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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I met this brave Syrian Arab lady 2 weeks ago before she departed to Syria to work at a hospital. She has been working in ransacked and poorly equipped hospitals (what is left of those) in FSA held areas of Syria for many months in the past 2 years and she held a speech for the Arab community in Copenhagen in late May and at the University about her experiences. She is very much anti Al-Assad but also anti-fanatics such as Al-Nusra and ISIS obviously. She is also not a fan of the Islamic Front and prefers secularism (she told me).

She has a blog and Facebook page but it is in Danish unfortunately. She went to Syria to work as a doctor (saving children etc.) last week. Now based in the Idlib area.

Very kind lady in her late 20's.

I spoke about her for the first time already 1.5 years ago here when I first heard about her. Back then she had an blog in Arabic. Can't find it now.


No doubt she is a hero. Born in Syria but came to Denmark at the age of 7 (if I recall) and now she is going back to Syria to help the most needy and sacrificing everything to safe civilians while living in such a stable country like Denmark. Yet we never hear about her or similar people in the media. Or at least very rarely. Those are the heroes. Same with those working in refugee camps.

There are 1000's of such Syrians out there that we must pray for and think about during this Ramadan. Same in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and elsewhere in trouble.

I said it many times but we should walk with our heads bowed down because for me it is unthinkable that we can tolerate status quo for much longer. I don't know what it takes? Removal of all leaders? New generation? More righteous people?

What I know is that it must end.




Sad, very sad.

Peace should arrive immediately to the region otherwise it will be in chaos all our life's I am afraid and nobody will ever be able to go back or visit and feel secure. Much will be destroyed and it will be even harder to achieve the goals.
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so who is fighting who

Cute family. lols @ the wheels of that toy car
Get ready for one of the most confusing conflicts on the planet.
Assad is fighting rebels and bombing the civilian population.
Assad is scarcely fighting ISIS (6% of his attacks.) He helps ISIS with airstrikes and artillery fire when ISIS attack rebels.
Assad occasionally fights with YPG but also allies with them on occasion.
Groups allied with regime (who fight/"advise" on the ground) - SAA, SyAAF, SyAN, NDF, Suqour al Sahara, Quds force, IRGC, Iranian Army, Hezbollah, some Russian army advisers.
Rebels fight Assad.
Rebels fight ISIS.
Rebels ally or are neutral with YPG most of the time. They have clashed with them before but now they're mostly neutral minus some FSA factions who are allied with YPG in their offensives in Northeastern Aleppo and Northern Raqqa.
Rebel allied groups - FSA, Islamic Front, Jabhat al Nusra (most of the time; seen by some as a separate entity, but still co-operate with rebels and are anti-ISIS and anti-Assad, therefore grouped as rebel), Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance, Jaysh al Fateh (includes some of the previous groups and more) and a lot of other smaller groups who affiliate with these groups. Note: Some large groups (such as Ahrar al Sham and Jaysh al Islam) have merged into Islamic Front, but they are not the same group yet. Also another note: Hamas have given advice to rebels on tunnel warfare, so they advise them, and openly support rebels against Assad, but not on the ground.
YPG fight ISIS.
YPG fight Assad on occasion.
YPG are neutral with most rebel factions but allied with some FSA. Clashed with rebels previously.
YPG allied groups - YPG, YPJ, PKK, Peshmerga (fought alongside YPG in Ayn al Arab for a little), Al-Sanadid, Asayish, Sutoro.
ISIS fight everyone.
ISIS groups - ISIS, Liwa Shuhudaa Yarmouk (fight rebels near Israeli border, mostly subdued by now.)
Now Druze are forming their own militias, some are pro-Assad, some anti-Assad, but they would prefer to have the conflict away from them so they formed their own armed groups.\

Also that is not a cute family, that is the family of a mass-murderer. Just saying.
Southern Front announce beginning of offensive to capture Daraa
Now if only they didn't get their nipples in a twist about Southern Jaysh al Fateh.
Also congrats on that 16,000th post.

Graphic: Video on Division 13's battle in Layramoun and Khaldiya districts. POV + the killing of 3 Assadists who tried to flee. Do NOT watch if weak-hearted:
Here is a map of what happened due to the storming in Khaldiya from Layramoun:

Blue is territory previously held by rebels; Green is recently acquired (the storming video); Yellow is contested; and Red is regime controlled. My city will be free soon inshallah. It has endured enough.
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So? Syrian army is 200,000. Insurgents is only 30,000. WE are the majority. YOU are the minority. The majority always wins tee hee hee ta haa haa :nana:

the number doesn't matter.

what matters is how well they are trained and their morale level, and how you use them.

it's not like the SAA are like the Russians of WW2 who were willing to lose 10 men to kill 1 Nazi.

YPG cannot do anything without the support of anti-Arab ISIS groups such as FSA, Islamic Front and the civilian population. Let alone attacking and conquering Raqqah (lol). Kurds number no more than 2 million people while the Arab population of Syria numbers 20 million. 10 times as much. Neither the Al-Assad regime or ISIS are pro-Kurd and while FSA and the Islamic Front works with YPG when it suits all parties they won't ever tolerate Kurds string trouble up or trying to conquer ancient Arab/Semitic lands of Syria. They should limit their presence to tiny Northeastern Syria otherwise they will be taught a lesson that they will remember for a long time.

Had it not been for the Western/Arab/coalition bombings in Syria ISIS would have overran most of the Kurdish areas.

Those stateless Kakas should not get ahead of themselves.

@Dr.Thrax @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Antaréss

We know that Kurds can't do shit by themselves...before the coalition airstrikes they got beaten by ISIS in every front both in Syria and Iraq.

The key word here is "coalition airstrikes".
Thanks for the explanation but that's not my impression but you for sure must know better than me unless you are biased here.

Yes, again. Unless Syria and Libya became Indian countries or Ugandan ones.

Not all. A few are still pro/neutral such as Iraq and Algeria. Most are understandably anti-Al-Assad just like 95% became anti-Saddam when he started committing war crimes.

The same thing will happen with any other leader that repeats those grave mistakes. Not sure why you are surprised?

No, he just happened to rule for 40+ years and was one of the longest ruling head of states when he lived. So much for republicanism buddy. Direct democracy? OK. Never heard that one before.

Ba'athism is a dead ideology and a mixture of nazism, socialism, nationalism, communism etc. The one we saw in practice at least. As you know communism also sounded like a sweet innocent ideology when first created/drafted by Karl Max. In practice it was a different ball game.

LOL, at the Kurdish butthurt. Saudi Arabia borders the Levant region directly and mutual population movements from both regions have occurred for millenniums. All the ancestors of Sham and nearby regions lived on the Arabian Peninsula for millenniums before they made the journey northwards. Both Semitic regions too. DNA tests confirm the closeness on all fronts let alone in terms of religion, language, culture, cuisine, history etc. Same tribes and clans, similar dialects. You name it.

Next thing will be that Jordanians and Saudi Arabians are a world apart.:lol:

That's because Kurds are not homogenous and a fairly new ethnicity. In reality you are mixed with Arabs, various Semites and other peoples.

Mizrahi Jews are Arab Jews from across the Arab world (Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Iraq etc.) so no shit sherlock.

Turks too are mixed with Arabs and Semites and other ME people. Hardly strange given their geographic proximity.


No one is homogenous except perhaps the 300 000 icelandic people. Especially not the 450 million Arabs. And no the ethnicity has been known since biblical times when it mentioned a people whom were not zoroastrian living in zagros region. The romans adopted Mithraism from us.

I am talking about the average citizen here. Of course there are those tribes closer to Saudis living in the southern regions of Syria, Jordan etc.

Mizrahi Jews are not Arab Jews, wtf are you on? Mizrahi Jews who migrated east mixed alot with Hurrian groups. hence the jewish connection with Armenians, Assyrians and even Kurds. Out 10 people I was genetically close to Mizrahi Jews from different countries as far as uzbekistan popped up 5 times. An Iraqi Jews is much closer to a Kurd than to a Saudi. Jordanians, Palestinians are basically the same people, they are closer to Syrians than to Saudis, of course there are different cases but not when speaking of average.
Not interested in your story telling. I stick to historical facts. You have no clue about the Arab world.

Arab Jews are the biggest Jewish group in the world and they are identical to Arab Muslims and Arab Christians.

People of KSA (especially the North and Hijaz) are extremely close to people of Levant as well. On all fronts. Every Arab knows that. I don't need a Kurd of all people to tell me otherwise. Aside from Egypt next door. Southwest is close to Yemen and Eastern KSA is close to Iraq and Iran and the remaining Eastern Arabia countries. Najd is close to Southern Iraq and is now inhabited by people from all regions.

Now PKK close in on Raqa, capturing Tel Abyad.

The Kurds are almost contiguous. Right now she need an access to the sea. From what I see, the most straight forward way is to take Turkish Kurd land.

Kurdish forces capture ISIL base near Syria's Raqqa - Al Jazeera English


That will never happen. You are ignorant about the region.
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We know that Kurds can't do shit by themselves...before the coalition airstrikes they got beaten by ISIS in every front both in Syria and Iraq.

The key word here is "coalition airstrikes".

Tell me of one faction that has been successful against IS without any airsupport?

Arab Jews does not equal Mizrahi Jews. Mizrahi Jews are basically jews who stayed in the middle east. Middle east is more than an Arab region.
Tell me of one faction that has been successful against IS without any airsupport?

Arab Jews does not equal Mizrahi Jews. Mizrahi Jews are basically jews who stayed in the middle east. Middle east is more than an Arab region.

I will try again. Mizrahi Jews basically amounts to Arab Jews (of course there are Jews from non-Arab countries but they are a minority). Over half of the Israeli Jewish population in Israel descends from Arab Jewish people mostly. Whether from Yemen, Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, Libya or elsewhere. It's a fact. Mizrahi Jews make up 61% of Israel's population of which 85% or so of them are Arab Jews.

We have 6 or so Israelis here on PDF. Hal of those are Mizrahi/Arab Jews originating from the Arab world (Yemen, Morocco and Iraq if my memory serves me right). Rest are Eastern European Jews.

Arab Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why don't you take a look at the demographics of Israel instead of writing bullshit again?

Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only substantial Jewish Mizrahi minority that does not originate from an Arab country are Iranian Jews. Look at the demographical numbers.

Let alone the actual 21% Arab Palestinians that are Israeli citizens.


Now back to Syria.


It's definitely a question of time before Aleppo falls. Let us hope that it happens as soon as possible.
I will try again. Mizrahi Jews basically amounts to Arab Jews (of course there are Jews from non-Arab countries but they are a minority). Over half of the Israeli Jewish population in Israel descends from Arab Jewish people mostly. Whether from Yemen, Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, Libya or elsewhere. It's a fact. Mizrahi Jews make up 61% of Israel's population of which 85% or so of them are Arab Jews.

We have 6 or so Israelis here on PDF. Hal of those are Mizrahi/Arab Jews originating from the Arab world (Yemen, Morocco and Iraq if my memory serves me right). Rest are Eastern European Jews.

Arab Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why don't you take a look at the demographics of Israel instead of writing bullshit again?

Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only substantial Jewish Mizrahi minority that does not originate from an Arab country are Iranian Jews. Look at the demographical numbers.

Let alone the actual 21% Arab Palestinians that are Israeli citizens.

Mizrahi Jew still does not equal Arab Jew.
Mizrahi Jew still does not equal Arab Jew.

Hence why they are also called Arab Jews. I don't care what you call them the fact is that most non-European Jews are Jews originating from the Arab world. Thus Arab Jews. Something that all demographic numbers confirm. Arabs and Jews are cousins anyway and neighbors.

My last post on this topic.


Syrian regime barrel bomb kills 10 civilians in Aleppo: Monitor

Syrian man runs for cover from a Syrian government forces airstrike attack, in Aleppo, Syria. Yesterday civilians and 2 children killed in a bomb attack on a mosque during the Magrib prayers. (File Photo: AP)
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
At least 10 civilians, including two children, were killed Monday in a government barrel bomb attack on a mosque in Syria's northern city of Aleppo, a monitoring group said.

"The faithful were in the middle of the Maghrib (evening) prayers in a mosque in Aleppo's rebel-held district of Ansari," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, adding that the attack also left some 20 people injured.

Last Update: Tuesday, 23 June 2015 KSA 11:43 - GMT 08:43

Tell me of one faction that has been successful against IS without any airsupport?

Arab Jews does not equal Mizrahi Jews. Mizrahi Jews are basically jews who stayed in the middle east. Middle east is more than an Arab region.

The Iraqi popular mobilization forces. Who stopped Baghdad from being taken? Not the US. Don't lie either,
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