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Dozens of girls missing in Afrin

A mother looking for her 14-year-old girl who was abducted in Afrin under invasion, stated that dozens of girls are held captive and raped by Turkish forces and allied gangs.


  • Saturday, 31 Mar 2018, 00:00
The Turkish state and gangs are committing a war crime against women and girls in Afrin which is under their invasion. A mother who revealed the savagery while looking for her 14-year-old missing girl says; “What was done in Shengal is being done here now. The whole world must see this vileness.”

Invasion attacks of the Turkish state and jihadist gangs derived from ISIS and Al-Qaeda against Afrin Canton of Northern Syria continue for the third month. The savagery continues during genocidal attacks following the invasion of the city with the ultimate goal of de-Kurdifying the region. More war crimes are being committed in the region under invasion on daily basis. Looting the houses and shops of the people, eradicating traces of Kurdishness, shooting people on the streets, Turkish invaders and affiliated gangs are also targeting women. What was done by ISIS in Shengal before, where women were taken captive and subjected to systematic rape, is being done by Turkish forces in Afrin today.


According to reports, dozens of girls and women have been abducted so far in the Afrin city which was invaded on March 18. Those abducted are being held in some houses near the Vilayat Street in the city center, and subjected to systematic sexual assaults by Turkish soldiers.


A civilian residing in Afrin’s Mahmudiyah neighborhood, whom we will not mention by name for security reasons, told the following; “They have entered our houses and took all our valuable belongings since the day they came. They took all the gold, white goods and everything else away loading them on trucks. Then they gathered the people who remained in the city, and separated men and women in different areas. We were hearing the screams of women. I do not know what they did to them. They tortured us men, saying “you are supporters of terrorists, we will take all your belongings and women.”


We were released after two days without food and water but some girls and women did not return. They were taken somewhere else and we do not know where. Two girls ages 14-15 are among those they took away.”


The witness stated that the two girls, whom they have not heard about since March 22, are named F.H. and H.A.

Mother of H.A., whom we talked on the phone, stated that they have been trying secretly to find the two girls for days, and in the meantime they met with several families who have not heard from their girls either.

The mother told that women cannot go out in the street, so they wear burqa and look for their daughters.

“While looking for my daughter, I found out that many other girls are missing. As much as I myself learned, there are 15 girls missing and they are aged between 14 and 20. This is the number I have managed to find out only in the neighborhood I live.”


According to what the mother has managed to learn from an Arab family that has close relations with the Turkish soldiers and gangs in the city, the abducted girls and women are held in some houses near Vilayat Street in the city center.

“They are keeping our children here. They have settled in the houses in that area and are not allowing anyone to approach there. What ISIS did in Shengal is being done here now. Our children are held captive and they are raped by the gangs. The world must see this vileness.”


Another resident, an Arab in his/her own statement, confirmed the statements of the witness we spoke to, and the war crimes committed by the invading Turkish army and gangs in Afrin, telling; “A gang leader from the Turkish-affiliated Hamza Brigade is touring the neighborhoods and gathering young girls. They are taking these girls to the houses on Vilayat Street, presenting them to Turkish officers and gang members.”

As always in war: The prisoners have to dig trenches ect.

Seif El,Arab learned another word Ich....unless If he became Moroccan after he has been dismantled by a courageous PDF moderator.
Seif El,Arab learned another word Ich....unless If he became Moroccan after he has been dismantled by a courageous PDF moderator.

Do me need insider knowledge? Who is Seif El Arab? What has it to do with PDF?
Me is Ich.
Posting here is harder than walking in mine field.
Fact: During Eastern Aleppo battles Assad propagandists claimed that no Khamenai mercenaries fight that and it was a lie.

Fact: Hezbollah thugs do pose as SAA soldiers.

Fact: i showed example of Khamenai mercenary killed in last battle.

Fact: E Ghouta was encircled in 2013 thanks to Khamenai mercenaries.
My mood after reading your posts sis.
You are making mistakes after mistakes b/c you can not accept realities. You have made fantasy world in your mind.
In reality this is Syrian people who are fighting with Terrorists.
We have a lot of exaggeration about Iran and Russia rule in Syria at this froum.
The only thing that we did in Syria was organizing Syrian people and teach them to how defend themselves against aggression.
Trump: Saudis need to pay if they want US troops to stay in Syria
Trump reiterates necessity for US troops to leave Syria unless Riyadh pays for continuation of US presence there.

3 hours ago


US President Donald Trump's remarks appeared to contradict the rhetoric on Syria from other top US officials [REUTERS/Carlos Barria [Daylife]
US President Donald Trump has said that Saudi Arabia might have to pay if it wants continuing US presence in Syria.

"We've almost completed that task [of defeating ISIL] and we'll be making a determination very quickly, in coordination with others in the area, as to what we'll do," said Trump on Tuesday during a White House press conference with leaders from three Baltic nations.

"Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision, and I said, 'Well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you're going to have to pay."

Trump spoke on Monday with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud over the phone to discuss a range of regional issues, including a peace plan between Israelis and Palestinians and opportunities to strengthen the American-Saudi strategic partnership.

But the White House statement of the call, released on Tuesday, did not mention any discussion about Saudi Arabia's boosting funding for US military efforts in Syria.

Similarly, a White House readout of his March 20 meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman made no mention of US military efforts in the region.

'I want to get out'
Trump's remarks appeared to contradict the rhetoric on Syria from other top US officials. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had pledged an enduring presence in Syria last year.

But Trump reiterated calls to end US presence in the region, after he made similar statements at an event in Ohio last week.

"I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home," Trump said.

"We do a lot of things in this country, we do them for a lot of reasons, but it is very costly for our country, and it helps other countries a hell of a lot more than it helps us," he added.

Trump also railed against ongoing US intervention in the Middle East and its growing cost.

"Think of it, $7 trillion over a 17-year period. We have nothing. Nothing except death and destruction. It's a horrible thing. So it is time. It is time," he said at the White House press conference.

"We were very successful against ISIL. We'll be successful against anybody militarily. But sometimes it is time to come back home. And we're thinking about that very seriously."

The Obama administration launched a war in 2014 against the ISIL after the group flourished in the chaos of the Syrian civil war and then surged over the Iraq border in a bid to overtake Baghdad.



Iraq may carry out special forces operations against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants in neighbouring Syria to stop them infiltrating back into Iraq, an expert close to the Baghdad government said on April 4.

While troops could be dropped into Syria, the plan did not at this stage involve sending ground forces over the border, Hisham al-Hashimi, who advises several governments on ISIL, including Iraq’s, told Reuters.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory in Iraq over the jihadist group in December, but on April 1 he described the militants’ presence in Syria as a real danger.

With Baghdad on good terms with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Abadi stressed that any operations would be limited.

“Our plan is to move from fighting terrorism in Iraq in Iraq to fighting terrorism in the region ... We are not trespassing over our border or attacking neighbouring countries,” he told a news conference, adding that the plan was being discussed by the Iraqi military leadership.

Last year Iraqi warplanes carried out at least one strike on Islamic State targets inside Syria, in coordination with the U.S.-led anti-ISIL coalition and with the approval of the Syrian government.

Iraq also good relations with Iran and Russia, Assad’s main backers in the seven-year Syrian civil war, while it receives at the same time strong support from the coalition.

Abadi declared the victory five months after U.S.-backed Iraqi forces dislodged Islamic State militants from Mosul, their de facto capital in the north of the country.

This put an end to the cross-border “caliphate” they declared in 2014 but Islamic State continues to carry out ambushes, assassinations and bombings across Iraq.

Special forces from a number of countries already operate in Syria, including the United States, Russia and Iran. Turkey has also sent in ground forces to push Kurdish fighters away from its border.
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