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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I will take it as, for ISIS...
Why the fall of Assad is so important, that Turkey's relation with ISIS is being questioned?

Turkey supports FSA and IF, not IS.

Assad is a mass murderer, and enemy of Turkish State.
As I said, Turkey supports " moderate opposition" FSA and IF.

Yes, but i'm wondering what your view is on this group, they've been bombing everyone for a decade, cleansing and murder in all shapes has taken through their actions, the death they have caused exceeds 50.000 easily, for the last 10 years they have been killing people, if you take the minimum estimate of daily deaths caused by ISIS, say 15 a day then..

3650*15 is close to 55.000, now 15 dead a day is a minimum, you can easily say 50 dead a day by their bombings and killings. Then it exceeds 100.000.

So I wonder whether you agree on calling them mass murderers of innocent people.
Turkey supports FSA and IF, not IS.

Assad is a mass murderer, and enemy of Turkish State.
How do you come up with that?
No body recalls Syria under Assad, doing harm to Turkey. Israel, the only mass murderer in the area, butchered your citizens in International waters, not only you haven't done a thing about it ,but you still have an Embassy in Tel Aviv...
so Islamic Front are good, but Islamic State are bad ?
Yes, but i'm wondering what your view is on this group, they've been bombing everyone for a decade, cleansing and murder in all shapes has taken through their actions, the death they have caused exceeds 50.000 easily, for the last 10 years they have been killing people, if you take the minimum estimate of daily deaths caused by ISIS, say 15 a day then..

3650*15 is close to 55.000, now 15 dead a day is a minimum, you can easily say 50 dead a day by their bombings and killings. Then it exceeds 100.000.

So I wonder whether you agree on calling them mass murderers of innocent people.

USA wants Kurdistan, right!? IS is only power that currently resists the NWO plans. Islamic imperialism against USA-Zionist-Kurdish imperialism... So, pragmatically I am inclined to prefer IS over others, whether Assad, Maliki, Obama, Khamanei, Barzani etc...
USA wants Kurdistan, right!? IS is only power that currently resists the NWO plans. Islamic imperialism against USA-Zionist-Kurdish imperialism... So, pragmatically I am inclined to prefer IS over others, whether Assad, Maliki, Obama, Khamanei, Erdogan, Barzani etc...

USA can't do much to create a Kurdistan, they're far away. Turkey is keeping KRG alive, without Turkey KRG collapses, Turkey is on the same side as the US btw, so if you are against the NWO conspiracy theory you should be against the Turkish gov as well, ^^ add Erdogan.

Besides the simple question was whether you view them as mass murderers as they've killed 60.000+ innocent people. If you call Assad a mass murderer you should call them so as well. Though that would mean you're supporting mass murderers.
USA can't do much to create a Kurdistan, they're far away. Turkey is keeping KRG alive, without Turkey KRG collapses, Turkey is on the same side as the US btw, so if you are against the NWO conspiracy theory you should be against the Turkish gov as well, ^^ add Erdogan.

Besides the simple question was whether you view them as mass murderers as they've killed 60.000+ innocent people. If you call Assad a mass murderer you should call them so as well.

The thing is Assad can never prevent Kurds forming an independent state. He might even support it to use it against Turkey.

Secondly, Maliki was busy in surpressing Sunni Arabs. Neverminded Kurds forming a state. His ignorance created ISI, then evolved into ISIS. Maliki gone, and another but less competent pawn came. Again Abadi cannot prevent disintegration.

Turkey cannot fight Kurdish rebels outside the border effectively. There comes IS. Keeping pressure on Shia powerhouses, US and Jewish interests in the regions and most importantly keeps check on anti-Turk Kurdish terrorists which are operating outside our border.
The thing is Assad can never prevent Kurds forming an independent state. He might even support it to use it against Turkey.

Secondly, Maliki was busy in surpressing Sunni Arabs. Neverminded Kurds forming a state. His ignorance created ISI, then evolved into ISIS. Maliki gone, and another but less competent pawn came. Again Abadi cannot prevent disintegration.

Turkey cannot fight Kurdish rebels outside the border effectively. There comes IS. Keeping pressure on Shia powerhouses, US and Jewish interests in the regions and most importantly keeps check on anti-Turk Kurdish terrorists which are operating outside our border.

Maliki came to power in 2005, ISI has been active since 2003, yet you said that Maliki's ignorance created ISI, how when they existed before he came. Calling Abadi less competent then Maliki whilst he has not been in power for long enough to do anything makes no sense.

Turkish gov is the main supporter for the Kurdish state, remember that they are landlocked, without 1 neighbor being friendly to them ( Turkey today ) they can't do much even if Israel/US helps them.

Anyway you're supporting the ISIS mass murderers whilst blaming Assad for being a mass murderer whilst the number of casualties from both sides come quite close, at least say you don't like Assad without the mass murderer part as that doesn't bother you.
Maliki came to power in 2005, ISI has been active since 2003, yet you said that Maliki's ignorance created ISI, how when they existed before he came. Calling Abadi less competent then Maliki whilst he has not been in power for long enough to do anything makes no sense.

Turkish gov is the main supporter for the Kurdish state, remember that they are landlocked, without 1 neighbor being friendly to them ( Turkey today ) they can't do much even if Israel/US helps them.

Anyway you're supporting the ISIS mass murderers whilst blaming Assad for being a mass murderer whilst the number of casualties from both sides come quite close, at least say you don't like Assad without the mass murderer part as that doesn't bother you.

1) In 2003, Sunni insurgents were the remnants of Saddam's Army. ISI was formed in 2006, at that time Maliki was appointed by Bush himself. His sectarian policies and Bush's divide and rule strategy pushed Sunnis to form ISI.

2) Turkish government is the last to support such rival state. As you see, Assad helps YPG; Iraqi Shia gov helps Peshmerga, whole EU and USA assists Kurds. We keep our neutrality.
In Qamishli, IS vs. Kurds+SAA
In Mosul Dam, IS vs. Peshmerga+Shias
In Ayn Al Arab, IS vs. Kurds+US led coalition

3) I havent given one single coin to IS or ISIS or ISI during the last 10 years time. My stance is based on political gains, thats all. Oops one minute, I am Sunni. I prefer Sunnis over Shias, Yazidis, Christians, Zardoshts, Jews, Communists. And thats natural. Same thing applies to them either. No reason to discuss about it, right!?
USA wants Kurdistan, right!? IS is only power that currently resists the NWO plans. Islamic imperialism against USA-Zionist-Kurdish imperialism... So, pragmatically I am inclined to prefer IS over others, whether Assad, Maliki, Obama, Khamanei, Barzani etc...
And what if i say that isis is nothing but a project aimed at weakening the ME and strengthening Israel? Arent extremist 'muslims' (i personally dont consider isis as muslims going by their behavior) supposed to hate israel foremost? I haven't seen isis even shooting one bullet at israel while the latter was butchering tons of innocent Palestinians during the summer. Where is that so-called masterbrain Baghdadi? hiding in a cave like OBL (gold medal winner for longest hide and seek since 2001 - 2010/1 despite US' overwhelming superior intelligence...) used to? That is imo a cheap attempt at creating another boogeyman. West obviously doesnt wanna provide serious help at all (those few airstrikes dont seem to work much), which raises suspicion in my book. No matter what, isis are scum of the highest rank and must be eliminated, but at the same of course we wish it will take as much pkk/pyd rats with it.
And what if i say that isis is nothing but a project aimed at weakening the ME and strengthening Israel? Arent extremist 'muslims' (i personally dont consider isis as muslims going by their behavior) supposed to hate israel foremost? I haven't seen isis even shooting one bullet at israel while the latter was butchering tons of innocent Palestinians during the summer. Where is that so-called masterbrain Baghdadi? hiding in a cave like OBL (gold medal winner for longest hide and seek since 2001 - 2010/1 despite US' overwhelming superior intelligence...) used to? That is imo a cheap attempt at creating another boogeyman. West obviously doesnt wanna provide serious help at all (those few airstrikes dont seem to work much), which raises suspicion in my book. No matter what, isis are scum of the highest rank and must be eliminated, but at the same of course we wish it will take as much pkk/pyd rats with it.

These people are fighting against US occupation since 2003.
The thing is Assad can never prevent Kurds forming an independent state. He might even support it to use it against Turkey.
for now Syria is not the country supporting rebels in the another country ;)
so ok you don't like Asad, i don't too, but don't push too much blaming Syria to act anti turk when it is the other way
maybe you help the refugees n but you helped the situation of war inside Syria , and don't say Iran blabla ... because i think Turkey and Iran are in the same level of country to blame
Secondly, Maliki was busy in surpressing Sunni Arabs.
yeah sure he was waking the morning and thinking "i hope lot of sunnis will die"
Neverminded Kurds forming a state. His ignorance created ISI, then evolved into ISIS. Maliki gone, and another but less competent pawn came. Again Abadi cannot prevent disintegration.
indeed it is not the problem of Maliki for people like you
you 're totally obsessed of your anti shia ideology. never mind all shias are bad guys and you should fight them.

why you think group like IS became strong? it is because they got support from many countries directly or undirectly
Iraqi government is just a part of the problem. such problem doesn't create the worst extremist groups . when you see so many foreign fighters it prooves that the problem is not Iraqi only or Syrian only: this is much more than this
Turkey cannot fight Kurdish rebels outside the border effectively.
there is a difference between not helping PKK and i would not blame you for this
AND help kurds against IS
people like you , as you said many times , did choose. and you give your real face of brainwashed islamist .
There comes IS. Keeping pressure on Shia powerhouses, US and Jewish interests in the regions and most importantly keeps check on anti-Turk Kurdish terrorists which are operating outside our border.
yeah US are the bad guys.. why? because they bomb IS?

jews blabla jews blabla .... Israel policy for the conflict in the region: the less involved country from all countries in the region
and you blame them. ahah it was funny. or not.
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