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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

hey kid, I'm pretty sure monkeys are smart than you.... F$A and Alqaeda and I$I$ are all the same thing they are all terrorists...
so if the so called F$A terrorists care about Syrian lives and care about saving Syrians, then they should leave the towns and cities and stop being cowards and fight without using people as human shields, there are large desert in Syria they should leave the people alone... but they don't care about Syrians lives and heck when an envoy of food and medical supplies enter their towns the F$A terrorists steals is it just like in Douma... people held protests against those terrorists for stealing their supplies and etc... and this the reality F$A = Alqaeda = I$I$
You idiot, they are in cities because that's where Assad's forces are. They'll gladly get out of them if Assad was inside of them.
I'm sure you have video of evidence of those "protests?"
As usual, you don't.
You idiot, they are in cities because that's where Assad's forces are. They'll gladly get out of them if Assad was inside of them.
I'm sure you have video of evidence of those "protests?"
As usual, you don't.
you have to be kidding me... whenever F$A terrorists enter town the residents leave because they know they will be killed by F$A terrorists in order to use them as a propaganda tools, wherever F$A terrorists go death follows, wherever SAA is found live is found, notice how each time Syrian army retakes towns from F$A terrorists people return... and those who are trapped in towns under F$A terrorists are starving to death since F$A terrorists take their food and supplies (links below)...

google is your friend, but kids like you don't know how to use it, one of the reason we have a lot of terrorists lovers and supporters is because they are uneducated ( like you) who can't comprehend the reality of the war on Syria and they let emotions and propaganda take over their brains if they have a functioning one... here is a source from your beloved western media...
Starving Syrians Protest Islamist Rebel Group Jaish al-Islam In Douma
As Syrian army closes in, Douma residents turn against rebels - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

looking for a video? Youtube is also your friend, here I will let you do this one maybe you can learn something, so next time you won't make a fool out of yourself..

Armenian Cathedral Destroyed by the Rebels in Aleppo

Earlier today, militants from the Islamic Front’s (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) largest milita “Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham” (Liberators of the Levant Movement) fired multiple mortar shells at the St. Rita Cathedral in the Al-Tillal District, resulting in the exterior destruction of this historical Armenian Catholic Church in the Aleppo Governorate.

The St. Rita Cathedral has been targeted by Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham on numerous occasions; it holds no strategic advantage to these militants, due to the fact that civilians – specifically, Aleppo’s large Armenian community – attend this church. Non-Armenian Catholic civilians occasionally utilize the Cathedral’s wells because of the absence of water in some communities due to the obstruction of the water flow to the people of Aleppo.

According to a source in the area, no civilians were harmed as a result of this callous attack on the Cathedral; however, there were a number of hellfire cannons fired into the surrounding civilian neighborhoods by the militants of Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham.

The attack on the St. Rita Cathedral in Al-Tillal comes 4 months after the destruction of the Armenian Memorial by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. Syria’s Armenian community is one of the largest in the Middle East – the city of Aleppo was a safe haven for many Armenians attempting to flee the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks

Armenian Cathedral Destroyed by the Rebels in Aleppo

Earlier today, militants from the Islamic Front’s (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) largest milita “Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham” (Liberators of the Levant Movement) fired multiple mortar shells at the St. Rita Cathedral in the Al-Tillal District, resulting in the exterior destruction of this historical Armenian Catholic Church in the Aleppo Governorate.

The St. Rita Cathedral has been targeted by Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham on numerous occasions; it holds no strategic advantage to these militants, due to the fact that civilians – specifically, Aleppo’s large Armenian community – attend this church. Non-Armenian Catholic civilians occasionally utilize the Cathedral’s wells because of the absence of water in some communities due to the obstruction of the water flow to the people of Aleppo.

According to a source in the area, no civilians were harmed as a result of this callous attack on the Cathedral; however, there were a number of hellfire cannons fired into the surrounding civilian neighborhoods by the militants of Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham.

The attack on the St. Rita Cathedral in Al-Tillal comes 4 months after the destruction of the Armenian Memorial by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. Syria’s Armenian community is one of the largest in the Middle East – the city of Aleppo was a safe haven for many Armenians attempting to flee the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks

thanks for posting this atrocity... nato must find it difficult to not get irritated at their fsa/qaeda/whatever puppets when christian religious sites are bombed.
Terrorists group join another bigger terrorist organization, F$A= I$I$ = AQ

3,000 FSA Fighters Defect to ISIS in the Qalamoun Mountains

thanks for posting this atrocity... nato must find it difficult to not get irritated at their fsa/qaeda/whatever puppets when christian religious sites are bombed.
oh trust me, NATO doesn't give a crap about Christians in the region at all... they even encouraged their death and allowed them to lose their homes and land... if nato cared at all, do you think they would even think about supporting wahabian terrorists?
oh trust me, NATO doesn't give a crap about Christians in the region at all... they even encouraged their death and allowed them to lose their homes and land... if nato cared at all, do you think they would even think about supporting wahabian terrorists?

true... nato didn't also care for the christians of iraq.

Terrorists group join another bigger terrorist organization, F$A= I$I$ = AQ

3,000 FSA Fighters Defect to ISIS in the Qalamoun Mountains
The FSA groups who pledged allegiance to ISIS are the following:
1. Liwaa Al-Farouq – Approximately 300 fighters
2. Liwaa Al-Qusayr – Approximately 600 fighters
3. Liwaa Al-Turkomen – Approximately 400 fighters
4. Liwaa Al-Haqq – Approximately 400 fighters
5. Kataeb Al-Mouqna – Approximately 200 fighters
6. Liwaa Matfareeq – Approximately 500 fighters
7. Suqour Al-Fatih – Approximately 200 fighters
8. Liwaa 77 – Approximately 400 fighters

how are these groups named??
true... nato didn't also care for the christians of iraq.

how are these groups named??
their financiers probably suggest the names for them.. they think they are being true Muslims by killing others and destroying the country... while in reality they are not but mercs and traitors...
Also, you're using a pro-Assad "source" as "evidence" for the "protests." Syrians only ever protested against Nusra, that's the only rebel group they've protested en-mass against. They've protested against some elements of other groups, but not against the entire group.
I think we can safely say that Assad is nearing its end. Soon his defenses will fall. I hope he doesn't flee and accept the results of his crimes
I think we can safely say that Assad is nearing its end. Soon his defenses will fall. I hope he doesn't flee and accept the results of his crimes

The latest offensive was an incredibly big mistake, as the price of Oil fell, Assad's financier's Russia and Iran got a lot less money to spare, so Assad either decided or was told (Mostly the second one) to try and make a huge push as fast he can as they won't be able to support him for long, so Assad made an offensive in the North and South, the Northern one almost succeeded in capturing Aleppo but it has since died out with the Rebels in the counter attack. The Southern one just went all hay-wire.

Expect some "Rebel Advances" the upcoming period. Assad's army can barely maintain the status quo before, but this offensive would prove to be as much of a disaster as the Egyptian offensive in SInai to relieve Syrian forces in the 1973 war. Assad won't be able to maintain the status quo for long as Iran and Russia slide into debt.
The latest offensive was an incredibly big mistake, as the price of Oil fell, Assad's financier's Russia and Iran got a lot less money to spare, so Assad either decided or was told (Mostly the second one) to try and make a huge push as fast he can as they won't be able to support him for long, so Assad made an offensive in the North and South, the Northern one almost succeeded in capturing Aleppo but it has since died out with the Rebels in the counter attack. The Southern one just went all hay-wire.

Expect some "Rebel Advances" the upcoming period. Assad's army can barely maintain the status quo before, but this offensive would prove to be as much of a disaster as the Egyptian offensive in SInai to relieve Syrian forces in the 1973 war. Assad won't be able to maintain the status quo for long as Iran and Russia slide into debt.
Iran and Russia will never cut aid to Assad even if they totally bankrupt. So dont expect any major rebel advances.
Iran and Russia will never cut aid to Assad even if they totally bankrupt. So dont expect any major rebel advances.

Nothing major, but it does seem like a last hurrah to me. Assad won't be able to conduct a major offensive for a long time.
Assad was building another Nuclear reactor near Al Qusayr, looks like he's decided to Nuke Aleppo if he can't have it.

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