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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Thing is, we would get massacred by IDF. We are already getting heavily stalled with Assad's planes, now imagine much more sophisticated and accurate IDF planes shelling us. It would be hell. We don't have a large stock of MANPADs, and Israelis use jamming equipment on their planes anyways. I doubt they would try to invade in the first place though, since most of Syria's population is militarized and is not afraid to fight back against either Assad or Israel.
And for people who say Assad protected Syria against Israel, let's not forget him and Israel were in peace talks in 2007, so shove that uneducated opinion up your arse.

For Gaza that would be the case but Syria is something Israel doesn't want to get dragged into. Shelling(not killing but preventing IDF forces from incursion) will not cause large conflict and it will be internationally justified as making buffer zone is act of aggression. They absolutely have no legitimate reason. The guise of 'protecting druze' is just a guise. They want a buffer zone to station army, collect intelligence on rebels and paveway for easier invasion of Syria in future if needed. Better to prevent all those things right now. If they choose to conduct larger attack then they will do so with knowledge that it will empower regime, so the attack will be limited. And they won't have any international backing for any sort of operation.

If Israel does something stupid then Arab world will flood Syria with arms/men and won't stand by idle. At least let's hope that's the case. If Arab world doesn't back Syrians against such move then Syria will be playground for Israel/Russia/Iran. And if you want to become like Gaza or Lebanon in the 80's then you can tolerate a 'buffer zone' and what will come after it. But we out of experience are warning Syrians to accept situation unless you want to suffer active army able to target anywhere in Syria in less than minute and get international backing to use military force whenever they want in Syria. Plus they will interfere with your borders, naval ports(probably naval siege if Assad falls). You don't want to end up like this. The minimum is rebels must shell immediately any IDF movement very close to border and send message they won't tolerate it.

Don't be hostile to me as I've respected you and your people. I don't want to get into heated argument. Like I said, this isn't opinion and will become reality. Only stupid people would tolerate such thing. And if they do say bye to Syria, it will never become functioning country again. Where did I say Assad protected Syria from israel? Nobody said that, what Israel is doing is recognizing the situation is ripe for it to seize opportunity to give itself options in post-Assad syria and it will do it while rebels are in midst of stalemate war because it knows it will be difficult for them to intervene.

So by looks of it, the area where they want buffer zone is controlled partly by rebels and Hezbollah. Controlling the border is important at this point
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Has the coalition offensive with troops(YPG/FSA) on ground began against ISIS? Coalition is heavily increasing airstrikes against ISIS held towns and positions whilst coordinating ground offensive with YPG. So it seems they hope to split Syria between Druze/Kurds/Shias/Sunnis(smallest portion). At same time is it possible following offensive against ISIS they will target regime?

This looks like likely course. It's also another Arab Sunni failure, complete failure and waste of revolution. All because Arab Sunni governments refused to support Arab Sunnis with arms. Only Turkey did. And now Turkey is basically getting the finger by the West, and west is paving way for Kurdish state. So Turkey/Saudi Arabia are in trouble. Another great achievement by retard Arab governments and retard Arab Sunni populatio who could care less about their interests.

Retard Arab Sunnis don't deserve Syria. This is what you get retard populations for refusing to take any stand in supporting your people. Now the whole country is going to Kurds and regime. As long as you retards have zero will to get something done it will always be this way.
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Has the coalition offensive with troops(YPG/FSA) on ground began against ISIS? Coalition is heavily increasing airstrikes against ISIS held towns and positions whilst coordinating ground offensive with YPG. So it seems they hope to split Syria between Druze/Kurds/Shias/Sunnis(smallest portion). At same time is it possible following offensive against ISIS they will target regime?

This looks like likely course. It's also another Arab Sunni failure, complete failure and waste of revolution. All because Arab Sunni governments refused to support Arab Sunnis with arms. Only Turkey did. And now Turkey is basically getting the finger by the West, and west is paving way for Kurdish state. So Turkey/Saudi Arabia are in trouble. Another great achievement by retard Arab governments and retard Arab Sunni populatio who could care less about their interests.

Retard Arab Sunnis don't deserve Syria. This is what you get retard populations for refusing to take any stand in supporting your people. Now the whole country is going to Kurds and regime. As long as you retards have zero will to get something done it will always be this way.

This has never been about Arab Sunnis. Most of Arab Sunnis fight in the Syrian army. The Syrian army has superior manpower and arms.
#Aleppo: Rebels Have Liberated Al-Bal Village From ISIS in the Countryside

From the media files (graphic), 13 terrorists were killed.
The 14th was a kid, they wounded and captured him (here) .
So the massacre against Druze actually turned out to be true. And only for the second time in the history of the Syrian Revolution (IIRC), rebel leaders have to condemn a massacre done by a rebel-affiliated group. Both times it was Nusra who did it.

It was an incident but not of a sectarian background.
20 civilians were killed including 3 elders, 1 woman and an 8-year-old girl.
They condemned it and said they will punish the culprits including that one who calls himself Al-Safeena (here), but even if true, a massacre is a massacre and it won't bring people back to life.
Walid Jumblatt said that the killing of at least 20 Druze civilians in northwest Syria by Islamist militants was anisolated incident” , incomparable to the atrocities committed by the Syrian regime every day.
After condemning Wednesday’s killings by the al Qaeda linked Al Nusra Front in the village of Qalb Lozeh, Jumblatt said, “At the same time I condemn the Syrian regime’s shells that kill 150 to 200 people every dayand more than 350,000 so far since the civil war started .”
“It’s true that we stand in grief and shock before the death of 25 martyrs,” he added. “But 200 martyrs fall everyday all over Syria.”
Jumblatt who is a prominent critic of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his regime, said Syria’s Druze community should seek full reconciliation with the Sunni community.

Source: Ya Libnan
Just a reminder of Assad's atrocities: The Revolting Syrian-يلا إرحل يا بشار, Does This Not Outrage You?
A reminder ?, we haven't forgotten yet :
- The incident of Qalb Lawza took place last Wednesday (June 10th), in Idlib province. In spite of lacking evidences, although the culprit is Al-Qaeda affiliated, they admitted and condemned it.
Here, SOHR is so very reliable even though they don't have any visual evidence.
- The same province (Idlib), on Sunday (June 8th) of the same week, the regime committed a massacre in Al-Janoudiya in Idlib, visual evidences are available but everybody ignored it since the victims were Sunnis :

"At least 48 victims including 7 children and 5 women died in government warplanes missile shelling on Al-Janoudiya in Idlib, June 8."

Source: SNHR
But here, unlike that one of Qalb Lawzah, neither SOHR, nor HRW, or SNHR is reliable. In spite of providing evidences including media files.

Type (مجزرة الجانودية) in Twitter, or a search engine and you will find the media files (graphic).
And of course, we don't even need any 'condemnation' :
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.
Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return."
Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.

- The Holy Qur'an (2:155-157)

Back to Carol Malouf, the Christian Lebanese journalist who visited Idlib last April, no need to post the entire interview, these 2 minutes should conclude it :
If Israel does something stupid then Arab world will flood Syria with arms/men and won't stand by idle. At least let's hope that's the case. If Arab world doesn't back Syrians against such move then Syria will be playground for Israel/Russia/Iran. And if you want to become like Gaza or Lebanon in the 80's then you can tolerate a 'buffer zone' and what will come after it. But we out of experience are warning Syrians to accept situation unless you want to suffer active army able to target anywhere in Syria in less than minute and get international backing to use military force whenever they want in Syria. Plus they will interfere with your borders, naval ports(probably naval siege if Assad falls). You don't want to end up like this. The minimum is rebels must shell immediately any IDF movement very close to border and send message they won't tolerate it.

after 70 years you keep fooling yourselves ....
For Gaza that would be the case but Syria is something Israel doesn't want to get dragged into. Shelling(not killing but preventing IDF forces from incursion) will not cause large conflict and it will be internationally justified as making buffer zone is act of aggression. They absolutely have no legitimate reason. The guise of 'protecting druze' is just a guise. They want a buffer zone to station army, collect intelligence on rebels and paveway for easier invasion of Syria in future if needed. Better to prevent all those things right now. If they choose to conduct larger attack then they will do so with knowledge that it will empower regime, so the attack will be limited. And they won't have any international backing for any sort of operation.

If Israel does something stupid then Arab world will flood Syria with arms/men and won't stand by idle. At least let's hope that's the case. If Arab world doesn't back Syrians against such move then Syria will be playground for Israel/Russia/Iran. And if you want to become like Gaza or Lebanon in the 80's then you can tolerate a 'buffer zone' and what will come after it. But we out of experience are warning Syrians to accept situation unless you want to suffer active army able to target anywhere in Syria in less than minute and get international backing to use military force whenever they want in Syria. Plus they will interfere with your borders, naval ports(probably naval siege if Assad falls). You don't want to end up like this. The minimum is rebels must shell immediately any IDF movement very close to border and send message they won't tolerate it.

Don't be hostile to me as I've respected you and your people. I don't want to get into heated argument. Like I said, this isn't opinion and will become reality. Only stupid people would tolerate such thing. And if they do say bye to Syria, it will never become functioning country again. Where did I say Assad protected Syria from israel? Nobody said that, what Israel is doing is recognizing the situation is ripe for it to seize opportunity to give itself options in post-Assad syria and it will do it while rebels are in midst of stalemate war because it knows it will be difficult for them to intervene.

So by looks of it, the area where they want buffer zone is controlled partly by rebels and Hezbollah. Controlling the border is important at this point
My "shove your opinion up your arse" comment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at the idiots who claimed Assad fought Israel when peace talks were ongoing since 2007-present (as far as we know.) I knew I should've clarified that more :(

Thanks bro....i see they are FSA. :agree:

The ammo box in the pic belongs to MKEK of Turkey.
I'm assuming then the old .50 cals were given to us by you then. Thanks for them, old but still gold, tear up Assadists real good. :)
A reminder ?, we haven't forgotten yet :
We haven't forgotten, but the Assad supporters sure choose to ignore it.
Finally, YPG captures Tal Abayd from ISIS. Good job. But they should thank U.S too, their airstrikes in this battle were unprecedented, they literally obliterated many IS supply convoys coming to city, putting it under effective siege. Now compare it to Ramadi where U.S forces completely ignored tens of ISIS vehicles and convoys coming to Ramadi. U.S knows when it should actually fight ISIS and when not. When it comes to Kurds, they come in with full force.

Hezbollah continues to kick Nusra's behind in Qalamun, only a relatively small area is in possession of terrorists now, few days/weeks and Qalamun will be completely free of terrorists.



Armed groups have launched various heavy attacks against Thallah air base in Dara'a and they all failed. Based on latest reports, they are taking heavy casualties for capturing the airport, but with no success as of now. It shows that if SAA actually wants to resist in an area, they can hold up very well, now compare it to battles of Idlib or Ariha where they retreated in hours, which as I said previously, it came with direct orders from above. SAA has just gave up on some parts of Syria or they may have strategies that I'm not aware of.


Terrorists killed 25 civilians and wounded 100 after heavy shelling of residential areas in Rashidin district, Aleppo.


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