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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Yes, they can.

That's not strange when 75-80% of the population of Syria is Sunni Arab. Thus they will be the majority on most fields. There might be more Sunni Arab Ba'athsit's than any other group in Syria (Alawis are close to that number despite being 10 times smaller in terms of total numbers - hence why one should always look at percentages here) while Sunni Arabs are by far the main opposition group too. Your logic is not working fully here. Besides it totally depends on the family, area of Syria etc. Homs for instance was always a bastion of traditionalism and conservatism while Damascus like all other Arab metropolis was/is more liberal.

You have to be kidding. All those areas that you mention (with the exception of certain neighborhoods of Damascus) are pro-opposition. Of course not ISIS or YPG.

I am not wrong and if I am you should tell me why. We will see. Just know that I predicted the current day-situation in Yemen last year and Iraq 2 years ago here on PDF.

I also told that the worst thing that can happen in KSA since the emergence of ISIS (early 2014) was a few sporadic car bombs here and there and terrorist attacks and since that time we have seen 3 of those and nothing else.

Let's count some numbers, shall we? Syria defense minister Sunni from Hama. Syria prime minister Sunni from Daraa. Both Syria vice presidents Sunni from Damascus. Syria first lady Sunni from Homs. In terms of numbers, Sunni Baathists outnumber Shia Baathists by at least 5 to 1. Alawi 12% of population. Sunni Arabs 60% of population. 5 to 1.

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We don't know what they were with 100% certainty as we have different claim of what ethnicity they belonged to originally. They themselves claimed to be Hashemites and also intermarried with Arabs. By that logic I can say that they were Arab as they also followed much of Arabic culture, Islam etc.

For an empire/kingdom/sheikdom/imamate/emirate to be labelled as belonging to someone/something culture, practices, language, areas ruled, the ethnicity of the majority of the subjects etc. are crucial. In that case the Ayyubids were clearly an Arab empire. Especially as Salah ad-Din himself was born in Iraq, was fully Arabized and even of partial Arab descent and he even married Arabs and died on Arab land.

Safavids were an Iranian empire. Not an Kurdish, Arab or Azeri one.

Also nobody disputes that for instance the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid Caliphates/Empires were Muslim Arab empires just like nobody disputes that Sassanids were an Iranian empire (regardless of ruling non-Iranian land, intermarrying with foreigners too etc.) or that the Akkadians, Babylonians or Assyrians were Semitic empires. Or that the British Empire was British.

But you missed that Kurds regard "Kurdistan" as their home. They don't regard Ahvaz, Zahedan, Bandar Abbas, Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad or Rasht as their homeland.

Why are you talking about the Saddam Hussein regime? Various Iranian regimes, especially the current one, have hunted down and discriminated Kurds very much too. It happens to this day. At least Kurds in Iraq have autonomy and their language is official. Iraq is bette for Kurds today than Iran is.

Iranian Kurds and the Iranian state has been at war for decades and close to 30.000 have died if I am not wrong. The difference is that Iraq has been totally unstable since the 1980's and Syria since the civil war erupted while Iran has been ruled with an iron fist by the Mullah's and before the Shah. Once the Kurds try to stir trouble up other minorities will do the same and we all know it. Or at least the potential is there if their rights remain small and their culture oppressed. Similar to how minorities in the Arab world have reacted and can react. There is already an Baluch insurgency. Ironically two Iranian peoples in Iran are the most active separatists in Iran. Both stateless people too.
The identity of Safavids and Ayyubids are clear. The mongols and Turkic ruled in mainly non-mongol empires, converted to Islam, adopted arab and persians names, some became linguistically and culturally persian, however they are still counted as non-Iranian empires. Safavids were Iranian yes, however Kurdish non-persian Iranian in origin, like Akkadian semitic, an other group of semitic than arabs.

About the kurds not feeling Zahedan or Ahvaz as their homeland, in Iranian Kurds this feeling is really low, not only because of that 30-40% of Iranian Kurds are shia, but also because of their Iranian background, they feel more connected to Iran. The kurds of Ottoman empire lived totally separated from Iran and formed their identity independent of Iran.

Kurds of Iran of have political issues, however it differs from other countries as I said. Those thousands of deaths were not kurds, but from all nations of Iran, actually more non-kurds than Kurds. Never were Iranian Kurds attacked because of ethnic hate (like in other countries). Iranian autocratic goverments even helped them (shah till 1975 supported kurds, Islamic republic supported kurds during Iran-Iraq war, especially PUK and now against ISIS).
As i said the situation of Kurds in Iran is extremely different because of historical and cultural reasons.
Let's count some numbers, shall we? Syria defense minister Sunni from Hama. Syria prime minister Sunni from Daraa. Both of Syria vice presidents Sunni from Damascus. Syria first lady Sunni from Homs. In terms of numbers, Sunni Baathists outnumber Shia Baathists by at least 5 to 1. Alawi 12% of population. Sunni Arabs 60% of population. 5 to 1.

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't understand what I am writing to you do you? You don't get it? Shall I write to you in Arabic or French? I sadly can't speak Mandarin.

Buddy, stick to your idiotic polls.
You don't understand what I am writing to you do you? You don't get it? Shall I write to you in Arabic or French? I sadly can't speak Mandarin.

Buddy, stick to your idiotic polls.

I showed you proof, Sunni % in Baath party = 60%, which is national average of Sunni Arabs in Syria. This is a simple number game. The Baath party is Sunni dominated, just as insurgents, where Sunni Arab % is likely 95 to 100 %.
Let's count some numbers, shall we? Syria defense minister Sunni from Hama. Syria prime minister Sunni from Daraa. Both Syria vice presidents Sunni from Damascus. Syria first lady Sunni from Homs. In terms of numbers, Sunni Baathists outnumber Shia Baathists by at least 5 to 1. Alawi 12% of population. Sunni Arabs 60% of population. 5 to 1.

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most ISIS members are Sunni. Does that mean they have support from the Sunni population? No. But by your logic, yes,.
Sunni ba'athists is a funny idea. Most "Sunni ba'athists" are people who benefitted from the regime (drug trade, arms trade, money laundering, and whatever else the regime participated in). Most Sunnis nowadays disassociate with the regime completely, especially since the regime bombs them daily for being Sunni.
The identity of Safavids and Ayyubids are clear. The mongols and Turkic ruled in mainly non-mongol empires, converted to Islam, adopted arab and persians names, some became linguistically and culturally persian, however they are still counted as non-Iranian empires. Safavids were Iranian yes, however Kurdish non-persian Iranian in origin, like Akkadian semitic, an other group of semitic than arabs.

About the kurds not feeling Zahedan or Ahvaz as their homeland, in Iranian Kurds this feeling is really low, not only because of that 30-40% of Iranian Kurds are shia, but also because of their Iranian background, they feel more connected to Iran. The kurds of Ottoman empire lived totally separated from Iran and formed their identity independent of Iran.

Kurds of Iran of have political issues, however it differs from other countries as I said. Those thousands of deaths were not kurds, but from all nations of Iran, actually more non-kurds than Kurds. Never were Iranian Kurds attacked because of ethnic hate (like in other countries). Iranian autocratic goverments even helped them (shah till 1975 supported kurds, Islamic republic supported kurds during Iran-Iraq war, especially PUK and now against ISIS).
As i said the situation of Kurds in Iran is extremely different because of historical and cultural reasons.

You know that what I wrote and the characteristics of defining what is what is the correct one and it is also used by historians worldwide. Let's leave that aside, I gave a long explanation why that is.

What I am trying to tell you is that most Kurds regard "Kurdistan" as their homeland. Not Damascus, Basra or Shiraz. Kurds in Turkey have more in common with Turks, Kurds in Iraq with Iraqi Arabs and Kurds in Syria with Syrians. Aside from Kurdish-Kurdish relations but as you know Kurds don't even speak the same dialect. I am not an expert but I have a Kurdish Iraqi friend and he told me that he does not understand certain Kurdish dialects at all. Mostly from abroad (non-KRG).

Simiarily Assyrians in Iran have more in common with their immediate neighbors nowadays than Chaldeans for instance or other Semitic groups.

I am talking about this.


Kurdish separatism in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mentioned that because you started to talk about Saddam. My point was/is that you would be against Kurdish separatism and land grabbing of non-Kurdish lands in Iran just as Syrians and Iraqis are against Kurds doing that in their countries and Turks. That's all.
Most ISIS members are Sunni. Does that mean they have support from the Sunni population? No. But by your logic, yes,.
Sunni ba'athists is a funny idea. Most "Sunni ba'athists" are people who benefitted from the regime (drug trade, arms trade, money laundering, and whatever else the regime participated in). Most Sunnis nowadays disassociate with the regime completely, especially since the regime bombs them daily for being Sunni.

True that insurgents are almost all 100% Sunni Arabs. However their % of support is very low. Assad won 2014 election on 89% of national support. That means insurgents had only 11% support, even though 100% of this 11% support is from Sunni Arabs.

Now you know why insurgents only have a small city like Idlib which is not even 100,000 people, compared to Baathist places like Damascus, western Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Daraa, Deir es Zor which have hundreds of thousands of people upwards to millions of people. It's a numbers game.
Ok, I will try in English again.

"That's not strange when 75-80% of the population of Syria is Sunni Arab. Thus they will be the majority on most fields. There might be more Sunni Arab Ba'athsit's than any other group in Syria (Alawis are close to that number despite being 10 times smaller in terms of total numbers - hence why one should always look at percentages here) while Sunni Arabs are by far the main opposition group too. Your logic is not working fully here. Besides it totally depends on the family, area of Syria etc. Homs for instance was always a bastion of traditionalism and conservatism while Damascus like all other Arab metropolis was/is more liberal."

Shall I surprise you again?

For instance most of the Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein was composed of Iraqi Shia Arabs. They were the ones who killed most Iranians and Iranians were mostly killing them and not Iraqi Sunni Arabs. Yet everyone knows that compared to PERCENTAGES Iraqi Sunni Arabs were the dominating group under Saddam.

I can assure you that very few Syrians, not even Syrian Lion, supports pure Ba'athism anymore. It's dead. It had nothing to do with Arab nationalism anyway. It was a foreign ideology and a mixture of socialism, nazism and nationalism. Some ideas were good (like with almost any ideology) but most were idiotic.

I always laugh when non-Arabs believe that Ba'athism is the only "Arabism". It seems that they are at least 1400 years behind in time and many millenniums if we are talking about an Semitic identity.

Syria is 75 to 80 % Sunni is moot. Sunni Arabs are 60% of population. A majority but not overwhelming. Christians come second at 13%. Kurds are Sunnis but they fight their own battles. This stat was back in early 2011 so a bit has changed since then. Pie chart in link below.

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By your logic, there are 146 million Russians, surely they can take over Ukraine which has 42 million people. Uh, just because one is majority one is minority, doesn't mean the majority can conquer the minority. If that were the case, hundreds of millions of Arabs would have conquered Israel which is a country of a few million Jews.
Arabia is the cradle of Islam and of the Arab world along with the Arabian Peninsula as a whole and immediate Arab Middle East.

Besides it's the right of any Arab to comment on events in any given Arab country. We don't need authorization from stateless people who are a small minority in that given country (Syria).

What I wrote about you Kurds is correct. In any case big words from a stateless people that have amounted to almost nothing in history. You can't even establish a state for God's sake and here you are barking. Don't compare yourself to Arabians as you don't even reach our toes historically.

All of Northern Syria is traditional Arab, Assyrian and Semitic areas and have nothing to do with Kurds who are recent migrants. Nowadays this is not so important due to migrations (but nevertheless it's history) and that's why you Kurds should remain confined to your tiny areas of mainly Northeastern Syria but even that you do not understand hence you meet enmity from all sides.

At least admit that your sole interest in Syria is purely to divide that country.

People are well aware of your crimes against non-Kurdish populations in Syria while you are trying to appear like saints in the Western media.

All your alliances with local Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians are temporarily as long as your end goal is to steal their land.

Also keep dreaming about gaining access to the Mediterranean Sea. That will never happen and those areas are all inhabited by Arabs whether Sunni or Alawi. They won't tolerate if their lands will be stolen from Kurds.

Stick to your made up "Rojava" and commie groups.

Also quit using the Jordanian flag.

All the Arab users should know about your agenda here and intentions which are not aligned with that of Arabs.

Normal non-anti-Arab Kurds are excluded here completely but your likes and those you support are not.

But anyway as I and several other users told you (among them Syrian Arabs) in this very thread whether Al-Assad, FSA, Islamic Front, Secular Syrians, Atheist Syrians or ISIS none will tolerate Kurds stealing land that does not belong to them or their crimes.


you're good at spewing shit, I have no time for reading shit. Do you have a life writing these 3000+ words essays constantly, do you? Arab here Arab there, grow up for god's sake. And you keep adding that Salman al Farsi retard at the end of your posts. Like you and him have something in common. Well I do follow Iranian forums, Iraqi forums and Turkish forums, just reading. And I know a salman al persian when I see one, if you think he has a love relationship to you saudis you're so wrong buddy. You know it was him I was refering to having his face sideways alongside Cyrus the Iranian emperor

Also stop comparing 300 000 million Arabs to 30 million Kurds how stupid can you be? I was wrong saying you're acting as the representative of the Arab world even though you saudis are the filth of the Arab world. More like a wannabe semitic emperor. GROW UP. Shall I go and claim to be the representative of the Indo-European or Iranic world or something? Shall I go and claim Germans to be my kin or something? The way you do with Assyrians and others. You actually think a Syrian or Iraqi are genetically close to you saudis? Is it that they're much lighter than you saudis and you want to associate with them? Problems knowing your true identity?
Most ISIS members are Sunni. Does that mean they have support from the Sunni population? No. But by your logic, yes,.
Sunni ba'athists is a funny idea. Most "Sunni ba'athists" are people who benefitted from the regime (drug trade, arms trade, money laundering, and whatever else the regime participated in). Most Sunnis nowadays disassociate with the regime completely, especially since the regime bombs them daily for being Sunni.

You are talking to Superboy brother. If he went to Syria right now and tried to speak with Syrians of all backgrounds he would quickly realize that Syrian Ba'athism is practically more or less dead.

you're good at spewing shit, I have no time for reading shit. Do you have a life writing these 3000+ words essays constantly, do you? Arab here Arab there, grow up for god's sake. And you keep adding that Salman al Farsi retard at the end of your posts. Like you and him have something in common. Well I do follow Iranian forums, Iraqi forums and Turkish forums, just reading. And I know a salman al persian when I see one, if you think he has a love relationship to you saudis you're so wrong buddy. You know it was him I was refering to having his face sideways alongside Cyrus the Iranian emperor

Also stop comparing 300 000 million Arabs to 30 million Kurds how stupid can you be? I was wrong saying you're acting as the representative of the Arab world even though you saudis are the filth of the Arab world. More like a wannabe semitic emperor. GROW UP. Shall I go and claim to be the representative of the Indo-European or Iranic world or something? Shall I go and claim Germans to be my kin or something? The way you do with Assyrians and others. You actually think a Syrian or Iraqi are genetically close to you saudis? Is it that they're much lighter than you saudis and you want to associate with them? Problems knowing your true identity?

Historical facts don't turn into "shit" just because they happen to be painful if one is a Kurd or someone else. I am a fast writer, you should try this instead of spending 1 hour writing complete and utter nonsense like you just did.

Syria is an Arab country, I am an Arab, this section of PDF mostly deals with Arab affairs. You got a problem?

Yes, we are Arabs and I don't care what he likes or not. We have cordial ties besides I am of mixed ancestry.

Arabs actually number 450 million people if the diaspora is included.

I was not comparing Arabs with Kurds but Arabians. You started talking shit because I wrote the truth and it hurt you. There were no insults involved either before you began.

You are an idiot and have inferiority complexes and no clue about Arab or Semitic history or that of the region but that is expected of stateless people with little culture or heritage.

Go open a thread about your 1.5 million Kurds in Syria. Nobody gives a shit outside of you. Also stop using a Jordanian flag and pretending to be a friend of Arabs when you are clearly anti-Arab.
Why is communism and socialism so popular in India?

popular ??

you forget that the present indian government is led by the hindu reactionary party, bjp, and if you visit the south asian threads, you will see me ( a socialist ) constantly bombarded by so many indian members who tend to be ultra-nationalist and aligned with bjp and rss ( the background movement of bjp ).

the indian youth of the last 20 years has been of the reactionary type, putting religious/pseudo-religious doctrines before general welfare of society... and "commies" are a much maligned lot.

this is different from the earlier decades, especially the 60's, when students actually joined armed socialist movements against the establishment and yet others agitated in the cities through other means.

and i am among a few muslim socialists in present india, and i am not so old... different from earlier decades since 1921 ( establishment of indian communist party ) when muslims were greatly participant.

Please explain to me once and for all why you have a fetish for Arab Ba'ath regimes

the "arab world" again ?? yeah, most of the "arab league" ranged against arab syria.

and in particular the Gaddafi regime? Outline the reasons why his vision, regime (not what they preached about but what they actually did) is so much better than anything else?

gaddafi wasn't a president or prime minister... indeed, there was entirely a unique system in libyan jamahiriya... a direct-democracy.

but what you ask, i must compile from earlier posts and you must give me a few days... besides, i am sleepy.

Why do you believe that Syrians want to be ruled by the Al-Assad regime

he is a fine leader.

and by outdated Ba'athism that is not fit for this era and time?

ba'athism should proceed along its socialist journey and adopt the green book.

but more of this another time please.
You are talking to Superboy brother. If he went to Syria right now and tried to speak with Syrians of all backgrounds he would quickly realize that Syrian Ba'athism is practically more or less dead.

Baath party is the biggest brand of secularism in Syria. Yes the Baath party is the biggest, but it's not the only party. During 2014 election the two other candidates were Sunni guys who are not from the Baath party.

Syrian presidential election, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also I don't need to prove a shit to you. We have had our states and our bigger kingdoms. Deny whatever you want and claim whatever you want. But don't forget that you're saudi.
True that insurgents are almost all 100% Sunni Arabs. However their % of support is very low. Assad won 2014 election on 89% of national support. That means insurgents had only 11% support, even though 100% of this 11% support is from Sunni Arabs.

Now you know why insurgents only have a small city like Idlib which is not even 100,000 people, compared to Baathist places like Damascus, western Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Daraa, Deir es Zor which have hundreds of thousands of people upwards to millions of people. It's a numbers game.
Are you really that dense?
Assad's elections are as fair as Putin's, or the CCP's. I.E. not fair at all. And FYI, 89% is IMPOSSIBLE. With 100 people 89% is impossible. Now try 12 million ("the turnout" for the "vote")
you're good at spewing shit, I have no time for reading shit. Do you have a life writing these 3000+ words essays constantly, do you? Arab here Arab there, grow up for god's sake. And you keep adding that Salman al Farsi retard at the end of your posts. Like you and him have something in common. Well I do follow Iranian forums, Iraqi forums and Turkish forums, just reading. And I know a salman al persian when I see one, if you think he has a love relationship to you saudis you're so wrong buddy. You know it was him I was refering to having his face sideways alongside Cyrus the Iranian emperor

Also stop comparing 300 000 million Arabs to 30 million Kurds how stupid can you be? I was wrong saying you're acting as the representative of the Arab world even though you saudis are the filth of the Arab world. More like a wannabe semitic emperor. GROW UP. Shall I go and claim to be the representative of the Indo-European or Iranic world or something? Shall I go and claim Germans to be my kin or something? The way you do with Assyrians and others. You actually think a Syrian or Iraqi are genetically close to you saudis? Is it that they're much lighter than you saudis and you want to associate with them? Problems knowing your true identity?
Uhm, they are genetically close to us. That's the reason Syrian Arabs are Arab. Otherwise we'd just be a mix of Romans, Greeks, Turks, Kurds, and Persians.
Syria is 75 to 80 % Sunni is moot. Sunni Arabs are 60% of population. A majority but not overwhelming. Christians come second at 13%. Kurds are Sunnis but they fight their own battles. This stat was back in early 2011 so a bit has changed since then. Pie chart in link below.

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By your logic, there are 146 million Russians, surely they can take over Ukraine which has 42 million people. Uh, just because one is majority one is minority, doesn't mean the majority can conquer the minority. If that were the case, hundreds of millions of Arabs would have conquered Israel which is a country of a few million Jews.

What are you taking about? Syrian Sunni Arabs form at least 70-75% of the population. Closer to 75-80% in fact if the diaspora (immediate) is included which is likely to return one day at least partially. Look at all the statistics. Turkmens number no more than 500.000 people, Kurds. 1.7 million and the rest are Alawi Arabs and Christian who number no more than 3.5-4 million people in total. Probably less due to the civil war nowadays and the migrations to Lebanon of mostly Syrian Christians. Assyrians are a too small minority these days.

Even your beloved Wikipedia states that the percentage is 74%. So yeah, nice fairytale with those 60%.

I am not sure what you are blabbering about or where Ukraine comes into the picture or Russian. Nor is anyone talking about "taking over anything".

We are telling you that it is not strange that Sunni Arabs form a large percentage of pro-Assad Syrians when they form at least 75% of the total population. On the same hand Sunni Arabs are the main opposition to the same Al-Assad regime.

You don't seem to get that.


Lol at that stateless Kurd who is probably partially Arab to begin with. People from what is today KSA (basically Arabia) controlled the ME for almost 1000 years and the land that he now claim as Kurdistan. Hilarious. Yes, talk about your non-existing "empires" and the non-existing Kurdistan which never existed as a state and is not even clearly defined. Nowadays it just correspondents to majority Kurdish inhabited areas. In any case a small land-locked area of the ME with few resources. No chance of survival if alienating Arabs, Turks or Iranians next by so good luck with that project and gaining supremacy in the region, lol.
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