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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Iran is getting more and more extreme. My feeling is saying that they will destroy their own country at the end. They should be worrying about their own country instead of Assad or what not. With this behavior there won't be any deal with Iran. It is like a country that is being lead by children. They can't see further than their nose.
Iran is getting more and more extreme. My feeling is saying that they will destroy their own country at the end. They should be worrying about their own country instead of Assad or what not. With this behavior there won't be any deal with Iran. It is like a country that is being lead by children. They can't see further than their nose.

There will be deal as international community prefer a weakened Assad. They want him to remain in power. What's concerning is no pro-rebel nations are responding in any way. They even refuse to send small arm to rebels. The problem isn't the Iranian government but the Iranian people who share the same grudge against Arabs and think of themselves as highly advanced peoples who should rule over the Arab world. Whilst using religion(Shia Islam) as a tool to advance their national interests.

Rebels should begin mounting offensives in sensitive areas or they will lose ground and go back to where they were beforehand. There are some reports that they're losing ground in Idlib already. They have no military support at all so its expected.
Israeli drones, satellites and intel can see Hezbollah having to take men from the south to make up the numbers lost in Syria.

Qalamun started off quite well, but now you're starting to get bogged down and are suffering heavy casualties.

Although you're killing more rebels than they're killing of you, they outnumber you. Hence when you're currently losing the war. The ONLY way you can turn the tide is massive manpower increases.

Assad doesn't have the manpower, but who does? Iran.

Sorry, but the last thing that I'd trust is Israeli and GCC propaganda sources.
Holy f*ck, if you want to lie and spread your pathetic propaganda then at least make it somewhat believable, i know that it's hard doing that specially that you're from Mullahstan but at least try!

Calm down, you have nothing to prove me otherwise. If we are to believe your junk sources, thousands of Hezbollah have been killed, hundreds captured, adding to millions of Iranians. And as a Saudi, don't even mention the propaganda, you are fooled with it 24/7.
Iran is getting more and more extreme. My feeling is saying that they will destroy their own country at the end. They should be worrying about their own country instead of Assad or what not. With this behavior there won't be any deal with Iran. It is like a country that is being lead by children. They can't see further than their nose.
Hardly, Iran is well led, with a precise military goal. But I am not sure that Turkey will survive with Erdomerde at the helm...
Sorry, but the last thing that I'd trust is Israeli and GCC propaganda sources.

Calm down, you have nothing to prove me otherwise. If we are to believe your junk sources, thousands of Hezbollah have been killed, hundreds captured, adding to millions of Iranians. And as a Saudi, don't even mention the propaganda, you are fooled with it 24/7.

Thousands of daily pics of your dead Hezzies on their own websites prove otherwise, you're the one who's fooled, you're a Mullahs boy after all.
Iran is getting more and more extreme. My feeling is saying that they will destroy their own country at the end. They should be worrying about their own country instead of Assad or what not. With this behavior there won't be any deal with Iran. It is like a country that is being lead by children. They can't see further than their nose.

Atawolf, don't be an idiot. Nobody is sending 15k troops. This is a proxy war. Not an actual hot war for Iran. And although Turkey is miles ahead of Iran on the democratic/domestic from, erKopekan is doing his very best to reverse all those gains Ataturk and his successors fought for in the past 90 years.
14 dead in regime barrel bombs on northern Syria: Monitor | Zee News

Beirut: At least 14 civilians, including seven children, were killed today when Syrian regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs on northern Aleppo province, a monitoring group said.

The attacks came as part of an intensified air campaign over Aleppo in recent weeks, despite an international outcry over the civilian deaths.

In the village of Hayyan, north of Aleppo city, barrel bombs killed two elderly men, a woman, and five children from a single family, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

North of the provincial capital, six civilians -- among them two children -- were killed when barrel bombs were dropped on the village of Deir Jamal.

The Observatory, which relies on a network of activists and fighters, said many were critically wounded or still stuck under the rubble.

On May 31, barrel bombs dropped on rebel-controlled areas throughout Aleppo province killed more than 80 people, one of the highest daily tolls since the beginning of 2015.

UN's Syria peace envoy Staffan de Mistura called the civilian deaths "totally unacceptable".

Syria's conflict, which began in March 2011, has left more than 220,000 people dead and forced millions to flee.

Regime barrel bombs -- crude weapons made of containers packed with explosives -- have often struck schools, hospitals, and markets in Syria, despite condemnation by rights groups.

According to the Observatory, Syria's regime wants to "punish" civilians living in rebel areas, particularly after its recent losses of territory to an opposition alliance led by Al-Qaeda's Syria affiliate Al-Nusra Front.

In Aleppo, Al-Nusra is facing an advance by its jihadist rival, the extremist Islamic State group.

On Sunday, IS wrested control of the village of Suran and advanced on Marea, a town on a key rebel supply route from Turkey.

The Britain-based Observatory says it has calculated that IS now controls half of all Syrian territory, and it is seeking to expand its control in Syria's north and centre.

This is about Syrian news and updates, not about Shias teaching us about our religion.

Go tell your friends I just responded, and I'm not here to preach just stated some facts from your books .....

Iran is getting more and more extreme. My feeling is saying that they will destroy their own country at the end. They should be worrying about their own country instead of Assad or what not. With this behavior there won't be any deal with Iran. It is like a country that is being lead by children. They can't see further than their nose.

You mean to let Erdoghan sends more trucks loaded with weapons to Syria? isn't extreme? a country led by children much more better than run by puppets .

There will be deal as international community prefer a weakened Assad. They want him to remain in power. What's concerning is no pro-rebel nations are responding in any way. They even refuse to send small arm to rebels. The problem isn't the Iranian government but the Iranian people who share the same grudge against Arabs and think of themselves as highly advanced peoples who should rule over the Arab world. Whilst using religion(Shia Islam) as a tool to advance their national interests.

Rebels should begin mounting offensives in sensitive areas or they will lose ground and go back to where they were beforehand. There are some reports that they're losing ground in Idlib already. They have no military support at all so its expected.

Yeah we made mistake you are right we used religion as tool to advance our agenda in the region .. we should have been more thoughtful ... selling Palestine, having relations with israel and the US instead of being sanctioned and threatened by military option .... shame on Iran for its support on Palestine ...
I know the adds advertising scams like "skinny pills.":lol:

:lol: yeah. I was warning in case you're religious and would be offended. I notice that the name of the website is banned on here if you type it without the spaces. Maybe it's for that reason.
To Iranians here it is all a game. Syrians are being killed. 10, 20 or 30 Syrian families being blown to pieces by barrel bombs is nothing for them but they shouldn't forget that history won't forget this. Iran is creating a lot of enemies. When Iran will get in a similar situation nobody will stand behind Iran (which you undoubtedly will seeing the direction you are heading). You will be by yourself.
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