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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

you are saying "civilians"... so you do not support the houthi rebels?? they are not mullah types... i have seen a photo of a fighter hold a muammar gaddafi poster ( despite your objection to not see "libya" for some reason ).

in fact, the reactionary, nato agent, nobel peace prize winner, tawakkul karman, and her types will be removed if the houthis arrange a stable government??

so what is your objection to them?? also, why one policy for yemen and another for syria??

indeed it is four years... why don't people understand the one of the biggest conspiracies in history, the nato regime-change program called "arab spring"??

look at the state of africa now - leaderless... and with usa military having established a "africa command" in whatever technical way... after 40 years.

syria under baath guidance is the last independent government in west asia.

simple question... what will become of the progressives, the ladies and christians should the syrian government fall and the syrian army is not able to take control??

i don't know what that phrase means.

who are those people??

Houthi's are not civilians are they? They are a armed militant group. They are very much "Mullah's". They are a Islamist movement and since when are you supporting Islamist movements? Or are you only supporting Islamist movements that supposedly are "anti-Western" yet allied to countries (Iran) that are now cooperating with the same "evil West" that they falsely curse and have never really hurt?

Why are you talking about Gaddafi again? He is dead. You need to accept that. It's been 3 years now.

I don't care about Hadi so not sure what you are talking about? I am against the Houthi's for obvious reasons.

Do you see the Syrian opposition (other than ISIS which is killing the same Syrian opposition) hurting Christians? I don't think so. Also why is Christian Arab blood more "worthy" than Arab Muslim blood?

I don't know if that is an English saying or not (English is not my mother tongue) but what I meant is that you are mixing things up. The West committing crimes/mistakes in the ME does not give Al-Assad or other dictators license to commit crimes against their own people or others.

In any case I don't understand how certain people can ignore the obvious war crimes of the Al-Assad regime while they cry about ISIS. Two sides of the same coin. In fact it disgusts me and shows me that those people have evil motives and don't want the best for the Syrian people.

who are those people??

not your "arab world" again. !!!

with moustache or without??

Iranians mainly.

Those conflicts occur in Arab lands and resolve around Arabs. Am I supposed to write about India, Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea or Iceland?

As per the tradition of Sunnah. Slight mustache but very similar to Saif al-Arab.
Or are you only supporting Islamist movements that supposedly are "anti-Western" yet allied to countries (Iran) that are now cooperating with the same "evil West" that they falsely curse and have never really hurt?

i have never supported iran government ( the post-1979 one )... my second pdf negative rating was because i criticized khomenei... and i was young when his "fatwa" against rushdie made him a hero of all the reactionaries everywhere ( except saudia, i suppose ).

Also why is Christian Arab blood more "worthy" than Arab Muslim blood?

it is not... all innocent blood must be protected.

Do you see the Syrian opposition (other than ISIS which is killing the same Syrian opposition) hurting Christians?

oh, come on... we all know about iraq and even egypt from some years ago... doesn't need to be isis... any ikhwaani/wahabi/deobandi group will do the job, if bashar falls.

and i also had asked about the progressives and the ladies.

Those conflicts occur in Arab lands and resolve around Arabs.

these are transnational events, not municipal disputes.

Am I supposed to write about India, Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea or Iceland?

why not??

it may come naturally to me but i don't see who is stopping you from looking at issues about every society and making suggestions and understanding problems.

I am against the Houthi's for obvious reasons.

such as??
i have never supported iran government ( the post-1979 one )... my second pdf negative rating was because i criticized khomenei... and i was young when his "fatwa" against rushdie made him a hero of all the reactionaries everywhere ( except saudia, i suppose ).

it is not... all innocent blood must be protected.

oh, come on... we all know about iraq and even egypt from some years ago... doesn't need to be isis... any ikhwaani/wahabi/deobandi group will do the job.

these are transnational events, not municipal disputes.

why not??

it may come naturally to me but i don't see who is stopping you from looking at issues about every society and making suggestions and understanding problems.

Fair enough. What I am trying to say is that Houthi's are not civilians but a militant Zaydi cult and so-called "Islamists". In reality they are using religion and "leader worship" to gain influence. All parties in Yemen are a mess outside of the Yemeni people (civilians) which are some of the best people on the planet.


Why should the same Sunni Arabs in Syria and Iraq attack the same Christian Arabs that they have lived next to for over 1400 years? "Wahhabi" nonsense again. Nobody calls himself that nor does that notion even exist. It's just a codename for Sunni Muslims of the Hanbali fiqh, 1 of the 4 recognized Sunni Muslim madahib. Anyway call it what you want to, I repeat no Muslim calls himself that.

Yes, but the core remains what I wrote to you.

Issues in those societies are not my business. I can give my opinions but what would that be worth for? My main concern are Arab and European affairs as I have ties to those two regions. The rest are personal opinions and about following main events in the world.

I can have my opinions about almost every issue (believe me) but I don't like to meddle in internal affairs that do not concern me.
Why should the same Sunni Arabs in Syria and Iraq attack the same Christian Arabs that they have lived next to for over 1400 years?

the scene won't be once-friendly sunni neighbors suddenly attacking the christians once the opposition takes over and after hillary clinton has visited damascus... it will be the "rebels".

our own syrian christian member - syrian lion... would he be safe in the new syria of the three stars??

but i must sleep now.
the scene won't be once-friendly sunni neighbors suddenly attacking the christians once the opposition takes over and after hillary clinton has visited damascus... it will be the "rebels".

our own syrian christian member - syrian lion... would he be safe in the new syria of the three stars??

but i must sleep now.

Specify those "rebels". If you are talking about ISIS then no but they are not part of the Syrian opposition. As I wrote to you ISIS is as much an enemy as the Al-Assad regime is.

I once again ask you to provide proof to me of FSA/Islamic Front or other Syrian opposition groups attacking Christians?

I have always considered Syrian Lion as a brother regardless of him being a Christian Arab or Atheist. We differed in terms of politics and ideology though. That's all.

Well, I should call it a day too. Cheers.
What picture??

No you should
He means your avatar.

Iran, according to a pro-Assad Lebanese outlet, is sending 20,000 troops in to Syria to retake Idlib. On the bullshit meter this is about a 20 out of 10. But in all seriousness, if Iran does do such a thing (which is HIGHLY unlikely), considering their performance of the IRGC generals in Dara'a it'd be a breeze. Actually, it would be nice if Iran sent all of their army, so Syria can be its graveyard. :)
Regime has also said it has made gains in Idlib. Also BS, no activists or rebels confirmed any gains as they usually do, at least none that I know of.
Meanwhile, regime loses more ground to ISIS in Hasakeh.
ISIS does the same. Really difficult to do something against it. If you have a large line of sight, you can blow them up with ATGMs, but in city warfare. Jesus, how to blow up an armored truck that just turned the corner 300 meters away?

So you're open to ISIS leading Syria??

it should be pretty simple to defend from a VBIED. at a base where you know a attack is likely.

1) dig anti vehicle ditches one within 100 meters of the base/outpost another at 300 meters
2) lay anti-tank mines in weak points where you don't have LOS of possible attack area or weak points
3)gun towers 25 meters tall armed with RPGs or a heavy machine guns

if all fails could have foxholes already dug inside the outpost or area. i rather be in a hole 2 meters deep when a VBIED goes off than out in the open.
He means your avatar.

Iran, according to a pro-Assad Lebanese outlet, is sending 20,000 troops in to Syria to retake Idlib. On the bullshit meter this is about a 20 out of 10. But in all seriousness, if Iran does do such a thing (which is HIGHLY unlikely), considering their performance of the IRGC generals in Dara'a it'd be a breeze. Actually, it would be nice if Iran sent all of their army, so Syria can be its graveyard. :)
Regime has also said it has made gains in Idlib. Also BS, no activists or rebels confirmed any gains as they usually do, at least none that I know of.
Meanwhile, regime loses more ground to ISIS in Hasakeh.

Interesting if true. Expect heavy 155 mm artillery bombardment before any Iranian troops do a storming. I'm not aware of 155 mm artillery used in Syria thus far.
Interesting if true. Expect heavy 155 mm artillery bombardment before any Iranian troops do a storming. I'm not aware of 155 mm artillery used in Syria thus far.

I don't see why SAA doesn't have a battalion of MRLS ready to level bases they lose. annihilate all the rats while they are looking for cheese.

I don't see why SAA doesn't have a battalion of MRLS ready to level bases they lose. annihilate all the rats while they are looking for cheese.

Grad is only 122 mm. SAA uses Uragan which is 220 mm

Interesting if true. Expect heavy 155 mm artillery bombardment before any Iranian troops do a storming. I'm not aware of 155 mm artillery used in Syria thus far.
No 155mm arty in use. Iran probably not willing to give it's "home-made" 155mm artillery either. 152mm Akatsiyas are already good enough to kill civilians.
Also, it's not like Assad actually targets rebel targets. As seen by his Air Force's bombings, it's quite clear they bomb anything under control by the rebels. They don't choose specific targets. They just bomb and hope it hits a rebel. This has resulted in ~3,124 civilian deaths by barrel bombs in Aleppo. 89 civilians were martyred for every rebel that was martyred by shelling. Not effective at all.
Syria regime barrel bombs kill 37 as IS pushes Hasakeh offensive | Zee News

Beirut: At least 37 people were killed in government barrel bomb attacks in northern Syria on Wednesday, a monitoring group said, while in the northeast Islamic State jihadists neared the gates of provincial capital Hasakeh.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the deaths came in three incidents, in Aleppo province in the north and Idlib province in the northwest.

In Tal Rifaat in Aleppo, 18 people were killed, including eight children, when government helicopters dropped at least four of the devices, the Britain-based monitor said.

In the rebel-held eastern neighbourhood of Jubb al-Qubbeh in Aleppo city, 11 civilians died, among them two children, when a barrel bomb exploded.

And in Idlib province, eight members of one family were killed in a barrel bomb attack in the town of Kafr Sijna.

The Observatory, which relies on a network of sources on the ground, said the tolls in the incidents were expected to rise because of the number of people seriously wounded.

Regime barrel bombs -- crude weapons made of containers packed with explosives -- have often hit schools, hospitals and markets in Syria.

Rights groups criticise them as indiscriminate, saying they kill a disproportionate number of civilians.Meanwhile, the extremist Islamic State group pressed its assault on the northeast Syrian city of Hasakeh, detonating at least five car bombs as it advanced towards the city.

The Observatory said IS was "at the gates of Hasakeh" after a day of fierce clashes, with many dead on both sides.

"(The clashes) ended with IS seizing all of the military checkpoints south of the city. The toll is 27 forces from the army and its loyalists, and at least 26 IS jihadists," said the monitoring group`s head Rami Abdel Rahman.

The capture of Hasakeh would give the group control of its second provincial capital after their capture of Raqa last year.

Syrian state TV also reported the five car bombings, but said they had all struck a prison still under construction.

Abdel Rahman said IS had sent reinforcements of at least 400 fighters from the eastern province of Deir Ezzor for the Hasakeh assault, which began on May 30.

He said IS was within 500 metres (550 yards) of the city, and that regime helicopters were dropping barrel bombs on jihadist positions.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has denied that his forces use barrel bombs, but evidence collected by activists and rights groups includes footage of the barrels being pushed from helicopters.

Human Rights Watch has also said there is "strong evidence" the regime has dropped barrel bombs containing toxic chemicals on northern Syria.

On Wednesday, the New York-based group said it had led an investigation into three attacks in Idlib province, which killed two people and affected 127 others, and that deadly chlorine was probably used in some, if not all of them.

"The Syrian government has used barrel bombs with toxic chemicals for more than a year while the (UN) Security Council has failed to act," said Philippe Bolopion, HRW`s UN and crisis advocacy director.

More than 220,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government demonstrations that were met with a regime crackdown.

Grad is only 122 mm. SAA uses Uragan which is 220 mm

122x5x40 that's a 200 rocket barrage and mix in SAKR you have devasting effect

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