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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Atawolf, don't be an idiot. Nobody is sending 15k troops. This is a proxy war. Not an actual hot war for Iran. And although Turkey is miles ahead of Iran on the democratic/domestic from, erKopekan is doing his very best to reverse all those gains Ataturk and his successors fought for in the past 90 years.


Listen, I have friends/colleagues who would normally vote for him. Religious people, ramadan and all. But even they are saying he's the single most corrupt bastard in all of Turkish politics, hell bent on dictatorship. Forging votes etc. Come on. I agree he did many good things, making Turkey strong economically and made Turkey a force to be reckoned with, but he's taking it too far.
ATGM delived justice to Hezbollah position.


No need to waste time on this Farsi clown. He constanstly insults Turkey. I'm not saying Turkey has no problems but he never says something critical about the sectarian extremist Mullah who hanging minorities and gays for ******* reasons and are creating problems throughout the region. At least he is spending money on Syrian people while Mullah pretends to care about Syrians and then helps Assad to throw barrel bombs on Syrian families.
Iran is getting more and more extreme. My feeling is saying that they will destroy their own country at the end. They should be worrying about their own country instead of Assad or what not. With this behavior there won't be any deal with Iran. It is like a country that is being lead by children. They can't see further than their nose.
it is what says your Erdogan friend in Nosra indeed : let's kill Iranians
one day you should go to a doctor . you become even worst than a nazi.
That's at least 12+1+4 dead hezbollah, which is by the way 17 when you use this thing called math. In 1 day.
Hezbollah's offensive in Qalamoun stalled, as usual. And don't you worry, once rebels retake the rest of South Dara'a from Shuhudaa Yarmouk (ISIS) rebels will restart Dara'a offensive, and the next objectives after Dara'a are Qalamoun and Ghouta. Your death is coming near :)
ATGM delived justice to Hezbollah position.


No need to waste time on this Farsi clown. He constanstly insults Turkey. I'm not saying Turkey has no problems but he never says something critical about the sectarian extremist Mullah who hanging minorities and gays for ******* reasons and are creating problems throughout the region. At least he is spending money on Syrian people while Mullah pretends to care about Syrians and then helps Assad to throw barrel bombs on Syrian families.

Ata IT, what are you lying about? Insulting Turkey? That's your problem, mistaking Erdogan for Turkey. The two aren't the same. Show me one single sentence I've critisized Turkey with. Lying doesn't suit anybody.
To Iranians here it is all a game. Syrians are being killed. 10, 20 or 30 Syrian families being blown to pieces by barrel bombs is nothing for them but they shouldn't forget that history won't forget this. Iran is creating a lot of enemies. When Iran will get in a similar situation nobody will stand behind Iran (which you undoubtedly will seeing the direction you are heading). You will be by yourself.

well , dieing by barrel bombs is better to see your families get beheaded in front of you ...
That's at least 12+1+4 dead hezbollah, which is by the way 17 when you use this thing called math. In 1 day.
Hezbollah's offensive in Qalamoun stalled, as usual. And don't you worry, once rebels retake the rest of South Dara'a from Shuhudaa Yarmouk (ISIS) rebels will restart Dara'a offensive, and the next objectives after Dara'a are Qalamoun and Ghouta. Your death is coming near :)

You can share all these numbers with terrorist-sympathizers on cyber space, but they didn't show any 'bodies'. Yes there was casualties obviously, but don't throw numbers only because terrorists from a kilometer away say it is true. They shoot a missile and make up a number. Meanwhile, I have tens of pics of dead Nusra dogs which I can't share on this forum as you know. Actual dead bodies I mean, not a missile being shot from a kilometer away and cheering Allahu Akbar like clowns.

And yes, Hezbollah does have casualties in Qalamun, they are not super humans or anything else, they are also human with body and flesh. I never said they don't have casualties, I said terrorists and their supporters tend to exaggerate the numbers ridiculously. Based on terrorists Tweets in past month, I think nearly 1000-1500 Hezbollah have been killed and tens of others captured. But again, nothing to prove that, just pathetic Al-Qaeda propaganda.

As I have said earlier, that 'revolution' has went down to toilet, the most serious indication is that people like you are cheering for a terrorist group day and night to bring them freedom, but you are too stubborn to accept that. You'll get it eventually though.
Isn't Hezbulat a terrorist entity?
Why do u cheer for them?

First of all, for me, Nusra and ISIS are terrorists, for you Hezbollah, so we all talk from our own perspective.

Secondly, Hezbollah is nothing like Nus-Rats, they don't want to establish a 'Khilafah' aka a terrorist entity, they are a political party that has good connections and interactions with other factions in Lebanon.

And third of all, they don't want to overthrow any government to rule any country, if they wanted, they'd do it with Lebanon.

So comparing Hezbollah with Nus-Rats is like comparing white with black.
First of all, for me, Nusra and ISIS are terrorists, for you Hezbollah, so we all talk from our own perspective.

Secondly, Hezbollah is nothing like Nus-Rats, they don't want to establish a 'Khilafah' aka a terrorist entity, they are a political party that has good connections and interactions with other factions in Lebanon.

And third of all, they don't want to overthrow any government to rule any country, if they wanted, they'd do it with Lebanon.

So comparing Hezbollah with Nus-Rats is like comparing white with black.

last time i check, terrorist is a person or organization that uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims

hence, hezbo army fit that bill

even if it happenened

how can you curse them?

you cant know every details from their lives.

at one point she could have been angerened by anyone it is a whole life time. somtimes i get angered to my parents or brothers i dont curse them, you should show some respect and not meddle into their family affairs and create fitna whatever happened it is between them and God.

so it is not up to you man know you place
First of all, for me, Nusra and ISIS are terrorists, for you Hezbollah, so we all talk from our own perspective.

If we can agree that terrorists deliberately target innocent people/civilians as a means to terrorise them to achieve the outcome of political gain, then both ISIS and Hezbollah are terrorists.

This is quite a clear definition. Hezbollah have been implicated in scores of attacks against civilians. Be it in Bulgaria, Argentina, Israel or Syria.

They are the very definition of terrorists, and so are ISIS.

Secondly, Hezbollah is nothing like Nus-Rats, they don't want to establish a 'Khilafah' aka a terrorist entity, they are a political party that has good connections and interactions with other factions in Lebanon.

Actually they are an arm of Iran who have wanted to "export their revolution" and regional hegemony. Essentially, they want a Shia/Persian caliphate. Their policy has been to try and create a contiguous area of land from Tehran to Israel's borders and beyond.

And third of all, they don't want to overthrow any government to rule any country, if they wanted, they'd do it with Lebanon.

They overthrew the Lebanese government by killing politicians which triggered the government's collapse.

Their stated goal is to destroy Israel.

So comparing Hezbollah with Nus-Rats is like comparing white with black.

They are a mirror image of each other.
If we can agree that terrorists deliberately target innocent people/civilians as a means to terrorise them to achieve the outcome of political gain, then both ISIS and Hezbollah are terrorists.

Same as IDF. They intentionally kill civilians, they are famous for it actually.

This is quite a clear definition. Hezbollah have been implicated in scores of attacks against civilians. Be it in Bulgaria, Argentina, Israel or Syria.

Neither of them is proved, and Hezbollah never accepted responsibility for those attacks.

Actually they are an arm of Iran who have wanted to "export their revolution" and regional hegemony. Essentially, they want a Shia/Persian caliphate. Their policy has been to try and create a contiguous area of land from Tehran to Israel's borders and beyond.

No it's not, that's what you like to propagate, but their actions tells something else. If they wanted a caliphate, Lebanon would already be a caliphate, it's not like they are not capable of doing it.

They overthrew the Lebanese government by killing politicians which triggered the government's collapse.

Their stated goal is to destroy Israel.

They didn't overthrow any government by force.

About destroying Israel, it's Israeli generals who threaten daily to destroy Lebanon, not vice versa.

They are a mirror image of each other.

IDF, Nusra and ISIS, yes maybe. But Hezbollah and ISIS and Nusra, nah, they don't have anything in common.
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