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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

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Are you serious?

He was/is one of the leaders of ISIS. He was a top commander during the Anbar Campaign of 2013-14 that the Iraqi army lost. Now ISIS is almost in complete control of Al-Anbar (composing over 1/3 of the Iraqi territory). Let alone areas outside of Al-Anbar where he also played a role.


He has been good at escaping the Iraqi army/local tribes/militias that are fighting and have fought ISIS for months. In fact since 2012. No village idiot is able to do such a thing for such a long time.

ISIS is much more powerful than any other terrorist/resistance movement anywhere. You can see that the Syrian army, Iraqi army, YPG, Kurds, Turkmens etc. were largely defeated by ISIS or had huge problems.

Imagine ISIS with a air force, the same number of people like regular armies, the political backing etc. It would be a lethal army whatever you can think about them.

Now of course you will claim that the Iraqi army, Syrian army, Kurds, Turkmen etc. are useless but that's not entirely correct.

Anyway good that he is dead if true but another misguided idiot will probably replace him and when the next ones dies another will replace him etc.
ISIS is much more powerful than any other terrorist/resistance movement anywhere. You can see that the Syrian army, Iraqi army, YPG, Kurds, Turkmens etc. were largely defeated by ISIS or had huge problems.

Imagine ISIS with an air force, the same number of people like regular armies, the political backing it. It would be a lethal army whatever you can think about them.

I dont think someone would allow IS to have airforce. Imagine "suicide aircraft borne improvised explosive device" flying above your head. Nice, huh!?
I dont think someone would allow IS to have airforce. Imagine "suicide aircraft borne improvised explosive device" flying above your head. Nice, huh!?

That will be a serious waste of money, technology etc. man! Imagine them getting a hold of a F-22 Raptor for instance and using it like the Kamikaze of Japan? Or imagine ISIS being able to reproduce just a similar push for a collective defense industry like the Soviets did in their city factories etc. during WW2? Scary thought. Obviously that's not going to happen but people have a notion of terrorists being rag-tag militias comparable to waring African tribes hundreds of years ago. In the case of ISIS that is obviously far from the true. Those guys mean business and unlike other people/armies they seem to have a death wish.
Can the Iraqi Army regroup in time to repel the Islamic State? - CSMonitor.com

Mohamed says he’ll never forget the thick-bearded fighter who took on his helicopter with only an AK-47 assault rifle, leaping down from a high perch and shooting all the while, just like in the movies. Mohamed shot him dead at just 30 yards.

In yet another story of exceptional resilience, one IS sniper was found strapped high up among telephone poles in such a way that he would not have to leave his post. He was fed by an intravenous tube and was wearing a diaper; he apparently kept Iraqi units, which could not see him, at bay for two days in Garma. He died from a small shrapnel wound to the neck.

“These people have a very tough ideology and very good training. For them it’s a battle between infidels and believers, and all against them are infidels,” says Mohamed, who has a degree in Islamic science. The American airstrikes “help us a lot. But if there is a real US troop intervention it will be a big problem; [the anti-US insurgency] will fire up again.”
That will be a serious waste of money, technology etc. man! Imagine them getting a hold of a F-22 Raptor for instance and using it like the Kamikaze of Japan? Or imagine ISIS being able to reproduce just a similar push for a collective defense industry like the Soviets did in their city factories etc. during WW2? Scary thought. Obviously that's not going to happen but people have a notion of terrorists being rag-tag militias comparable to waring African tribes hundreds of years ago. In the case of ISIS that is obviously far from the true. Those guys mean business and unlike other people/armies they seem to have a death wish.

I actually thought smaller cheaper aircraft like Albatros or Yak-130. Or old-fashioned turbo-prop.
I actually thought smaller cheaper aircraft like Albatros or Yak-130. Or old-fashioned turbo-prop.

Yes, but how are they going to get hold of those? Not in the form of aid nor conquest. The Iraqi and Syrian army are the only organizations in Iraq and Syria that have a air force and both countries don't really have a impressive air force (especially Iraq) to begin with. Also their air bases are all located outside of the ISIS controlled areas by now. Moreover ISIS has not yet demonstrated the ability to even use Abrams let alone fighter planes. So it is pretty much far-fetched. Besides even if they had such a ability it would probably just be limited to a few handful of people. I am also quite sure that the Iraqi and Syrian army would be ordered to destroy/disable their helicopters, planes, jets etc. should they loss a major air base. But it's a somewhat scary thought.

But nothing comparable to them getting hold of nuclear technology, sabotaging nuclear plants, using a dirty bomb, chemical attack etc. I have always dreaded such a scenario. Some say that terror groups have been close to doing that in Pakistan. Thank God that they did not.

Anyway we are off-topic now.
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pkk supporting Kurd there is a Turkish republic loving Kurd
what I learned outside of Turkey is this:

there is no PKK hating Kurd except one family just one from hundrets of kurdish families I saw and know! so this means for me if they can say what they want.. if they can do what they want.. without our great Turkic Military in the back, they would behave the same in turkey.. they just keep their mouthes shut because of this.. keep this in mind and dont forget it!

but we still need ppl belive in löiving together so keep on bro :D
what I learned outside of Turkey is this:

there is no PKK hating Kurd except one family just one from hundrets of kurdish families I saw and know! so this means for me if they can say what they want.. if they can do what they want.. without our great Turkic Military in the back, they would behave the same in turkey.. they just keep their mouthes shut because of this.. keep this in mind and dont forget it!

but we still need ppl belive in löiving together so keep on bro :D

İ have to disagree with you.

İf things were as you said, then kurdish seperatist parties would receive way more votes than they do right now.
No one is afraid when voting in Turkey.
Hezbollah withdraws from Arsal, sources claim. I'll wait for independent reliable sources before posting links.
İ have to disagree with you.

disagree if that makes you happy.. but it is truth in Germany you will not find a kurd who do not like PKK and Öcalan!

the only soulution is deportation to syria and iraq
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