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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Alevis have nothing to complain, they are free to do whatever they want, their only demand is that their religion should be officially recognized.
Kurds are largely satisfied, they also have every freedom, only separatists are moaning for autonomy which they wont
good for you. a long way to go indeed.
good for you. a long way to go indeed.
There is almost nothing more to complain about human rights in Turkey today, it was bad in the past i agree but today every religious/ethnic minory is free to do whatever they want.
a lunatic person obsessed with GIFs. LOL
Maybe you should be less obsessed about Turkey and more obsessed about the human right track record of Iran. Or at least have similar interest and objectivity in the two matters.
There is almost nothing more to complain about human rights in Turkey today, it was bad in the past i agree but today every religious/ethnic minory is free to do whatever they want.
you'd better let others judge you.
about executions in Iran it should be said that the law gives the qisas right to the hands of the victim's family based on Islamic sharia. in the case of that woman all the society and celebs and even government requested the victims family to forgive but they rejected. the law should change indeed.

Maybe you should be less obsessed about Turkey and more obsessed about the human right track record of Iran. Or at least have similar interest and objectivity in the two matters.
wow. a comment without GIF. you are improving man.
you'd better let others judge you.
about executions in Iran it should be said that the law gives the qisas right to the hands of the victim's family based on Islamic sharia. in the case of that woman all the society and celebs and even government requested the victims family to forgive but they rejected. the law should change indeed.

wow. a comment without GIF. you are improving man.
Iranians for exsample i guess...
no. rightful organizations.

that's somehow seductive. I agree that quitting a habit is a hard task especially for a person like you. but keep cutting down on your dose of GIF.
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Biden: I didn't apologize | TheHill
Biden: I didn't apologize

Getty Images
By Justin Sink - 11/03/14 06:16 PM EST

Vice President Biden on Monday contradicted the White House and said he hasn’t apologized to Turkey’s president for suggesting the U.S. ally had allowed foreign fighters to cross its border to join the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

“No, I haven't apologized,” the vice president told CNN in an interview airing Monday.

Biden said he’s only told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the reports quoting him were inaccurate.
“What I have done is where — if there's been a general — genuine misunderstanding — let's take the comment, you know — I'm told I — I apologized to President Erdogan,” said Biden. “I never apologized to him. I know him well. I've dealt with him. I called him and said, ‘Look, what was reported was not accurate to what I said. Here's what I said.’”

Biden made the original remarks during a speech at Harvard University last month.

The comments created a political firestorm for the Obama Administration amid a campaign to get Ankara to provide more support for the coalition fight against ISIS.

Biden subsequently reached out to Erdogan, and the White House described the conversation as an apology.

“What the Vice President conveyed was an apology for -- as it relates to President Erdogan — mischaracterizing the president’s views in a private conversation,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said. “And that ultimately was the reason for the call.”

“I think the vice president was pretty candid about why he owed President Erdogan an apology, because he had mischaracterized his private remarks,” Earnest said later.

The contradictory accounts raise more questions about what was conveyed in the conversation, and what Biden believes was misconstrued by the media.

But Biden also seemed unapologetic about his off-the-cuff style that can sometimes generate headlines — and headaches for the White House.

“Look, what I learned is I'm not changing my brand,” Biden said. “There's nothing I've said that I haven't said that was truthful. And so sometimes-- you know, everybody says they're looking for authenticity.”


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Biden: I didn't apologize | TheHill
Biden: I didn't apologize

Getty Images
By Justin Sink - 11/03/14 06:16 PM EST

Vice President Biden on Monday contradicted the White House and said he hasn’t apologized to Turkey’s president for suggesting the U.S. ally had allowed foreign fighters to cross its border to join the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

“No, I haven't apologized,” the vice president told CNN in an interview airing Monday.

Biden said he’s only told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the reports quoting him were inaccurate.
“What I have done is where — if there's been a general — genuine misunderstanding — let's take the comment, you know — I'm told I — I apologized to President Erdogan,” said Biden. “I never apologized to him. I know him well. I've dealt with him. I called him and said, ‘Look, what was reported was not accurate to what I said. Here's what I said.’”

Biden made the original remarks during a speech at Harvard University last month.

The comments created a political firestorm for the Obama Administration amid a campaign to get Ankara to provide more support for the coalition fight against ISIS.

Biden subsequently reached out to Erdogan, and the White House described the conversation as an apology.

“What the Vice President conveyed was an apology for -- as it relates to President Erdogan — mischaracterizing the president’s views in a private conversation,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said. “And that ultimately was the reason for the call.”

“I think the vice president was pretty candid about why he owed President Erdogan an apology, because he had mischaracterized his private remarks,” Earnest said later.

The contradictory accounts raise more questions about what was conveyed in the conversation, and what Biden believes was misconstrued by the media.

But Biden also seemed unapologetic about his off-the-cuff style that can sometimes generate headlines — and headaches for the White House.

“Look, what I learned is I'm not changing my brand,” Biden said. “There's nothing I've said that I haven't said that was truthful. And so sometimes-- you know, everybody says they're looking for authenticity.”

This Biden guy is super weird.
Joe Biden apologizes to Turkey. UAE - CNN.com

CNN said he apologized a month ago.... he says nothing at the time but after one month. He shows up and says, "i didn't"...... why did you waited for a month to clarify this ?

Also, about he speech. He says Turkey and other countries backed up FSA and FSA's arms ended up in the hands of ISIS, Nusra.

A few days ago, US backed Harekat Hazm surrendered to Nusra. All of their arms including numerous TOW missiles ended up in the hands of Nusra. By going with his logic US is as much as guilty as the countries that he accused.

Also "The Vice President apologized for any implication that Turkey or other Allies and partners in the region had intentionally supplied or facilitated the growth of ISIL or other violent extremists in Syria," Biden spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said.

I mean your own spokeswoman says this and you say, you didn't.... :cuckoo:
Clashes between regime forces and IS fighters continue around Shaer and Jahar gas fields.

‫ريف حمص الشرقي :لا تزال الاشتباكات... - تنسيقية الثورة في مدينة تدمر | Facebook‬

IS killed 8 (or 10 according to Pro-IS source) FSA/YPG in the west of Ayn al-Arab town, probably on Tell Shair.

10 fighters including 5 YPG and 5 Islamic fighters, killed during clashes against the IS west of Ein al-Arab"Kobane".
a Kurdish civilian killed by ISIS bombardment on Tal Sh'er.
13 ISIS killed by coalition air strikes on Jolbak and al-Eza'a west of Kobane, in addition to devastating 2 vehicles for the IS

Pro-IS source contains graphic content. IS shelled the Peshmerga positions on Tell Shair today, recorded the shelling and uploaded on youtube.
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New video shows the destruction in Ayn al-Arab/Kobane

IS shelled Peshmerga positions on Tell Sha'er, west of the town Ayn al-Arab.

Terrorist propagandists hiding behind journalist identity, who cares what the world says this is our struggle and we will do whats neccessary.
Most of the biggest media outlets in Turkey are critical to goverment but they dont get arrested because they arent making propaganda for terrorists, go and make propaganda for isis in US and lets see if they arrest you.

On the other hand there isnt any independent journalist in Iran so you better be quiet on this issue.
And dont let me repeat myself again.
what about those 100 journalist who arrested in one night or those police officer who were sacked because they were investigating some Ottoman Sultan corruption .
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