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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

So the massacre against Druze actually turned out to be true. And only for the second time in the history of the Syrian Revolution (IIRC), rebel leaders have to condemn a massacre done by a rebel-affiliated group. Both times it was Nusra who did it.
Anyways, downed jet was confirmed to be a SU-24, huge loss for Assad. A second jet was damaged.
An L-39 or a Mi-8 crashed near Abu al Duhour in Idlib. So that's 2 aircraft and 1 possible kill in the span of a few days...Alhamdulillah.
Just a reminder of Assad's atrocities: The Revolting Syrian-يلا إرحل يا بشار, Does This Not Outrage You?

Karma is a *****, Morsi!
Iran brings home body of top general killed in Syria| Reuters
Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:39am EDT
Iran is bringing home the body of a top-ranking military officer killed in April in southern Syria, Iranian news agencies reported, at least the second senior Iranian to die there this year while supporting Damascus in the war.

Hadi Kajbaf, a major general in the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), was killed near the rebel-held town of Busr al-Harir, about 100 km (60 miles) south of Damascus, the IRGC-linked Tasnim agency reported late on Friday.

Three other Iranians were killed alongside Kajbaf including a mid-ranking Shi'ite Muslim cleric, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

Kajbaf held the highest rank used in Iran's armed forces, making him more senior than an IRGC brigadier general who was killed in January by an Israeli missile strike in Syrian territory near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, along with a number of fighters from the Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah group.

The late commander's son, Sajad Kajbaf, told Tasnim the body was due to be flown to Iran on Friday night after being delayed by a day. It was not clear how Iran had obtained the body, which was taken by the rebels when he was killed.

An unknown number of Iranian military advisers have deployed in Syria in support of the Syrian army and the militias fighting alongside it. The Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah is now deployed more widely than ever in Syria.
‫Timeline Photos - الشيخ أبو فهد وحيد البلعوس | Facebook‬

Druze leader Wahideddine Balous gave orders to his fighters to arrest Assadists in suwayda including Wafiq Naser, the head of the military intelligence in Suwaydaa after the so called "minority protector" regime mortar bombed minority Druze civilians in Suwaydaa city this morning from military bases in order to blame it on the Southern Front rebels.

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Walid Jumblatt (Druze leader in Lebanon): "Druze of Suwayda should unite with Daraa Rebels against Assad Regime.

Druze have proven time and time again to be untrustworthy partners. Or rather their leaders. If those people had any sense they would have supported the Syrian people against the genocidal Al-Assad regime from the very beginning.

In any case it is good that they are waking up.

Walid Jumblatt remains a clown though.

Lebanon's Walid Jumblatt & the Demise of Bashar Al-Assad

Walid Jumblatt's Epiphany - The Globe and Mail
Last 2 days
That's a good progress for Kurds. Now it can be understood why ISIS is trying to expand its territory in the north of Aleppo. Their supply routes directly come from turkey, and by taking the land close to tal Abyad, their only remaining routes will be from the North Aleppo. After capturing Tal Abyadh, Kurds need to capture the Syrian area bordering Turkey in west of Euphrates to remove ISIS.
Three Syrian officers killed as IS downs helicopter | Zee News
Last Updated: Saturday, June 13, 2015 - 22:36

Damascus: Three Syrian officers were killed when their helicopter was downed by Islamic State (IS) militants in the northern province of Aleppo, a monitor group reported on Saturday.

The helicopter was downed by the IS overnight in the vicinity of the Kwers airbase, which is besieged by the IS militants in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

Separately, the London-based watchdog group said the militant groups targeted government troops` positions in the districts of Ashrafiyeh and Khalidiyeh in northern Aleppo, adding that the Syrian forces fired two surface-to-surface missiles on the rebel-held district of Bani Zaid, with no reports on losses yet.
'Jaysh Fath' announces operation on outskirts of Hama
Jordanian army destroys pickup truck trying to enter its border with Syria
Current map in Idlib, 'Jaysh Fath' attempting to take over remaining SAA held villages along Idlib corridor:



EDIT, updated map:
ISIS preventing the civilians to cross the border and forcing them to return back to Tal Abyad GireSpi


Kurdish-Syrian force advances on key border town held by Islamic State

BEIRUT — A Kurdish-Syrian force is advancing toward one of the Islamic State’s most strategically vital possessions, capturing territory in the group’s landmark province of Raqqa and threatening to inflict what could be the most significant defeat yet for the militants.

The Kurdish-led force, backed by U.S. airstrikes, closed in from the south, east and west on Saturday on the Syrian-Turkish border town of Tal Abiyad, a key Islamic State stronghold on which the militants rely for trade with the outside world and also the flow of foreign fighters who sustain their strength on the battlefield.

The Kurdish militias and their allies are now within six miles of the town and could soon be in a position to encircle it, isolating the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed capital in the city of Raqqa further south, according to statements from the People’s Protection Units, or YPG, the main Kurdish fighting force.

The advance is forcing the Islamic State on to the defensive only weeks after the group celebrated victories in the Iraqi city of Ramadi and the Syrian city of Palmyra, after both the Iraqi and Syrian armies crumbled.

The progress demonstrates that success is possible when a well-motivated and coordinated force is backed by U.S. airstrikes, said Abu Shujaa, a spokesman for Thuwar al-Raqqa, or Raqqa Revolutionaries, one of the Syrian rebel battalions fighting in the coalition force.

“Daesh is not as strong as it thinks, but its enemies are weak. We are successful because we have the will to fight,” he said, referring to the Islamic State by its Arabic name.

“And of course, we are getting help from the coalition in the form of airstrikes,” he added.

The offensive raises the specter of another major battle on the Turkish border similar to the one that dominated headlines last fall for the much smaller Kurdish town of Kobane – except that in this case, the Islamic State would be the one defending the town.

The offensive to capture Tal Abiyad is effectively a continuation of the Kobane battle, which marked a turning point for the Islamic State’s expansion in northeast Syria. The Islamic State had been poised to capture the Kurdish town until the United States intervened with airstrikes and halted the militants’ advance.

Since then, the Kurdish YPG has reversed the tide of the fight, steadily pushing the Islamic State back to the point where the militants are now losing territory they had held for more than 18 months in their heartland of the province of Raqqa.

No longer can the Islamic State claim control of an entire province in either Syria or Iraq.

At Friday prayers in the city of Raqqa, imams urged citizens to stockpile supplies of flour and food in preparation for a potential siege, according to the activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, which reports from inside the city.

A week earlier, the group reported, the Islamic State evacuated the families of foreign fighters from Tal Abiyad, relocating them to Raqqa.

The Kurds who dominated the battle in Kobane have now been joined by several Free Syrian Army units and are fighting as a coalition called Burkan al-Furat, or Euphrates Volcano. Forces with the coalition have also advanced from Kurdish-held territory to the east of Tal Abiyad. On Saturday, they encircled the town of Suluk, to the south of Tal Abiyad, further putting pressure on the Islamic State.

The participation of Arab rebels from the Free Syrian Army is important because most of the population of Raqqa province, including Tal Abiyad, is Arab, said Aras Xani, a fighter with the Kurdish YPG on the eastern front of the battle.

“More and more Free Syrian Army fighters are taking part because the population of this area is mostly Arab. Arabs and the FSA must play a big role in this operation since it is their homeland,” he said.

Abu Mohanned, a commander with the Free Syrian Army units advancing from the west toward Tal Abiyad, said Islamic State fighters had retreated without a fight from many of the villages his forces have taken as they advance on Tal Abiyad. “When we meet resistance, we send the coordinates to the coalition and they carry out airstrikes,” he said.

The Islamic State is expected to put up a much tougher fight for Tal Abiyad, given its importance. The town adjoins Turkey, and though the official border crossing has been closed since the town fell under Islamic State control a year ago, smuggling routes nearby serve as the group’s lifeline to the outside world.

“Resistance is growing the closer we get to Tal Abiyad,” said Xani, who predicted another month of fighting before the town falls.

Kurdish-Syrian force advances on key border town held by Islamic State - The Washington Post
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