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Syrian elections comedy


Aug 18, 2010
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Here are Syrian elections official results:



Can vote - 15,845,575
Voted - 11,634,412

That makes 73.4237287%. Its not really logical based on situation in country, but from math point its fine.

But now the comedy part begins:

Out of 11,634,412 people who voted

442,108 (3.8%) were invalid.
10,319,723 (88.7%) voted for Assad.
500,279 (4.3%) voted for Al Nouri.
372,301 (3.2%) voted for Hajjar.

Why its a comedy? Because 442,108 gives EXACTLY 3.8% (with accuracy to 1 person!!!) : 11,634,412 * 0.038 = 442,107.656 round to 442,108

10,319,723 gives EXACTLY 88.7% : 11,634,412 * 0.887 = 10,319,723.44 round to 10,319,723

500,279 gives EXACTLY 4.3%: 11,634,412 * 0.043 = 500,279.716 round to 500,279. But here is 1 person mistake it should be rounded to 500,280.

372,301 gives EXACTLY 3.2%: 11,634,412 * 0.032 = 372,301.184 round to 372,301.

Whats the probability that percent is accurate till 1 person? The answer is 1/11,634, or 0.008595%.

What is the probability that there are 4 accurate percents in row? 0.000000000000005459%

So what happened here? Someone gave number of voters (11,634,412), desired percents (3.8%, 88.7%, 4.3%, 3.2%). And then they calculated the number of voters for based on given percents. While in real elections percents are calculated based on votes.

I.e.the number of voters were calculated based on desired percents and not the vice versa.

But what about 1 missing person rounding mistake in Al Nouri's votes? Here it is:

442,108 + 10,319,723 + 500,279 + 372,301 = 11,634,411 instead of 11,634,412

Yet another solid proof that the number of voters were calculated based on percents and not the vice versa.

The credit for discovery goes to:

papa_lyosha: О выборах в Сирии
sigh... idiots, of course the rounded the percentage, it could have been anything from 88.65, thus they rounded it to 88.7.. now you idiots spend a lot of time doing all the math, but forgot the easiest part of math ROUNDING!!!

for example Alasad got 88.69 of the votes... if you did the right math...

now you ignore the reality, where you can see millions of Syrians voting and videos of Syrians celebrating for three days even Syrians outside the country...
If you check the number of votes u get exact percentages. They dont need rounding thats the point.
Alasad got 88.69.....

and don't even try to ignore the Syrian celebrations that lasted for more than 3 days world wide... and videos of the voters inside and outside Syria... so enough BS... you're just mad because Alasad is still popular among Syrians..
Alasad got 88.69.....
10,319,723 out of 11,634,412 is 88.6999961% The difference from 88.7% is 0.0000039%

U simply cant get any closer to 88.7% than that.

Because 10,319,724 out of 11,634,412 is 88.70000478%. The difference from 88.7% is 0.0000047%

10,319,723 is mathematically closest possible result to 88.7%.

The chance that it will be exactly 88.7% and not 88.72978783% or 88.748787342% is 1/11,634
Innocence till proven guilty. No proof = election is legit. Anyone can be claim US elections are rigged by supercomputers, but with no proof, US elections must be assumed to be legit.
10,319,723 out of 11,634,412 is 88.6999961% The difference from 88.7% is 0.0000039%

U simply cant get any closer to 88.7% than that.

Because 10,319,724 out of 11,634,412 is 88.70000478%. The difference from 88.7% is 0.0000047%

10,319,723 is mathematically closest possible result to 88.7%.

The chance that it will be exactly 88.7% and not 88.72978783% or 88.748787342% is 1/11,634
Everyone knows the election was a sham!! Why take the pains to dissect the results when it serves no purpose at all?
Everything is fake except the Shoah (ideology invented in the 80's)
Everyone knows the election was a sham!! Why take the pains to dissect the results when it serves no purpose at all?

What purpose does the election serve? The purpose is democracy. The purpose is to have the Syrian people choose their president. That's the purpose.
Elections in the middle of violent armed conflict- thats comedy-
What purpose does the election serve? The purpose is democracy. The purpose is to have the Syrian people choose their president. That's the purpose.
From the recent experiences of replacing dictators with 'democracies' I dont think its a very good idea at the moment, what with fundamentalists gnawing away at the Libyan government's authority (& a liberal warlord challenging the govt) and ISIS rampaging through Syria and Iraq displaying a brutality never before seen!!
One cannot flood a people accustomed to decades of dictatorship with democracy. IMHO, it would be prudent to engage the dictators, replacing them as they go with more pragmatic ones and let democracy slowly seep into their societies. People cannot handle such freedoms when thrust upon them so suddenly!
Chances that the election was set up and a complete and utter joke: 100%.

That said, I want him to stay and crack some wahabi skulls. Middle East is a region of retards. Who cares which retard is in power. As long as wahabi skulls are being crushed, It's all good.
Elections in the middle of violent armed conflict- thats comedy-

The US is precedent. The US held a presidential election during the US Civil War, which was far far bigger than the Syria war which is not even a civil war but is rather a foreign invasion.

United States presidential election, 1864 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the recent experiences of replacing dictators with 'democracies' I dont think its a very good idea at the moment, what with fundamentalists gnawing away at the Libyan government's authority (& a liberal warlord challenging the govt) and ISIS rampaging through Syria and Iraq displaying a brutality never before seen!!
One cannot flood a people accustomed to decades of dictatorship with democracy. IMHO, it would be prudent to engage the dictators, replacing them as they go with more pragmatic ones and let democracy slowly seep into their societies. People cannot handle such freedoms when thrust upon them so suddenly!

Exactly. Assad can be re-elected 1 more time. That is a big step forward.
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