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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Oh, 3 airstrikes! I'm sure that made a huge difference compared to the hundreds of airstrikes you guys get weekly!

if it would be that many Raqqa, Mosul surely would have been liberated by now. Also, IS advanced and still holds Sawran from FSA, so how is that being successful with a limited airsupport. Plus mentioning the weaponry FSA has at it's disposal which YPG doesn't like TOWs.

I don't deny that Kurds get alot of airsupport. But has proven to be the only successful way fighting IS. Otherwise surely Kurds wouldn't hold all that ground.
if it would be that many Raqqa, Mosul surely would have been liberated by now. Also, IS advanced and still holds Sawran from FSA, so how is that being successful with a limited airsupport. Plus mentioning the weaponry FSA has at it's disposal which YPG doesn't like TOWs.

I don't deny that Kurds get alot of airsupport. But has proven to be the only successful way fighting IS. Otherwise surely Kurds wouldn't hold all that ground.
US doesn't strike many targets. But you know for a fact that the Brits and the French hit most things you point out to them. Admit it already, the YPG are not good at fighting - they're on the level of 2013 FSA. They're good - but not good enough to take out 2015 FSA or even 2015 SAA on their own. Rebels had to bear the brunt of the entirity of Assad's army and air force, IRGC, Hezbollah, foreign shiite volunteers, AND ISIS. What did Kurds have to do? Fight a few under-equipped SAA/NDF scum in Hasakeh and Qamishli and ISIS. But ermagerd Kurds so good.
ISIS still hold Souran for several reasons. 1.) It was taken when rebels were launching an attack on the regime. 2.) The front was relatively undefended because rebels sent fighters toward regime in Aleppo. 3.) Still not re-taken because rebels would rather focus on Aleppo city (because civilians are getting tired of this shit) and then take on ISIS. We retook most villages besides Souran.
TOWs are nothing when YPG has air support on most days. Enemy tank? Airstrike. Enemy building? Airstrike. Enemy position? Airstrike.
For the rebels it's this: Enemy tank? ATGM. Enemy Building? Tank, tunnel bomb, VBIED, or days of shelling. Enemy position? Tank, tunnel bomb, VBIED, or days of shelling. All of which take down time in order to prepare and in order to fire. Kurds have a luxury, airstrikes soften up ISIS positions and they have to face only a few dozen ISIS fighters.

Anyways, back to news: 4 Palestinian fighters have died so far in the rebel attack on Dara'a. They were fighting alongside rebels, and they were from the Dara'a Palestinian camp. Their names are:
- Khalid Nasr
- 'Aqab Nasr
- Satef Falah
- Basil Jabeeb
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Here is a map of the progress:
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@xenon54 @Sinan

What's with rumors about Turkish army refusing to do operation in northern Syria(against Kurds I'm assuming)? Is it just another bs fabrication from that opposition movement?
I don't know how to read Farsi, so I'll take the guy's words.

Don't use that monkey PetoLucem's maps. His diviation in maps put entire villages in Idlib as "contested" even though they were clearly held by rebels. Blatantly pro-regime. Even pro-rebel guys like archicivilians are at least unbiased and post rebel gains only with evidence to back them up.

Rebels are mainly advancing from the South. It wouldn't make sense to station artillery in the north because it could overshoot and hit rebel areas, and it would be too close to regime-controlled roads. There are some DIY made mortars in rebel hands but most are in the North of Syria and don't have great range. Propellants not good enough at all. For example the hell cannon (which by definition is a howitzer, not a mortar) has 1,500 m range.
Hopefully no injuries in Ramtha. As Falcon said freak shells, as I don't see purpose for regime to shell Jordan either, even though they like to shell civilian targets.
There were injuries and one death of a 24 year old. I get want you're saying, it's unlikely that the source of the rockets is the rebels and more likely it was a regime grad rocket that over shot into Jordan. This has happened many times in the past since 2013 but it's the first time that were injuries and even a death which is why it's being taken more seriously. If it's definitive that the source is the regime then I think they should be air striked a few times to remind them to fix their damn aim.


ISIS is ‘not strong,’ could be defeated ‘within two days’ – ex-Israeli PM Ehud Barak — RT News
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Please some one post updated maps of all major cities, idlib, aleppo, homs, hama, damascus, daraa etc
ehm coalition helped them in Aleppo during the IS offensive remember :)

I agree. But media is media. One portray Kurds as heroes while the other(like Turkish) portrays them as Turkmen/Arab killers and as a greater threat than IS.

Thing is Iraq in total has had over 60 000 KIA so far. Pesh is lower than 2000. If that is being successful while losing ground in other places I don't know. Just go to warleaks on YT and see how professional they are. And US did help in Tikrit even though they insisted they could do this alone remember. US is assisting basically everyone fighting IS. they even targeted IS in Palmyra I think

do you even know anything about alevis? looool

Come on. I know you hate Arabs/Turks/Iranians, but 60k dead in iraq so far? Get a grip huh? Give me a good source huh? there are plenty of compilers of information on the internet, andd at best they've lost 3-4k dead since last years. Don't be like that. 3-4k dead is still around 250-350 a month DEAD, never mind wounded. So you say they've lost over 5 thousand DEAD a month? Hadi ulan.

ehm coalition helped them in Aleppo during the IS offensive remember :)

I agree. But media is media. One portray Kurds as heroes while the other(like Turkish) portrays them as Turkmen/Arab killers and as a greater threat than IS.

Thing is Iraq in total has had over 60 000 KIA so far. Pesh is lower than 2000. If that is being successful while losing ground in other places I don't know. Just go to warleaks on YT and see how professional they are. And US did help in Tikrit even though they insisted they could do this alone remember. US is assisting basically everyone fighting IS. they even targeted IS in Palmyra I think

do you even know anything about alevis? looool

Yes why ask Mountain Turk? And don't comment like that. If you have something to contribute, just do it. Or have you only head about how 'Alevis have orgies in the dark' bs? I have Alevi blood as well.

Not bad in 4 years. Assad would have been gone in 6 months (incompetent army). Iranian advisers keep the whole thing rolling, from governance to battlefield strategies and tactics. I hope the rats get annihilated. May every single extremist muslim die (in the whole world).

Kinda expected it from you, lying like no one would understand.

It's not 400 Iranians, it's called "400 martyrs defending the shrine" almost all of which are Afghans, our brothers. Although there is no difference between blood of an Afghan and an Iranian, but you will not be allowed to twist the facts. ;)

@Dr.Thrax Since you needed a clarification. Here you are.

Not bad in 4 years. Assad would have been gone in 6 months (incompetent army). Iranian advisers keep the whole thing rolling, from governance to battlefield strategies and tactics. I hope the rats get annihilated. May every single extremist muslim die (in the whole world).

Read above, news is false. Total number of Iranians killed in Syria barely reaches 50. Anyway, nationality doesn't matter, they are also our brothers. Good news is, they have killed a much larger number of terrorists.


'Southern Front' operation in Dera'a hasn't achieved anything yet, and at least 50 of their forces were killed in their attacks on Dera'a yesterday. (some sources saying their casualties is much higher). SAA is holding up very good for now despite being stretched in different fronts in Deraa, let's see if they are not ordered to retreat, again.


Daesh has seized some land around Hasakah, there are reports that Issam Zahradine is already in Hasakah along with some Sunni tribal fighters to hold off Daesh advances around the city.

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Come on. I know you hate Arabs/Turks/Iranians, but 60k dead in iraq so far? Get a grip huh? Give me a good source huh? there are plenty of compilers of information on the internet, andd at best they've lost 3-4k dead since last years. Don't be like that. 3-4k dead is still around 250-350 a month DEAD, never mind wounded. So you say they've lost over 5 thousand DEAD a month? Hadi ulan.

Yes why ask Mountain Turk? And don't comment like that. If you have something to contribute, just do it. Or have you only head about how 'Alevis have orgies in the dark' bs? I have Alevi blood as well.

Not bad in 4 years. Assad would have been gone in 6 months (incompetent army). Iranian advisers keep the whole thing rolling, from governance to battlefield strategies and tactics. I hope the rats get annihilated. May every single extremist muslim die (in the whole world).

actually my source is Sajad Jiyad who got his information from the office of the PM. got if from his twitter. if you have seen GOT, alevis are basically Theon Greyjoy. been so fucked by turkey til teh stage they love more than anything else. But it's changing now. There are still those Alevi Kurds who are retarded and vote for CHP but more and more are realizing the truth. still many are completely brainwashed. About alevi turks I don't know so much and don't care.
actually my source is Sajad Jiyad who got his information from the office of the PM. got if from his twitter. if you have seen GOT, alevis are basically Theon Greyjoy. been so fucked by turkey til teh stage they love more than anything else. But it's changing now. There are still those Alevi Kurds who are retarded and vote for CHP but more and more are realizing the truth. still many are completely brainwashed. About alevi turks I don't know so much and don't care.

Listen, it's pure BS that 5000 Iraqi soldiers have died a month. That's nonsense. That would have been all over the news. It's in the low hundreds monthly. Same for ISIS, perhaps a little more.
@xenon54 @Sinan

What's with rumors about Turkish army refusing to do operation in northern Syria(against Kurds I'm assuming)? Is it just another bs fabrication from that opposition movement?
There was no order so there cant be a refusing, those are rumors but cant say how it looks like inside the Army and their willingness to intervene in Syria.
Can someone please post a summary of successes for all groups involved in Syria for the month of june. i.e., Govt. , rebels, ISIS , kurds
This photo provided by a website of the Islamic State group, shows fighters of the Islamic State group opening fire toward Syrian warplane in the predominantly Kurdish Syrian city of Hassakeh, Syria.
Kinda expected it from you, lying like no one would understand.

It's not 400 Iranians, it's called "400 martyrs defending the shrine" almost all of which are Afghans, our brothers. Although there is no difference between blood of an Afghan and an Iranian, but you will not be allowed to twist the facts. ;)

@Dr.Thrax Since you needed a clarification. Here you are.

Read above, news is false. Total number of Iranians killed in Syria barely reaches 50. Anyway, nationality doesn't matter, they are also our brothers. Good news is, they have killed a much larger number of terrorists.


'Southern Front' operation in Dera'a hasn't achieved anything yet, and at least 50 of their forces were killed in their attacks on Dera'a yesterday. (some sources saying their casualties is much higher). SAA is holding up very good for now despite being stretched in different fronts in Deraa, let's see if they are not ordered to retreat, again.


Daesh has seized some land around Hasakah, there are reports that Issam Zahradine is already in Hasakah along with some Sunni tribal fighters to hold off Daesh advances around the city.

Dude, we killed like 100 of your IRGC officers and commanders at least and you're saying 50? :omghaha: And those Afghan refugees are barely given any food, how are they supposed to "kill plenty of terrorists?" Lies are real.
As for the "no gains in Dara'a" comment, look at the above map. Which is outdated already.
Rebels, as in their usual routine, take Industrial areas first. They're taking as many plants as possible, and now reports are saying that they've taken the Air Force Intelligence building too.

Split of Syrian population caused by the different factions:

Syrian People (undivided) -> SAA - > Alawite/Sunni -> Daesh -> Muslim/non-Muslim -> PYD -> Kurd/Arab.
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Dude, we killed like 100 of your IRGC officers and commanders at least and you're saying 50? :omghaha: And those Afghan refugees are barely given any food, how are they supposed to "kill plenty of terrorists?" Lies are real.

Talking big, just like Nusra-affiliated Twitter accounts. That's the easiest thing to do. Besides killing thousands of IRGC, you have also captured 400,000 alive, as terrorist accounts are claiming on a daily basis they have killed/captured Iranians in Syria.
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