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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Finally, YPG captures Tal Abayd from ISIS. Good job. But they should thank U.S too, their airstrikes in this battle were unprecedented, they literally obliterated many IS supply convoys coming to city, putting it under effective siege. Now compare it to Ramadi where U.S forces completely ignored tens of ISIS vehicles and convoys coming to Ramadi. U.S knows when it should actually fight ISIS and when not. When it comes to Kurds, they come in with full force.

Hezbollah continues to kick Nusra's behind in Qalamun, only a relatively small area is in possession of terrorists now, few days/weeks and Qalamun will be completely free of terrorists.



Armed groups have launched various heavy attacks against Thallah air base in Dara'a and they all failed. Based on latest reports, they are taking heavy casualties for capturing the airport, but with no success as of now. It shows that if SAA actually wants to resist in an area, they can hold up very well, now compare it to battles of Idlib or Ariha where they retreated in hours, which as I said previously, it came with direct orders from above. SAA has just gave up on some parts of Syria or they may have strategies that I'm not aware of.


Terrorists killed 25 civilians and wounded 100 after heavy shelling of residential areas in Rashidin district, Aleppo.


Oh look, more misinformation. Why am I not surprised?
The Qalamoun map is heavily biased towards regime. Nusra suffered heavy losses yes, but so did Hezbollah and SAA. And ISIS is not allied with Nusra or any other rebel group. And it seems interesting how ISIS always attacks Nusra positions in Qalamoun when Hezbollah and SAA are also attacking rebel positions...hmm.

Thal'ah airbase battle was stopped today, so more BS from you. Druze leaders are willing to make a deal.

These "terrorists" are already in control of Rashidin district, they took the rest of it today besides the military buildings. They had no reason to shell territory they just took/already held. And they shelled regime positions in the district lightly, the regime got kicked out by a rebel ground attack on the entire Western Aleppo front.
You love spreading so much disinformation, even when all other sources, including civilian sources, say no. Then again, civilian sources often conflict with SAA "sources" 99% of the time :omghaha:

Rebel gains on the Western Aleppo front (Ashrafiyeh, Khaldiyeh, Rashidayn, and Bustan al Basha) are huge:
- At least 2 tanks destroyed
- ~40 Assadists killed in al-Rashidayn
And possible gains (unconfirmed/more sources needed):
- 2 Jets destroyed on the ground on the Nayrab airport
- Military research center liberated

Gains/events elsewhere in Syria:
- Rahiyya Castle in Northeastern Hama taken by rebels, ~20 Assadists killed
- Tha'lah airbase was shelled by rebels with rockets before Druze leaders wanted to make a deal with rebels. During the shelling/fighting rebels killed a high-ranking officer who was behind the shelling of Suwaydaa that killed several civilians in order to put blame on rebels. (Regime shelled Suwaydaa with mortars, even though rebels are not in mortar range of Suwaydaa.)
- Obvious takeover of Tall Abyad by YPG and FSA and takeover of Ayn Issa by FSA.

Still believe Assad is winning @Serpentine? Qalamoun's liberation will be soon, we'll need to clear all of the Assadist Salients first.
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Finally, YPG captures Tal Abayd from ISIS. Good job. But they should thank U.S too, their airstrikes in this battle were unprecedented, they literally obliterated many IS supply convoys coming to city, putting it under effective siege. Now compare it to Ramadi where U.S forces completely ignored tens of ISIS vehicles and convoys coming to Ramadi. U.S knows when it should actually fight ISIS and when not. When it comes to Kurds, they come in with full force.
Why should US help Shia militias who shout "Death to America" at all? Be grateful for Tikrit where Sulemiani buried over thousand and achieved nothing.

Hezbollah continues to kick Nusra's behind in Qalamun, only a relatively small area is in possession of terrorists now, few days/weeks and Qalamun will be completely free of terrorists.


These maps on empty hills have zero meaning. There are 1.5 million Syrian Sunnis in Lebanon expelled by Assad and Hezbollah and they will always keep Hezies sleepless.
While Assad may have some set back, the Syrian PKK are gaining grounds by closing in on Tel Abyad. If PKK took Tel Abyad, it would be the most significant defeat of ISIS after Kobane and even her recent win against Assad would not compensate that.

Lost of Tel Abyad would basically cut her off severely with terrorist sponsor Turkey.


Kurdish-Syrian force advances on key border town held by Islamic State - The Washington Post

— A Kurdish-Syrian force is advancing toward one of the Islamic State’s most strategically vital possessions, capturing territory in the group’s landmark province of Raqqa and threatening to inflict what could be the most significant defeat yet for the militants.

The Kurdish-led force, backed by U.S. airstrikes, closed in from the south, east and west on Saturday on the Syrian-Turkish border town of Tel Abyad, a key Islamic State stronghold on which the militants rely for trade with the outside world and also the flow of foreign fighters who sustain their strength on the battlefield.
thanks to Turks tired-less effort , Kurds could take north of syria and connect themselves to Mediterranean sea .... and they are going to force Arabs and and all none kurd to leave these lands ( by spreading fear !!! )


to Turks : why you enter in political matter when you are so narrow minded and can't see the obvious scheme that going to take on ground !?
now , in upcoming years we have to face with "great Kurdistan" issues ....


in this map , just connect Kurdistan to Mediterranean sea ....
Oh look, more misinformation. Why am I not surprised?
The Qalamoun map is heavily biased towards regime. Nusra suffered heavy losses yes, but so did Hezbollah and SAA. And ISIS is not allied with Nusra or any other rebel group. And it seems interesting how ISIS always attacks Nusra positions in Qalamoun when Hezbollah and SAA are also attacking rebel positions...hmm.

Thal'ah airbase battle was stopped today, so more BS from you. Druze leaders are willing to make a deal.

These "terrorists" are already in control of Rashidin district, they took the rest of it today besides the military buildings. They had no reason to shell territory they just took/already held. And they shelled regime positions in the district lightly, the regime got kicked out by a rebel ground attack on the entire Western Aleppo front.
You love spreading so much disinformation, even when all other sources, including civilian sources, say no. Then again, civilian sources often conflict with SAA "sources" 99% of the time :omghaha:

Rebel gains on the Western Aleppo front (Ashrafiyeh, Khaldiyeh, Rashidayn, and Bustan al Basha) are huge:
- At least 2 tanks destroyed
- ~40 Assadists killed in al-Rashidayn
And possible gains (unconfirmed/more sources needed):
- 2 Jets destroyed on the ground on the Nayrab airport
- Military research center liberated

Gains/events elsewhere in Syria:
- Rahiyya Castle in Northeastern Hama taken by rebels, ~20 Assadists killed
- Tha'lah airbase was shelled by rebels with rockets before Druze leaders wanted to make a deal with rebels. During the shelling/fighting rebels killed a high-ranking officer who was behind the shelling of Suwaydaa that killed several civilians in order to put blame on rebels. (Regime shelled Suwaydaa with mortars, even though rebels are not in mortar range of Suwaydaa.)
- Obvious takeover of Tall Abyad by YPG and FSA and takeover of Ayn Issa by FSA.

Still believe Assad is winning @Serpentine? Qalamoun's liberation will be soon, we'll need to clear all of the Assadist Salients first.

It's funny how you pathetically are covering for atrocities by your beloved 'revolutionaries'/terrorists. Just like you did it at first for Druze killed by Nus-Rats only to admit it later. I don't care if you don't accept it, it's not like they haven't killed a large number of civilians before. Oh I forgot, all those civilians kiving in gov held areas are 'Assadists' to you, so your numbers are not that false.

And about Aleppo front, almost none of what you said is confirmed to be true as of now, you may want to stop quoting Nusra fan page propaganda.

About Thaalah airbase, they stopped the offensive because of heavy casualties, it doesn't require a a very high brain capacity to understand that.

And Qalamun battle, Hezbollah also had casualties (yeah, they are not super humans), but don't ever try to say that it was anything, literally anything close to casualties of Nusra/IS terrorists. You can kill then in mass numbers on social media as much as you like, but that doesn't change the reality. Also, we should consider that Hezbollah is fighting the toughest battle in Syria now, finding terrorists hiding in mountains. You are welcome to read a little bit about mountain warfare.
Why should US help Shia militias who shout "Death to America" at all? Be grateful for Tikrit where Sulemiani buried over thousand and achieved nothing.
You repeat the same lie about Tikrit, but at the end, it was the same 'militias' who liberated Tikrit, not U.S, no matter how much you try to put it otherwise.
These maps on empty hills have zero meaning. There are 1.5 million Syrian Sunnis in Lebanon expelled by Assad and Hezbollah and they will always keep Hezies sleepless.

Believe me 500, your posts about Hezbollah are always a source of entertainment for me, I usually try to enjoy them.
You repeat the same lie about Tikrit, but at the end, it was the same 'militias' who liberated Tikrit, not U.S, no matter how much you try to put it otherwise.
Here the chronology of Shia militias slogans:

- We are so cool, we dont need America, with great Suleimani we will capture Tikrit in two days.

after month achieving nothing.

- Awww awww Amereeka help us. awww.

America helps and they take Tikrit.

- We are so cool, we captured Tikrit without Amreeka. Amreeka sucks we have Suleimani.

IS captures Ramadi within hours kicking *** of armed to teeth Shia militias.

- Awww awww, why Amreeeka did not help us? Awwww.

Believe me 500, your posts about Hezbollah are always a source of entertainment for me, I usually try to enjoy them.
Keep painting empty hills in Hezbollah colors while losing towns in Syria.
Here the chronology of Shia militias slogans:

- We are so cool, we dont need America, with great Suleimani we will capture Tikrit in two days.

after month achieving nothing.

- Awww awww Amereeka help us. awww.

America helps and they take Tikrit.

- We are so cool, we captured Tikrit without Amreeka. Amreeka sucks we have Suleimani.

IS captures Ramadi within hours kicking *** of armed to teeth Shia militias.

- Awww awww, why Amreeeka did not help us? Awwww.
Lol, that was funny. But I am actually used to your lying, so meh...

There wasn't one single militia in Ramadi when it was captured, it was only Iraqi army and Sunni tribesmen, and U.S didn't do anything to stop big IS convoys as we all expected. So please, don't embarass yourself like this.

But it was Shias who captured Tikrit, just like it was Shias who captured Jaraf al Sakhar and broke the siege of Amerli. It's Shias who kicked IS out of Baiji and prevented falling of Baiji city and refinery to IS, of course not to forget golden units of Iraqi army who did very well in there. U.S is now mostly busy helping Kurds in the north. Every single place there is a battle between Kurds and IS, you'll see unprecedented U.S strikes.

Keep painting empty hills in Hezbollah colors while losing towns in Syria.

Those empty hills magically produce dozens of dead Nusra corpses every day, lol. You know where you can find the pics.
There wasn't one single militia in Ramadi when it was captured, it was only Iraqi army and Sunni tribesmen, and U.S didn't do anything to stop big IS convoys as we all expected. So please, don't embarass yourself like this.
So called Iraqi army is nothing but big Shia militia.

But it was Shias who captured Tikrit,
After CC bombing campaign. Before they captured only their coffins.

just like it was Shias who captured Jaraf al Sakhar
Tiny village. We already discussed that.

Every single place there is a battle between Kurds and IS, you'll see unprecedented U.S strikes.
Of course.

Those empty hills magically produce dozens of dead Nusra corpses every day, lol. You know where you can find the pics.
Qadrillion every second.

Lost of Tel Abyad would basically cut her off severely with terrorist sponsor Turkey.
Kobani survived thanks to Turkish support.
Lol, that was funny. But I am actually used to your lying, so meh...

There wasn't one single militia in Ramadi when it was captured, it was only Iraqi army and Sunni tribesmen, and U.S didn't do anything to stop big IS convoys as we all expected. So please, don't embarass yourself like this.

But it was Shias who captured Tikrit, just like it was Shias who captured Jaraf al Sakhar and broke the siege of Amerli. It's Shias who kicked IS out of Baiji and prevented falling of Baiji city and refinery to IS, of course not to forget golden units of Iraqi army who did very well in there. U.S is now mostly busy helping Kurds in the north. Every single place there is a battle between Kurds and IS, you'll see unprecedented U.S strikes.

Those empty hills magically produce dozens of dead Nusra corpses every day, lol. You know where you can find the pics.

if you have seen the numbers, you'd know most airstrikes goes to Iraq.
@saif alarab @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Serpentine

Do you guys think it's time for a peace deal and new formation of government? And also thealogical discussion in Muslim world on the clerics on both sides who incite violence. The price for freedom is very heavy. What happened in Syria was example for other peoples in region to not seek Islamic democracy. Perhaps that's what West wants. This situation can't be turned around without some sort of cooperation or dialogue between ME shias and Sunnis and Iran/Saudi Arabia. If that's not possible we should expect more war of attrition and destruction of the region with nothing to gain. Does any of you see possibility of some sort of dialogue?
@saif alarab @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Serpentine

Do you guys think it's time for a peace deal and new formation of government? And also thealogical discussion in Muslim world on the clerics on both sides who incite violence. The price for freedom is very heavy. What happened in Syria was example for other peoples in region to not seek Islamic democracy. Perhaps that's what West wants. This situation can't be turned around without some sort of cooperation or dialogue between ME shias and Sunnis and Iran/Saudi Arabia. If that's not possible we should expect more war of attrition and destruction of the region with nothing to gain. Does any of you see possibility of some sort of dialogue?
I think now situation is gone beyond your control, civilians have started to hate middle eastern governments which allowed hundred thousands to be killed, and then Its arab countries which cares more about western interest and until west is here in region , peace can never ever be prevailed in middle east. It will get more and more worst.
I think now situation is gone beyond your control, civilians have started to hate middle eastern governments which allowed hundred thousands to be killed, and then Its arab countries which cares more about western interest and until west is here in region , peace can never ever be prevailed in middle east. It will get more and more worst.

Defintely is beyond my control...but with time question is how will situation across whole region develop? Will people get tired or it will it get multitudes worse ....and what role can Shia/Sunni clerics/ME governments play to influence the next ten years in region besides remaining neutral.
@saif alarab @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Serpentine

Do you guys think it's time for a peace deal and new formation of government? And also thealogical discussion in Muslim world on the clerics on both sides who incite violence. The price for freedom is very heavy. What happened in Syria was example for other peoples in region to not seek Islamic democracy. Perhaps that's what West wants. This situation can't be turned around without some sort of cooperation or dialogue between ME shias and Sunnis and Iran/Saudi Arabia. If that's not possible we should expect more war of attrition and destruction of the region with nothing to gain. Does any of you see possibility of some sort of dialogue?

No, I don't see any peace within reach as of now, not that it's not possible, everything is possible, but it's far from reality for now.
Defintely is beyond my control...but with time question is how will situation across whole region develop? Will people get tired or it will it get multitudes worse ....and what role can Shia/Sunni clerics/ME governments play to influence the next ten years in region besides remaining neutral.

What direction any war will take is not easy to foresee, specially a war having so many sides with different names are fighting.I mean when the war had started who thought that Syrian president will survive for so long and then I.S will emerge, This fighting is expanding and spreading beyond the regional territories. People may get tired but such instability takes years to get normal again, How the conflict supporting world powers would act in future that also matters a lot, Arabs would have avoided U.S entering in conflict at first place. You know Muslims already don't like them as they caused so much conflicts in the region. It provided opportunity to I.s to recruit fighters and emerge.
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