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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Meanwhile kids of corrupt Khamenai functionaries driving fancy cars:


Bro, look at this hahahhah

He cannot differentiate shrine defenders from Iranian luxury riders.

ALhamdulillah that Allah has made our enemies the dumbest folks on this earth.
Khamenai keeps sending poor migrant kids to serve as Assad's cannon fodder:

View attachment 420609 View attachment 420610 View attachment 420611

Meanwhile kids of corrupt Khamenai functionaries driving fancy cars:



Those guys look like they are in their 20s and 30s, I'm not sure how they look like "kids".

Second Isis pocket created, Isis is in complete callapse. Those two pockets will soon be clear and the push for Deir-Ez Zoir will intensify.

Russian Ministry of Defense reports that the country's Aerospace Forces destroyed more than 1,000 targets of terrorists in Syria.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia's Aerospace Forces have destroyed over 1,000 targets of international terrorists groups in Syria, the official newspaper of the Russian Defense Ministry reported Thursday.

In past week Russia's Air Forces aircraft carried out over 360 combat sorties in Syria, the Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) news outlet reported.

The paper also estimated that over 190 objects were spotted by drones that had carried out over 140 surveillance flights.

Syria has been mired in civil war since March 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups operating in the country, including Daesh. Since September 30, Russia has been conducting an aerial campaign against terrorists in Syria at Assad's request.

In March 2016, Putin ordered the pullout of the bulk of the Russian contingent in Syria as the campaign's objectives had broadly been completed. Following Putin’s announcement of the withdrawal, Moscow said that some Russian military personnel would remain at the Hmeymim air base as well as the naval facility at Tartus to observe the implementation of the ceasefire in Syria. Besides, Russia is currently operating the Center for reconciliation of opposing sides in the country.


Head of the Russian General Staff's Office for the Development of UAVs stated that Russia has deployed defense systems to be used against unmanned aerial vehicles in Syria.

KUBINKA (Moscow Region) (Sputnik) – Russia has deployed defense systems to be used against unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Syria, head of the Russian General Staff's Office for the Development of UAVs Maj. Gen. Alexander Novikov said Friday.

"In order to efficiently fight unmanned aerial vehicles at Russia's armed forces deployment positions in Syria, we have developed a system, including subsystems of detection, warnings of flights of unmanned aerial vehicles, and jamming and hard-kill measures," Novikov said at the round table on the sidelines of the Army-2017 forum.

He noted that subsystems comprised missile defense means, radioelectronic combat (REC) systems and aerial surveillance equipment.

Novikov added that special units eliminated drones by using small weapons.

Syria has been mired in civil war since March 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups operating in the country, including the Daesh (terrorist group, outlawed in Russia). Since September 30, Russia has been conducting an aerial campaign against terrorists in Syria at Assad's request.


“Iran, through the Revolutionary Guards, is trying to create a new reality around us with Iranian air and naval bases in Syria, with Shi’ite militias with thousands of mercenaries and precision weapons being produced in Lebanon,” he told a directors- general meeting of the Israel Institute of Energy and Environment.

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“The State of Israel does not intend to remain a bystander and accept these attempts,” Liberman said.

Jerusalem has repeatedly said that it will not allow Iran to set up a permanent presence in Syria, and Liberman has warned in the past that while there is no interest by Israel to enter Syria’s six-and-a-half-year civil war, there are redlines that Jerusalem has set, including the smuggling of sophisticated weaponry to Hezbollah and an Iranian presence on its borders.

The Iranian and Syrian issues featured prominently in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Wednesday.

Netanyahu, who was joined by Mossad head Yossi Cohen and Meir Ben-Shabbat, the recently appointed leader of the National Security Council, said at the meeting that Iran is “well on its way” to controlling not only Syria, but other countries such as Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.

The growing role of the Islamic Republic poses a threat not only to Israel and the Middle East but the entire world, Netanyahu told Putin, adding that this “does not fly with Israel.”

“We cannot forget for a single minute that Iran threatens every day to annihilate Israel. It is arming terrorist organizations and it sponsors and initiates terror.

It is developing intercontinental missiles with the goal of arming them with nuclear warheads. It is for all these reasons that Israel continues to oppose Iran’s entrenchment in Syria. We will defend ourselves in any way against this threat and any threat,” Netanyahu said.

With Russia carrying out military operations in Syria and Israel reportedly responsible for several air strikes against Hezbollah targets in Syria, Russian and Israeli officials have met nine times in the past two years to coordinate their actions in the region in order to avoid accidental clashes and implement a system over Syria.

During Wednesday’s meeting, Putin did not publicly address Iran but hailed the system put in place between Russia and Israel over Syria.

Meanwhile, Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid took to his Facebook page on Thursday, saying that the meeting between the two leaders was “useless.”

Lapid said that while he thought the world should be presented with a unified front against the Iranian issue, “today the Russians announced that they have no intention of changing their policy and will continue to cooperate with the Iranians in Syria, allowing them to establish themselves 20 kilometers from the Israeli border, with the possibility of establishing a military port and an air base opposite our front door.”

Lapid said that while the Iranian expansion is a huge failure of Israeli foreign policy, it is far from surprising.

“For 20 years, Netanyahu has been talking about Iran, and in the end he has reached the worst possible outcome: Iranians are on the border with Israel,” he said. “This failure is registered in his name because he did not only fail to formulate a clear policy, but he failed to produce the political power that would enable us to change the reality on the ground.”
Those guys look like they are in their 20s and 30s, I'm not sure how they look like "kids".

Second Isis pocket created, Isis is in complete callapse. Those two pockets will soon be clear and the push for Deir-Ez Zoir will intensify.

View attachment 420751
How long do you think would it take to clean these areas?
Bro, look at this hahahhah

He cannot differentiate shrine defenders from Iranian luxury riders.

ALhamdulillah that Allah has made our enemies the dumbest folks on this earth.
Iran has 80 million citizens, means some 20 million men ready for military service, but you are sending some poor refugee kids to die for Assad. Yick.

Those guys look like they are in their 20s and 30s, I'm not sure how they look like "kids".
They are way too young to earn such cars, especially in Iran where even chief software engineers and surgeons earn shit.

Second Isis pocket created, Isis is in complete callapse. Those two pockets will soon be clear and the push for Deir-Ez Zoir will intensify.
Over 100 Assadists were slaughtered recently by ISIS.

Iran has 80 million citizens, means some 20 million men ready for military service, but you are sending some poor refugee kids to die for Assad. Yick.
huh no one is dying for Assad.

Who the heck is Assad? A secular leader but why we support him? Because he is your enemy and elected by Syrians.

And those martyrs were fighting your ISIS proxies.

May they enjoy being the companions of our prophet!

You guys, voluntarily wish to go to hell, let us send you there.
huh no one is dying for Assad.

Who the heck is Assad? A secular leader but why we support him? Because he is your enemy and elected by Syrians.

And those martyrs were fighting your ISIS proxies.

May they enjoy being the companions of our prophet!

You guys, voluntarily wish to go to hell, let us send you there.
Nobody elected this dictator, his father Hafetz al-Asad took the country via military coup,Bashar's older brother and next in line, whose name I don't care to remember, was assassinated and Hafetz had no other option but to put his stupid little boy Bashar al-Asad as heir.
huh no one is dying for Assad.
Refugee children which you are sending are dying for him.

Who the heck is Assad?
Sadist corrupt war criminal dictator.

A secular leader but why we support him?
Because you are also a sadist corrupt war criminal dictator regime.

Because he is your enemy
Assadists did not dare fire a bullet towards Israel in past 40 years. Just like u, who make rallies each year about Israel destruction but dont dare to send a soldier against us. You both are only good in slaughtering helpless peasants.

and elected by Syrians.
Thats lie he was never elected.
They are way too young to earn such cars, especially in Iran where even chief software engineers and surgeons earn shit.

You're posting pictures of full grown *** men, some of which look like they are in their 30 and claim they are kids fighting for "Assadists."

Over 100 Assadists were slaughtered recently by ISIS.


But...but you claimed the Syrian military isn't fighting ISIS and that they are just taking empty desert :rolleyes:

I also find it peculiar that of all the territory the Syrian military seized from Isis, you never once came here to post about it but every time Isis has seized territory from Syrians and murdered Syrian soldiers you come here an enthusiasticly boast about the success of Isis.

Whatever the casualties (which Isis overestimates for propaganda reasons) the Syrian military will will retake what they lost within days and gain even more territory. Isis is losing mass territory each day and growing weaker and more demoralized.
You're posting pictures of full grown *** men, some of which look like they are in their 30 and claim they are kids fighting for "Assadists."
I posted pics of some youth who can never earn for such car. Obviously they are kids of rich parents.

But...but you claimed the Syrian military isn't fighting ISIS and that they are just taking empty desert :rolleyes:
I said mostly. There is tiny strip Euphrates river still in ISIS hands which is not desert.


And as u can see in not desert areas Assadits are banged even by extremely weaken ISIS even in very narrow strip.

Whatever the casualties (which Isis overestimates for propaganda reasons)
Thats almasdar numbers actually.

the Syrian military will will retake what they lost within days and gain even more territory. Isis is losing mass territory each day and growing weaker and more demoralized.
After encirclement of Mosul and Raqqa Iraqi Baath (aka ISIS) is virtually defeated. Thats why Syrian Baath (aka Assadists) are grabbing lands with ease. Alas besides desert not much left for Assadists.
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