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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I don't understand your point. Sieges have had direct military purposes since, I don't know, some century BC?
Siege would make sense if there was some army. But we have nothing but bunch of gunmen.

In terms of ethnic cleansing and genocide it makes good sense, but in long term still have no chance 10% of the population cant subjugate 90% no matter how cruel and sadistic they are.
less than 1 km before sealing

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Siege would make sense if there was some army. But we have nothing but bunch of gunmen.

In terms of ethnic cleansing and genocide it makes good sense, but in long term still have no chance 10% of the population cant subjugate 90% no matter how cruel and sadistic they are.

Okay, you win, sieges don't make sense, and Assad only desires genocide.


Back to the actual updates. Apparently, today things are moving fast on the Aleppo front. As @ultron just posted, the encirclement is almost complete.
Okay, you win, sieges don't make sense, and Assad only desires genocide.
I repeat: Assad could not capture encircled Jobar in 4 years. Do u think he could capture Aleppo which is 10 times bigger? Do u realize that in order to enforce siege Assad needs some 30 thousand Alawi and Shia thugs to sit there day and night for years? So whats the military purpose of this siege beside slaughtering civilians?

I'll tell u a secret: siege in in place since 3 month ago when Russians started to cluster bomb every car moving on castello road.
Yep, types of rockets and azimuths are crap.

I forgot one more thing. UN commission concluded that the perpetrators of the attack had access to chemical stockpiles of Syrian army. Obviously encircled rebels in Ghouta had not such access.

No they did not. First u claimed it was admitted by UN, which was false, now another lie.

Fact is that Assad benefited from these attacks and captured large territories in Ghouta soon after it.

You support Assad who literally slaughtered kids in Houla not me.
Yes even an American HWR organization admitted the so called rebels aka terrorists are committing crimes... Including UN reports... I'm not making lies, you just want to ignore them... You are cherry picking to cheer your terrorists...
One wonders why an Israeli supporting terrorists in Syria? Of course because these terrorists are doing his dirty job...
Yes even an American HWR organization admitted the so called rebels aka terrorists are committing crimes... Including UN reports...
Of course they commit crimes. Even most disciplined western armies commit lots of crimes. However all disgusting mass massacres of children:


Were made by Assadists. Add to this daily barrel bombs of civilians, starvation, demolition, mass torture. Assad/Khamenai Putin are biggest murderers and terrorists in 21th century hands down.
I repeat: Assad could not capture encircled Jobar in 4 years. Do u think he could capture Aleppo which is 10 times bigger? Do u realize that in order to enforce siege Assad needs some 30 thousand Alawi and Shia thugs to sit there day and night for years? So whats the military purpose of this siege beside slaughtering civilians?

I'll tell u a secret: siege in in place since 3 month ago when Russians started to cluster bomb every car moving on castello road.

Even if they don't capture it, a siege means that rebels in that particular area have a more difficult time to go on the offensive. Other military advantages would probably be, containment, making it difficult for rebels to get reinforcement, decreasing their morale, making it easier to concentrate forces elsewhere, and so forth.

Personally, I think such a siege would be more advantageous for the Syrian military than disadvantageous.


This is from official Syrian media,

Aleppo, SANA – The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces on Tuesday called upon citizens in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city to join the national reconciliations and expel the mercenary outsiders from the areas where the citizens reside.

Using SMS messages directed to citizens and gunmen in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city, the General Command specified safe corridors for the citizens and makeshift housing centers for those who desire to leave, affirming keenness on securing all living requirements for the citizens who will leave the area.

The General Command urged via the messages members of the armed groups to lay down their arms and take the initiative to settle their legal status.
less than 1 km before sealing

This map is crap.

Even if they don't capture it, a siege means that rebels in that particular area have a more difficult time to go on the offensive. Other military advantages would probably be, containment, making it difficult for rebels to get reinforcement, decreasing their morale, making it easier to concentrate forces elsewhere, and so forth.
Aleppo lines were stable for nearly 4 years. So they encircled Aleppo. What next?
- Start urban battles to take the city? That will be very costly.
- Just sit and wait til they surrender? That does not make any sense, since u cant prevent smuggling in 2 million city.
- Destroy 2 million city with bombs? They already do it for over 4 years.

Thus only practical impact will be on 300 k civilians who still remain in rebel part of Aleppo.
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Of course they commit crimes. Even most disciplined western armies commit lots of crimes. However all disgusting mass massacres of children:


Were made by Assadists. Add to this daily barrel bombs of civilians, starvation, demolition, mass torture. Assad/Khamenai Putin are biggest murderers and terrorists in 21th century hands down.
Says you.... Hahaha
I'm sick and tired of trying to explain to you that your own army aka the terrorists rebels are making or causing all these crimes... The western governments along with their puppets are the terrorists criminals that caused all this mess in the region...

BTW you are perfect fit for alnusra and i$i$ your mentality matches theirs..
Says you.... Hahaha
I'm sick and tired of trying to explain to you that your own army aka the terrorists rebels are making or causing all these crimes... The western governments along with their puppets are the terrorists criminals that caused all this mess in the region...

BTW you are perfect fit for alnusra and i$i$ your mentality matches theirs..
Houla, Bayda and Banias confirmed by UN investigation.


As for Chemical attack I UN commission found type or rockets which are used only by Assadists and determined azimuths coming from Assadist areas.
Houla, Bayda and Banias confirmed by UN investigation.


As for Chemical attack I UN commission found type or rockets which are used only by Assadists and determined azimuths coming from Assadist areas.
I can post links also..

Google Syrian rebels terrorism and etc you will find a lot...
And also check my threads in this forum...
I can post links also..

Google Syrian rebels terrorism and etc you will find a lot...
And also check my threads in this forum...
You cant post links where UN commission found rebels responsible for these massacres. Because UN commission found Assad responsible.
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