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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

filthy terrorists:

U dirty Stinking Isreali rat The picture u posted just shows us the shocking reality of A human shield held in A warzone and we all know behind thease humans shields

Ruthless and brutual Jaysh islam worst tyoes of cowards who hurt womens inagine what hapoens begind camera with civilans^^^^

^^^^When ever a women and children who have no connection input in war Tries to leave Jaysh Islam and al qaeda held area this happens even pro FSA media acknowledge this ^^^^^

Don't try to fool us with >pictures of civllams used as human shields
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Nakba 2.0

Syria: 'Absentees law' could see millions of refugees lose lands

As thousands of Syrians flee their homes in Eastern Ghouta to escape a fierce air and ground offensive led by pro-government forces, President Bashar al-Assad has introduced a new law which can potentially see the state confiscating the lands of millions of displaced people.

Law Number 10, introduced earlier this week, calls on Syrians to register their private properties with the Ministry of Local Administration within 30 days.

Titleholders must either provide proof of ownership documents themselves, or ensure a relative does so on their behalf. Otherwise, they face having to relinquish their properties to the state.

According to Article 2 of the law, a regulatory body will be responsible for drawing up a list of real estate owners - conditional on receiving documentation in support of ownership claims - for areas under government control.

Properties that are not reclaimed by their owners within the month-long period will otherwise become part of a plan to reorganise the areas they belong to into new residential zones.

But with about 13 million Syrians, internally or externally displaced and therefore unable to access their lands, many families face the potential of losing their homes forever.

"This law can effectively deprive millions of Syrians of their lands and properties," said Nizar Ayoub, an international lawyer and expert on conflict resolution.

this "chemical" attack routine by western/Zionist propaganda is becoming beyond laughable...

its just funny now... this is a good lesson for anyone who still believes in the HOLOHOAX.

these sub human Zionist rats, use the same holohoax tactics as they use in Syria. except today modern media exists to debunk their laughable stories....

there is absolutely no question in my mind anymore the holohoax is fake

filthy terrorists:


I think he was actually referring to your sub-human rat ancestors.... those filthy terrorists destroyed the german nation first being parasites, then creating a historical lie to milk them...

show some pictures of your rat ancestors... theres a reason historically everyone from every corner of earth has despised your kind. I can begin to see it now
I think he was actually referring to your sub-human rat ancestors.... those filthy terrorists destroyed the german nation first being parasites, then creating a historical lie to milk them...

show some pictures of your rat ancestors... theres a reason historically everyone from every corner of earth has despised your kind. I can begin to see it now
Typical Assad's Nazi supporter.



you need to do a little better you hasbara rat... in the picture a Russian flag is clearly visible.

you know that Russia that was responsible for about 80-90% of german military casualties in ww2. You need to get your propaganda routine in order. If I was your boss id demote you
Isnt it laughable of the Iranians to call the jews as sub Human for the Atrocities ..

Are they any better ?
I find them to be worse..
Isnt it laughable of the Iranians to call the jews as sub Human for the Atrocities ..

Are they any better ?
I find them to be worse..

its not "Iranians" but me. and I'm not calling jews subhumans. infact if you look I specifically used "Zionist" . whatever you want to call them, there is a small percentage of people that claim to come from the jewish faith. who infiltrate themselves in a society and try to milk it for all its worth to advance certain privilidged jews at the expense of everyone else. this behaviour is what has earned jews thousands of years of hatred from every single group of people that have lived with them. From the very beginning to the roman times, to the dark ages, middle ages, right up to the modern age with one of the most advanced and educated societies on earth dramatically saying enough is enough.

they use this influence to act like parasites and enrich "gods chosen peoples" (what they call themselves) at the expense of their host the dictionary definition of a "parasite"

The german nation figured this out and lashed out furiously. by stripping all jews of citizenship, forcefully removing them from all sectors they had infiltrated and later on shipping them off to labor camps. where many died. But those deaths got exxagerrated to a million degrees, with far fetched and outrageous stories. their casualties were not any more significant then what other people suffered in that war (the Russians lost about 20-30 million people as an example)

its worth noting the allied nations treated what they perceived as "Enemies of the state" in much the same manner. in Canada and the USA for example : Japanese citizens (who were there for many generations) were immidiatly stripped of their property, dignity, citizenship and shipped off to labour camps. They never received their property back even though the US and Canada "won" the war. and the only reason why they didn't die as bad as jews was because north America was not a war zone like Europe and escaped a lot of the hardships there (like starvation, mass carpet bombings, fluid battlefields etc..)

last thing I want to point out. it is in fact iran that has treated jews the best. they have had a continuous presense here for thousands of years with virtually no history of oppression (at least nothing remotely in the same universe when compared to their treatment by others) and I personally have nothing against jews.

99.99% of jews are honest regular people . but unfortunately there is a tiny percentage that absolutely DOMINATE key financial sectors, media, Lobbyist and by extension western government decision making. They have used this leverage they have over the west to wage an all out economic war against my country to try and starve my people.

and on top, are using this same leverage to destroy countries they perceive as Iranian allies. to these kind of sub human rats, and their propagandists everywhere. I have no problem calling them sub humans. and in no way am I calling all jews sub humans.
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Isnt it laughable of the Iranians to call the jews as sub Human for the Atrocities ..

Are they any better ?
I find them to be worse..
There is difference b/w word jew and Zionism
Jews are like Muslims and Christians follower of the God but Zionists are worst, also Muslims and Christians can be Zionist as well like many members here who are not Jew but they are Zionist.
Syria war: Attacks hit Syrian airbase in Homs province
Russia and Syria accuse Israel of attacking airbase near Palmyra, amid global outrage over chemical attack in Douma.

3 hours ago


Missiles have struck a Syrian airbase in Homs province early on Monday, state media reported, with Russia and Syria blaming Israel for carrying out the attack.

Two Israeli warplanes, using Lebanese airspace, fired eight missiles at the T-4 military airbase, the Russian military said, but offered no further information.

The attack at the airbase, located 40km west of Palmyra, killed and wounded several people, Syrian state news agency SANA reported, citing an unnamed military source.

"The Israeli aggression on the T-4 airport was carried out with F-15 planes that fired several missiles from above Lebanese land," SANA quoted the source as saying, adding that eight missiles were shot down.

Some Lebanese media outlets said residents living near the northeastern border with Syria heard jets in the sky in the early morning hours, also suggesting that the attack may have been carried out by Israel.

An Israeli military spokeswoman did not want to comment on the Syria raid.

Israel has previously targeted "Iranian targets" inside Syria. On February 10, an Israeli air raid targeted an ammunition warehouse at the T-4 military airport.

Israel's military claimed earlier this year that Damascus had allowed Iran's Revolutionary Guard to operate the T-4 military site, according to the Times of Israel.

Monday's attacks took place after aid organisations estimated that more than 70 people were killed in a chemical attack on rebel-held Douma, outside Damascus, on Saturday.

Clouded with confusion
Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna, reporting from Washington, DC, said the Pentagon denied that the US conducted the attack in Syria, even as President Donald Trump had vowed there would be a "big price to pay" for the chemical attack.

"There is also an insistence from the US that there is no knowledge that any allies conducting strikes in Syria. So the situation at the moment is clouded with confusion."

France also denied being behind the attack on the airbase, with Colonel Patrik Steiger, the spokesperson for the French armed forces, telling AFP news agency: "It was not us."

"We do know that President Trump will be meeting with his military leadership in the course of Monday to discuss an appropriate response to what the US insists was a chemical attack carried out by the Syrian government in Eastern Ghouta," Hanna reported.

Damascus and its ally Russia have denied carrying out the chemical attack.

Trump condemned the attack and blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iran for backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria," Trump wrote on Twitter.

"President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price to pay. Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!" he said.

Donald J. Trump



Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price...

6:00 PM - Apr 8, 2018
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Trump also discussed the chemical attack in a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday, the White House said, with both leaders vowing to coordinate "a strong, joint response".

In April last year, Trump ordered air raids on Syrian government facilities in the wake of a chemical attack in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun, which killed at least 80 people.

Tightening grip on Eastern Ghouta
Meanwhile, SANA said the first batch of prisoners who had been kidnapped by Syrian rebels in the Adra region inside Eastern Ghouta since 2013, were released from the town of Douma.

In return, rebels and civilians will be allowed to leave Douma, the last opposition-held pocket near the Syrian capital Damascus.

Under the Russian-brokered deal, thousands of fighters from Jaish al-Islam will safely leave the town for an opposition-held area in northern Syria.

The accord will tighten the government's grip on Eastern Ghouta, a former opposition enclave, which has been the target of a sustained campaign by the Syrian military in recent weeks.

Should the government recapture the whole area - as now looks likely - it would deal the harshest blow to the rebels since December 2016, when Assad's forces regained full control of the northern city of Aleppo following a Russian-backed campaign.




Assad regime deliberately targeted and killed journalist Colvin, investigation claims

The regime of Syrian president Bashar al Assad deliberately targeted a building used by journalists during the siege of Homs in 2012, resulting in the deaths of reporter Marie Colvin and photographer Remi Ochlik, according to a landmark legal case brought by the Colvin family.

A cache of evidence compiled over the six years since Ms Colvin's death has been presented in court, including video from her final moments, nearly 200 confidential military documents and testimony from a Syrian defector.

The investigation alleges that the Syrian government tracked the American journalist’s movements in order to silence her reporting on the civil war. The plaintiffs are suing the Syrian government for $300m and calling on the federal court in Washington DC to issue a public judgement against the Assad regime, condemning it for its crimes.

Speaking to The Independent, Ms Colvin's sister Cat Colvin said the Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) had put together "a really powerful package of evidence". "It has been emotional to read it," she said.

"The case shows there was a well planned effort to target journalists above everyone else in Syria: journalists, then the people leading rallies, then normal participants. It’s just horrifying," she said, adding: "Marie deserved the truth."

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