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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I know it's not a good thing to execute people randomly, but Lebanon is a joke. Their government is a slave to Hezbollah, and the army doesn't do anything about it. Besides, many pro-Assad trolls are Lebanese. Despite what his army and his father's army did to them for a few decades...

It's more complicated than that. There are different fractions inside the Lebanese military. I would not say that the Mullah organization is in control of the army. If that was the case be sure that KSA would not have made those donations for the Lebanese military.

The problem is that Lebanon is firstly a small country, located next to Israel, and very diverse. It's very easy to play people out against each other and the civil war has not helped that. Lebanon might join a union with a liberated Syria one day (actually not that far-fetched) as a federal state and most of the problems would be solved this way. Both are extensions of each other.

Also Christian Arabs will obviously prefer secular rulers (even if they are bloody dictators) over ISIS and Al-Nusra and their likes which I fully understand. So they should not be blamed.

Certain Arabs (Iraqis, Lebanese and now Syrians) must ask themselves whether they are willing to kill brother and sister based on something as insignificant (in the wider picture) as sect (of the same religion moreover!) or serve outsiders agenda that want nothing good for them and do not care about them at the end of the day other than their geopolitical interests. Iran is a perfect example of that and the fake wannabe Arab's that rule them.

Remember that blood is thicker than water.

Brother @Halimi can explain more as a Lebanese.

Anyway I am sure that most people already realize what is going on and will learn from their mistakes.

Syria will return to its fold as an important Arab country once this madness has stopped just like Iraq eventually will and already shows sign of.
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I didn't want to reply your posts but you left no choice with that comment .

bunch of drug dealers and criminals coming from everywhere to satisfy their thirst for money , women and power .
Are the mulla paid terrorists any different?


The night before their martyrdom operation, Iranian jihadists Masoud Sedaghat Zadeh, left,who was arrested in Malaysia, Mohammad Khazaei, centre, who was detained at Suvarnabhumi Airport, and Saied Moradi, who was badly injured in the bombings, are pictured drinking and cosying up to prostitutes in sleazy Pattaya resort.

Jihad in Thailand: Iranian Terrorists Partied with Whores Before Jihad, Fifth Iranian Terrorist Sought | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

Hookers and hookahs: Bungling Iranian bombers pictured partying with prostitutes before botched Bangkok attack | Daily Mail Online
I know it's not a good thing to execute people randomly, but Lebanon is a joke. Their government is a slave to Hezbollah, and the army doesn't do anything about it. Besides, many pro-Assad trolls are Lebanese. Despite what his army and his father's army did to them for a few decades...

Would you rather their government be a slave to israel and nato zionist dogs like the rest of the gulf monarchies?
Are the mulla paid terrorists any different?

View attachment 161327
The night before their martyrdom operation, Iranian jihadists Masoud Sedaghat Zadeh, left,who was arrested in Malaysia, Mohammad Khazaei, centre, who was detained at Suvarnabhumi Airport, and Saied Moradi, who was badly injured in the bombings, are pictured drinking and cosying up to prostitutes in sleazy Pattaya resort.

Jihad in Thailand: Iranian Terrorists Partied with Whores Before Jihad, Fifth Iranian Terrorist Sought | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

Hookers and hookahs: Bungling Iranian bombers pictured partying with prostitutes before botched Bangkok attack | Daily Mail Online

Who are " mulla paid terrorists " exactly ?

Hezbollah and Shia forces ?! who are fighting to defend shrines ?

NDF ? who have been volunteered to defend their country ?

Or you mean Syrian Arab Army ?
Cross- cutting sources reported to SOHR that YPG started an attack yesterday night on IS positions in Botan Sharqi region at the outskirts of Mashtah Nour Plain. The clashes resulted in the death of 17 militants where YPG fighters could drag 14 bodies, including a local emir. Information also reported casualties on YPG side.

The number of shells, launched by IS since yesterday night till now, that struck areas in the city of Ayn al- Arab “Kobani” has risen to 19.
Staff Writer, Al Arabiya News
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria seized part of the key regime air base at Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria in fierce fighting on Saturday, a monitoring group said.

“IS mounted a dawn attack on Deir Ezzor military airport and entered several areas as fierce clashes unfolded between the jihadists and regime forces there,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Earlier, the Observatory said that 19 members of the regime army were killed when an ISIS suicide bomber blew himself up in a booby- trapped vehicle overnight near the airbase of Deir Ezzor.

The suicide bombing, it said, was followed by ISIS shelling of regime-held positions inside the airbase.

“The clashes resulted in the death of 7 militants and seizing 2 tanks, an armored vehicle, an artillery and machineguns,” the Observatory said.

Contradicting news coming from Deir Al zour:

Fresh ISIS conquest: Syrian air base at Deir a-Zor
DEBKAfile December 6, 2014, 1:40 PM (IDT)

The Islamic State achieved an important gain Saturday with the conquest of the important eastern Syrian air base of Deir el-Zor near the Iraqi border and routing its defenders, the Syrian army’s 137 Brigade. ISIS has thus lifted the threat of Syrian air assault on the oilfields it captured and road links between Syria and Iraq.


Jeff Harrison @JeffHarrison

#Syria regime reportedly uses chemical weapons on #ISIS... http://syriahr.net/en/2014/12/regime-forces-use-chlorine-gas-to-stop-isis-advances-in-der-ezzor-military-airport/… #mapping #DeirEzzor

11:50 AM - 6 Dec 2014


Syria says repels Islamic State attack on air base| Reuters

(Reuters) - A Syrian military source said on Saturday that government forces had repelled an attack by Islamic State militants on an air base in the eastern province of Deir al-Zor, one of the last remaining government stronghold in eastern Syria.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Islamic State fighters broke into the Deir al-Zor air base at dawn on Saturday but were forced to retreat. It said 119 fighters on both sides were killed.

A Syrian security source, when asked about the breach, said: “The terrorists have been unable to control the air base.”

The al Qaeda offshoot Islamic State has been gradually consolidating control of the oil-producing Deir al-Zor province this year. President Bashar al-Assad's forces have held on to the local military air base and parts of the provincial capital.

The Observatory said 51 of Assad's forces and 68 members of Islamic State had been killed in the three-day offensive.

"Elements of the Islamic State also pulled out of a mountain overlooking Deir al-Zor due to intense shelling," the Observatory said.

State media said on Saturday that the army had killed "a number of terrorists" in al Jufra, an area close to the airport.

Islamic State has been under pressure from U.S. air strikes in Syria since September, but that has not stopped it from launching attacks on Assad's forces and other targets to expel government forces and rival rebels.

The Twitter account of the U.S. embassy in Syria said late on Friday that a U.S. air strike in Deir al-Zor had hit Islamic State targets: three vehicles, an excavator and a training camp.

It was unclear whether the attacks took place near the base.

Deir al-Zor borders territories in Iraq are also controlled by Islamic State. The province's oilfields are a major source of revenue for the group.
you are in college, yes?? i always say college is never good for most people... please do drop out from college to get a good understanding of international politics.

I understand politics just fine. However, my opinions aren't all derived from political standard, I speak in what I believe. :)
so why do your opinions sound so reactionary??

I have to be reactionary when I need to. :)

Your views are similar to many Arab nationalists. I don't agree with them completely as they are overdone and wrong people are indicted by you.
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