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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Yankees are killing more Muslims in Iraq & Syria than blood sucker sudis in Yaman:

In Syria's Raqqah, US-led airstrikes kill more civilians

Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:12PM

The photo shows an eastern area of the embattled city of Raqqah in northern Syria on August 15, 2017. (Photo by AFP)
At least 38 civilians have been killed in airstrikes conducted by the US-led coalition, purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, on the Syrian city of Raqqah in the past 48 hours, a pro-opposition monitoring group says.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 17 people, including five children and two women, had been killed and 30 others injured in the airstrikes on the Old City neighborhood and other areas in the center of Raqqah on Wednesday.

The report said the latest casualties bring the number of people killed in such airstrikes in the past 48 hours to 38.

According to the Britain-based group, the death toll is expected to rise as several of the wounded are in critical condition and a number of people are still missing.

The observatory said the aerial attacks also damaged infrastructure.

The coalition has been conducting airstrikes against what are said to be Daesh targets inside Syria since September 2014, without any authorization from the Damascus government or a UN mandate.

The Western military alliance has repeatedly been accused of targeting and killing civilians. It has also been largely incapable of fulfilling its declared aim of destroying Daesh.

In July, the Pentagon admitted that the coalition airstrikes had killed over 600 civilians in Syria and Iraq between August 2014 and May 2017. Independent monitors, however, have time and again challenged such reports and revealed that the US-led campaign has caused far more civilian casualties.


Yaman has also got screwed by Yankee weapons.
Funny how the other Iranians who are harping at @500 ,are always quiet about your constant moaning about the US hammering terrorists. It's always the same stories with you brainwashed idiots....da med if you do,damned if you don't.
Syrian opposition group Failak ar-Rahman joins ceasefire
Russia’s Defense Ministry and the Syrian opposition’s Failak ar-Rahman grouping have signed a ceasefire deal, the ministry reported on Friday.

Earlier, on July 22, Russia’s Defense Ministry signed a similar ceasefire deal in Cairo without another large grouping, Jaysh al-Islam, operating in East Ghouta.

"Today, on August 18, 2017, representatives of the Defense Ministry of Russia and the Syrian opposition’s large grouping Failak ar-Rahman have signed an agreement in the city of Geneva (the Swiss Confederation), under which the grouping will join the ceasefire from 21:00 Moscow time in the de-escalation zone of East Ghouta (Damascus, Syria)," according to the statement obtained by TASS.

The agreement signed in Geneva stipulates that the grouping will cease hostilities and refrain from shelling any diplomatic missions in Damascus, including the Russian embassy.

"During a meeting with Russia’s Defense Ministry, representatives of Failak ar-Rahman confirmed their readiness to conduct the irreconcilable struggle against terrorists of the ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State terrorist organization] and Jabhat al-Nusra [both organizations are outlawed in Russia], and also proposed measures for improving the humanitarian situation in the areas of the de-escalation zone controlled by this grouping," the Defense Ministry said.

"Therefore, Russia’s Defense Ministry has managed through negotiations to involve in the ceasefire in the East Ghouta de-escalation zone all the moderate opposition’s groupings operating there," the ministry said.
Funny how the other Iranians who are harping at @500 ,are always quiet about your constant moaning about the US hammering terrorists. It's always the same stories with you brainwashed idiots....da med if you do,damned if you don't.

The US is hardly doing anything. They have supported terrorist groups that have links with ISIS and Al-Quida. Those terrorist groups mostly fight the Syrian military. The only moderate group that the US supports is the Kurdish forces and the only reason for that is because the US wants the Kurds to grab as much territory from Syria as possible.

It wasn't until Russia entered the war that ISIS started to callapes. ISIS had controlled most of Syria, now they hold half the territory they used to. It was Russia that helped liberate hundreds of towns and villages, its Russia that trains and supplies Syrian forces and their allies and it's Russia that has provided hundreds of tons of food and medicine to civilians. US moderate terrorist have been routed in Southern Syria, ISIS is in full reatreate and collapsing, while the Kurds are struggling in Raqqa.
Syrian opposition group Failak ar-Rahman joins ceasefire
Russia’s Defense Ministry and the Syrian opposition’s Failak ar-Rahman grouping have signed a ceasefire deal, the ministry reported on Friday.

Earlier, on July 22, Russia’s Defense Ministry signed a similar ceasefire deal in Cairo without another large grouping, Jaysh al-Islam, operating in East Ghouta.

"Today, on August 18, 2017, representatives of the Defense Ministry of Russia and the Syrian opposition’s large grouping Failak ar-Rahman have signed an agreement in the city of Geneva (the Swiss Confederation), under which the grouping will join the ceasefire from 21:00 Moscow time in the de-escalation zone of East Ghouta (Damascus, Syria)," according to the statement obtained by TASS.

The agreement signed in Geneva stipulates that the grouping will cease hostilities and refrain from shelling any diplomatic missions in Damascus, including the Russian embassy.

"During a meeting with Russia’s Defense Ministry, representatives of Failak ar-Rahman confirmed their readiness to conduct the irreconcilable struggle against terrorists of the ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State terrorist organization] and Jabhat al-Nusra [both organizations are outlawed in Russia], and also proposed measures for improving the humanitarian situation in the areas of the de-escalation zone controlled by this grouping," the Defense Ministry said.

"Therefore, Russia’s Defense Ministry has managed through negotiations to involve in the ceasefire in the East Ghouta de-escalation zone all the moderate opposition’s groupings operating there," the ministry said.
It supposed to be a part of cease fire already on 6 May 2017. Yet Assadists broke it on same day and continued attacks. After 2.5 month of failed attacks they sign another cease fire.

Here a Russian MoD map of 6 May cease fire in Ghouta:


Same happened in Daraa where they bombed it mercilessly despite 6 May 2017 cease fire. But achieved nothing.

The US is hardly doing anything. They have supported terrorist groups that have links with ISIS and Al-Quida. Those terrorist groups mostly fight the Syrian military. The only moderate group that the US supports is the Kurdish forces and the only reason for that is because the US wants the Kurds to grab as much territory from Syria as possible.

It wasn't until Russia entered the war that ISIS started to callapes. ISIS had controlled most of Syria, now they hold half the territory they used to. It was Russia that helped liberate hundreds of towns and villages, its Russia that trains and supplies Syrian forces and their allies and it's Russia that has provided hundreds of tons of food and medicine to civilians. US moderate terrorist have been routed in Southern Syria, ISIS is in full reatreate and collapsing, while the Kurds are struggling in Raqqa.
Here September 2015 map when Russia joins to "fight ISIS" (as they say):


Here January 2017 map:


For 1 year and 4 months they did absolutely nothing against ISIS. On contrary they provided air support to ISIS fighting rebels.

Meanwhile due to US air support ISIS lost all their populated areas in North Syria: Tal Abiyad, Manbij, Al Bab and surroundiongs, all border crossings..

Due to US support ISIS towns in Iraq were also either lost or surrounded. By January 2017 virtually all ISIS troops were defending their capitals Mosul and Raqqa. So only then Assadists finally began an offensive against ISIS, capturing empty desert.
It supposed to be a part of cease fire already on 6 May 2017. Yet Assadists broke it on same day and continued attacks. After 2.5 month of failed attacks they sign another cease fire.

Here a Russian MoD map of 6 May cease fire in Ghouta:


Same happened in Daraa where they bombed it mercilessly despite 6 May 2017 cease fire. But achieved nothing.

Here September 2015 map when Russia joins to "fight ISIS" (as they say):


Here January 2017 map:


For 1 year and 4 months they did absolutely nothing against ISIS. On contrary they provided air support to ISIS fighting rebels.

Meanwhile due to US air support ISIS lost all their populated areas in North Syria: Tal Abiyad, Manbij, Al Bab and surroundiongs, all border crossings..

Due to US support ISIS towns in Iraq were also either lost or surrounded. By January 2017 virtually all ISIS troops were defending their capitals Mosul and Raqqa. So only then Assadists finally began an offensive against ISIS, capturing empty desert.

Why are you posting a 8 month old map? It's prethetic. Isis has lost more territory in the past 2-3 months in Syria then they ever have.

Once again I have to school you in what is happening in Syria. Aleppo which makes Mosul and Raqqa look like a small village was a primary focus for Russian forces so much so that they sent special forces into the city. After Aleppo was taken it freed up thousands of soldiers and hundreds of pieces of military equipment. After Aleppo was cleared of "moderate" Al-Quida linked groups the Syria military swept Isis aside like a dirty rag.

Syrian forces with Russia took Aleppo, swept across the Euphrates River past Manan. They then went west, took Tiyas, Palmyra, Irak, Al Suknah and dozens of surrounding villages. They then swung around and cut off US "moderate" at the Jordanian border and then expanded the buffer further east.

Recent they trapping Isis in the Uqayrabat pocket and soon they will create a second pocket by encircling Isis in Homs.

Meanwhile the Kurds have barely taken a little more then half of Raqqa which is a tiny town compared to Aleppo. Most of the Kurdish advances have been in open dessert against areas where the local population doesn't support Isis. And magically and mysteriously the US has bombed Syrian forces advancing against Isis. So much for the US "helping" defeat Isis.

Here is a real and up to date map.

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It supposed to be a part of cease fire already on 6 May 2017. Yet Assadists broke it on same day and continued attacks. After 2.5 month of failed attacks they sign another cease fire.

Here a Russian MoD map of 6 May cease fire in Ghouta:


Same happened in Daraa where they bombed it mercilessly despite 6 May 2017 cease fire. But achieved nothing.

Here September 2015 map when Russia joins to "fight ISIS" (as they say):


Here January 2017 map:


For 1 year and 4 months they did absolutely nothing against ISIS. On contrary they provided air support to ISIS fighting rebels.

Meanwhile due to US air support ISIS lost all their populated areas in North Syria: Tal Abiyad, Manbij, Al Bab and surroundiongs, all border crossings..

Due to US support ISIS towns in Iraq were also either lost or surrounded. By January 2017 virtually all ISIS troops were defending their capitals Mosul and Raqqa. So only then Assadists finally began an offensive against ISIS, capturing empty desert.

Agreed! It would also be worth mentioning that it was actually in the interest of the Assad regime to let ISIS thrive this is because ISIS was expected to fight the rebels and so these two combatants would mutually destroy each other only to let Assad march over their dead bodies , Assad himself wanted to radicalize and Islamize the opposition to delegitimise it, This is why Assad released several Islamists from its prison someitme in 2011 or 2012 , some of the prisoners released included prominent current members of ISIS and the founders of Ahrar Al Sham.
Agreed! It would also be worth mentioning that it was actually in the interest of the Assad regime to let ISIS thrive this is because ISIS was expected to fight the rebels and so these two combatants would mutually destroy each other only to let Assad march over their dead bodies , Assad himself wanted to radicalize and Islamize the opposition to delegitimise it, This is why Assad released several Islamists from its prison someitme in 2011 or 2012 , some of the prisoners released included prominent current members of ISIS and the founders of Ahrar Al Sham.

The only thing anyone will agree with is that both you and 500 are morons. Isis was and still is battling the Syrian military. Isis has lost more territory to the Syrian military then to anyone else. Look at my previous post in which I described the territory the Syrian military took from Isis. Also look at the map I posted and see just how much territory Isis lost. In case you are that clueless (which you are) red indicates Syrian military, black indicates Isis on that map.
Why are you posting a 8 month old map? It's prethetic. Isis has lost more territory in the past 2-3 months in Syria then they ever have.

Once again I have to school you in what is happening in Syria. Aleppo which makes Mosul and Raqqa look like a small village was a primary focus for Russian forces so much so that they sent special forces into the city. After Aleppo was taken it freed up thousands of soldiers and hundreds of pieces of military equipment. After Aleppo was cleared of "moderate" Al-Quida linked groups the Syria military swept Isis aside like a dirty rag.

Syrian forces with Russia took Aleppo, swept across the Euphrates River past Manan. They then went west, took Tiyas, Palmyra, Irak, Al Suknah and dozens of surrounding villages. They then swung around and cut off US "moderate" at the Jordanian border and then expanded the buffer further east.

Recent they trapping Isis in the Uqayrabat pocket and soon they will create a second pocket by encircling Isis in Homs.

Meanwhile the Kurds have barely taken a little more then half of Raqqa which is a tiny town compared to Aleppo. Most of the Kurdish advances have been in open dessert against areas where the local population doesn't support Isis. And magically and mysteriously the US has bombed Syrian forces advancing against Isis. So much for the US "helping" defeat Isis.

Here is a real and up to date map.

View attachment 419642

By the way it looks like Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham is slowly eating up the more moderate Islamist opposition.The rebels unfortunately lack unity and these internal conflicts are spoiling the revolution. I propose that the rebels create an 'umbrella organization' with a Shura Council consisting of the leaders of all major member groups, and they will have to move fighters from checkpoints deep inside rebel territory onto the frontline.

The 'model' of creating a joint operations room and each rebel group contributing fighters and supplies has also yielded good results for the rebels previously in Idlib, this 'model' was'nt efficient for Aleppo or Hama but that is because of the rebels' internal conflicts and differences

The only thing anyone will agree with is that both you and 500 are morons. Isis was and still is battling the Syrian military. Isis has lost more territory to the Syrian military then to anyone else. Look at my previous post in which I described the territory the Syrian military took from Isis. Also look at the map I posted and see just how much territory Isis lost. In case you are that clueless (which you are) red indicates Syrian military, black indicates Isis on that map.

It looks like you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying.
Of course ISIS has lost more territory to Assad than any other combatant! this is because ISIS was busy fighting and get hit by the SDF in northern Syria, ISIS was fighting Euphrates Shield affiliated rebels and was also driven out of the Aleppo province and North Westsrn Syria by the rebels ,thus getting weakened(which was in Assad's interest) and thus Assad was able to capture territory from ISIS in the desert! hence "these two combatants would mutually destroy each other only to let Assad march over their dead bodies" , you failed to understand that I wrote the reasons behid why "Isis has lost more territory to the Syrian military then to anyone else".

Oh,and try not to name-call others, it makes you look pathetic and immature,and it weakens the validity your argurment too.

As far as understanding battle maps goes, I'm not 'clueless' , I understand which colour represents which belligerent, I've been following the Syrian Revolution since it began! You are ,unfortunately, only humiliating yourself by making incorrext assumptions.
By the way it looks like Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham is slowly eating up the more moderate Islamist opposition.The rebels unfortunately lack unity and these internal conflicts are spoiling the revolution. I propose that the rebels create an 'umbrella organization' with a Shura Council consisting of the leaders of all major member groups, and they will have to move fighters from checkpoints deep inside rebel territory onto the frontline.

The 'model' of creating a joint operations room and each rebel group contributing fighters and supplies has also yielded good results for the rebels previously in Idlib, this 'model' was'nt efficient for Aleppo or Hama but that is because of the rebels' internal conflicts and differences

It looks like you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying.
Of course ISIS has lost more territory to Assad than any other combatant! this is because ISIS was busy fighting and get hit by the SDF in northern Syria, ISIS was fighting Euphrates Shield affiliated rebels and was also driven out of the Aleppo province and North Westsrn Syria by the rebels ,thus getting weakened(which was in Assad's interest) and thus Assad was able to capture territory from ISIS in the desert! hence "these two combatants would mutually destroy each other only to let Assad march over their dead bodies" , you failed to understand that I wrote the reasons behid why "Isis has lost more territory to the Syrian military then to anyone else".

Oh,and try not to name-call others, it makes you look pathetic and immature,and it weakens the validity your argurment too.

As far as understanding battle maps goes, I'm not 'clueless' , I understand which colour represents which belligerent, I've been following the Syrian Revolution since it began! You are ,unfortunately, only humiliating yourself by making incorrext assumptions.

You have no idea what you are talking about and you're calling me stupid. Northwestern Syria never had a strong Isis presence, it was mostly desolate area, the biggest town was Al-Bab which is 30sq km and had a population of 63,000.

In comparison, Aleppo is 190sq km and has a population of 1.8 million. There was also 12,000 + fighters, most Al-Quida linked. Not counting all the Isis fighter killed after the SAA advances East to the Euphrates river. Isis still has an extremely large presence in eastern Syria, Deir-Ez Zior is still besieged after many years. Isis also had a sizable presence around Palmyra and Al Suknah and sent in even more reinforcements from Iraq.

You are blabbing nonsense. On one had you claimed the Syrian government was supporting Isis and after I gave you some facts you start tap dancing and contradicting yourself. :lol:

Isis was the first to attack and overrun the Syrian military. Isis has repeatedly cooperated with "moderate" terrorists. Not once has the Syrian military had joint military operations with Isis. Not once have Isis defected in mass to join the Syrian military or visa versa like with "rebels".

Prior to the Russian intervention the Syrian military did not have the ability to fight Isis on a large scale because Syrian forces were busy fighting moderate terrorists and Al-Nusra around Aleppo, Damascus and other areas in western Syria. This is like someone in 1942 arguing that the Soviets are not really fighting Nazis. The Soviets had to defeat the Germans in Stalingrad and around Moscow, then they smashed a large concentration of German forces around Kursk which was the last line of defense for the Germans. After that the Germans were retreating all the way to Berlin. One has to be a moron to point out that that 1 year ago or 2 years ago the Syrians did not do much fighting against Isis.

The Germans had the Italians, Romanians and Hungarians protecting German flanks. Isis had moderates protecting their flanks. The Syrian struck a blow to those so called moderates thus it opened the way to Isis being destroyed. Hense the similarities to the eastern front and the Germans.
Why are you posting a 8 month old map? It's prethetic. Isis has lost more territory in the past 2-3 months in Syria then they ever have.
Can't you read what I wrote? Let me repeat again: Russia did nothing against ISIS during first 1 year and 4 month of intervention. On contrary, they actually provided air support to ISIS against the rebels.

But once ISIS was weakened, lost its towns and borders thanks to US led coalition. Assadists came in and started grabbing empty desert. Russia plays very little role here.

Once again I have to school you in what is happening in Syria. Aleppo which makes Mosul and Raqqa look like a small village was a primary focus for Russian forces so much so that they sent special forces into the city.
So you confirm, that Russian priority is anti ISIS opposition and not the ISIS.

As for Aleppo, although its offtopic I will answer u. Prior Russian intervention E. Aleppo was already almost surrounded and destroyed (thanks to Russian bombs). Hardly 150 K people remained there. Russians with swarms of Khamenai mercenaries destroyed the remaining what left in East Aleppo and expelled 100 K people left there. Thats their huge victory indeed. And there was no any Russian SF fighting in Aleppo.
Can't you read what I wrote? Let me repeat again: Russia did nothing against ISIS during first 1 year and 4 month of intervention. On contrary, they actually provided air support to ISIS against the rebels.

The Syrian military was bogged down in western Syria fighting "moderate" groups and Al-Quida in the Aleppo province and other areas in western Syria. Once they took Aleppo city ISIS was exposed similarly to how the Germans were exposed in Stalingrad once Soviet forces overran Italian and Romanian forces protecting German flanks or how the Soviets had to eliminate German forces around Kursk and prevent a pincer. Once those Germans were destroyed around Kursk the Soviets launch an offensive towards Berlin.

I can't make it more simple. Syrian operations were limited against Isis because they had to go through "moderate" opposition and Al-Quida before they were able to launch large operations against Isis because those forces were a buffer for Isis.

But once ISIS was weakened, lost its towns and borders thanks to US led coalition. Assadists came in and started grabbing empty desert. Russia plays very little role here.

Your logic is weak. I can also claim what you claim and say the Syrian advances on Isis made it easy for the Kurds to advance on Raqqa. The Kurds hardly did anything in Syria besides take tiny Kabani while Syrian forces were fighting in large urban communities of 1.8 million people.

The US coalition, AKA the Kurds, have made weak advances despite having the largest force in Syria, having US air power, having US soldiers including navy seals, and operating in open dessert where most locals are Kurds that don't support Isis.

Kabani was the largest town the Kurds took prior to Raqqa. It's 7Sq km while Aleppo is 190sq km. That's 27 times larger :lol:

Syrian forces were fighting in Aleppo and pushing east into Isis territory before the Kurds even entered Raqqa so your claim that US coalition forces made it easier for Assad is nonsense.

The fact is that the Russian and Syrian sides both report strong Isis resistance and a heavy Isis presence in the Homs province. So no they don't have it easy.

So you confirm, that Russian priority is anti ISIS opposition and not the ISIS.

As for Aleppo, although its offtopic I will answer u. Prior Russian intervention E. Aleppo was already almost surrounded and destroyed (thanks to Russian bombs). Hardly 150 K people remained there. Russians with swarms of Khamenai mercenaries destroyed the remaining what left in East Aleppo and expelled 100 K people left there. Thats their huge victory indeed. And there was no any Russian SF fighting in Aleppo.

Did you even read what I wrote?
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Did you even read what I wrote?
You made tow claims:

1) US did nothing.
2) Once Russia entered ISIS began to collapse.

Facts are the opposite:

1) US supported forced took all major ISIS towns, borders and populated areas. Both in Syria and Iraq.
2) Russia did nothing against ISIS for 1 years and 4 months since its intervention.

Only AFTER ISIS was very weakened by US assadists started grabbing desert lands from ISIS. It looks cool on maps, but its all just empty desert.
Can't you read what I wrote? Let me repeat again: Russia did nothing against ISIS during first 1 year and 4 month of intervention. On contrary, they actually provided air support to ISIS against the rebels.

But once ISIS was weakened, lost its towns and borders thanks to US led coalition. Assadists came in and started grabbing empty desert. Russia plays very little role here.

So you confirm, that Russian priority is anti ISIS opposition and not the ISIS.

As for Aleppo, although its offtopic I will answer u. Prior Russian intervention E. Aleppo was already almost surrounded and destroyed (thanks to Russian bombs). Hardly 150 K people remained there. Russians with swarms of Khamenai mercenaries destroyed the remaining what left in East Aleppo and expelled 100 K people left there. Thats their huge victory indeed. And there was no any Russian SF fighting in Aleppo.
Apparently ptldM3 has trouble understanding what the other person is trying to say, he/she/it simply proceeds to foolishly bash and thrash someone regardless of whether they are presenting an arguement that supports he/she/it's statement.

Syrian operations were limited against Isis because they had to go through "moderate" opposition and Al-Quida before they were able to launch large operations against Isis because those forces were a buffer for Isis.

Did you even read what I wrote?

The rebels never acted as a buffer for isis, the rebels have predominantly held territory in the northern regions of syria such as Idlib,Aleppo etc , war criminal Assad had to fight them in provinces such as Homs where battles took place in places like Palmyra, although Assadists fought with Isis in the Maskanah,Al-bab region, even in these regions, the rebels did'mt act as a buffer :p:
Here maps excluding deserts for better understanding:

US - NOW.jpg

Left - when US intervened, right - now.

As u can see all major ISIS areas were captured by US led forces and Turkey. In addition in Iraq main stronghold of ISIS it was virtually eradicated. Assadists captured only sparsely populated Deir Hafir plain and even it they captured only after ISIS was weakened.
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