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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Hımm this one is even better.
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This one is even better. "World shall be Turk". :D

Dunya is Arabic for world. I sometimes forget that you guys (Turks) have more Arabic words in your language than any other foreign language. Sometimes when I look at Turkish texts I can guess what certain words mean that are close to Arabic. Turkish looks difficult to learn though. Especially written.:D

Caucasian Islamists do use nationalistic rhetoric, from time to time.

Which is not surprising as their lands are technically occupied by the Russian regime which conquered their lands less than 150 years and committed genocide on the natives. That's how for instance Adyghe people ended up in the Arab world. Be it Jordan, Syria, Iraq or KSA. Aside from Turkey were the majority escaped to for obvious reasons (due to geography).

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do not know what that Georgian here cries about. The Arabs that went to Caucasus to fight with the Chechens (legitimate) are nothing like ISIS (this happened 20-15 years ago) and they can be counted by a few hundred at most. I think that there were more Turkish volunteers for instance especially Turks of Caucasian origin which are found in Turkey in the millions. Also other Caucasians.

I support the Caucasian peoples in their fight for rights and sovereignty. A Georgian (a country that was occupied by Russia for a very long time and which gave rise to Stalin etc.) should understand that better than most.

Also I have read about non-Muslim volunteers that fought against the Russians in the First and Second Chechen Wars. Many volunteers from Ex-Soviet Republics, Poles etc.
Dunya is Arabic for world. I sometimes forget that you guys (Turks) have more Arabic words in your language than any other foreign language. Sometimes when I look at Turkish texts I can guess what certain words mean that are close to Arabic. Turkish looks difficult to learn though. Especially written.:D

Which is not surprising as their lands are technically occupied by the Russian regime which conquered their lands less than 150 years and committed genocide on the natives. That's how for instance Adyghe people ended up in the Arab world. Be it Jordan, Syria, Iraq or KSA. Aside from Turkey were the majority escaped to for obvious reasons (due to geography).

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do not know what that Georgian here cries about. The Arabs that went to Caucasus to fight with the Chechens (legitimate) are nothing like ISIS (this happened 20-15 years ago) and they can be counted by a few hundred at most. I think that there were more Turkish volunteers for instance especially Turks of Caucasian origin which are found in Turkey in the millions. Also other Caucasians.

I support the Caucasian peoples in their fight for rights and sovereignty. A Georgian (a country that was occupied by Russia for a very long time and which gave rise to Stalin etc.) should understand that better than most.

Also I have read about non-Muslim volunteers that fought against the Russians in the First and Second Chechen Wars. Many volunteers from Ex-Soviet Republics, Poles etc.

duniya means the same in urdu aswell...
Dunya is Arabic for world. I sometimes forget that you guys (Turks) have more Arabic words in your language than any other foreign language. Sometimes when I look at Turkish texts I can guess what certain words mean that are close to Arabic. Turkish looks difficult to learn though. Especially written.:D
Speaking Turkish might be hard for foreigners but writing shoulndt be a problem since everything is exactly written as pronounced.
Dunya is Arabic for world. I sometimes forget that you guys (Turks) have more Arabic words in your language than any other foreign language. Sometimes when I look at Turkish texts I can guess what certain words mean that are close to Arabic. Turkish looks difficult to learn though. Especially written.:D

Yeap, true. At the past there were much more Arabic words... it's impossible for new generation to understand old texts/books.

Also, there is a method to spot foreign words in Turkish.

First group "e,ı,ü,ö" can't be in the same word with the second group "a,i,u,o"

Like in Dünya , since it has letters from both group, it's a foreign word.
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Caucasian Jihadist aren't united, they often suffer from infighting.
What do you mean by caucasian jihadists? They are almost only Chechens

In caucasus Jihadism got strong after chechen wars and the death of Nationalism in Nothern Caucasus, chechens got help only from Wahhabis and soon they became majority in so called "resistance movement" in caucasus. after Second chechen war, Galayev went to Georgia(pankisi village, near russian border) and at first was welcomed but had to go back to mountains after Yankees ordered then president of Georgia Shevardandze to get rid of wahhabis, they left but wahhabi presence remained in Pankisi and it became transit point of money and weapons(mostly Saudi) to Chechnya.Under saakashvili's regime they became very powerfull in vilage and now most of Gergian jihadis are from Pankisi( himself abu omar al shishani is also from there ). Interesting point,that FSB/KGB did nothing to stop spreading of wahhabism in Chechnya.

“One man was supposed to meet me in Turkey and see me off to Syria,” she remembers. “Without talking, he took me to the car, gave me a cellphone, and someone spoke to me in poor Russian, asking, ‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ I said that I was. He asked again, whether I really was the mother of the man who recently married a woman from Chechnya. Again I confirmed. We went to a big building, full of wounded people, refugees from Syria.

“I went downstairs and entered a large room,” she continued, “where I saw about 10 tables with computers and men with long beards. What can I say—they looked very frightening! A group of young boys from Chechnya again asked me: ‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ Even they knew him.” She had no idea at the time how famous her own son had become in jihadist circles after appearing on YouTube calling on the whole Muslim world, especially athletes, to take part in jihad.

“Then a man came and took us to a bus station,” Leila recalled. “They paid for our tickets. I did not spend a single coin. From there they took us to the Syrian border.”
The Secret Life of an ISIS Warlord - The Daily Beast
you can find a lot of such reports. In Georgia,everyone little bit interested, knows how to go to syria Via Turkey without problem
Pankisi is only a valley with a few number of Naqshbandi sufi Chechens living in it, in which all of these famous Chechen jihadists are coming from. Pankisi acted and acts as a safe haven for Chechen fighters.
BTW, I thought that you are Iranian and living in Gerogia or had some similar connections to Iran. Are you an ethnic Georgian?
Caucasian Islamists do use nationalistic rhetoric, from time to time.
Nationalistic rhetoric officialy ended in notherh Caucasus after declaration of Emirate.

What do you mean by caucasian jihadists? They are almost only Chechens

Pankisi is only a valley with a few number of Naqshbandi sufi Chechens living in it, in which all of these famous Chechen jihadists are coming from. Pankisi acted and acts as a safe haven for Chechen fighters.
BTW, I thought that you are Iranian and living in Gerogia or had some similar connections to Iran. Are you an ethnic Georgian?
They call themselves "Chechens" but a lot of them are Georgians, maybe it's better to call yourself chechen to get background of hardcore Wahabbi :D most of inhabitants of Pankisi are georgians (kists), and they were just like ordinary muslim Georgians before second chechen war,after that wahhabis started to seek shelter in Pankisi and it became safe heawen for Drug dealers and arms smuglers. Previous Georgian gevrnment did absolutely nothing agianst them (they almost always backed wahhabis against suffis ) and they quietly gained power in village.
Yes, I am ethnic Georgian
Nationalistic rhetoric officialy ended in notherh Caucasus after declaration of Emirate.
uhmm I do not agree. Just some islamists, who did not have nationalistic senses at the beginning, care for Kavkaz Emirate in a religious sense, not all Northern Caucasians. We had some Noxchi guy, before in this forum, who even had Kavkaz Emirate as his signature but he was not caring about islamism. This new Emirate concept is just a uniting cover for North caucasians, bro. nothing more.
They call themselves "Chechens" but a lot of them are Georgians, maybe it's better to call yourself chechen to get background of hardcore Wahabbi :D most of inhabitants of Pankisi are georgians (kists), and they were just like ordinary muslim Georgians before second chechen war,after that wahhabis started to seek shelter in Pankisi and it became safe heawen for Drug dealers and arms smuglers. Previous Georgian gevrnment did absolutely nothing agianst them (they almost always backed wahhabis against suffis ) and they quietly gained power in village.
Yes, I am ethnic Georgian
So, you mean that they are originally Georgian, but call themselves Noxchi?
BTW, wahabism has not much roots there. They are Naqshbandi sufis, but since they are too much religious(which is not that much common among Caucasians(I mean real Caucasians(both muslims and christians), not Armenian religious bigot immigrants)), and are sunni, they are referred to as wahabi, but they are Sufi. They are misunderstood.
Assad Regime Executes 141 Detainees Infected With Pneumonic Plague

The Syrian Human Rights League said that according to identical testimonies of newly released detainees from the Intelligence Branch 215, Brigadier General Hasan Daboul, the head of the Branch, ordered to execute all detainees inside the eighth dormitory (housing141 detainees) in the Branch which holds more than eight thousand prisoners. The detainees inside the dormitory were reportedly infected with pneumonic plague, and their jailors ignored the recommendations of the medical committee that suggested treating the infected detainees and improving their detention conditions.

The League’s report pointed out that a mass execution against the sick detainees was carried out at two occasions. The first one was on September 8, 2014 when 117 detainees were executed, while the second one was two days later when 24 detainees were executed. The dead bodies were packed using plastic bags and buried in mass graves in the military area of Najha, an area which includes dozens of other mass graves where more liquidated detainees from the Military Intelligence prisons have been previously buried. Captain Ahmad Haidar, chief warrant officer Alaa al-Ali, chief warrant officer Basel al-Hasan, and warrant officer Khaldoun Jafar in addition to other regime troops from Branch 215 has supervised the executions and burials, according to the report.

The Syrian Human Rights League condemned the systematic criminal behaviour of the Assad regime that violates international conventions of human rights, and held the regime responsible for the safety of all detainees inside its prisons. It also considered those responsible for the horrific massacre of Branch 215 as criminals against humanity who must be tried by the International Courts.

The League urged the international community and international human rights organizations, particularly the International Committee of the Red Cross, to intervene urgently to save the lives of thousands of detainees who face the risk of death on a daily basis. Furthermore, it demanded the United Nations Security Council to refer the Syrian file to the International Criminal Court as soon as possible to stop the Assad regime from killing more of the Syrian people.

Syria Daily: Did Assad Regime Execute 141 Prisoners Who Had Pneumonic Plague? | EA WorldView

Assad Regime Executes 141 Detainees Infected With Pneumonic Plague | المكتب الإعلامي لقوى الثورة السورية

Branch 215 death chamber testimony

" When we got to Branch 215, they took me to the interrogator (short, dark skin, about 95 Kg, speaks the Damascene dialect). He asked me about my charges, but he didn't pay any attention to them. He asked one of the guards to take me. In our way, we passed through a big hole, and then we got down stairs. The moment they opened the door, I was surprised by the appearances of the detainees inside as they were waiting to go to bathroom, others were left in the corridor. They didn't look like human; they were walking skeletons. Ulcerations were all over their bodies. Those who were thrown on the floor were swimming in a pool of blood and pus that ooze out of their bodies due to the lack of sanitizers and hygienic conditions.

When they transferred me to another cell, I got more familiar with the place and the number of cells; the interesting thing about that huge jail, which contains about 1800 detainees, is the absence of security guards, except for a small office for some officer in the corner. All the tasks in the dormitories are assigned to the 'Shawishia' or hard-laborers (old detainees, who have been detained for more than a year) that were not only responsible for hygiene and food, but also for moving the dead bodies of tortured detainees at the upper sixth floor.

One of the 'Shawishia' told me once that he was asked to bring a blanket and to go 'upstairs'. When he got there, he was surprised to find a detainee's body full of blood as he had been severely tortured and beaten with a hammer all over his body, especially on the head till he passed away.

I was transferred to Dormitory Khashab 1 (the wooden 1) which was headed by Abu Mahmoud AlAtrash. We were about 70 detainees in a (3.5*4 m) cell. The bad thing was that the 'Shawishia' have taken two thirds of the place. The rest of the place was for the new detainees who had to sleep in 'squatting' position. The 'Shawishia', however, can 'spread' their legs and sleep on their backs.

In this particular dormitory, I witnessed 7 death cases out of acute disease and high temperature. Most newly-arrested detainees were likely to have the 'detachment' (hallucination or detachment from surrounding, which was common in this branch) as they didn't tolerate the bad conditions of the branch. This 'detachment' symptom, usually, comes before the 'absolute' death as the detainee starts to lose his sense of the surrounding, then he loses his memory gradually. After that he starts to hallucinate which forecasts his death in the few coming hours.

In regard to the Sixth Floor or the interrogation room, the majority of the detainees revealed that they were exposed to brutal torture and beating, the worst of which was the 'Hanging' or hanging the detainee by his hands for several hours, in addition to electrifying, whipping and beating with truncheons all over the body.

Every day, we witnessed one or two death cases, most of them were among those who were brought from the detention centers in Homs, especially the Military Branch there.

Four days later, I was transferred to Dormitory 7; we were 70 detainees in a (4*4 m) cell. There I suffered a high temperature, my cellmates helped me reduce my body temperature by water and they took care of me. One of them was from Daraa; he had been detained for a year. He suffered severe chronic ulcerations too.

All the detainees in the dormitories (1800 detainees) use six bathrooms only. In some cases, a detainee might have to wait two days in the 'queue' to get to use the bathroom. The average age of the detainees is 20 to 30 years. According to old detainees, the higher number of death cases was in Ramadan 2012; as forty six detainees passed away. Most of the detainees from Homs were university students.

In the evening of 3 Jun 2012, one of my city citizens died after one year of detention following many detainees from my city that were killed in this branch, one of them was a student in the Faculty of Dentistry; he was subjected to 9 interrogation sessions and died due to wounds and torture."

More witness testimonies @
Center for Documentation of Violations in Syria - A Report on Branch 215, Raid Brigade Military Intelligence Division - Damascus
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Nationalistic rhetoric officialy ended in notherh Caucasus after declaration of Emirate.

They call themselves "Chechens" but a lot of them are Georgians, maybe it's better to call yourself chechen to get background of hardcore Wahabbi :D most of inhabitants of Pankisi are georgians (kists), and they were just like ordinary muslim Georgians before second chechen war,after that wahhabis started to seek shelter in Pankisi and it became safe heawen for Drug dealers and arms smuglers. Previous Georgian gevrnment did absolutely nothing agianst them (they almost always backed wahhabis against suffis ) and they quietly gained power in village.
Yes, I am ethnic Georgian

CE has made often made comments such as calling for the liberation of the Caucasus from colonial Russian rule, an so on, but you are right tough, religion has surrplanted secular nationalism in the region.

About the Pankisi I remember Umar al-Shishani being mocked by other Chechen jihadis during the Nursa-ISIS conflict for his claim to be a Chechen despite having a Georgian father.

uhmm. This new Emirate concept is just a uniting cover for North caucasians, bro. nothing more..

Yeah, that why they have ethnic Russians amongst their ranks and marginalized secular Chechen nationalists.
Yeah, that why they have ethnic Russians amongst their ranks and marginalized secular Chechen nationalists.
Russians? Since when Russians are caucasians? BTW, Russians are on Assad's side.

@Alienoz_TR Can you update us about Deir Al-zur? Daesh seems to be close to the airport.
Al Nusra terrorists in Qalamoun , Executed a Lebanese Army soldier ( Ali Bazal ) .

We shall wait for the reactions and consequences against Sunni extremists in Lebanon .


The government is going to execute 2 terrorists .
Al Nusra terrorists in Qalamoun , Executed a Lebanese Army soldier ( Ali Bazal ) .

We shall wait for the reactions and consequences against Sunni extremists in Lebanon .


The government is going to execute 2 terrorists .
Nusra is not be a good group, but good thing they executed a Lebanese soldier. Lebanon has been Hezbollah's slave for decades now. All thanks to your "glorious" country.
Anyways, Hell cannon being used in Aleppo: (Title reads: Aleppo / Nour Al-Deen al-Zinki Movement / Hitting Assad's gangs in Saif Ad-dawleh district with a Hell Cannon)
Nusra is not be a good group, but good thing they executed a Lebanese soldier. Lebanon has been Hezbollah's slave for decades now. All thanks to your "glorious" country.
Anyways, Hell cannon being used in Aleppo: (Title reads: Aleppo / Nour Al-Deen al-Zinki Movement / Hitting Assad's gangs in Saif Ad-dawleh district with a Hell Cannon)

Bro, we know that the regime in question is pure poison but it cannot be a good thing to execute a soldier. Let alone an Arab soldier. I don't care about his sect. Such moves are cowardly and good for nothing. Al-Assad is famous for doing mass-executions on a huge scale and ISIS are not far behind him on that front.

That Mullah organization is on loan. Most Lebanese are sick and tired of it. Only the poor brainwashed fools in tiny Southern Lebanon are interested in it.
Bro, we know that the regime in question is pure poison but it cannot be a good thing to execute a soldier. Let alone an Arab soldier. I don't care about his sect. Such moves are cowardly and good for nothing. Al-Assad is famous for doing mass-executions on a huge scale and ISIS are not far behind him on that front.

That Mullah organization is on loan. Most Lebanese are sick and tired of it. Only the poor brainwashed fools in tiny Southern Lebanon are interested in it.
I know it's not a good thing to execute people randomly, but Lebanon is a joke. Their government is a slave to Hezbollah, and the army doesn't do anything about it. Besides, many pro-Assad trolls are Lebanese. Despite what his army and his father's army did to them for a few decades...
Nusra is not be a good group, but good thing they executed a Lebanese soldier. Lebanon has been Hezbollah's slave for decades now. All thanks to your "glorious" country.

This execution resulted in protests in Lebanon in which dozens of Syrian refugees were hit by people and God knows how this will affect Lebanese views about your beloved freedom fighters .

Lets wait for the consequences .

I didn't want to reply your posts but you left no choice with that comment .

You're supporting some terrorists that most of them don't even believe in revolution or Syria and their goal is Jihad and forming Islamic state , who call themselves Jihadists not revolutionists which is natural since they're not Syrians but bunch of drug dealers and criminals coming from everywhere to satisfy their thirst for money , women and power .

By the way , Hezbollah didn't enter this war until it's existence and people were in danger , The same is honest for Lebanese army , They reacted against terrorists when security of Lebanon and it's citizens were in danger due to using Lebanese soil and involving it in Syrian war against terrorism . So basically there is no need to accuse mentioned factions because the problem lies somewhere else in Saudi and Qatari oil money , In Jordan and Turkey's pro terrorist governments and above all in ignorance and false logic of people who support such sick ideologies .

Hell cannon being used in Aleppo: (Title reads: Aleppo / Nour Al-Deen al-Zinki Movement / Hitting Assad's gangs in Saif Ad-dawleh district with a Hell Cannon)

This so called hell canon has already killed thousands of your country men and you're willing posting a video showing it targeting where people live ?

Violence is violence , no matter who does that and I'm against i , so don't expect me to do the same by posting such videos in return .
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