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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Does anyone know what type (range) of mortars opposition militants are using in Syria, specifically in Daraa? Or at least if anyone could identify these?
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I'm assuming those pictures are from the attack on the Druze in Suwaydaa.
120mm mortars (120-PM-43) have 5,700 m range. 82mm mortars (82-BM-37) have 3,040 m range. Rebels are more than 10 km away from Suwaydaa. Meaning they couldn't have attacked it in any way shape or form. The regime attacked Suwaydaa in order to blame rebels, as per their usual routine.
I'm assuming those pictures are from the attack on the Druze in Suwaydaa.
120mm mortars (120-PM-43) have 5,700 m range. 82mm mortars (82-BM-37) have 3,040 m range. Rebels are more than 10 km away from Suwaydaa. Meaning they couldn't have attacked it in any way shape or form. The regime attacked Suwaydaa in order to blame rebels, as per their usual routine.
Unforunately these are in Ramtha, Jordan after it was shelled four times today (or is it yesterday now?) supposedly by stray mortars. But the thing is the distance between daraa and ramtha is 23 kilometers if I'm not mistaken so how would such short range mortars reach it? whats the longest range mortars that the rebels may have used?


Ramtha and Daraa to get a better perspective.. Weren't the rebels coming from the north or west (both?) so again, that's a long distance for a mortar. Don't know what to make of this because I don't have a deep knowledge of mortars to be honest.
Regime is holding on to Dara'a because once Dara'a is gone Izraa is gone (and vice versa, if rebels went for Izraa Dara'a would have been gone.) Once those two cities are down, it's taking the fight to Damascus. Regime would have to give up on Golan and Suwaydaa fronts if they don't want to lose Damascus. If they lose Damascus, they lose the Golan and Suwaydaa fronts anyhow and get surrounded and cut off. In short - if regime fall in Dara'a (and they most likely will), Syria is essentially free, as the road to Damascus would be open, and rebels are already putting pressure on other important cities such as Aleppo, Hama, and Latakia. They would have to spread forces thin, morale would plummet (more than it already has,) and people would desert. It would cause the regime to collapse completely.

Thanks for explanation, so it is an crucial battle. Some reports say rebels entered the city but regime remains in control of most of it.

Unforunately these are in Ramtha, Jordan after it was shelled four times today (or is it yesterday now?) supposedly by stray mortars. But the thing is the distance between daraa and ramtha is 23 kilometers if I'm not mistaken so how would such short range mortars reach it? whats the longest range mortars that the rebels may have used?

View attachment 232602
Ramtha and Daraa to get a better perspective.. Weren't the rebels coming from the north or west (both?) so again, that's a long distance for a mortar. Don't know what to make of this because I don't have a deep knowledge of mortars to be honest.

Who said mortars? Maybe they said قذاف صاروخية which is term for rockets. They are grad rockets by the looks of it . Mortars can't reach that far.
#Tehran: Five More Imperialists were Killed in Syria's Daraa

Names: Mujtaba Mirzayi, Muhammad-Hadi Hashimi, Mujtaba Husaini, Hasan Farahani, and Suroor Hashimi.
Affiliation: Fatimiyoun Brigade
Nationality: Afghans

Source (Farsi): Fararu
#Daraa: FSA Captured an Assadist
Summary :
Several questions, one of them was "Why didn't you defect yet ?", the hostage replies: "They execute anyone who dares to think about it."
Thanks for explanation, so it is an crucial battle. Some reports say rebels entered the city but regime remains in control of most of it.

Who said mortars? Maybe they said قذاف صاروخية which is term for rockets. They are grad rockets by the looks of it . Mortars can't reach that far.
That's what I thought too. So who has these types of rockets? I can't discern from the shells but I should look for grad rockets with a range of approximately 25 km. I don't think the opposition has those so it could be the Asshead regime trying something 'funny'. I assume that the army is currently planning how to react to this.
#Tehran: Five More Imperialists were Killed in Syria's Daraa

Names: Mujtaba Mirzayi, Muhammad-Hadi Hashimi, Mujtaba Husaini, Hasan Farahani, and Suroor Hashimi.
Affiliation: Fatimiyoun Brigade
Nationality: Afghans

Source (Farsi): Fararu
#Daraa: FSA Captured an Assadist
Summary :
Several questions, one of them was "Why didn't you defect yet ?", the hostage replies: "They execute anyone who dares to think about it."

Iran Pays Afghans to Fight for Assad
Offers Them $500 Stipend, Residency Benefits


A 2013 funeral at a Damascus shrine Afghans are called on to defend. Reuters​
Farnaz Fassihi
May 22, 2014

Iran has been recruiting thousands of Afghan refugees to fight in Syria, offering $500 a month and Iranian residency to help the Assad regime beat back rebel forces, according to Afghans and a Western official.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, recruits and trains Shiite militias to fight in Syria. Details of their recruitment efforts were posted this week on a blog focused on Afghan refugees in Iran and confirmed by the office of Grand Ayatollah Mohaghegh Kabuli, an Afghan religious leader in the Iranian holy city of Qom. A member of the IRGC also confirmed the details.

"They [IRGC] find a connection to the refugee community and work on convincing our youth to go and fight in Syria," said the office administrator of Ayatollah Kabuli, reached by telephone in Qom. "They give them everything from salary to residency." Tehran is also offering them school registration for their children and charity cards.

Many Afghan young men have written to Ayatollah Kabuli to ask whether fighting in Syria was religiously sanctioned, his office said. He responded only if they were defending Shiite shrines. Lately, his office said he has kept silent and not even attended funerals of Afghans killed in Syria.

On Thursday, a large funeral procession attended by local and religious officials was held in the northeastern city of Mashhad, near the Afghan border, for four Afghan refugees killed in Syria. The coffins were shrouded in green cloth and the men's pictures were pinned to the sides, according to reports on Shiite religious websites and a news agency linked to the Revolutionary Guards.

Reports of funerals for the Afghan recruits who die in Syria began to emerge in November. Recently, there have been more frequent reports of such deaths popping up in Iranian media.

Hamid Babaei, a spokesman for Iran's U.N. mission, said allegations that Iran is sending Afghan refugees to Syria as fighters are unfounded. "Iranian presence in the country is solely advisory in nature in order to help counter the extremist... al-Qaeda groups from committing more massacre and bloodshed," he said.

Since the conflict started in Syria three years ago, the Islamic Republic has played an instrumental role in keeping President Bashar al-Assad in power. Iran has funded, trained, armed and sent foot soldiers and commanders to Syria to assist Mr. Assad's army.

Its close ally Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant and political group, has also sent soldiers and commanders to defend Syria's regime.

The Revolutionary Guards organize and command the Shiite militias sent to Syria.

Commanders work closely with Syrian army commanders to plan strategy and train Syrian soldiers in guerrilla warfare, according to Guards commanders.

As a result, in less than a year Mr. Assad has gone from being at the brink of collapse at the time of the chemical attacks against opposition strongholds last August to planning another four years in office with elections set for June.

Both Iran and Hezbollah have openly taken credit for their efforts in Syria. Gen. Hossein Hamedani, a senior Guards commander involved in planning war strategy in Syria, said last week that with God's help, Iran had trained an extra 130,000 soldiers ready for dispatch.

Thanks to the planning and wisdom of Iran's leaders, Syria's regime could enjoy "some stability," he said.

The 130,000 was an apparent reference to all the Shiite militias including Iranians, Hezbollah, Afghans and other foreign fighters.

Iran also took credit for the recent peace deal between opposition rebels and the regime in Homs, whereby the rebels evacuated the city and surrendered control to the government.

"Nothing happens in Syria without Iran's hand," said Hossein Sheikholeslam, a lawmaker and parliament's deputy head of foreign affairs.

Syria's civil war shows no sign of subsiding and both Iran and Hezbollah are wary of losing their trained men on the ground and the risk of public backlash with dead bodies returning home every week.

A Western official in Iran said recruiting Afghans was part of a shifting strategy to send poor foot soldiers to the front lines from a community with little clout to minimize casualties among Hezbollah and Guards members and political fallout.

The Afghan recruits, like Hezbollah and most Iranians, are all Shiites and support the Syrian regime dominated by minority Alawites, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

The rebels are predominantly Sunni and backed by the Sunni powers of the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The Guards are convincing Afghans to join the war in Syria by playing off Shiite-Sunni sectarian rivalries.

They emphasize the role of hard-line Sunni rebel groups affiliated with al Qaeda, said the Western official.

"Iran wants to play a command and control role in Syria and with the Afghan refugees, they are purchasing mercenaries to do the fighting for them," said Nader Hashemi, director of the center for Middle East Studies at University of Denver, and an expert on Iran and Syria.

U.S. defense officials in Washington have noted with alarm that fighters from around the region have become involved in Syrian civil war, and don't doubt that Afghan fighters have joined in.

"One of the most concerning aspects of the Syrian conflict from a U.S. security perspective is that it is attracting foreign fighters from across the region and around the world," Matthew Spence, a senior defense official, told Congress recently.

"We assess that there are now significantly more foreign fighters in Syria than there were foreign fighters in Iraq at the height of the Iraq war," he said, referring to both sides in the civil war.

Afghan refugees are among the most vulnerable and poor in Iran.

There are about one million registered Afghan refugees in Iran, according to the U.N. refugee agency.

But additionally, there are as many as 2 million unregistered migrants, according to Human Rights Watch. Up to 800 Afghans try to cross illegally into Iran every day, according to Afghanistan's refugee ministry.

They are not allowed to officially work, attend school or register marriages or births.

Most Afghans work as day laborers in construction for meager salaries.

Reza Ismaeli was a 19-year-old Afghan refugee living in Mashhad. He was a state champion in bodybuilding before he was recruited to fight in Syria, according to an account of a friend and fellow Afghan fighter published in December by the Fars news agency, which is linked to the Revolutionary Guards.

After a few months of fighting in Syria, he became one of the leaders of the all-Afghan battalion called ‘Fatemiyoun, named for the Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatima. Iranian news reports say Fatemiyoun battalion is in Syria to defend the Shiite shrine of Sayeda Zeinab in the suburbs of Damascus.

Mr. Ismaeli was killed in December, according to Fars, in a battle with opposition rebels near Damascus. "The battle was very intense. We only had a few hours of cease fire every few days," an Afghan refugee fighter named Abu Heydar told Fars. Mr. Ismaeili was captured by rebels and beheaded, the report said.

A series of pictures of Mr. Ismaeili on Fars show a short, baby-faced teenager in military fatigues and dark sunglasses posing with a machine gun in front of a tank and then next to a missile stuck in the ground. And then his decapitated bloody head held by a rebel soldier. The Iranian battalion found his headless body and sent back to his parents in Iran, Fars said.

In a blog dedicated to issues of Afghan refugees in Iran, young Afghan men debate whether they should go to Syria.

"Why is Syria our business? We don't have peace in our own country and we have to go become martyrs for Iran's holy war?" wrote one.

—Julian E. Barnes contributed to this article.

Iran Pays Afghans to Fight for Assad - WSJ

Should they not at least grow some balls and use more of their own people instead? Shameless behavior. Those coffins with Farsi flags should increase.
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Wait apparently the Syrian opposition does have grad rocket systems and has had them since 2013. This video is from March of 2015 (not too long ago) of rebels targeting SAA/IRGC in daraa
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
The rockets look like the 82mm 'mortars' in the pic from ramtha, although longer (could be that after the explosion parts of it disintegrated). These rockets can definitely reach into Jordan.
Imports of Iranian goods from Syria increased this summer

View attachment 232477

So many coffins carrying Farsi terrorists in Syria by now. All the remaining trash should follow suit alongside other Al-Assad mass-murderers. They will be rooted out and return in coffins in all the Arab countries where they set foot.
So many coffins carrying Farsi terrorists in Syria by now. All the remaining trash should follow suit alongside other Al-Assad mass-murderers. They will be rooted out and return in coffins in all the Arab countries where they set foot.
An Iranian news agency claimed 400 Iranians died "defending shiite shrines."
Wait apparently the Syrian opposition does have grad rocket systems and has had them since 2013. This video is from March of 2015 (not too long ago) of rebels targeting SAA/IRGC in daraa The rockets look like the 82mm 'mortars' in the pic from ramtha, although longer (could be that after the explosion parts of it disintegrated). These rockets can definitely reach into Jordan.
I see no reason for rebels to attack Jordan. The only way their rockets (aimed North) would have hit Jordan is if they did a full 180 in the air and somehow went to Jordan.
Thanks for explanation, so it is an crucial battle. Some reports say rebels entered the city but regime remains in control of most of it.

Who said mortars? Maybe they said قذاف صاروخية which is term for rockets. They are grad rockets by the looks of it . Mortars can't reach that far.
Rebels held ~50% of Dara'a before the battle started.
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That's what I thought too. So who has these types of rockets? I can't discern from the shells but I should look for grad rockets with a range of approximately 25 km. I don't think the opposition has those so it could be the Asshead regime trying something 'funny'. I assume that the army is currently planning how to react to this.

Are you sure FSA was accused? Because ISIS took over border area with Jordan, it may have been them. Or the regime, the top rocket seems like average Russian grad with 25km. Second one seems different, it could be regime Iranian made artillery. It could very well be stray fire, homemade launchers have some flaws. In Gaza one case rockets managed to fire but one of them flew sideways into the sea. Stray fire is possible with launchers but single launch isn't the case.
Looks like SAA is failing in Hasakh, ISIS is also trying to draw attention to YPG to distract from Tel Abyad area offensive:



Latest Battle Map of Daraa:


Aleppo Battle:


Clashes being reported in Deir Ezzor


BrettGarret ‏@BrettGarrot 2m2 minutes ago
RT shamsashahin: One of [HASHTAG]#Kobani[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#martyrs[/HASHTAG] #25/6/2015 #Syria [HASHTAG]#Rojava[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#Kurdistan[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#tweeterkurd[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#Genocide[/HASHTAG]



This picture is from Gaza and not Kobane.
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If you want to lie, do it properly. It mentioned the total number of Afghans killed in Syria, not Iranians.
I don't know how to read Farsi, so I'll take the guy's words.

Looks like SAA is failing in Hasakh, ISIS is also trying to draw attention to YPG to distract from Tel Abyad area offensive:

View attachment 232771

Latest Battle Map of Daraa:

View attachment 232777

Aleppo Battle:
View attachment 232778


Clashes being reported in Deir Ezzor


BrettGarret ‏@BrettGarrot 2m2 minutes ago
RT shamsashahin: One of [HASHTAG]#Kobani[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#martyrs[/HASHTAG] #25/6/2015 #Syria [HASHTAG]#Rojava[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#Kurdistan[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#tweeterkurd[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#Genocide[/HASHTAG]



This picture is from Gaza and not Kobane.
Don't use that monkey PetoLucem's maps. His diviation in maps put entire villages in Idlib as "contested" even though they were clearly held by rebels. Blatantly pro-regime. Even pro-rebel guys like archicivilians are at least unbiased and post rebel gains only with evidence to back them up.

Unforunately these are in Ramtha, Jordan after it was shelled four times today (or is it yesterday now?) supposedly by stray mortars. But the thing is the distance between daraa and ramtha is 23 kilometers if I'm not mistaken so how would such short range mortars reach it? whats the longest range mortars that the rebels may have used?

View attachment 232602
Ramtha and Daraa to get a better perspective.. Weren't the rebels coming from the north or west (both?) so again, that's a long distance for a mortar. Don't know what to make of this because I don't have a deep knowledge of mortars to be honest.
Rebels are mainly advancing from the South. It wouldn't make sense to station artillery in the north because it could overshoot and hit rebel areas, and it would be too close to regime-controlled roads. There are some DIY made mortars in rebel hands but most are in the North of Syria and don't have great range. Propellants not good enough at all. For example the hell cannon (which by definition is a howitzer, not a mortar) has 1,500 m range.
Hopefully no injuries in Ramtha. As Falcon said freak shells, as I don't see purpose for regime to shell Jordan either, even though they like to shell civilian targets.
Ahrar al Sham
Jaish al Islam
Want more? We have plenty more who were successful :)

ehm coalition helped them in Aleppo during the IS offensive remember :)

None.... though my point is different.

There is the thing in the Western media like" Kurds are awesome, they are beating the crap out of ISIS while every other group gets beaten by ISIS"....I'm saying, Kurds are no different from the other groups/factions/armies in both Syria and Iraq. The difference is Kurds are being supported by intense coalition bombings whereas others are not.

I agree. But media is media. One portray Kurds as heroes while the other(like Turkish) portrays them as Turkmen/Arab killers and as a greater threat than IS.

The Iraqi popular mobilization forces. Who stopped Baghdad from being taken? Not the US. Don't lie either,

Thing is Iraq in total has had over 60 000 KIA so far. Pesh is lower than 2000. If that is being successful while losing ground in other places I don't know. Just go to warleaks on YT and see how professional they are. And US did help in Tikrit even though they insisted they could do this alone remember. US is assisting basically everyone fighting IS. they even targeted IS in Palmyra I think

Alevis ARE TURKS. They are the best and most patriotic Turks there ever were. (okay sorry to the Sunni brothers) So don't think they are perhaps more 'accommodating' to anybody's landgrabbing aspirations.

do you even know anything about alevis? looool
ehm coalition helped them in Aleppo during the IS offensive remember :)

I agree. But media is media. One portray Kurds as heroes while the other(like Turkish) portrays them as Turkmen/Arab killers and as a greater threat than IS.

Thing is Iraq in total has had over 60 000 KIA so far. Pesh is lower than 2000. If that is being successful while losing ground in other places I don't know. Just go to warleaks on YT and see how professional they are. And US did help in Tikrit even though they insisted they could do this alone remember. US is assisting basically everyone fighting IS. they even targeted IS in Palmyra I think

do you even know anything about alevis? looool
Oh, 3 airstrikes! I'm sure that made a huge difference compared to the hundreds of airstrikes you guys get weekly!
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