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Trump says US troops to get out of Syria 'very soon'
US president complains the US spends trillions of dollars in the Middle East, but gets 'nothing' in return.

14 hours ago


US troops in Syria are embedded with the Kurdish YPG, which is considered as a 'terrorist group' by Turkey [Reuters]
US President Donald Trump has declared that the United States will withdraw from war-torn Syria "very soon", without offering any other details.

"We will be coming out of Syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now," Trump said on Thursday in a televised rally in the state of Ohio.

WATCH: Turkey urges US to stop YPG fighters headed for Eastern Ghouta (1:57)
Trump complained that the US spends trillions of dollars in the Middle East, but get "nothing" in return.

He did not say whether the withdrawal also includes the US halting its air operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) fighters, who remain in Syria.

He told the Ohio workers that the American troops have "knocked the hell out of ISIS".

"We're going to have 100 percent of the caliphate, as they call it. Sometimes referred to as land. We're taking it all back quickly."

US troops in Syria are mostly stationed in the northern part of the country, and are embedded with the Kurdish YPG, its main ally in fighting ISIL.

Last week, the US State Department denied reports that it reached a deal with Turkey on the presence of American troops in the Kurdish city of Manbij.

Turkey, which recently launched a military operation inside Syria, considers the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria and its armed-wing YPG to be "terrorist groups" with ties to the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

The PKK has waged a decades-long armed fight against the Turkish state that has killed tens of thousands of people.

Ankara seels to expand its operation in Syria's northwestern Afrin region to other Kurdish-held areas further east, including Manbij, prompting fears for a possible confrontation with US troops.

Last week, Turkey said Ankara and Washington had reached a general agreement on Manbij and that the Turkish side is now waiting for its NATO ally to implement the deal.



americans have taken their first casualties in Syria....

an IED killed at least 1 American soldier and wounded several others... now trump has publicly said he wants to leave Syria.....

This should be concerning for anyone who has counted on a long term occupation of Syria. if the American people had half a collective brain, they would see what treason it is to be wasting American lives in the middle of a hell-hole to try and prop up Zionist and wahabi interests...

RIP to the American soldier fighting for his country. unfortunately, his sell out leaders sent him (and many more in the future) to their cheap deaths for Zionist interests..

when the german nation woke up to the parasite of Zionists infiltrating and milking their country. The Jews received a Furious historical backlash. One day the American people might wake up to this reality as well.. Zionist control of their media and government delays this for now, but it wont delay it forever
americans have taken their first casualties in Syria....

an IED killed at least 1 American soldier and wounded several others... now trump has publicly said he wants to leave Syria.....

This should be concerning for anyone who has counted on a long term occupation of Syria. if the American people had half a collective brain, they would see what treason it is to be wasting American lives in the middle of a hell-hole to try and prop up Zionist and wahabi interests...

RIP to the American soldier fighting for his country. unfortunately, his sell out leaders sent him (and many more in the future) to their cheap deaths for Zionist interests..

when the german nation woke up to the parasite of Zionists infiltrating and milking their country. The Jews received a Furious historical backlash. One day the American people might wake up to this reality as well.. Zionist control of their media and government delays this for now, but it wont delay it forever
Victory is with people of Syria and all of the illegal foreign invader occupiers will leave or die in Syria in coming years.
I don't have any problem with gays. I have problem when 40-50 year dudes hang with teenage boys. Yick.

Middle finger for rats leaving east ghouta
Another proof that Khamenaists are lowest form of scum. This is their biggest enemy:


Not enough they slaughtered them, tortured, gassed, starved, barrel bombed, fried alive with thermite, buried alive in rubles, stole their property, expelled them to tents...
Assad aka Khamenai slaughtered more Palestinians than anyone else.

There is nothing more hypocrite and shameless that Khamenaists.
Two fake Masonic 9/11s [in 9/11 2 pm GMT] have killed 5 millions Muslims since 2001.



Zionist Mason Yankee butchers do their bests to save 5 millions Israeli rats.
First we saved your dirty asses from the Iraqi's circa 2500 years ago. Then we again saved your dirty asses during Purim. Prophet Daniyal, Esther and Mordechai buried in Iran. We still tolerate your dirty asses until today as more than 50,000 yahudi continue to live in Iran.

However, you defy logic, and continue to attack, degrade, spy on and undermine the one's that you owe your existence to.

We have a word for it......Harumzade ehsaan faramosh!

I don't have any problem with gays. I have problem when 40-50 year dudes hang with teenage boys. Yick.

Another proof that Khamenaists are lowest form of scum. This is their biggest enemy:


Not enough they slaughtered them, tortured, gassed, starved, barrel bombed, fried alive with thermite, buried alive in rubles, stole their property, expelled them to tents...
First we saved your dirty asses from the Iraqi's circa 2500 years ago. Then we again saved your dirty asses during Purim. Prophet Daniyal, Esther and Mordechai buried in Iran. We still tolerate your dirty asses until today as more than 50,000 yahudi continue to live in Iran.

However, you defy logic, and continue to attack, degrade, spy on and undermine the one's that you owe your existence to.

We have a word for it......Harumzade ehsaan faramosh!
Its the opposite. In 1980-es when Saddam attacked u we helped u saving tens of thousands of your people. And what we got in return? - Suicide and rocket terror which killed hundreds of civilians and genocide promises.

Go kill some Syrian kids. Thats only thing u can do.
Its the opposite. In 1980-es when Saddam attacked u we helped u saving tens of thousands of your people. And what we got in return? - Suicide and rocket terror which killed hundreds of civilians and genocide promises.

Go kill some Syrian kids. Thats only thing u can do.
Hasbara troll bastard, filthy rat al Nusra terrorist, why you don’t paid wahhabi troll never ever condemn Suadi/American massacaring of Yemeni children?

50,000 Yemeni children killed by extreme hunger in 2017 alone:


Why u never condemn your bastard regime massacaring/torturing/raping Muslim children?!

You’re a palm face liar rat. You need an sniper bullet in your head just like an ISIS terrorist. Go cry for tens thousands of Yemeni children at least for once in this forum if you want us to believe you Zionist terrorist rat.

If you cared for kids you would at least cry for Yemeni children at least for once! You only care for your beloved beheaders in Syria.
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