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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

bad choice :( they should not become savages like IS and Nusra .
christians have already been so much victims in the region... they need to act smart to protect themselves.
bad choice :( they should not become savages like IS and Nusra .
christians have already been so much victims in the region... they need to act smart to protect themselves.

Syria regime barrel bombs kill 71 civilians - Telegraph

Are these savages too?

Well we live in our country ,but you ?
It's clear who is cursed by God.

You're cursed, even Ali cursed you and burned you alive. I'm not cursed for living in US, if that's what you're implying idiot. Here we go again with your 'US evil' bs eve though your country/allies are working with US in Syria/Iraq. :laugh:
Christian militants, Assad regime, Shia militants have always been beheading. It just gets no attention in media and they usually don't publicize their beheadings.
Well we shoot the guy or hang him ,beheading is certainly an act favourite of people of peninsula.

Syria regime barrel bombs kill 71 civilians - Telegraph

Are these savages too?

You're cursed, even Ali cursed you and burned you alive. I'm not cursed for living in US, if that's what you're implying idiot. Here we go again with your 'US evil' bs eve though your country/allies are working with US in Syria/Iraq. :laugh:
If someone ask me which country I'm from I can proudly say Iran but what about you guys who had no country only a dream of a country.
Only if you were man even 1/10th of a Hezbollah fighter instead going to beg from this one and that one for a country today you had a country.

By the way if you believe my people are coursed go read the had it that come from the holy prophet about them.

And the people whom imam Ali cursed were khavarij aka the fore fathers of the Al-qaeda tugs and ISIS scums .
Eye on Syria ‏@Eye_on_Syria 7m7 minutes ago
#AJE ISIL launches offensive against Syria's Hasakeh: Clashes with pro-regime forces in largely Kurdish... http://bit.ly/1EHNKER #Syria
Conflict News ‏@rConflictNews 2h2 hours ago
Jaish Fateh field commander: We will advance to the coast,we will use weapons not used before #Syria - @sayed_ridha

Well we shoot the guy or hang him ,beheading is certainly an act favourite of people of peninsula.

Where did I bring up Iran? You don't speak for all Shia's, Shia militants do beheading as well. Christian militants, Kurdish militants also. Everyone there does it. It's unfortunate but that's the reality.
Eye on Syria ‏@Eye_on_Syria 7m7 minutes ago
#AJE ISIL launches offensive against Syria's Hasakeh: Clashes with pro-regime forces in largely Kurdish... http://bit.ly/1EHNKER #Syria
Conflict News ‏@rConflictNews 2h2 hours ago
Jaish Fateh field commander: We will advance to the coast,we will use weapons not used before #Syria - @sayed_ridha

Where did I bring up Iran? You don't speak for all Shia's, Shia militants do beheading as well. Christian militants, Kurdish militants also. Everyone there does it. It's unfortunate but that's the reality.
Sorry all I saw of how Shia militia is doing the execution is shooting.
By the way killing is killing the way you kill is not important but if after beheading instead of burying the one who is executed ,play football with his head then it say there is some serious problem .
bad choice :( they should not become savages like IS and Nusra .
christians have already been so much victims in the region... they need to act smart to protect themselves.
Assad's mukhabarat was torturing people in most brutal way before al-Golani and al-Baghdadi were even born.
Yeah yeah, have fun retaking Ariha, Idlib, Jisr al Shughour.
Yes I have lost family members in the war. SyAAF air strike.
I am sorry that you lost family members.

Thanks for question. Its hard to predict things in Syria so I will just list the main factors. So what happened recently:

Idlib regime "gut" is virtually eliminated.


Assad also lost strategic Palmira to ISIS.


Now regime has 3 major vulnerable points:

1) Aleppo "gut".
2) Dar'a gut.
3) Isolated troops in Deir ez Zor.

(I am not talking about little things like isolated Fua town, Abu Duhur and Kwers airbases).

I think all 3 are doomed but it can take lots of time. Here are major factors:

1) ~20K strong Jeysh al-Fatah. ~80% of them are from Idlib. Will they continue fighting in other provinces or stay in Idlib?
2) US Coalition activity. Right now they mainly support Kurds and virtually non existent in Homs. I think that without Coalition support Assad cant take Palmira back.
3) Weapon supplies to rebels. In recent months rebels in North get nice quantities of TOWs (about 50 a month) and some other weapons like mortars, on the other hand Daraa rebels get little supplies (only TOW launch in past 2 months). So we see little activity in Daraa.
4) Hezbollah. If they mobilize they can easily double their forces in Syria from some 6K to 12K+.

''gut'' ?
are we going to debate which more morale between killing by shooting or killing by beheading?

are we already civilized?
Christian militants, Assad regime, Shia militants have always been beheading. It just gets no attention in media and they usually don't publicize their beheadings.

Lies have no limitation.

Shias behead ?

You have some reliable evidence or that's another baseless accusation ?
Lies have no limitation.

Shias behead ?

You have some reliable evidence or that's another baseless accusation ?

I have read reports of it happening in very small scale. I don't watch beheading videos but have seen some posted where the title says it's Shias. I did see a video of Shias cutting the ears from a rebel (early days of the war)

But Falcon is kidding himself if he's equating a few sporadic incidents with the widespread use of beheading by his people. The fact he even implicates Christians as if it's normal for them to do it, shows that's he's talking bull.
I think it's somehow good that Joulani,officially a terrorist, has became a symbol and central figure in your failed revolution.
Not a symbol or central figure. He leads an army of 10,000, rest of rebels are 150,000 at least. Try again.
Yes our revolution was a failure. Your glorious SAA have obviously held back the failed revolution at Idlib, Jisr al Shughour, Ariha, Shiekh Miskeen, Nawa, etc...


Before the war, what was the army like? How many? Compulsory like every member of the family etc? How long were they require to serve?

It is most likely due to security reason; he is a hit list for the US, ISIS and Assad etc.
Before, someone must have served 2 and a half years for compulsory service. All men had to join. However, you could pay to escape the draft, but it was still a hefty price. And the skills you learned in the 2 and a half years? Absolutely useless.
Videos are available, it's not uncommon. But I don't expect a Shia to be honest. So let's leave it at here. I don't like dealing with decievers/deniers/liars.

Please give me a link .

I want to see which shias from which specific group behead people .

I have read reports of it happening in very small scale. I don't watch beheading videos but have seen some posted where the title says it's Shias. I did see a video of Shias cutting the ears from a rebel (early days of the war)

But Falcon is kidding himself if he's equating a few sporadic incidents with the widespread use of beheading by his people. The fact he even implicates Christians as if it's normal for them to do it, shows that's he's talking bull.

He is either lying or referring to what Syrian Army did to ISIS death bodies although everyone knows the army is not religious but secular .
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