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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

PYD is working with the FSA against ISIS, not working with Assad.

Innocence of who ? you make no sense..
The US used Turkish airspace and airports to drop paratroopers in Northern Iraq in the 2003 invasion, ISIS also murders Turkmens but that's fine with you so why are you even worried about them.

Anyway do what you want though you make no sense and you're being a hypocrite by calling one a mass murderer and supporting another, shows with you refusing to answer my questions all the time.

- Turkmens who chose to live under KRG, have to pronounce their neutrality. Should stay back. This is not their fight. They should not be pawns in the USA designed game called New Middleast.

- Erdogan is not my favourite, either. I never advocated his policies. If It were upto me, I would have shut that Incirlik base.
- Turkmens who chose to live under KRG, have to pronounce their neutrality. Should stay back. This is not their fight. They should not be pawns in the USA designed game called New Middleast.

- Erdogan is not my favourite, either. I never advocated his policies. If It were upto me, I would have shut that Incirlik base.

Let me keep it short

On one occasion you blame the US for killing Turkmens but you are ok with the ISIS massacre on Turkmen villagers in for example Tal Afar and their siege on Amirli.

Then you blame Assad for being a mass murderer but you go on supporting another mass murderer.

So you don't care about any of the civillians be it Turkmen or not, so why do you even use them when you clearly don't care.
Let me keep it short

On one occasion you blame the US for killing Turkmens but you are ok with the ISIS massacre on Turkmen villagers in for example Tal Afar and their siege on Amirli.

Then you blame Assad for being a mass murderer but you go on supporting another mass murderer.

So you don't care about any of the civillians be it Turkmen or not, so why do you even use them when you clearly don't care.

Fall of Ottoman Empire was too quick. Turkmens remained in a belt between Sunni Arabs, Shia Arabs and Kurds. Population exchange should have happened for their safety, like we did with Greeks in 1923.

You should blame Iraqi government for creating this mess. Kurds collaborated with USA, Shias surrendered quickly and cheered for US victory. Some Sunni Arabs and some Sunni Turkmens suffered greatly under the occupation.

My advice to Iraqis: Time to reconcile with Sunni insurgents instead of playing the pawn of USA, Iran or Kurds.
You should blame Iraqi government for creating this mess.

I think i'll decided to blame JEW USA

Kurds collaborated with USA, Shias surrendered quickly and cheered for US victory. Some Sunni Arabs and some Sunni Turkmens suffered greatly under the occupation.

My advice to Iraqis: Time to reconcile with Sunni insurgents instead of playing the pawn of USA, Iran or Kurds.

ISIS are no Sunni insurgents, ISIS kill more Sunnis then anyone, ask the Sunnis on PDF, look what ISIS did to the Al Shtat tribe in Deir al Zor, the bombings in Sunni majority cities until they control it etc. ISIS has massacred Turkmens as well since many are Shi'a ( kuffar & majoos ).
ISIS are no Sunni insurgents, ISIS kill more Sunnis then anyone, ask the Sunnis on PDF, look what ISIS did to the Al Shtat tribe in Deir al Zor, the bombings in Sunni majority cities until they control it etc. ISIS has massacred Turkmens as well since many are Shi'a ( kuffar & majoos ).

Time has come then. Turkmens should come to Turkey in a population exchange. Are you willing to settle in Turkey, my half-Turkmen friend?
Syrian Army Liberates Vital City in the East Ghouta
After months of intense firefights in the Rif Dimashq city of Wadi ‘Ayn Tarma, the Syrian Arab Army’s 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard has liberated this strategic area, taking control of over 8 square km of surrounding land. This is a decisive blow to the already exhausted Jaysh Al-Islam fighters in the East Ghouta, who are now forced to retreat to other besieged areas.

Syrian Army Liberates Vital City in the East Ghouta
Ayn Terma valley not Ayn Terma city.

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

Aleppo towns freed:
Bashkooy, Al-Muzara’ah, Umm Al-Jurn, Qaashoota, Al-Waawiyya, Al-Barzaaniyya, Rasm Al-Hilu, Deemaan, Rasm Al-Shaykh, Al-Husayniyya
. The Army also took back the water station and all defense-related areas.
FSA published a statement related to the events between IS and YPG.

ماذا فعلت الأحزاب الكردية يوم قتلت داعش خيرة مجاهدينا في ‫#‏أعزاز‬ بداية
وفي حلب بعدها
ما كان موقفهم يوم حوصر مجاهدونا في جبل برصايا واستشهد 9 بينهم قيادات لواء عاصفة الشمال
هل نسينا من أدخل الجيش النصيري إلى أعزاز من ‫#‏قطمة‬ لفك حصار الأمن العسكري
هل نسينا من طعننا من الخلف يوم حصار مطار ‫#‏منغ‬
هل نسينا من مزَّق بلادنا واعلن حكومته المفترضة داخل سوريا " حكومة كردستان "
لماذا تبكون اليوم على ‫#‏كوباني‬
ولماذا واجب علينا نصرتهم
لم يقتل في كوباني مدنيون
بل فيها عصابات الأحزاب الكردية .. التي تربيها داعش وتفعل ما عجزنا نحن عن فعله
جاء اليوم من يقتص لنا منهم .. بدون كلفة

"What did the Kurdish parties do on the day IS killed the best of our mujahideen, first in Azaz and then Aleppo after it? What was their stance on the day our mujahideen were besieged on Jabal Barsaya and 9 were martyred,among them Northern Storm commanders? Have we forgotten who let the Nusayri army enter Azaz from Qata' to break the siege of the Military Security? Have we forgotten who backstabbed us from behind on the day of the siege of Mannagh airbase? Have we forgotten who has torn up our land and announced its own separate government in Syria: the Kurdistan government. Why are you crying today over Kobani? And why must we support them? Civilians have not been killed in Kobani, but in it are the gangs of the Kurdish parties...the day has come for us take vengeance on them...

ماذا فعلت الأحزاب الكردية يوم قتلت داعش خيرة مجاهدينا في... - justpaste.it
It is reported that this woman is one of the main field commanders of Kobani defense brigades and has led numerous counterattacks against the Black Disease:

With brave women like this and many others, some men should die from shame. May God help you in your fight against ISIS scums.
Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad

Iran’s deputy foreign minister reportedly said on Saturday that his country has exchanged messages with the US about the fight against Islamic State (Isis) militants in Syria and Iraq.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fighting the extremist group.

Iran has backed Assad in Syria’s three-year civil war. The US has called for Assad to resign and rules out co-operating with his government.

The US carried out six air strikes near the Syrian town of Kobani on Saturday, targeting Isis militants besieging the town. According to a statement from US Central Command, the strikes hit an Isis fighting position and two small units, damaged a command-and-control facility and destroyed three trucks.

Also on Saturday, Isis forces renewed their attack on Kobani, which is near the border with Turkey, before being repulsed by Kurdish fighters. A video posted online on Friday purported to show Isis fighters involved in street fighting in the town.

US Central Command also said US and Dutch planes had carried out three strikes against Isis targets in Iraq, near Tal Afar and Hit, on Friday and Saturday, alongside “multiple airdrops to help resupply Iraqi security forces at the request of the government of Iraq”.

Isis fighters control swathes of Syria and northern Iraq and have released videos showing the murders of international hostages. US airstrikes against Isis in Iraq began on 8 August;international strikes in Syria began on 22 September.

Debate has continued about the effectiveness of the US-led strikes, particularly in Syria. On Thursday, the White House admitted that without a viable force on the ground in Syria, drawn from anti-Assad rebels, air strikes could only have a limited effect.

Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad | World news | theguardian.com

Iran and Israel on the same side!?
seems merely for show.
Doesn't matter, the fact that many Kurdish women are fighting alongside men is not a show and there are tons of pics/videos and articles supporting that.

Updates on Aleppo battlefield:

SAA/NDF have recaptured most of the villages taken by Ahrar al-Sham around Safira city, which proves that it was a meaningless and suicide attack by the group which lost 50 of its most prominent members in a bombing last month. It should be noted that almost zero people live in those villages and their only significance is being close to Safira. So basically they have entered empty villages and then were thrown out. They are desperate, too much I'd say. They are stupid if they think they can capture Safira or its military factories that easy.
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