saying a lot.
Meanwhile, shiites in Syria = Worship Hussein, Ali, Zaynab; chasing elusive Sayyida Zaynab shrine which is everywhere in Syria; love Iran; kill Sunnis.

Ok, So called moderate Islamist rebel(term contradicting itself), your ideological parent America had already done nuclear deal with the country that you consider is actually responsible for atrocities in Syria , Now how can you satisfy your audience when your major suppliers stand along side Iran? wait I know, as you always satisfied them, with guns and weapons that US and gulf monarchs have provided you to make Syrians your hostage.
The United States, is not, in any way, shape, or form, our "ideological parent." If anything, we're quite the opposite, they want secularism, we want Islamism. That's pretty simple to understand, don't know why you would say otherwise.
Syrians our hostage? The only Syrians we take hostage are the scum who fight for Assad(in order to get a prisoner swap, stuff like this has to happen.)
The United States, is not, in any way, shape, or form, our "ideological parent." If anything, we're quite the opposite, they want secularism, we want Islamism. That's pretty simple to understand, don't know why you would say otherwise.
Syrians our hostage? The only Syrians we take hostage are the scum who fight for Assad(in order to get a prisoner swap, stuff like this has to happen.)
you want Islamism and you think USA will help you guys sincerely? and thats why many of Rebel groups always try to change their narrations in attempt of satisfying west. Your closest allies that gulf monarchs are not even sincere with you , and as after knowing rebel capability Rebel coalition leadership are not even interested in winning war but just trying to occupy more and more resources of Syrian people and make the whole situation more worst for them.
you want Islamism and you think USA will help you guys sincerely? and thats why many of Rebel groups always try to change their narrations in attempt of satisfying west. Your closest allies that gulf monarchs are not even sincere with you , and as after knowing rebel capability Rebel coalition leadership are not even interested in winning war but just trying to occupy more and more resources of Syrian people and make the whole situation more worst for them.
When did I ever say US government will help us sincerely? I'm pretty sure I never said that in this thread, not even this forum. If you haven't noticed, the rebel coalitions are very interested in winning the war, the problem is we don't have centralized leadership. Not even SAA has centralized leadership anymore, so that levels out the playing field a bit.

Rebels have taken some checkpoints in Eastern Hama on the Ithriya-Khanasir-Aleppo road. Soon entire route will be cut.
There were also multiple villages taken in the Ghab plain, including Mansoura.
Rebels have announced the battle for Fua'a and Kufraya, in response to the Hezbollah/IRGC attack on Zabadani.
IRGC general who died today fighting in Zadabani:
Saudi Arabia, despite its many drawbacks, is miles ahead of Iran in most aspects. They have a better human rights record. That's saying a lot.

The 'rebels' in Syria. including Nusra, are representatives of Saudi ideology. Since you love them so much and think they have a good human rights record, you can take my word as a compliment.
The 'rebels' in Syria. including Nusra, are representatives of Saudi ideology. Since you love them so much and think they have a good human rights record, you can take my word as a compliment.
Wait, since when was Saudi Arabia an Islamic Democracy?
I didn't say they had a good human rights record. You really do love to twist my words.
I said that they have a better human rights record than Iran. Highlighted words for you so you can understand.
I've criticized Saudi Arabian government multiple times on the forum, so I don't love them, as they have many flaws. Unlike you however, I am open to scrutiny and openly scrutinize any groups in the Middle East who do wrong.
When did I ever say US government will help us sincerely? I'm pretty sure I never said that in this thread, not even this forum. If you haven't noticed, the rebel coalitions are very interested in winning the war, the problem is we don't have centralized leadership. Not even SAA has centralized leadership anymore, so that levels out the playing field a bit.

Rebels have taken some checkpoints in Eastern Hama on the Ithriya-Khanasir-Aleppo road. Soon entire route will be cut.
There were also multiple villages taken in the Ghab plain, including Mansoura.
Rebels have announced the battle for Fua'a and Kufraya, in response to the Hezbollah/IRGC attack on Zabadani.
IRGC general who died today fighting in Zadabani:

I have mentioned in my previous post that its syrian rebel coalition thats try to satisfy west while it is very much clear that west and gulf monarchs are not serious with syrian revolution, while Iran, russia had seriously supported Assad, your allies don't want your victory, I understand that success in Idlib and daraa may have motivated you, for such a little region hundred of thousands syrians have been disappeared and millions are displaced. Rebel advances are at such slower pace that it may take more then a decade to oust syrian president, Then rebel coalition leaders are also not sincere with syrian people, All they want is power with the help of west and west actually never want syrian freedom.

Rebel recent advances on ithriya-khansir-Aleppo route, I don't think Rebels will able to maintain their position as SAA will soon launch massive air campaign and if they managed to maintain even then Rebel cannot get complete control of Aleppo city. Fua'a and Kafraya are easier targets and will not put any pressure on Zabadani front, rebels have numbers but don't have quality of leadership.
I have mentioned in my previous post that its syrian rebel coalition thats try to satisfy west while it is very much clear that west and gulf monarchs are not serious with syrian revolution, while Iran, russia had seriously supported Assad, your allies don't want your victory, I understand that success in Idlib and daraa may have motivated you, for such a little region hundred of thousands syrians have been disappeared and millions are displaced. Rebel advances are at such slower pace that it may take more then a decade to oust syrian president, Then rebel coalition leaders are also not sincere with syrian people, All they want is power with the help of west and west actually never want syrian freedom.

Rebel recent advances on ithriya-khansir-Aleppo route, I don't think Rebels will able to maintain their position as SAA will soon launch massive air campaign and if they managed to maintain even then Rebel cannot get complete control of Aleppo city. Fua'a and Kafraya are easier targets and will not put any pressure on Zabadani front, rebels have numbers but don't have quality of leadership.
Despite Assad's staunch support from Iran, Russia, China, and even North Korea (<- all countries known for their "glorious" human rights records), rebels are still winning from minimal support from the US & some decent support from the Arab Gulf. Shows you who actually has support of Syrians.
Air power is a deterrent, but not an offensive. It can only delay rebel advance, or deter it in areas they're weak. Rebels in Aleppo are NOT weak. If we do have such a bad leadership, but what does that make SAA who lost Idlib, Jisr al Shughour, Ariha, Shiekh Miskeen, etc. all strategically valuable cities in their respective fronts?
'Ahrar ash-Sham' launches new offensive on regime-held town al-Fu'ah "rawafidh" , northeast of Idlib. Says strikes won't stop until strikes on Zabadani stop.
View attachment 238151

Video is in the tweet:

These bastards are shelling towns with 60,000 population full of women and kids, while in Zabadani, there is no one except armed men. All residents have already left.

Fu'ah and Kafraya can not even import these food and medicine and if not for the air drops,many would have starved to death already.

This is another typical side of terrorists, Shelling towns whose only crime is being Shias, for SAA attack on Zabadani who hosts nothing except armed terrorists.

Anyway, at least 20 Nusra terrorists were sent to hell in their failed attack against Fu'ah, by brave defenders of the town.
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