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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


from ( Hizb Ut-Tahrir Demands Russia Release Members" )...

as ever with such criminal groups ( including hamas and ikhwaan ), their masters are the western governments...
"Britain-based Hizb ut-Tahrir has been outlawed as a terrorist organization in Russia and other countries but is legal in Indonesia."

and look at this comedic picture...

and the source is the cia-front "radio free europe", and it is being sympathetic to the tahrir criminals... because cia is the controller of your "social movement" called "hizb ut tahrir".
Define what you mean by saying rebels? Because absolute majority of it is held by Daesh, then Al-Nusra in Idlib and the south and IF in Eastern Ghouta, Quenteira and to some extent, Deraa.

So ISIS and Nusra hold more than 70% of territory.
Anyone opposing the regime. And its not 70% if exclude deserts.
No because the coast is pretty much Sunni these days.

the syria war is not about sunni vs alawi... this war is about western proxies fighting the socialist syrian system... most of the syrian military is sunni... the wife of the syrian president is sunni.
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