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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Talking big, just like Nusra-affiliated Twitter accounts. That's the easiest thing to do. Besides killing thousands of IRGC, you have also captured 400,000 alive, as terrorist accounts are claiming on a daily basis they have killed/captured Iranians in Syria.
Person with an Iranian passport = Iranian citizen = Iranian. You know, like the massive horde of Afghan meatshields that you send at us. If by "Iranian" you mean Persian, then yes, we've only killed a few hundred Persians. Most of whom were your potato IRGC "generals." My grandma could be a better strategist.
I see once a week Iranians are captured or killed, not every day.
a few hundred Persians
Person with an Iranian passport = Iranian citizen = Iranian. You know, like the massive horde of Afghan meatshields that you send at us. If by "Iranian" you mean Persian, then yes, we've only killed a few hundred Persians. Most of whom were your potato IRGC "generals." My grandma could be a better strategist.

As I said your posts remind me of Twitter propagandists, can't help it. Keep killing Iranians on internet, it's working. :lol:
'Southern Front' operation in Dera'a hasn't achieved anything yet, and at least 50 of their forces were killed in their attacks on Dera'a yesterday. (some sources saying their casualties is much higher). SAA is holding up very good for now despite being stretched in different fronts in Deraa, let's see if they are not ordered to retreat, again.
Southern front achievements in 2015:

* Complete liberation of Sheikh Maskin and takeover of 82th base.
* Complete takeover of Bosra al Harir town.
* Takeover of Nassib border crossing and all border fortifications up to Suwieda.
* Takeover of 52th base and villages around it.

Thats under massive attacks of SAA, NDF, Hezbollah and swarms of Afghan mercenaries + ISIS.

Daesh has seized some land around Hasakah,
Actually they are deep incide city from two directions. If not the CC help all loyalists in Hasaka and Deir ez Zor would be beheaded by IS long time ago.
Seems like Daraa offensive isn't living up to expectations it had. They should'n't have announced the campaign two days before hand. Some reports suggest FSA factions leaked the offensive. Southern Front are taking heavy casualties but made some slow gains but not any new ones I'm aware of. There are reports that Syrian army personnel are not the ones doing the fighting on the ground. This is because rebels are facing unusual resistance which points to likelyhood that Hezbollah is deployed there or Iran deployed it's paramilitary(IRGC or Basij) forces there. So Daraa is seen as a very strategic city. The rebels need to regroup and replan, they're taking hard hits from the air as well.

I however personally blame the horrible command in Jordan which has stalled this offensive for so long and want to take it slow. I know this sounds harsh but the rebels deserve this failure for allowing liberal Arabs/Westerners to command their moves. They already know these liberal Arab trash don't want Assad to fall unless Kurds take over half of Syria and Islamist factions are reduced to minimum. So why allow them to command you in first place? The FSA or whoever is responsible for this corruption/wicked command need to swapt out completely and replaced with Islamists.
Southern front achievements in 2015:

* Complete liberation of Sheikh Maskin and takeover of 82th base.
* Complete takeover of Bosra al Harir town.
* Takeover of Nassib border crossing and all border fortifications up to Suwieda.
* Takeover of 52th base and villages around it.

Thats under massive attacks of SAA, NDF, Hezbollah and swarms of Afghan mercenaries + ISIS.

First: There are no active Hezbollah troops participating in Deraa battles.
Second, your post had nothing to do with mine, I was talking about the current ongoing battle and not previous battles.

Actually they are deep incide city from two directions. If not the CC help all loyalists in Hasaka and Deir ez Zor would be beheaded by IS long time ago.

In Deir al-Zoor, it wasn't the coalition that stopped IS, but the Republican guards in there who have made those areas, specially around Deir al-Zoor a slaughterhouse for Daesh, despite being under siege, having no land route to outside for months.

In Hasakah, the results of the battle are yet to be seen, Daesh may capture the entire city or it will retreat. Also, the YPG doesn't want to fight in Hasakah now, they think they are too smart, leaving the fight for SAA in the city, but this will bite them in the arse in future if they refuse to fight Daesh in Hasakah.

Seems like Daraa offensive isn't living up to expectations it had. They should'n't have announced the campaign two days before hand. Some reports suggest FSA factions leaked the offensive. Southern Front are taking heavy casualties but made some slow gains but not any new ones I'm aware of. There are reports that Syrian army personnel are not the ones doing the fighting on the ground. This is because rebels are facing unusual resistance which points to likelyhood that Hezbollah is deployed there or Iran deployed it's paramilitary(IRGC or Basij) forces there. So Daraa is seen as a very strategic city. The rebels need to regroup and replan, they're taking hard hits from the air as well.

I however personally blame the horrible command in Jordan which has stalled this offensive for so long and want to take it slow. I know this sounds harsh but the rebels deserve this failure for allowing liberal Arabs/Westerners to command their moves. They already know these liberal Arab trash don't want Assad to fall unless Kurds take over half of Syria and Islamist factions are reduced to minimum. So why allow them to command you in first place? The FSA or whoever is responsible for this corruption/wicked command need to swapt out completely and replaced with Islamists.

What makes you think that wherever there is good resistance, it must be Hezbollah or Iran? Look at SAA soldiers besieged in Deir al-Zoor, they have been killing hundreds of Daesh terrorists for months, despite being besieged by land, and Daesh have launched too many heavy attacks to capture city and airport, but failed badly. Don't look at battles of Idlib and Tadmur only, there are some points in this war that SAA has shown great performance compared to their standards, Aleppo prison siege is another case.
First: There are no active Hezbollah troops participating in Deraa battles.
They do.

Second, your post had nothing to do with mine, I was talking about the current ongoing battle and not previous battles.
Battles there never ceased.

In Deir al-Zoor, it wasn't the coalition that stopped IS, but the Republican guards in there who have made those areas, specially around Deir al-Zoor a slaughterhouse for Daesh, despite being under siege, having no land route to outside for months.
CC killed thousands of IS best fighters and diverted many many more.

In Hasakah, the results of the battle are yet to be seen
Its seen that they penetrated deep into city.

Daesh may capture the entire city or it will retreat.
With CC they have no chance.

Also, the YPG doesn't want to fight in Hasakah now, they think they are too smart, leaving the fight for SAA in the city, but this will bite them in the arse in future if they refuse to fight Daesh in Hasakah.
YPG does help.They protect al Aziziyah part.
In the latest offensive on Daraa :
- Three Iranians were killed.
- Five Afghans were killed.
And now :

#Qum: Four Pakistanis were Killed in Syria's Daraa


Names: Aqeed Husain, Imtiyaz Husain, Sayid Hasan, and Muneer Husain.
Nationality: Pakistanis (from Parachinar).

Source (Farsi): Ahlulbayt News Agency (ABNA)
#Idlib: Another Bomb Has Failed to Explode
Summary :
I don't know what this is, a helicopter dropped several ones on Kafrouma, they all exploded except that one shown in the video.
@Saif al-Arab, in Daraa alone there are Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis, and I don't know whom else. Our enemy has no dignity at all, absolute zero. They concentrate on eliminating the moderate ones, and when it came to ISIS they ran away and left Tadmur (Palmyra). Mullahs know how to get rid of their minorities, they even exploit them.

I see that all roads lead to the same destination .
No need to kill the iranian jews anywhere.

Drugs are killing u on ur own
The reality in Syria says otherwise. :lol:

I am not a persian jew who will distort facts.

Fact of the matter is that it is an Iranian website that is reporting about the funeral of Iranian citizens and it is in this context that it is to be taken that it is talking about Iranians and not other foreign nationals when it is reporting about the number of killed.

And where is this syeda zainab shrine? Seems to be all over Syria.
And if u don't know it is in Cairo.

I don't think we needed your 'speculation' about what that website is saying. ;)

You just tried to distort the reality and it was exposed. Simple as that.
Why do you think calling everyone a Jew is an insult? You are from Armenia, for God's sake. Do you hate Jews so much?
The reality in Syria says exactly what i said.
Drugged up persian Jews are being used as dogs of Assad.

No need to speculate when things are clear cut but i can understand the butt hurt persian jews trying to downplay it.

And as i said i am not a persian jew who needs to distort the reality like the reality of hazrat ali (ra) pledging oath of allegiance to hazrat abu bakr(ra) and still u can't figure out the reality.

There is nothing more to talk about. You tried to twist the reality, and I showed you the truth. No need to blabber all those sectarian bs. Tell that to all you Nusra-ISIS friends on internet.

CC starts bombing Hasaka to save Assadists.


What's your latest analysis on the ground situation? Has Assad lost the momentum he gained last year, and is he failing a collapse soon as the funds are drying up as the Iranian and Russian economy contract?

As the sanctions are in place, do you think Assad can reequip and resupply his Armed Forces?

Could you also expand on how the SAA is loosing against these militant groups? After all, SAA is a well armed conventional fighting force and they are loosing pitched battles against these loosely trained Militant Groups. From my perspective, a pitched battle would be a God send for us Pakistanis against the TTP as i know that Pakistan Army would annihilate the TTP in that warfare but why is SAA loosing despite possessing superior weaponry.


What's your latest analysis on the ground situation? Has Assad lost the momentum he gained last year
Assad lost momentum already in summer 2014 when IS turned against him.

and is he failing a collapse soon as the funds are drying up as the Iranian and Russian economy contract?

As the sanctions are in place, do you think Assad can reequip and resupply his Armed Forces?
No he wont collapse. His positions in Damascus, eastern Homs, Hama, Tartus, Latakiya, Suwayda are very strong. And there is no sign that Russian/Iranian aid to Assad is decreasing or will decrease in any near future.

Could you also expand on how the SAA is loosing against these militant groups? After all, SAA is a well armed conventional fighting force and they are loosing pitched battles against these loosely trained Militant Groups. From my perspective, a pitched battle would be a God send for us Pakistanis against the TTP as i know that Pakistan Army would annihilate the TTP in that warfare but why is SAA loosing despite possessing superior weaponry.
The answer is simple: lack of manpower. From 300 K his army decreased to 150 K. Thats hardly enough to control such a big country like Syria. And even among these 150 K many are Sunnis who are drafted and stay in army only because they fear for their families who live in loyalist areas. And those who are loyal are poorly trained because there is no time to train properly and Syrian army never actually prepared to this type of war.

Tnx for ur question :)
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