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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Why you criticize them? it's their religion, culture and way of thinking/living. As long as they stay in Arab sunni regions we should respect their freedom to practice their culture and religion (which according to them is minus the innovations).

Who is "their"? ISIS has no precedence in any Arab country and is an alien ideology and group with an alien conduct. The best example of that is that ancient Arab and Semitic heritage in Syria and Iraq was left alone by all Arab Caliphates, local Arab kingdoms, Sheikdoms, Sultanates, Emirates Imamates for 1400 years of Islamic history and modern Arab regimes (non-Arab rulers too) until ISIS appeared. Let alone in pre-Islamic times.
Something does not add up but of course such thinking falls in line with the whole "Iranian story telling" and what occurred when Iran was conquered by Muslim Arabs forgetting that previous Iranian empires (much like previous Semitic empires) had similar conduct in certain periods of their history. One just has to take a look how Greeks and other foreigners describe Iranians or the torture/execution methods. After all you don't conquer people while handing out flowers.

But hey each to his own.
Which were those states? None that I can think of. Some short-lived kingdom ruled by a Kurd does not make it a Kurdish state. Kurdistan's borders were never defined like all other historical regions of the ME. Kurdistan was never a country.

Who cares whether the borders of Arab countries such as Iraq, Yemen, KSA, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon etc. and many other are recent or not (surprise borders change constantly, Iran's current borders are also recent due to territorial changes) when their lands and people are the inheritors of millennium old ancient states/civilizations/cultures that were sharply defined as nation states? Nothing is the answer. Dozens upon dozens of old European countries and entities did not exist for a long time (due to occupation) yet appeared on the map again and remain to this day. They did not "suddenly" disappear due to being under the occupation of foreigners for a period of their history.

You are being hypocritical here as it is obvious that you are in favor of Kurds stealing non-Kurdish lands in Iraq and Syria (because those are Arab countries and Arabs are the victims here) while you will be the first one to support the hangings of Kurdish separatists within Iran.

It's irrelevant what is stronger now or not Kurds want their Kurdistan and that includes Iran, which your friend Al-Kurdi has openly stated many times on PDF.

Anyway let's leave that discussion.
Well of you define the caliphates as arab states than Kurds had their Safavid, Ayyubid state also, Emirates of Soran and hakkari. I won't repeat my point about the borders and ottoman empire, but lets agree that we disagree.

About kurds of Iran, the central government, especially the ayatollah, pissed them off many times (mykonos murders for example). I understand some of their grievances, however Iran is already their country and I hope their situation will improve even it disadvantages the Persians or other populations of Iran. The border regions of Iran need investments and have been neglected unfortunately.
Uh oh, looks like that white part in the northwest is getting bigger. Ariha is also Nusra the map is not updated to color Ariha white.


Those maps are temporal maps that change for each day. You need to look at the wider picture and the politics behind the conflict and who is best suited for a long-term conflict and who has the most resources and motivations to continue fighting.

Most importantly demographics.

It is foolish for you or anyone else to believe that Al-Assad will ever rule a united Syria because that will never happen nor will the world or regional powers allow this to happen. Likewise ISIS fanboys will never see a caliphate emerge. Eventually Syria will end up like Iraq. Syrian Sunni Arabs dominating and maybe the 1.7 million Kurds in Syria will get their autonomy in tiny Northeastern Syria (mainly) (equivalent to KRG in Northern Iraq) and then the Alawis might get some kind of autonomy (equivalent to the Sunni Arabs of Iraq but much smaller in number and inhabited a much smaller area).

Quote me on this in 1 years time.
Homs and Hama are extremely pro Baathist. Impossible for Salafists to take. That be harder than Arabs trying to take Israel. Just no impossible.

reported for insulting my idol
Again, showing your utmost ignorance.
Hama was massacred by Hafez in 1982, and Homs was massacred by Bashar in 2012. There is no way in hell they are pro-ba'athist, they are some of the most anti-Ba'ath places in the country, along with Dara'a, Idlib, and Aleppo (well, all of Syria is anti-ba'athist minus the alawites, but these areas are REALLY anti-ba'athist.)
That is totally wrong,a disinformation spread by the religious kind to justify their acts!!Now I can not post any links for the time being,but you can type this in Google "was Stalin a christian" and see for yourself.Now to accept it or not to,I leave that decision upon you.Thank you.
Stop trying to justify Stalin. He was a mass-murderer and an atheist. That doesn't make atheists mass-murderers, so get that shit-for-brain attitude out of your head.
Are they moving together with FSA or is it only YPG?
Around 500 FSA last time Burkan al Furat announced. They were still recruiting from the local Arab population (who would much rather be FSA than YPG), so the number is higher by now.

YPG cannot do anything without the support of anti-ISIS Arab groups such as FSA, Islamic Front and the civilian population. Let alone attacking and conquering Raqqah (lol). Kurds number no more than 2 million people while the Arab population of Syria numbers 20 million. 10 times as much. Neither the Al-Assad regime or ISIS are pro-Kurd and while FSA and the Islamic Front works with YPG when it suits all parties they won't ever tolerate Kurds string trouble up or trying to conquer ancient Arab/Semitic lands of Syria. They should limit their presence to tiny Northeastern Syria otherwise they will be taught a lesson that they will remember for a long time.

Had it not been for the Western/Arab/coalition bombings in Syria ISIS would have overran most of the Kurdish areas.

Those stateless Kakas should not get ahead of themselves.

@Dr.Thrax @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Antaréss
Fixed that for you, anti-Arab ISIS lol
Uh oh, looks like that white part in the northwest is getting bigger. Ariha is also Nusra the map is not updated to color Ariha white.

Map made by Assadists. If Nusra ever took part in any offensive suddenly that area is all Nusra. It's not. Use maps made by arabthomness, archicivilians or Agathcole de Syracuse for accuracy. Not that you cared about accuracy anyhow.

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Who is "their"? ISIS has no precedence in any Arab country and is an alien ideology and group with an alien conduct. The best example of that is that ancient Arab and Semitic heritage in Syria and Iraq was left alone by all Arab Caliphates, local Arab kingdoms, Sheikdoms, Sultanates, Emirates Imamates for 1400 years of Islamic history and modern Arab regimes (non-Arab rulers too) until ISIS appeared. Let alone in pre-Islamic times.
Something does not add up but of course such thinking falls in line with the whole "Iranian story telling" and what occurred when Iran was conquered by Muslim Arabs forgetting that previous Iranian empires (much like previous Semitic empires) had similar conduct in certain periods of their history. One just has to take a look how Greeks and other foreigners describe Iranians or the torture/execution methods. After all you don't conquer people while handing out flowers.

But hey each to his own.
Why such a long reply? I'm just saying these people have sheikhs/clerics who studied their culture and religion more than 10 years (theory) and now they are practicing it. If I'm not hurt in this process, I say let them live their life as they wish. They differ from me in culture, who am I to disrespect other countries differences.
Well of you define the caliphates as arab states than Kurds had their Safavid, Ayyubid state also, Emirates of Soran and hakkari. I won't repeat my point about the borders and ottoman empire, but lets agree that we disagree.

About kurds of Iran, the central government, especially the ayatollah, pissed them off many times (mykonos murders for example). I understand some of their grievances, however Iran is already their country and I hope their situation will improve even it disadvantages the Persians or other populations of Iran. The border regions of Iran need investments and have been neglected unfortunately.

Safavids were not Kurds. What was "Kurdish" about the Safavids? Nothing. Ayyubid? LOL. It was an Arab empire ruled by Arabs on Arab lands. Even the dynasty was Arabized and had intermarried with Arabs. Salah ad-Din was fully Arabized, of partial Arab descend, married Arab women, lived on Arab land, died on it etc. Let alone his descendants and numerous ancestors who did the same. I have never heard about an "Emirate of Soran or "Hakkari". Must be tiny states.

Still no Kurdistan nor is Kurdistan even a defined historical region like dozens upon dozens of historical regions in the Arab world or the ME as a whole. Be it Hijaz or Khorasan (Iran/Afghanistan) for instance.

How is Iran their country any differently than Turkey, Iraq and Syria being the countries of Kurds living there?

Am I right that you would support executions of Kurdish separatists in Northwestern Iran like most of your countrymen do in real life and here on PDF while you have no problem with Kurds doing the same in Syria, Iraq and Turkey? Or grabbing land that does not belong to them? Yes or no?
Those maps are temporal maps that change for each day. You need to look at the wider picture and the politics behind the conflict and who is best suited for a long-term conflict and who has the most resources and motivations to continue fighting.

Most importantly demographics.

It is foolish for you or anyone else to believe that Al-Assad will ever rule a united Syria because that will never happen nor will the world or regional powers allow this to happen. Likewise ISIS fanboys will never see a caliphate emerge. Eventually Syria will end up like Iraq. Syrian Sunni Arabs dominating and maybe the 1.7 million Kurds in Syria will get their autonomy in tiny Northeastern Syria (mainly) (equivalent to KRG in Northern Iraq) and then the Alawis might get some kind of autonomy (equivalent to the Sunni Arabs of Iraq but much smaller in number and inhabited a much smaller area).

Quote me on this in 1 years time.

Of course, that will never happen. Just as Abadi will never rule a unified Iraq, Poroshenko will never rule a unified Ukraine, Hadi will never rule a unified Yemen, Ghani will never rule a unified Afghanistan, Abusahmain will never rule a unified Libya. Insurgents can never be eradicated once they appear.

Ah ha, but you are wrong about Sunnis and Alawis. Baathists in Syria are predominantly Sunnis, followed by Christians, followed by Alawis. Western Aleppo, Daara, Homs, Hama, Deir es Zor, Damascus, none of those places are supportive of insurgents.

I'm not going to quote you in 1 year's time, because YOU are wrong, as is western intelligence which states Baathists in Syria are all Alawis :rofl:
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Why such a long reply? I'm just saying these people have sheikhs/clerics who studied their culture and religion more than 10 years (theory) and now they are practicing it. If I'm not hurt in this process, I say let them live their life as they wish. They differ from me in culture, who am I to disrespect other countries differences.

You are saying that it's part of their (who are they?) culture while I just disproved that in regards to the heritage that they have destroyed for instance and their general conduct which is un-Islamic and alien to the regions they control. If "they" means Sunni Arabs that is. ISIS is made up by people from all over the world of all ethnicties, colors, social backgrounds etc. Mostly young delusional people with mental problems, no future, no work. Many are social outcasts from the West and East and many of the suicide bombers are outright retards. One just has to look at them and hear them speak. No offense but that's correct. At least many are. And it's well-known that such groups use such people. They have used handicapped people too.

Is that why all the leading Sunni Muslim and Muslim clerics from across the world have disproved their conduct and clearly stated that it's not Islamic?

The world is full of psychopaths but that's not the point. A Muslim or a decent normal human being should care because if they don't it shows that there is something wrong with the mentality of that person. ISIS is a threat for the immediate ME region as a whole which is something that the Iranian leaders have understood too.

Now, if they lived on Mars nobody would care indeed but they don't.
nd Homs was massacred by Bashar in 2012. There is no way in hell they are pro-ba'athist, they are some of the most anti-Ba'ath places in the country

it was in late 2013 or early 2014, there was a occasion when saa cleared homs of the cia-supported terrorists, the citizens came back... they had left when the moderate terrorists entered.
Safavids were not Kurds. What was "Kurdish" about the Safavids. Nothing. Ayyubid? LOL. It was an Arab empire ruled by Arabs on Arab lands. Even the Dynasty was Arabized and had intermarried with Arabs. I have never heart about an "Emirate of Soran or "Hakkari". Must be tiny states.

How is Iran their country any differently than Turkey, Iraq and Syria being the countries of Kurds living there?

Am I right that you would support executions of Kurdish separatists in Northwestern Iran like most of your countrymen do in real life and here on PDF while you have no problem with Kurds doing the same in Syria, Iraq and Turkey? Or grabbing land that does not belong to them? Yes or no?
Safavid were originally kurds who later mixed with other groups, however religion was an important factor and has been so in almost all empires and dynasties of middle east.
Ayyubids were kurds who became arabized, but large part of their army were kurdish and turks.
Arab dynasties also intermarried with other people (especially abbasids).
In Iran they feel home since they are related to other ethnic groups in Iran. That makes the situation different.

I would not support executions against Kurds in case of having thrown chemical weapons on them, not recognizing them as Kurds, and destroying 30000 of their houses and systemically changing their demography in their regions. That will backlash. Even in Syria now the kurds are helping the arabs. They don't harm arabs as ISIS harmed kurds. They even work with FSA.
Safavid were originally kurds who later mixed with other groups, however religion was an important factor and has been so in almost all empires and dynasties of middle east.
Ayyubids were kurds who became arabized, but large part of their army were kurdish and turks.
Arab dynasties also intermarried with other people (especially abbasids).
In Iran they feel home since they are related to other ethnic groups in Iran. That makes the situation different.

I would not support executions against Kurds in case of having thrown chemical weapons on them, not recognizing them as Kurds, and destroying 30000 of their houses and systemically changing their demography in their regions. That will backlash. Even in Syria now the kurds are helping the arabs. They don't harm arabs as ISIS harmed kurds. They even work with FSA.

We don't know what they were with 100% certainty as we have different claim of what ethnicity they belonged to originally. They themselves claimed to be Hashemites and also intermarried with Arabs. By that logic I can say that they were Arab as they also followed much of Arabic culture, Islam etc.

For an empire/kingdom/sheikdom/imamate/emirate to be labelled as belonging to someone/something culture, practices, language, areas ruled, the ethnicity of the majority of the subjects etc. are crucial. In that case the Ayyubids were clearly an Arab empire. Especially as Salah ad-Din himself was born in Iraq, was fully Arabized and even of partial Arab descent and he even married Arabs and died on Arab land.

Safavids were an Iranian empire. Not an Kurdish, Arab or Azeri one.

Also nobody disputes that for instance the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid Caliphates/Empires were Muslim Arab empires just like nobody disputes that Sassanids were an Iranian empire (regardless of ruling non-Iranian land, intermarrying with foreigners too etc.) or that the Akkadians, Babylonians or Assyrians were Semitic empires. Or that the British Empire was British.

But you missed that Kurds regard "Kurdistan" as their home. They don't regard Ahvaz, Zahedan, Bandar Abbas, Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad or Rasht as their homeland.

Why are you talking about the Saddam Hussein regime? Various Iranian regimes, especially the current one, have hunted down and discriminated Kurds very much too. It happens to this day. At least Kurds in Iraq have autonomy and their language is official. Iraq is bette for Kurds today than Iran is.

Iranian Kurds and the Iranian state has been at war for decades and close to 30.000 have died if I am not wrong. The difference is that Iraq has been totally unstable since the 1980's and Syria since the civil war erupted while Iran has been ruled with an iron fist by the Mullah's and before the Shah. Once the Kurds try to stir trouble up other minorities will do the same and we all know it. Or at least the potential is there if their rights remain small and their culture oppressed. Similar to how minorities in the Arab world have reacted and can react. There is already an Baluch insurgency. Ironically two Iranian peoples in Iran are the most active separatists in Iran. Both stateless people too.

the occasional times i come to this thread, i read strange statements like this.

this thread must be closed.

Why is communism and socialism so popular in India? Please explain to me once and for all why you have a fetish for Arab Ba'ath regimes and in particular the Gaddafi regime? Outline the reasons why his vision, regime (not what they preached about but what they actually did) is so much better than anything else?

Why do you believe that Syrians want to be ruled by the Al-Assad regime and by outdated Ba'athism that is not fit for this era and time?
Why do you believe that Syrians want to be ruled by the Al-Assad regime and by outdated Ba'athism that is not fit for this era and time?

Oh no? Syrian Factories Export Veterinary Medicine to 32 Countries

Oh no, ISIS does not make medicine. Syria is a modern country because of secularism, not because of Islam.

Under Saddam, Iraq's literacy rate rose from 52% in 1977 to 80% in 1987.

Iraq had a Long Tradition as a Center of Higher Learning: How America’s War Destroyed Iraq’s Universities | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Of course, that will never happen. Just as Abadi will never rule a unified Iraq, Poroshenko will never rule a unified Ukraine, Hadi will never rule a unified Yemen, Ghani will never rule a unified Afghanistan, Abusahmain will never rule a unified Libya. Insurgents can never be eradicated once they appear.

Ah ha, but you are wrong about Sunnis and Alawis. Baathists in Syria are predominantly Sunnis, followed by Christians, followed by Alawis. Western Aleppo, Daara, Homs, Hama, Deir es Zor, Damascus, none of those places are supportive of insurgents.

I'm not going to quote you in 1 year's time, because YOU are wrong, as is western intelligence which states Baathists in Syria are all Alawis :rofl:

Yes, they can.

That's not strange when 75-80% of the population of Syria is Sunni Arab. Thus they will be the majority on most fields. There might be more Sunni Arab Ba'athsit's than any other group in Syria (Alawis are close to that number despite being 10 times smaller in terms of total numbers - hence why one should always look at percentages here) while Sunni Arabs are by far the main opposition group too. Your logic is not working fully here. Besides it totally depends on the family, area of Syria etc. Homs for instance was always a bastion of traditionalism and conservatism while Damascus like all other Arab metropolis was/is more liberal.

You have to be kidding. All those areas that you mention (with the exception of certain neighborhoods of Damascus) are pro-opposition. Of course not ISIS or YPG.

I am not wrong and if I am you should tell me why. We will see. Just know that I predicted the current day-situation in Yemen last year and Iraq 2 years ago here on PDF.

I also told that the worst thing that can happen in KSA since the emergence of ISIS (early 2014) was a few sporadic car bombs here and there and terrorist attacks and since that time we have seen 3 of such attacks and nothing else. I remember users telling that KSA would be divided into 5 different countries and that ISIS would reach Riyadh in the matter of months, lol.

Today I learned that KSA will buy nuclear weapons from our North Korean allies. They should remember the karaoke, lol. You East Asians love that for some reason. Give me a hookah instead and some Arab belly dancing.:lol:
All the iranis supporting assad, If they had supported Saddam like this, you would not had to see the mess in the first place. I remember clearly Iranis used to give same excuses to overthrow Saddam which Anti assad opponents give now a days.
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