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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Are they moving together with FSA or is it only YPG?

No such thing as FSA. It's all Salafists over there. FSA is only a PR stunt. You know that green white black flag with three red stars in the middle? That's what I'm talking about.
Are they moving together with FSA or is it only YPG?
Some FSA group(s) are with them, I don't know which one or how large they are. But I think YPG commands them.


YPG cannot do anything without the support of anti-Arab ISIS groups such as FSA, Islamic Front and the civilian population. Let alone attacking and conquering Raqqah (lol). Kurds number no more than 2 million people while the Arab population of Syria numbers 20 million. 10 times as much. Neither the Al-Assad regime or ISIS are pro-Kurd and while FSA and the Islamic Front works with YPG when it suits all parties they won't ever tolerate Kurds string trouble up or trying to conquer ancient Arab/Semitic lands of Syria. They should limit their presence to tiny Northeastern Syria otherwise they will be taught a lesson that they will remember for a long time.

Had it not been for the Western/Arab/coalition bombings in Syria ISIS would have overran most of the Kurdish areas.

Those stateless Kakas should not get ahead of themselves.

@Dr.Thrax @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Antaréss
Islamic Front factions reject cooperating with the PYD and YPG because of their leftist ideology and perception as Kurdish militias of the Syrian regime.
Islamic Front factions reject cooperating with the PYD and YPG because of their leftist ideology and perception as Kurdish militias of the Syrian regime.

Yet they have cooperated when it has suited both parties. Also there is nothing strange about that. Not only is their ideology idiotic but it is also alien to Syria. Communism and socialism should have no place in the Arab world. Their sole interest is establishing a Kurdish autonomous region in Syria. They don't care about anything else. If ISIS had left them alone they would not have fought against them in the first place. Kurds never seem to learn from history and that's the main reason why they remain stateless and have done so practically forever. Instead of sticking to their small majority regions they are hungry for more and eager to create enemies whether in Syria or Iraq. In any case they are very much divided among themselves. So much for their "ghairat".

Aside from that ISIS has a sizable Kurdish presence.
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Okay but you know I'm right. :bounce:
Kurds have NO attention of attacking Raqqa. just people adding salt to recent advances made by YPG and YPG backed rebels.

"Borqan forat Commander (ypg+rebels) We do not recognize any borders with ISIS criminals. via @amedibo "


Gire Spi/Til Abyad 2012


There is the historical Sham and the french drawn Syria. The French made Syria's borders were based on a railway. Kurds have had a long historical presence in Syria but also a recent one which was based on a railway where Kurdish towns and villages were split into two. Something the French didn't mind as they were "good farmers" and wanted Jazira to be the breadbasket of Syria.

Yet they have cooperated when it has suited both parties. Also there is nothing strange about that. Not only is their ideology idiotic but it is also alien to Syria. Communism and socialism should have no place in the Arab world. Their sole interest is establishing a Kurdish autonomous region in Syria. They don't care about anything else. If ISIS had left them alone they would not have fought against them in the first place. Kurds never seem to learn from history and that's the main reason why they remain stateless and have done so practically forever. Instead of sticking to their small majority regions they are hungry for more and eager to create enemies whether in Syria or Iraq. In any case they are very much divided among themselves. So much for their "ghairat".

Aside from that ISIS has a sizable Kurdish presence.

Saudis were stupid back then and still are. Stop acting as some representative of the Arab world. You're ridiculing yourself.
Gire Spi/Til Abyad 2012

‫تل أبيض || دفي مغار نوروز 2012 ج1‬‎ - YouTube

There is the historical Sham and the french drawn Syria. The French made Syria's borders were based on a railway. Kurds have had a long historical presence in Syria but also a recent one which was based on a railway where Kurdish towns and villages were split into two. Something the French didn't mind as they were "good farmers" and wanted Jazira to be the breadbasket of Syria.

Saudis were stupid back then and still are. Stop acting as some representative of the Arab world. You're ridiculing yourself.

Arabia is the cradle of Islam and of the Arab world along with the Arabian Peninsula as a whole and immediate Arab Middle East.

Besides it's the right of any Arab to comment on events in any given Arab country. We don't need authorization from stateless people who are a small minority in that given country (Syria).

What I wrote about you Kurds is correct. In any case big words from a stateless people that have amounted to almost nothing in history. You can't even establish a state for God's sake and here you are barking. Don't compare yourself to Arabians as you don't even reach our toes historically.

All of Northern Syria is traditional Arab, Assyrian and Semitic areas and have nothing to do with Kurds who are recent migrants. Nowadays this is not so important due to migrations (but nevertheless it's history) and that's why you Kurds should remain confined to your tiny areas of mainly Northeastern Syria but even that you do not understand hence you meet enmity from all sides.

At least admit that your sole interest in Syria is purely to divide that country.

People are well aware of your crimes against non-Kurdish populations in Syria while you are trying to appear like saints in the Western media.

All your alliances with local Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians are temporarily as long as your end goal is to steal their land.

Also keep dreaming about gaining access to the Mediterranean Sea. That will never happen and those areas are all inhabited by Arabs whether Sunni or Alawi. They won't tolerate if their lands will be stolen from Kurds.

Stick to your made up "Rojava" and commie groups.

Also quit using the Jordanian flag.

All the Arab users should know about your agenda here and intentions which are not aligned with that of Arabs.

Normal non-anti-Arab Kurds are excluded here completely but your likes and those you support are not.

But anyway as I and several other users told you (among them Syrian Arabs) in this very thread whether Al-Assad, FSA, Islamic Front, Secular Syrians, Atheist Syrians or ISIS none will tolerate Kurds stealing land that does not belong to them or their crimes.

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Arabia is the cradle of Islam and of the Arab world along with the Arabian Peninsula as a whole and immediate Arab Middle East.

Besides it's the right of any Arab to comment on events in any given Arab country. We don't need authorization from stateless people who are a small minority in that given country (Syria).

What I wrote about you Kurds is correct. In any case big words from a stateless people that have amounted to almost nothing in history. You can't even establish a state for God's sake and here you are barking. Don't compare yourself to Arabians as you don't even reach our toes historically.

All of Northern Syria is traditional Arab, Assyrian and Semitic areas and have nothing to do with Kurds who are recent migrants. Nowadays this is not so important due to migrations (but nevertheless it's history) and that's why you Kurds should remain confined to your tiny areas of mainly Northeastern Syria but even that you do not understand hence you meet enmity from all sides.

At least admit that your sole interest in Syria is purely to divide that country.

People are well aware of your crimes against non-Kurdish populations in Syria while you are trying to appear like saints in the Western media.

All your alliances with local Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians are temporarily as long as your end goal is to steal their land.

Also keep dreaming about gaining access to the Mediterranean Sea. That will never happen and those areas are all inhabited by Arabs whether Sunni or Alawi. They won't tolerate if their lands will be stolen from Kurds.

Stick to your made up "Rojava" and commie groups.

Also quit using the Jordanian flag.

All the Arab users should know about your agenda here and intentions which are not aligned with that of Arabs.

Normal non-anti-Arab Kurds are excluded here completely but your likes and those you support are not.

I think your constant "stateless" argument is unfair towards Kurds. They are the victims of world powers and their agreements, they just had bad luck. Arab countries were stateless also and became countries after fall of ottomans.

The partitioning of the Ottoman Empire (30 October 19181 November 1922) was a political event that occurred after World War I. The huge conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire was divided into several newstates.[1] The partitioning brought the creation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey. The League of Nations granted France mandates over Syria and Lebanon and granted the United Kingdom mandates over Mesopotamia (later Iraq) and Palestine(later divided into Palestine and Transjordan). The Ottoman Empire's possessions in the Arabian Peninsula became the Kingdom of Hejaz which was annexed by the Sultanate of Nejd (today Saudi Arabia), the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen, while the Empire's possessions on the western shores of the Persian Gulf were variously annexed by Saudi Arabia (Alahsa and Qatif), or remained British protectorates (Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar) and became the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.

After the occupation of Constantinople by British and French troops in November 1918, the Ottoman government collapsed completely and signed the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920. However, the Turkish War of Independence forced the former Allies to return to the negotiating table before the treaty could be ratified. The Allies and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey signed and ratified the new Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, superseding the Treaty of Sèvres and solidifying most of the territorial issues. One unresolved issue, the dispute between the Kingdom of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey over the former province of Mosul was later negotiated under the League of Nations in 1926. The British and French partitioned the eastern part of the Middle East (also called "Greater Syria") between them with the Sykes–Picot Agreement. Other secret agreements were concluded with Italy and Russia (see map).[2]The Balfour Declaration encouraged the international Zionist movement to push for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Tsarist regime had also had wartime agreements with the Triple Entente on the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire but after the Russian Revolutions, Russia did not participate in the actual partitioning. The Treaty of Sèvres formally acknowledged the new League of Nations mandates in the region, the independence of Yemen, and British sovereignty over Cyprus.
I think your constant "stateless" argument is unfair towards Kurds. They are the victims of world powers and their agreements, they just had bad luck. Arab countries were stateless also and became countries after fall of ottomans.

The partitioning of the Ottoman Empire (30 October 19181 November 1922) was a political event that occurred after World War I. The huge conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire was divided into several newstates.[1] The partitioning brought the creation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey. The League of Nations granted France mandates over Syria and Lebanon and granted the United Kingdom mandates over Mesopotamia (later Iraq) and Palestine(later divided into Palestine and Transjordan). The Ottoman Empire's possessions in the Arabian Peninsula became the Kingdom of Hejaz which was annexed by the Sultanate of Nejd (today Saudi Arabia), the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen, while the Empire's possessions on the western shores of the Persian Gulf were variously annexed by Saudi Arabia (Alahsa and Qatif), or remained British protectorates (Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar) and became the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.

After the occupation of Constantinople by British and French troops in November 1918, the Ottoman government collapsed completely and signed the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920. However, the Turkish War of Independence forced the former Allies to return to the negotiating table before the treaty could be ratified. The Allies and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey signed and ratified the new Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, superseding the Treaty of Sèvres and solidifying most of the territorial issues. One unresolved issue, the dispute between the Kingdom of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey over the former province of Mosul was later negotiated under the League of Nations in 1926. The British and French partitioned the eastern part of the Middle East (also called "Greater Syria") between them with the Sykes–Picot Agreement. Other secret agreements were concluded with Italy and Russia (see map).[2]The Balfour Declaration encouraged the international Zionist movement to push for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Tsarist regime had also had wartime agreements with the Triple Entente on the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire but after the Russian Revolutions, Russia did not participate in the actual partitioning. The Treaty of Sèvres formally acknowledged the new League of Nations mandates in the region, the independence of Yemen, and British sovereignty over Cyprus.

What are you blabbering about? Kurds never had a Kurdish state in history. Arabs ruled the ME for 1000 years in comparison.

That's nonsense. Only certain areas of the Arab world were part of the Ottoman Empire. Even those areas that were part of the Ottoman Empire de jure all were nation states for millenniums (some of the oldest on the planet) long before the Ottomans even emerged. Be it Egypt, Sham, Iraq, Yemen or Hijaz. Most if not all were ruled by local rulers who in return remained pro-Ottoman. In Arabia for instance the Ottomans only controlled their military garrisons and a few main cities. Everything outside of that was in control of locals. Similarly in Iraq and Sham and most of North Africa (the parts under Ottoman rule/influence). One can read about this by doing a simple Google search. Arabs were the largest ethnic group under the Ottomans and formed a large part of the army too. It was no Balkans which was firmly in control of Ottomans and in their immediate area (close to Istanbul, Bursa, Edirne etc.).

In any case before 1919 over half of what is today the Arab world was sovereign. 85% of the Arabian Peninsula, Morocco, Egypt, etc.

Anyway my correct points still stand.

Kurds should not stir trouble up or grab land from non-Kurds that does not belong to them because it will bite them in their behind very heavily in return.

Since Kurds form 10% of your country's population then give them their own country too and maybe give them land inhabited by non-Kurds (Azeris, Arabs, Persians etc.) too. Let's see how many Iranians would like that.

But of course you like that of almost every other Iranian here (especially Persians) are only interested in hurting Arab interests and causing trouble. If it was the other way around and Kurds were doing something similar in Iran you would be the first one to support the hangings of Kurds rising up in Northwestern Iran. Something that already occurs while we speak and something that most Iranian PDF user support openly and elsewhere.

Anyway this discussion is irrelevant, what I told you is correct and Kurds will not succeed in stealing lands from non-Kurds without consequences.
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Today, Daesh executed some prisoners in the most savage ways, exactly how you expect from these bastards.

First, they put prisoners in a car and shoot and RPG to it:


Then, they put some in the cage and drowned them slowly:


In the last one, I don't know exactly what happens, they connect the prisoners with a wire around their necks and blow them up (maybe very high voltage electricity)


According to some idiots (who are no different than IS terrorists), these are 'poor Sunnis' who are fighting for their rights.


All of these savageness doesn't scare people anymore, Daesh knows it can't put fear in people's hearts anymore by acting like savage animals, that's why they are being killed in mass numbers these days and they put up these videos to 'scare enemies', but they can't. They (and their supporters) will be chased to every single hole they go and will be killed and they know it.
What are you blabbering about? Kurds never had a Kurdish state in history. Arabs ruled the ME for 1000 years in comparison.

That's nonsense. Only certain areas of the Arab world were part of the Ottoman Empire. Even those areas that were part of the Ottoman Empire de jure all were nation states for millenniums (some of the oldest on the planet) long before the Ottomans even emerged. Be it Egypt, Sham, Iraq, Yemen or Hijaz. Most if not all were ruled by local rulers who in return remained pro-Ottoman. In Arabia for instance the Ottomans only controlled their military garrisons and a few main cities. Everything outside of that was in control of locals. Similarly in Iraq and Sham and most of North Africa (the parts under Ottoman rule/influence). One can read about this by doing a simple Google search. Arabs were the largest ethnic group under the Ottomans and formed a large part of the army too. It was no Balkans which was firmly in control of Ottomans and in their immediate area (close to Istanbul, Bursa, Edirne etc.).

In any case before 1919 over half of what is today the Arab world was sovereign. 85% of the Arabian Peninsula, Morocco, Egypt, etc.

Anyway my correct points still stand.

Kurds should not stir trouble up or grab land from non-Kurds that does not belong to them because it will bite them in their behind very heavily in return.

Since Kurds form 10% of your country's population then give them their own country too and maybe give them land inhabited by non-Kurds (Azeris, Arabs, Persians etc.) too. Let's see how many Iranians would like that.

But of course you like that of almost every other Iranian here (especially Persians) are only interested in hurting Arab interests and causing trouble. If it was the other way around and Kurds were doing something similar in Iran you would be the first one to support the hangings of Kurds rising up in Northwestern Iran.
Kurds had their own states or states related to them if you use the argument of caliphates as arab states. And what I posted is not nonsense, we know the modern arab states that started to exist after the fall of ottoman empire after agreements I'm not in anyway saying this to hurt arab interests, I've even attacked PKK and Kurdish parties many times here, you can find my posts.
You should know that the environment of Syria and Iraq are different than Iran, so the kurdish case, especially in Syria where ISIS savages are strong, is much different than that of Iran or Armenia for example (yes there is a kurdish minority in Armenia also).
Today, Daesh executed some prisoners in the most savage ways, exactly how you expect from these bastards.

First, they put prisoners in a car and shoot and RPG to it:


Then, they put some in the cage and drowned them slowly:


In the last one, I don't know exactly what happens, they connect the prisoners with a wire around their necks and blow them up (maybe very high voltage electricity)


According to some idiots (who are no different than IS terrorists), these are 'poor Sunnis' who are fighting for their rights.


All of these savageness doesn't scare people anymore, Daesh knows it can't put fear in people's hearts anymore by acting like savage animals, that's why they are being killed in mass numbers these days and they put up these videos to 'scare enemies', but they can't. They (and their supporters) will be chased to every single hole they go and will be killed and they know it.

Who are those "people" and why are you stating the obvious? This is not an ISIS forum.

Yes, ISIS scares the locals hence why they can control so much land in Syria and Iraq while in reality probably less than 1% of the locals there truly believe in their vision and goals. Let alone supports it. That's a very ignorant post considering that millions of people are trapped in ISIS held areas and if it was that easy to rebel against them many more would have done so.

Anyone who wants to play superman, especially Iranians, should travel to Fallujah, Mosul and Raqqah to engage with ISIS but somehow none has done that. It's easy to sit behind a computer and say something like that.

Anyway the last video is explosive wire wrapped about their necks and they were apparently all "spies" spying for the Iraqi government.
Today, Daesh executed some prisoners in the most savage ways, exactly how you expect from these bastards.

First, they put prisoners in a car and shoot and RPG to it:


Then, they put some in the cage and drowned them slowly:


In the last one, I don't know exactly what happens, they connect the prisoners with a wire around their necks and blow them up (maybe very high voltage electricity)


According to some idiots (who are no different than IS terrorists), these are 'poor Sunnis' who are fighting for their rights.


All of these savageness doesn't scare people anymore, Daesh knows it can't put fear in people's hearts anymore by acting like savage animals, that's why they are being killed in mass numbers these days and they put up these videos to 'scare enemies', but they can't. They (and their supporters) will be chased to every single hole they go and will be killed and they know it.
Why you criticize them? it's their religion, culture and way of thinking/living. As long as they stay in Arab sunni regions we should respect their freedom to practice their culture and religion (which according to them is minus the innovations).
Kurds had their own states or states related to them if you use the argument of caliphates as arab states. And what I posted is not nonsense, we know the modern arab states that started to exist after the fall of ottoman empire after agreements I'm not in anyway saying this to hurt arab interests, I've even attacked PKK and Kurdish parties many times here, you can find my posts.
You should know that the environment of Syria and Iraq are different than Iran, so the kurdish case, especially in Syria where ISIS savages are strong, is much different than that of Iran or Armenia for example (yes there is a kurdish minority in Armenia also).

Which were those states? None that I can think of. Some short-lived kingdom ruled by a Kurd does not make it a Kurdish state. Kurdistan's borders were never defined like all other historical regions of the ME. Kurdistan was never a country.

Who cares whether the borders of Arab countries such as Iraq, Yemen, KSA, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon etc. and many other are recent or not (surprise borders change constantly, Iran's current borders are also recent due to territorial changes) when their lands and people are the inheritors of millennium old ancient states/civilizations/cultures that were sharply defined as nation states? Nothing is the answer. Dozens upon dozens of old European countries and entities did not exist for a long time (due to occupation) yet appeared on the map again and remain to this day in that exact time period. They did not "suddenly" disappear due to being under the occupation of foreigners for a period of their history.

You are being hypocritical here as it is obvious that you are in favor of Kurds stealing non-Kurdish lands in Iraq and Syria (because those are Arab countries and Arabs are the victims here) while you will be the first one to support the hangings of Kurdish separatists within Iran.

It's irrelevant what is stronger now or not Kurds want their Kurdistan and that includes Iran, which your friend Al-Kurdi has openly stated many times on PDF.

Anyway let's leave that discussion.
Uh oh, looks like that white part in the northwest is getting bigger. Ariha is also Nusra the map is not updated to color Ariha white.

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