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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You made tow claims:

1) US did nothing.
2) Once Russia entered ISIS began to collapse.

I didn't exactly say the US did nothing, I said the US bombed Syrian forces every time they started advancing on Isis.

Facts are the opposite:

1) US supported forced took all major ISIS towns, borders and populated areas. Both in Syria and Iraq.

Let's examine your "facts".

I wasn't aware US backed took credit for Palmyra, Suknah and the surrounding areas, I wasn't aware they took Deir-Ez zoir, I wasn't aware they took hundreds of villages in Homs and Aleppo. :lol:

90% of Syrian population centers are under Syrian government control. Everything you're claiming is a propaganda blow horn.

Kabane is the only major town US backed forces have taken and its a pathetic 7Sq km. Al-Bab was taken with the support of Turkish ground forces and Russian air support. And sorry to inform you but Aleppo is bigger then Kabane, Raqqa, Mosule and Al-Bab combined, all of your defelecting and tap dancing won't ever change the facts.

It's funny that while you claim the Syrian side is taking empty desserts, Syrian forces and Russian forces are reporting strong Isis resistance and government forces are suffering casualties. Russia is even still releasing gun camera footage where they target Isis tanks. So one one had we have you making empty claims and on the other we have facts.

Another fact that you are convinently leaving out is that Russia has been hitting targets in and around Raqqa and Al-Bab and supplying Kurds with weapons.

Before the Kurds were even close to Raqqa government forces were taking large swaths of land from Isis in Homs and Aleppo so get your facts right.

@PakBlood this applies to you to, learn the facts before you start spouting nonsense.

2) Russia did nothing against ISIS for 1 years and 4 months since its intervention.

Only AFTER ISIS was very weakened by US assadists started grabbing desert lands from ISIS. It looks cool on maps, but its all just empty desert.
I didn't exactly say the US did nothing, I said the US bombed Syrian forces every time they started advancing on Isis.
That's another stupid lie.

I wasn't aware US backed took credit for Palmyra, Suknah and the surrounding areas, I wasn't aware they took Deir-Ez zoir, I wasn't aware they took hundreds of villages in Homs and Aleppo. :lol:
Palmyra is just a small town in midst of desert, Sukna - basically a village. In Deir Ez Zor Assadists actually LOST positions since Russian intervention.

If exclude desert everything Assadists took from ISIS is sparecly populated Deir hafir plain.

90% of Syrian population centers are under Syrian government control.
That's total crap. Fun fact: out of 14 Syria provinces Assadists fully control only 1 Tartus:


In most populous and rich Aleppo province Assadists control only 1/3.

Kabane is the only major town US backed forces have taken and its a pathetic 7Sq km. Al-Bab was taken with the support of Turkish ground forces and Russian air support. And sorry to inform you but Aleppo is bigger then Kabane, Raqqa, Mosule and Al-Bab combined, all of your defelecting and tap dancing won't ever change the facts.
I already showed u maps, US took all ISIS population ares in Syria. In addition they took extremely dence populated areas Iraq, where ISIS controlled over 5 million.

While everything u can brag about is taking half of totally destroyed Aleppo with 150 K people left. And even this was done thanks to Khamenai mercenaries.

It's funny that while you claim the Syrian side is taking empty desserts, Syrian forces and Russian forces are reporting strong Isis resistance and government forces are suffering casualties. Russia is even still releasing gun camera footage where they target Isis tanks. So one one had we have you making empty claims and on the other we have facts.
Thats because u are incompetent. Fighting in open desert vs weak enemy is piece of cake. Romel with 20 Pz3 tanks would take all that desert in 1 week.

And you would never be able take even this desert of ISIS wzs not extremely weakened by US bombs.
That's another stupid lie.

Palmyra is just a small town in midst of desert, Sukna - basically a village. In Deir Ez Zor Assadists actually LOST positions since Russian intervention.

If exclude desert everything Assadists took from ISIS is sparecly populated Deir hafir plain.

That's total crap. Fun fact: out of 14 Syria provinces Assadists fully control only 1 Tartus:


In most populous and rich Aleppo province Assadists control only 1/3.

I already showed u maps, US took all ISIS population ares in Syria. In addition they took extremely dence populated areas Iraq, where ISIS controlled over 5 million.

While everything u can brag about is taking half of totally destroyed Aleppo with 150 K people left. And even this was done thanks to Khamenai mercenaries.

Thats because u are incompetent. Fighting in open desert vs weak enemy is piece of cake. Romel with 20 Pz3 tanks would take all that desert in 1 week.

And you would never be able take even this desert of ISIS wzs not extremely weakened by US bombs.

It's pointless debating with someone that disregards facts and talks lunacy. After you claiming 20 German ww2 tanks commanded by Rommel can easily take out Isis I think it's time you get your head examined. Isis took out dozens of German made Leopards and Hezballah destroyed or damaged dozens of Israeli tanks.

Yep, Russia and Syria are fighting nobody. The mighty US defeated all of Isis by themselves. Russia has actually been dropping water balloons around Raqqa to pretend they help the Kurds and they were dropping candy on Isis in Al-Bab to fool the Turks.

In the mean time, back on planet earth Russia kills over 200 isis reinforcements sent to Deir-Ez Zoir.

More video of Syria troops attacking Isis and Russia taking out Isis tanks. According to 500, Russia must be bombing Syrian tanks because there is no Isis in the desert.

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It's pointless debating with someone that disregards facts and talks lunacy. After you claiming 20 German ww2 tanks commanded by Rommel can easily take out Isis I think it's time you get your head examined. Isis took out dozens of German made Leopards and Hezballah destroyed or damaged dozens of Israeli tanks.
That happened in dence populated farm area or on dence populated mountain area, while I was talking about empty desert of Syria.

Yep, Russia and Syria are fighting nobody.
Russia is fighting rebels.

In the mean time, back on planet earth Russia kills over 200 isis reinforcements sent to Deir-Ez Zoir.
20005000 gazillions. :lol:
That happened in dence populated farm area or on dence populated mountain area, while I was talking about empty desert of Syria.

Russia is fighting rebels.

20005000 gazillions. :lol:

Russia has released dozens of videos where they are striking tanks, APCs, and convoys. The proof is there you just choose to play stupid.

All your predictions about Assad falling and Russia failing was utter nonsense :lol:

I think you should stick to your nazi vs Isis fantasies.
Russia has released dozens of videos where they are striking tanks, APCs, and convoys. The proof is there you just choose to play stupid.

All your predictions about Assad falling and Russia failing was utter nonsense :lol:

I think you should stick to your nazi vs Isis fantasies.
If you check video of column attack where they claimed that killed 200 ISIS. U will see there are no any people in that video. So how could be 200 killed? By the way its filmed from Israeli Searcher :)
If you check video of column attack where they claimed that killed 200 ISIS. U will see there are no any people in that video. So how could be 200 killed? By the way its filmed from Israeli Searcher :)

From intelligence gathering, the reason ELINT aircraft such as TU-214Rs operate over Syria is to gather and decifer radio chatter from which sometimes you can get the estimate of fighters. Its also not a secret Russia has a world class intelligence agency that can infiltrate computer networks and hack even private cell phones. It's also no secret that Russia has informants.

It's very difficult to spot even a large convoy in an empty desert. Even i have a hard time seeing vehicles at low altitudes of 5k feet from an aircraft. The point is that most of the convoys the RuAf destroyed was probably from prior knowledge gain from intelligence gathering operations.

I'm aware of the Searcher being used extensively in Syria. Russia plans to upgrade their searchers and in the future will use the Orion as well as several other platforms under development.
Lebanon’s Interior Minister says the country’s police intelligence played a major role in foiling a plot to bring down an Emirati passenger plane that was supposed to take off from Australia.

Nouhad Machnouk told reporters on Monday that four Lebanese-Australian brothers, including one who is in detention in Lebanon, had plotted to blow up the plane with a bomb hidden inside a large Barbie doll.

Australian authorities have said they thwarted a credible terrorist plot to down an airplane by smuggling a device onboard. They have provided few details, including the precise nature of the threat or any airlines involved.

Mr. Machnouk said two other brothers are held in Australia while the fourth is a senior member of the Islamic State group based in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa.
April 2016. Two brigades of IRGC supported by tanks artillery and Russian air force vs. 50 rebels.


IRGC lost El Eis nevertheles. :lol::lol::rofl:
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It supposed to be a part of cease fire already on 6 May 2017. Yet Assadists broke it on same day and continued attacks. After 2.5 month of failed attacks they sign another cease fire.

Here a Russian MoD map of 6 May cease fire in Ghouta:


Same happened in Daraa where they bombed it mercilessly despite 6 May 2017 cease fire. But achieved nothing.

Here September 2015 map when Russia joins to "fight ISIS" (as they say):


Here January 2017 map:


For 1 year and 4 months they did absolutely nothing against ISIS. On contrary they provided air support to ISIS fighting rebels.

Meanwhile due to US air support ISIS lost all their populated areas in North Syria: Tal Abiyad, Manbij, Al Bab and surroundiongs, all border crossings..

Due to US support ISIS towns in Iraq were also either lost or surrounded. By January 2017 virtually all ISIS troops were defending their capitals Mosul and Raqqa. So only then Assadists finally began an offensive against ISIS, capturing empty desert.

To be honest, i don't think Russia ever claimed it joined the war in Syria to fight against ISIS. That's something I believe anybody who follows this war is aware of. Russia never joined the war to fight ISIS per se, they joined the war to fight first and foremost the FSA and other rebel groups who have been the biggest threat to the Assad regime both internationally and nationally. So Russia's stated aim was/is to keep Assad in power by all means necessary, thereby securing their military base and interests in the country (Syria is one of the only country in the Arab world/middle East where Russia has a military base and geo political interests). This talk of Russia joining just against ISIS is obviously incorrect. ISIS has never really been a big threat for the Assad regime unlike the FSA and other Syrian rebel groups.
I don't blame Russia though, it's normal for them to protect their country's interests as long as they have the capabilities to do so. Nothing wrong in that. It's Assad who is to blame for his country's current turmoil/disintegration.

Agreed! It would also be worth mentioning that it was actually in the interest of the Assad regime to let ISIS thrive this is because ISIS was expected to fight the rebels and so these two combatants would mutually destroy each other only to let Assad march over their dead bodies , Assad himself wanted to radicalize and Islamize the opposition to delegitimise it, This is why Assad released several Islamists from its prison someitme in 2011 or 2012 , some of the prisoners released included prominent current members of ISIS and the founders of Ahrar Al Sham.
I don't want to sound harsh, but I think it's normal Assad did that. He has been looking at every way to cling on to power, so I'm this regard the end justifies the means.
I actually think that was a smart move on his part. It has enabled him to stay in power to this day. I don't think if he will still be in power today if he didn't use such tricks.
Politics is never a fairy tale.
It's sad but that the truth.
In the beginning of the events in Syria, nomads, which form a large part of the population, pursued an impartial policy. But with the increase in the crime of the terrorists, they joined the ranks of the Syrian army fighters.

Whatever is happening on the fronts of eastern Syria reflects the unprecedented arrival of nomadic forces in the fighting against the ISIL militant and joining Syrian army. What illustrates this development is the participation of thousands of tribal youths in the battles that take place in the whole of Badia, the broader east of Syria. A pivotal issue that could make it possible to fight against the ISIL and destroy it sooner.
According to Ayhem Mari'i (one of the Syrian field experts) written in the newspaper Al-Akhbar of Lebanon, although many criticize the Syrian tribes because of their delay in providing clear and clear support to the army, some other experts have provided several reasons that could interpret this "nomadic conscience awakening." The theory suggests that the presence of tribal areas in the areas under the control of armed groups has played a significant role in delaying the announcement, but now, with this announcement of public support, the "tribal card" has come to the benefit of the Syrian government on the table and has been lost for Some Gulf states who were eager to push the tribes into opposition to Damascus.
In the beginning of the events in Syria, the tribes (which make up a large part of the population of the country) have remained neutral or have taken a "stand in silence". Of course, some tribal youths entered military operations against the Syrian army, especially in the early years of the conflict. The reason for this also came back to the connection between the tribal and relative origins of many Syrian tribes to some of the Gulf states, especially Qatar and Saudi Arabia. This was due to the fact that many tribal youths entered the two organizations of al-Nusra and ISIS.

While many of the nomadic leaders who entered anti-army activities were considered as non-famous and non-central figures, they held many prominent nomadic "silent confirmation" figures, or even their open endorsement of the military, and did not show up hostile attitude towards The army , although they did not carry out military operations [in the direction of military approval]. The support role of this tribal group at the beginning of the Syrian events was limited to the establishment of meetings known as "National Tents."
Moreover, the volume of massive attacks by the media against the army and attempting to highlight the plight of the tribal and secular backgrounds was another reason for tribal delay in joining the army.
Perhaps the Battle of Hassaka (in 2014 and 2015) against ISIL was the first place where the role of the tribal children of the tribes emerged. Although a large number of tribal youths were part of the army, they still remained in the army, but the first emergence and prominence of the nomadic combat forces in Qamishili and Hassaka during the formation of [the two militia groups supporting the regime], al-Dawab al-Watani [Basij National] and al-Mughawir [Special Forces]. The number of people joining these two groups quickly reached more than 5,000 troops and played an important role in blocking ISIL's attacks on the Hassak and Qamishili border regions. This role represented the nomadic will to stand with the army.
The massacres that ISIL committed against the Reef of Deir ul zor population forced hundreds of Shi'ite and Busurians to escape from the ISIL-captured area to the army-led areas and join the army's ranks in Deir ul zor and Tadmur. These individuals continued to play an important role in supporting the army on these two fronts.

In the same vein, a source from al-Defa'ael-Watani's in Deir-Ul-Zur in a conversation with al-Akhbar states that "most tribesmen [never] adopted hostile anti-military positions. Perhaps the prolongation of the fighting time and the brutality of the numerous armed groups that were found in the province in the tribes, led tribal forces to support the army in their fight against terrorism. "
By and large, many tribesmen escaped from the ISIL-controlled areas (especially in Raqqa). The departure of these people from those areas was the ground for entering militant forces supporting the army or entering the ranks of the "Syrian Democratic Forces" (which make up about half of its nomads).
These days, the name of "Ashayer razm" [Nomadic Warriors] as one of the main forces supporting the army in its battle in Badia is much heard; the battles that began with the [returning battle] of Tadmurs, and today from Raqqa to Deir-Ul-Zur It goes on.
Field resources in a conversation with Al-Akhbar say that "the number of nomad warriors has increased dramatically since the battles entered ISIL bases in Badia and Deir-Salur, and now they have reached thousands," sources said. "What's happening today, It is a clear response to the ISIL crimes and represents the true position of the tribes, which is nothing but a rejection of ISIL's actions and support for the military, "added the sources." Nowadays, nomadic fighters play a decisive role in the fight against ISIL, because they are from the same area They are aware of the geographic details and this is a contributing factor Is in the rapid advance of the army. "
Turki Abul Ahmad :

Deputy Secretary-General "Socialist Movement of Arabs" and commander of "Muqatil tribes' [warriors of tribes] Turki Abul Ahmad in an interview with Al-Akhbar said:" Nomads had a great national role, and have gifted plenty of martyrs who fought for the army and supported national government. "Abu Ahmad said:" Isis had imposed it's dominance on the residents by force and mass murder and prevented the resident s from fleeing to army controlled areas because they knew that the majority of people are supportive of and receptive to the army. " According to him, the increase in the number of people joining forces with the nomads is "natural thing". "The fact reflects the position of the tribesmen who feel secure when the army approaches their areas." Abu Ahmad predicts that" The army progresses speedily in Deir-Ul-Zor, because the Deir-Ul-Zor residents play an important role in providing accurate information to the military, and their reason is to end a dark period in the history of the region."
Khamenai keeps sending poor migrant kids to serve as Assad's cannon fodder:


Meanwhile kids of corrupt Khamenai functionaries driving fancy cars:


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