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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Iran and Russia will never cut aid to Assad even if they totally bankrupt. So dont expect any major rebel advances.
Russia will do what benefits them. I agree with Iran that it will never stop its support to mass-murderer Assad but if Iran is on the brink of being bankrupt they will have to stop.

Assad was building another Nuclear reactor near Al Qusayr, looks like he's decided to Nuke Aleppo if he can't have it.
Assad lost all legitimacy. The only thing he can have is a lawyer if they catch him alive. Not that the lawyer can do much for him in that situation.
Iran and Russia will never cut aid to Assad even if they totally bankrupt. So dont expect any major rebel advances.
What about IS? The last time I remembered yellow and green used to be on the map but now its covered in black so any prediction on the Western side?

- Clashes between Assad Forces and YPG, casualties on both sides.

- IS attacked YPG, killing a number of them.

- YPG arrested locals for mandatory service.

- Coalition forces bombed Tall Hamis, IS stronghold.

اشتباكات بين مليشيات موالية لقوات الأسد في الحسكة وطيران التحالف يستهدف تل حميس بريفها
2015/01/10 || 18:19

مسار برس ــ الحسكة

دارت اشتباكات اليوم السبت بين مليشيا وحدات الحماية الشعبية ومليشيا جيش الدفاع الوطني في حي تل حجر بمدينة الحسكة، إثر خلاف بين عناصرهما، ما أسفر عن سقوط قتلى من الطرفين.

وقال مراسل “مسار برس” في الحسكة إن مليشيا وحدات الحماية قامت بعد الاشتباكات بينها وبين مليشيا جيش الدفاع بنشر حواجز في مدينتي الحسكة والقامشلي ومدخل مدينة القحطانية.

من جهة أخرى، اعتقلت مليشيا وحدات الحماية عددا من الشباب في الحسكة والقامشلي بهدف إلحاقهم بالخدمة الإلزامية.

على صعيد آخر، قتل تنظيم الدولة عددا من عناصر مليشيا وحدات الحماية في كمين نصبه لهم غرب مدينة الحسكة بالقرب من حي النشوة.

بدوره، شن طيران التحالف الدولي بقيادة الولايات المتحدة للمرة الأولى عدة غارت على مواقع لتنظيم الدولة في مدينة تل حميس.

وكانت قوات الأسد قامت أول أمس الخميس بحشد قواتها بمساندة مليشيا وحدات الحماية وعناصر من مليشيا حزب الله اللبنانية في قرى تل عودة وخربة جدوع وخربة جمو والطويل وعمارات، في محاولة من قبلها لاستعادة بلدة تل حميس التي تعد المعقل الرئيسي لتنظيم الدولة في المنطقة.

North Lebanon suicide attack kills nine | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR

TRIPOLI, Lebanon: A suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowded cafe in the Tripoli neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen Saturday evening killing nine people and wounding more than 30, a security source told The Daily Star. Another suicide bomber blew himself up outside the coffee shop, according to unconfirmed reports.

The Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the twin blasts that targeted the Omran cafe in the majority Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen.

"A suicide operation targeted a cafe [belonging to] the Alawite Arab Democratic Party," theNusra Front said on its social media pages, in reference to Jabal Mohsen's dominant group the ADP.

North Lebanon suicide attack kills nine | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR
What about IS? The last time I remembered yellow and green used to be on the map but now its covered in black so any prediction on the Western side?
I think IS reached its maximum and will slowly decline. A lot depends on Coalition activity, their precise strikes are very effective in open desert. I am pretty sure that without Coalition IS would take both Kobane and Deir Ez Zor completely by now.
North Lebanon suicide attack kills nine | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR

TRIPOLI, Lebanon: A suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowded cafe in the Tripoli neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen Saturday evening killing nine people and wounding more than 30, a security source told The Daily Star. Another suicide bomber blew himself up outside the coffee shop, according to unconfirmed reports.

The Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the twin blasts that targeted the Omran cafe in the majority Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen.

"A suicide operation targeted a cafe [belonging to] the Alawite Arab Democratic Party," theNusra Front said on its social media pages, in reference to Jabal Mohsen's dominant group the ADP.

North Lebanon suicide attack kills nine | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR

These rodents are being very well recognized to the world, and the Paris attack helped it a lot, Nusra are the same AQ rodents that those 2 brothers belonged to. ISIS,Nusra,Taliban and similar groups, along with their supporters will be eventually thrown out to history's trash can.
I think IS reached its maximum and will slowly decline. A lot depends on Coalition activity, their precise strikes are very effective in open desert. I am pretty sure that without Coalition IS would take both Kobane and Deir Ez Zor completely by now.

Bad weather, no coalition air support. Balance sheet as today:

- New advances for IS in airbase and around 137th brigade in DEZ.
- over 70 Peshmerga killed in Gwer acc. to pro-Talabani sources.
Hezbollah fighter in Qalamun mountains



This is a normal load for today's opposition fighters as they are not carrying out large offensive operations anymore, all they're doing is holding ground and some small scale attrition warfare., for that they don't need to operate in large numbers of forces, I doubt they have any large warehouse or places where they keep weaponry. SAA and ISIS carry out large operations so they do have large warehouses of weaponry.
@500 I get the feeling that you support the rebels(not talking about ISIS) and are against Assad from your posts on this thread. It would be interesting to know why?
IS' SVBIED attack against YPG in Safia, Hasakah Province. Killed and wounded 10's of YPG members.

#مسار_بـرس | #الحسكة | انفجار سيارة مفخخة في بلدة صفيا استهدفت حاجزا لمليشيا وحدات الحماية الشعبية موقعة قتلى وجرحى بالعشرات

Source: masarpressnet

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