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Syrian Party: Claims of Chemical Attack Aim to Cover Up West's Ties to Militants
© AFP 2018/ Abd Doumany
20:50 09.04.2018(updated 20:51 09.04.2018)Get short URL
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Claims of Damascus' of alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Douma are provocation aimed at reinforcing terrorists, and concealing the existing links between western countries and the militants fighting in Syria, Tarek Ahmad, a representative of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), told Sputnik on Monday.

On Saturday, reports emerged about the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Damascus neighborhood of Douma by the Syrian government forces. The European Union and the United States said forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad were behind the attack. The Syrian state-run SANA news agency, in its turn, reported, citing Syrian officials, that the accusations of chemical use against Damascus were a provocation perpetrated by the Jaysh al-Islam group and other militants to hinder the advance of the Syrian government’s army.

"The militants know that they are losing. I was in Syria's Eastern Ghouta last week and I can assure you that many [pieces of evidence], which are currently in the hands of Syrian journalists and the Syrian army, prove that those terrorist groups are directly connected to the United States, the Saudis, and the western governments. They are afraid that after the militants’ defeat, this information will be made public," Ahmad said.

This evidence also shows that militants, supported by the West and some regional players, are preparing an offensive against the Syrian Arab Army, the politician added.

READ MORE: Syrian Army's Anti-Terror Op Moving Closer to US Al-Tanf Base – Reports

The Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation, operating in the Middle Eastern country, refuted the reports about chemical weapons use in the area of Eastern Ghouta, where Douma is located. Moreover, the center said that doctors from Douma denied media reports about receiving patients with symptoms of exposure to toxic substances.


Syrian Douma Residents Protest Against Jaysh al-Islam Militants - Activist
On Sunday, the Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the information about the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government forces originated from the non-governmental organization the While Helmets, known to have links to terrorists. Such information campaigns about the alleged chemical attack by Damascus are aimed at justifying possible external military action in Syria, the ministry added. The ministry also warned against any military action based on fabricated reports, adding that it might have grave consequences.

READ MORE: Syria on Israeli Attack on T-4 Airbase: We Reserve Right to Defend Our Soil

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier on Monday, that Moscow and Damascus had repeatedly warned about possible provocations with the use of hazardous substances against civilians aimed at accusing the Syrian authorities of being responsible.

Do you even know Jews' condition in Iran?
It is better than the Muslims aka sunnis.
I give you that .

There is difference b/w word jew and Zionism
Jews are like Muslims and Christians follower of the God but Zionists are worst, also Muslims and Christians can be Zionist as well like many members here who are not Jew but they are Zionist.
Ok let me rephrase my comment

Isnt it laughabe that the iranians are pointing towards the atrocities of Zionists.

Arent the muslims right in laughing at their face , seeing to all that is happening in Syria?
Syrian Army's Anti-Terror Op Moving Closer to US Al-Tanf Base – Reports
© AP Photo/ Hammurabi's Justice News
20:47 09.04.2018Get short URL
Syrian Arabic-language newspaper Al-Watan reported, citing field sources, that the Syrian army units managed to take more lands near al-Tanf region under control.

According to the media outlet, Syrian government forces have exchanged fire with Daesh* militants in al-Mo’ayzileh region in Eastern Badiya (desert) as well as in the Eastern part of al-Alyaniyeh area in Homs, having inflicted a major blow to terrorists. The sources reportedly told al-Watan that army units have successfully moved further in the Eastern Homs Badiya towards al-Tanf region – where the US-led coalition has set up a training base.


US Does Not Rule Out Military Strikes Against Assad in Syria - Pentagon Chief
At the same time, according to the sources, the army has sent more forces and equipment from the ancient city of Palmyra to Southern Badiya of Homs to tighten security around the town of al-Qaratayn, Huwarin village and the strategic region of Mheen. The army has reportedly taken precautions in order to prevent further infiltration of militants, having broadened the buffer zone around al-Qaryatayn to 80 kilometers in the eastern and southern directions. Such measures, according to al-Watan, will hinder the terrorists from drifting between Eastern and Western Qalamoun region to al-Tanf military base.

Since 2016, the US has been training Free Syrian Army militants at its military base in al-Tanf, however it has drawn much criticism from Damascus and Moscow, with the latter voicing concerns that Washington was “spewing Daesh mobile groups who make inroads to launch subversive terrorist operations against Syrian troops and civilians.”

"The situation when the United States is virtually occupying a 55-kilometer [34-mile] zone around At-Tanf on the Syrian-Jordanian border without the consent of the Syrian Government, is bewildering. This zone includes the infamous Rukban refugee camp, where militants from illegal armed groups are freely moving near the US Armed Forces," the assistant to the secretary of the Russian Security Council told Sputnik.

The US-led coalition has been conducting airstrikes against Daesh targets in Syria since 2014 without a UN mandate or authorization from the Damascus government. Syria views their presence as a violation of the country's national sovereignty.

*Daesh, also known as ISIS/ISIL/IS, a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries

Oil prices soar over fears of US strike on Syria
Brent rises to its highest level since December 2014, amid possibility of US-led strikes on Syria.

20 minutes ago


Oil prices have neared 2014 highs over warnings of western air strikes against Syria [Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP]
Oil prices have soared to their highest level since December 2014 amid the possibility of the US carrying out air strikes against Syria.

Brent Crude rose to $71.33 per barrel late on Tuesday, marking its highest level since December 3, 2014, markets showed.

American benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rose to as much as $65.86 a barrel at 19:15 GMT - its highest level since March 27.

Although Syria is not a key oil producer, the wider Middle East is the world's most important crude exporter and tensions in the region tend to disrupt oil markets.

US President Donald Trump and Western allies are discussing possible military action against Syria after they blamed President Bashar al-Assad for a suspected poison gas attack on a rebel-held town near Damascus.

The Syrian government has put its forces on "high alert" amid the looming threat after Trump pledged to respond "forcefully".

Syria's government and its ally Russia have denied the chemical attack took place, but rescuers and medics have said dozens of people, including many women and children, were killed.

The US, France, and the UK have ramped up pressure on Syria's government by pledging strong reactions to the alleged gas attack, with France warning it would retaliate if evidence emerged that the "red line" of chemical weapons had been crossed.

Speaking to Europe 1 radio, French President Emmanuel Macron said intelligence shared with Trump "in theory confirms the use of chemical weapons."


Syrian Government Regains Control Over Eastern Ghouta
© AFP 2018/ STR
05:00 12.04.2018(updated 05:29 12.04.2018)Get short URL

Syrian government forces have regained control over Eastern Ghouta region, Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation announced.

Russian military reported that Syrian army has established control over Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, which until now has been under control of Jaish al-Islam militant group.

"Today, a landmark event in the history of the Syrian Arab Republic took place. The state flag flown over a building … in the city of Douma marked the regained control over this settlement, and consequently over entire Eastern Ghouta," head of Russia's center for Syrian reconciliation Maj. Gen. Yury Yevtushenko told reporters.


© AFP 2018/ STR
Syrian Army Captures British Militants in Eastern Ghouta – Reports
Earlier, the evacuation of Jaysh al-Islam insurgents and their families left Eastern Ghouta started via the Muhayam al-Wafedin checkpoint. Up to eight thousand insurgents and about 40 thousand of their family members in total have been reportedly evacuated from Douma.

Recently, local media reported that the residents of the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta have taken to the streets calling on the militants to join the ceasefire with the Syrian government.

Christian are able to Celebrate Easter. Because of Syrian army
Things ars getting normal for Fsa gangster Syrian airforce is back in action with barrel bombs
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