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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

@500 I get the feeling that you support the rebels(not talking about ISIS) and are against Assad from your posts on this thread. It would be interesting to know why?
of course, F$A are doing Israel work in Syria... F$A it self admitted that they work for Israel, there are many videos that shows that and i have posted them here, but people ignore it because it doesn't fit their agenda...

Aleppo: Al-Nusra Front Suffers Over 175 Casualties in Nubl


HUGE warehouse:





Nice that your source isnt biased...

IDLIB: It’s curtains for the terrorists of Idlib. But, watch carefully what the Turks are doing. They just received a battery of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles from NATO member Spain. It just arrived at Eskenderoun yesterday. The placement of the missiles in this area of Turk-occupied Syria (Hatay) might be a prelude to more Turk involvement in saving the necks of their stinking cannibal heroes.

Hatay is Turkey and will stay so, you better watch that you dont loose half of your own country, probably too late anyway...
Nice that your source isnt biased...

Hatay is Turkey and will stay so, you better watch that you dont loose half of your own country, probably too late anyway...
it is called Sanjak of Alexandretta, and it is Syrian land, the French and Turks stole it from Syria... the treaty was signed among Turkey and France and not Syria, thus it is still Syrian land ...
it is called Sanjak of Alexandretta, and it is Syrian land, the French and Turks stole it from Syria... the treaty was signed among Turkey and France and not Syria, thus it is still Syrian land ...
It's not Syrian or Turkish land, it's land. You nationalistic prick.
If you knew anything about Islamic prophecy anyway, you'd know that eventually all Muslim land will be united under the Mehdi...
But who am I kidding? Trying to talk sense into nonsensical people will never work.
It's not Syrian or Turkish land, it's land. You nationalistic prick.
If you knew anything about Islamic prophecy anyway, you'd know that eventually all Muslim land will be united under the Mehdi...
But who am I kidding? Trying to talk sense into nonsensical people will never work.
yeah we all know that you're not Syrian, so what you say or what your opinion is I don't give a crap about... I mean your avatar of the French mandate flag, shows who you are...

and yes I'm Syrian, for Syria and for the Syrian people...

and tell me how Muslims are going to be united, while the rules of Islamic world are western puppets...
It's not Syrian or Turkish land, it's land. You nationalistic prick.
If you knew anything about Islamic prophecy anyway, you'd know that eventually all Muslim land will be united under the Mehdi...
But who am I kidding? Trying to talk sense into nonsensical people will never work.

The Islamic State also shares your idea here.
yeah we all know that you're not Syrian, so what you say or what your opinion is I don't give a crap about... I mean your avatar of the French mandate flag, shows who you are...

and yes I'm Syrian, for Syria and for the Syrian people...

and tell me how Muslims are going to be united, while the rules of Islamic world are western puppets...
Keep calling me not a Syrian, that will not change the fact that I'm Syrian.
Anyways, people from Afghanistan & Pakistan are supposed to roll through Iran and any other countries that get in their way all the way to Mecca, become the army of the Mehdi, and liberate Jerusalem.
But, since your brain is too dense to understand anything, don't worry about it, you and your Alawite cult won't be anywhere in those plans.

lol, who is supporting ISIS here except Hazzy?
That was a sarcastic statement.
Keep calling me not a Syrian, that will not change the fact that I'm Syrian.
Anyways, people from Afghanistan & Pakistan are supposed to roll through Iran and any other countries that get in their way all the way to Mecca, become the army of the Mehdi, and liberate Jerusalem.
But, since your brain is too dense to understand anything, don't worry about it, you and your Alawite cult won't be anywhere in those plans.
you just insulted me for being Syrian.. and you call yourself Syrian??. you're not Syrian, traitors like you gave up their country for the west to be taken over... people like you are the enemies of Syria, they ask NATO and the "infidel" west to invade Syria...

a 12 year old kid on politics forums is nothing but jokes and disaster... go do your homework...
Keep calling me not a Syrian, that will not change the fact that I'm Syrian.
Anyways, people from Afghanistan & Pakistan are supposed to roll through Iran and any other countries that get in their way all the way to Mecca, become the army of the Mehdi, and liberate Jerusalem.
But, since your brain is too dense to understand anything, don't worry about it, you and your Alawite cult won't be anywhere in those plans.

But Pakistan also has their own national interests to take care of, and they cannot afford to start a nuclear exchange with Israel at the expense of their own national interests.

The 'there is no country but Islam' concept is simply too vague to be doable in the modern geopolitical world.
it is called Sanjak of Alexandretta, and it is Syrian land, the French and Turks stole it from Syria... the treaty was signed among Turkey and France and not Syria, thus it is still Syrian land ...
Hatay became a Turkish province 7 years before Syria became independent, Syria has no legal claim over Hatay.

This stupidity is why Hafez supported pkk against Turkey and our countrys almost went to war, theres only one way to get land from Turkey.

You batter care about half of your country thats out of your dictators controll, not to mention Golan heights...
you just insulted me for being Syrian.. and you call yourself Syrian??. you're not Syrian, traitors like you gave up their country for the west to be taken over... people like you are the enemies of Syria, they ask NATO and the "infidel" west to invade Syria...

a 12 year old kid on politics forums is nothing but jokes and disaster... go do your homework...

Since most FSA factions now have merged with ISIS, then it might give Assad more moral high ground to attack them.

In this major anti-ISIS campaign, Assad is now in a racing game with the Iraqi government to prove who is the true anti-ISIS champion.

What a wonderful moment for him, and he has won this racing game, then he would have significantly gained his influence in Iraq.

Since Damascus + Baghdad = the heartland of the Arabian civilization. And the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa are the two wings of the Arab world. Thus, to unite the Arab world, you need to control its heartland first.
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Hatay became a Turkish province 7 years before Syria became independent, Syria has no legal claim over Hatay.

This stupidity is why Hafez supported pkk against Turkey and our country almost went to war, theres only one way to to get land from Turkey.

You batter care about half of your country thats out of your dictators controll, not to mention Golan heights...
you're wrong, after Ottomans left Syria, Sanjak was attached with Aleppo, Syria, then the French came and stole partitioned Syria into mandates, and France then gave it to Turkey... like I said it was a French Turkish agreement..

and just because we are at war it doesn't mean we forget our country and our lands...

Since most FSA factions now have merged with ISIS, then it might give Assad more moral high ground to attack them.

In this major anti-ISIS campaign, Assad is now in a racing with the Iraqi government to prove who is the true anti-ISIS champion.

What a wonderful moment for him, and he has won this racing, then he would have significantly gained his influence in Iraq.

Since Damascus + Baghdad = the heartland of the Arabian civilization. And the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa are the two wings of the Arab world. Thus, to unite the Arab world, you need to control its heartland first.
The war I$I$ is not going to end soon, I$I$ still has gcc supporters, lets not forget that the west and their puppets knew that I$I$ will take over the weapons they gave to F$A terrorists, they still armed them, for a reason, to arm I$I$...
The war I$I$ is not going to end soon, I$I$ still has gcc supporters, lets not forget that the west and their puppets knew that I$I$ will take over the weapons they gave to F$A terrorists, they still armed them, for a reason, to arm I$I$...

The hero will be born after the war.

Assad is trying to win this anti-ISIS racing game against the Iraqi government.
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