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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Iran sends 15,000 troops to Syria

BEIRUT: Iran has sent 15,000 fighters to Syria to reverse recent battlefield setbacks for Syrian government troops and wants to achieve results by the end of the month, a Lebanese political source has told The Daily Star.

The militia force, made up of Iranians, Iraqis and Afghanis, the source said, have arrived in the Damascus region and in the coastal province of Latakia.

The source said the fighters are expected to spearhead an effort to seize areas of Idlib province, where the regime has suffered a string of defeats at the hands of a rebel-jihadi coalition.

Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds force, was in Latakia this week to shore up preparations for the campaign, the source said.

Soleimani promised a “surprise” from Tehran and Damascus.

“The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” Iran’s official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying Tuesday.

The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad agreed reluctantly to the plan, which is expected to achieve two objectives, according to the source.

Iran sends 15,000 fighters to Syria | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

With sanctions relief coming up at the end of June, Iran is going to go at Syria hard.


Senior Israeli army officer says Hezbollah have lost about 100 men in the last 2 weeks

The officer characterized Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, who has delivered four saber-rattling speeches over the past eight days, as suffering from “no small amount of embarrassment” in Lebanon, and said that Israel has seen the transfer of Hezbollah troops from the south – the border with Israel – to Syria.

“That points to their distress,” he stated.
Iran sends 15,000 troops to Syria

BEIRUT: Iran has sent 15,000 fighters to Syria to reverse recent battlefield setbacks for Syrian government troops and wants to achieve results by the end of the month, a Lebanese political source has told The Daily Star.

The militia force, made up of Iranians, Iraqis and Afghanis, the source said, have arrived in the Damascus region and in the coastal province of Latakia.

The source said the fighters are expected to spearhead an effort to seize areas of Idlib province, where the regime has suffered a string of defeats at the hands of a rebel-jihadi coalition.

Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds force, was in Latakia this week to shore up preparations for the campaign, the source said.

Soleimani promised a “surprise” from Tehran and Damascus.

“The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” Iran’s official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying Tuesday.

The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad agreed reluctantly to the plan, which is expected to achieve two objectives, according to the source.

Iran sends 15,000 fighters to Syria | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR


With sanctions relief coming up at the end of June, Iran is going to go at Syria hard.

I wonder when all these fake news about Iran will stop to come out. Based on all these bogus reports, Iran has already sent 20 million soldiers to Syria.
I wonder when all these fake news about Iran will stop to come out. Based on all these bogus reports, Iran has already sent 20 million soldiers to Syria.

A political source is more trustworthy that journalist sources. We know Iranians are in Syria because we've seen them dying.

Anyway, the article says that Iranians will form part of that 15,000.

Also see the added info I put. 100 dead Hezzies in two weeks. Heavy casualties for a relatively small group. They will need to recruit heavily and won't be able to provide adequate training.

Could get messy for the Hezzies.
A political source is more trustworthy that journalist sources. We know Iranians are in Syria because we've seen them dying.

Anyway, the article says that Iranians will form part of that 15,000.

Also see the added info I put. 100 dead Hezzies in two weeks. Heavy casualties for a relatively small group. They will need to recruit heavily and won't be able to provide adequate training.

Could get messy for the Hezzies.

Again fake numbers. Number of Hezbollah casualties is 40-50 at most. They have captured a large area from Nus-Rats in Qalamun. Considering they are fighting mountain warfare with a guerrilla group (most difficult warfare scenario), it's not that bad. They have already killed 2-3 times more Nusrats.
Your numbers are as reliable as those 15000 Iranians.
Again fake numbers. Number of Hezbollah casualties is 40-50 at most. They have captured a large area from Nus-Rats in Qalamun. Considering they are fighting mountain warfare with a guerrilla group (most difficult warfare scenario), it's not that bad. They have already killed 2-3 times more Nusrats.
Your numbers are as reliable as those 15000 Iranians.

Israeli drones, satellites and intel can see Hezbollah having to take men from the south to make up the numbers lost in Syria.

Qalamun started off quite well, but now you're starting to get bogged down and are suffering heavy casualties.

Although you're killing more rebels than they're killing of you, they outnumber you. Hence when you're currently losing the war. The ONLY way you can turn the tide is massive manpower increases.

Assad doesn't have the manpower, but who does? Iran.
I just want to understand one thing.

Those people that support the Al-Assad regime (Ba'athi) regime were/are almost all against the Saddam Hussein regime (Ba'athi too). That makes no sense.

The people supported the entire removal of the Ba'athi regime in Iraq (even ordinary policemen and soldiers that lost their jobs and become jobless overnight after 2003) but in Syria they demand the Al-Assad regime to become a part of a future Syria.

Where is the consistency?

When I speak about the Al-Assad regime I am talking about the top dogs not the ordinary Syrian soldiers or the Syrian family that might prefer the Al-Assad regime.

So the faults of Iraq should not be committed in Syria otherwise the problems will just become even greater.


Safe your time, I am not going to reply to brainless Al-Assad fanboys. Also don't include Libya and Gaddafi here.

The only thing I like about Gaddafi's family is one of his dead son's who was called Saif al-Arab.

The beard too as I spot a similar one currently.:lol:
Why comparing apple with orange .
Ksa is a kingdom and Sweden also a kingdom .
Is it strange for you one support KSA but hate Sweden ?
Some people speak about alliance between Iran and the west in this thread while the west has dozens of military bases in their countries and has been arming their armies to the point that we can call them American mercenaries.

I can give people countless sources to prove the whole Arab states in region are allied to the US , but can you give me such evidence to prove your point?

If yes, Then I'll be thankful .

If no , please stop the lies right there and never repeat them here again .
Again fake numbers. Number of Hezbollah casualties is 40-50 at most. They have captured a large area from Nus-Rats in Qalamun. Considering they are fighting mountain warfare with a guerrilla group (most difficult warfare scenario), it's not that bad. They have already killed 2-3 times more Nusrats.
Your numbers are as reliable as those 15000 Iranians.

Holy f*ck, if you want to lie and spread your pathetic propaganda then at least make it somewhat believable, i know that it's hard doing that specially that you're from Mullahstan but at least try!
Some people speak about alliance between Iran and the west in this thread while the west has dozens of military bases in their countries and has been arming their armies to the point that we can call them American mercenaries.

I can give people countless sources to prove the whole Arab states in region are allied to the US , but can you give me such evidence to prove your point?

If yes, Then I'll be thankful .

If no , please stop the lies right there and never repeat them here again .

You're working with the US in Iraq, this is open knowledge.

As far as Syria, I don't think there is any Iran/US cooperation.
Prove that ,

We're not sure to have common enemy in Iraq and you're saying we're cooperating ?

You guys practically rode in on the same Humvees in Tikrit.

Come on, it was all over the news that America and Iran were coordinating over Iraq.
You guys practically rode in on the same Humvees in Tikrit.

Come on, it was all over the news that America and Iran were coordinating over Iraq.

Give me reliable evidence .

What is happening in Iraq doesn't seem to be a cooperation .

Americans have been back stabbing Iran and the Iraqi government and that can't be called cooperation .

How is the US cooperating with Iran when they watched thousands of ISIS terrorists in a long row entering Ramadi and not a single bullet shot by Americans against them ?

I think the US want a balance in this war in order to make it costly for all sides .
If i am not wrong is not this narration pointing to hazrat ali (ra) who angered hazrat fatima (ra) when he was thinking of marrying to the daughter of abu jahl.

Are u cursing hazrat ali (ra) ?

I am not here to discuss something that is obvious, a fake hadith narrated by a 6 years old kid to destroy image of Imam Ali (as) and claim that Abu bakr wasn't the one who Fatima (sa) was angered at him.... Therefore no farther discussion .....

1: The hadith is against Quranic teachings which allow men to have more than one wife ...
2: There is no proof indicating present of daughter of Abu Jahl back then in Medina in that time actually she was in Mecca ...
3: The hadith was narrated only and only by a person by the name of "Mosavar ibn Mokharame" who was born two years after immigration ,,, it means he was 6 years old when the aforementioned incident took place in eighth years of immigration...

imam ali marring abo jahl doghter.gif

How on earth a 6 years old kid could become pubescent and "Mohtalem" .... Wasn't any one else probably one of those Sahabe (ra) around to narrate such a thing except him? I mean a 6 years old kid... you gotta be kidding me ... if there is another source the narration of this 6 years old kid could make it unreliable ...

4. The guy couldn't comprehend that he needed to cover himself up and you take him as a reliable source ? do you?

5" The daughter of Abu Jahl was married already once he became Muslim by prophet (pbuh)....


And the last one:

Have you heard this verses:

1: 27:16 And Solomon inherited David.
2: 16:06 Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You]."

And how on earth Umar and Abo bakr could inherit from their fathers and Fatima (sa) not? Fatima (sa)was a liar? Ali (as) was a liar when he gave testimony ? wasn't Fadak in the hands of Fatima (sa) in the time of prophet (pbuh) and was given to her by prophet (pbuh) himself?is that a new Bedaa that the one who owes something should bring evidence? The truth that Fatima (sa) was angry is attached , you can see it.



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Iran sends 15,000 fighters to Syria

Iran has sent 15,000 fighters to Syria to reverse recent battlefield setbacks for Syrian government troops and wants to achieve results by the end of the month, a Lebanese political source said.

The militia force, made up of Iranians, Iraqis and Afghanis, the source said, have arrived in the Damascus region and in the coastal province of Latakia.

The source said the fighters are expected to spearhead an effort to seize areas of Idlib province, where the regime has suffered a string of defeats at the hands of a terrorist coalition.

Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds force, was in Latakia this week to shore up preparations for the campaign, the source said.

Soleimani promised a “surprise” from Tehran and Damascus.

“The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” Iran’s official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying Tuesday.

The government of Syrian President Bashar Assad agreed to the plan, which is expected to achieve two objectives, according to the source.

One is to reverse the falling morale of government supporters in the wake of the battlefield losses and high casualties, while the second is to achieve successes by the end of this month, which coincides with a deadline for Iran and world powers to finalize an interim deal on Tehran’s nuclear program.

A reversal of the fortunes of Damascus, which is heavily dependent on assistance from Iran, would improve Tehran’s leverage as it deals with the post-June phase of negotiating settlements on several turbulent regional fronts, including Syria, the source said.

The government forces have come under increasing pressure in recent months – in Idlib they were pushed back in several locations by a seven-member coalition of terrorists that included the powerful Ahrar al-Sham group and the Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria.

Government forces also withdrew from the central town of Palmyra last month after a campaign by ISIS terrorists.


I don't get how Iraqi's are sending men when they are missing a portion of their country and facing attacks on daily basis.
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