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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assadists who literally slaughtered hundreds of kids in Houla, Bayda, Banias and broke their heads with rifle butts, who barrel bomb towns every day for 5 years, talk about horrifying acts. What a sick hypocrite POS.
You seem very concerned... Why don't you join i$i$ AND blow yourself up? Or At least get some revenge and join your fighters in alnusra and help them
Those kids were killed by your beloved rebels and they tried to frame the government... Even your beloved media that support terrorism admitted it.
There is. Well known policy of some countries #### my.enemy enemy is my friend" ###isrealis r against alqaeda Isis stuff but in their official policy but in hearts of isrealis had special place for jihadis alqaeda FSA Isis who attacks Syrians and Hezbollah and treats them funds them because these Iranis is Syrians Hezbollah always stand for palestinans genocide and land grabbed by isrealis settlers but when other countries tries' do human rights abuses isrealis turn blind eye towards them . In easy words two faced policiez
You seem very concerned... Why don't you join i$i$ AND blow yourself up? Or At least get some revenge and join your fighters in alnusra and help them.
1) Its not my country.
2) I dont support neither ISIS not Nusra and consider them terrorists.
3) Rebels are going to win anyway.

Those kids were killed by your beloved rebels and they tried to frame the government... Even your beloved media that support terrorism admitted it.
Usual Assadist sick propaganda: rebels kill own kids to blame Assadists. UN investigation concluded it was Assad forces who slaughtered kids in Houla:

The commission found that Government forces and Shabbiha members were responsible for the killings in Al-Houla.
1) Its not my country.
2) I dont support neither ISIS not Nusra and consider them terrorists.
3) Rebels are going to win anyway.

Usual Assadist sick propaganda: rebels kill own kids to blame Assadists. UN investigation concluded it was Assad forces who slaughtered kids in Houla:

The commission found that Government forces and Shabbiha members were responsible for the killings in Al-Houla.
Oh so now you trust the the UN... The UN reports also said the to rebels fired and used chemical weapons...

Double standard much... Haha
Oh so now you trust the the UN... The UN reports also said the to rebels fired and used chemical weapons...

Double standard much... Haha
Thats false. And in case of Ghouta attack although UN did not name the perpetrator directly, finding clrearly indicate that it was job of assadists:

1) Attack was made by so called Burkan rockets which only the Assadists use.



2) Azimuths indicate that attack came from Assadist areas.


So all disgusting mass massacres of children:


Were carried by Assadists. Thats why anyone who supports Assad since then is worst piece of scum.
Thats false. And in case of Ghouta attack although UN did not name the perpetrator directly, finding clrearly indicate that it was job of assadists:

1) Attack was made by so called Burkan rockets which only the Assadists use.



2) Azimuths indicate that attack came from Assadist areas.


So all disgusting mass massacres of children:


Were carried by Assadists. Thats why anyone who supports Assad since then is worst piece of scum.
Same lies and same crap... Come up with something new you terrorist lover.. All those massacres were admitted to be done by the terrorists themselves.. And I already made posts about them, go check them or Google it.. And you are an idiot for believing that the government would start a chemical attack on the day the UN investigation team arrived that would benefit him so much... Who would benefit from such attack other than your beloved terrorists?

You are disgrace to humanity and you don't even deserved to be called human...
Same lies and same crap...
Yep, types of rockets and azimuths are crap.

I forgot one more thing. UN commission concluded that the perpetrators of the attack had access to chemical stockpiles of Syrian army. Obviously encircled rebels in Ghouta had not such access.

Come up with something new you terrorist lover.. All those massacres were admitted to be done by the terrorists themselves..
No they did not. First u claimed it was admitted by UN, which was false, now another lie.

And I already made posts about them, go check them or Google it.. And you are an idiot for believing that the government would start a chemical attack on the day the UN investigation team arrived that would benefit him so much... Who would benefit from such attack other than your beloved terrorists?
Fact is that Assad benefited from these attacks and captured large territories in Ghouta soon after it.

You are disgrace to humanity and you don't even deserved to be called human...
You support Assad who literally slaughtered kids in Houla not me.
Once again I have to go through several pages of 500's Jihadist garbage to see if there is any new update.

FFS, man, we get it, Assad likes drinking baby's bloods for fun, and ISIS cuts head with love and sunshine. Can you please just post a few updates now and then? Why doesn't someone ban this guy because he keeps derailing the thread.


Circling Aleppo almost done,


HD link:

SAA set up barriers on the Castello road


This is a great victory for the government side. However, the government should now be patient and not be overly excited. They should wait it out, and put pressure on the rebels, without suddenly rushing in.
Once again I have to go through several pages of 500's Jihadist garbage to see if there is any new update.

FFS, man, we get it, Assad likes drinking baby's bloods for fun, and ISIS cuts head with love and sunshine. Can you please just post a few updates now and then? Why doesn't someone ban this guy because he keeps derailing the thread.


Circling Aleppo almost done,


HD link:
First of all its ur side which constantly calls rebels rats, beheaders, canibals etc. Your friends spammed all the twitter and here as well about beheading Assad soldier, while Asssad murders dozens of civilians on daily basis.

Circling Aleppo is just another example of Assad-Khamenai sadism. Its 2+ million town without a single Alawi/Shia. What they lost there? Whats the purpose? Look at small Daraya and Jobar. They resist 4 years in total encirclement, after Assad dropped thousands of barrel bombs and uncounted number of artillery shells. So what they are going in achieve by encircling Aleppo beside mass murder of civilians there?

Well actually mass murder and ethnic cleansing is prime objective of Assad currently. He knows thats the only way he can hold territory.

P.S. map is wrong.
First of all its ur side which constantly calls rebels rats, beheaders, canibals etc. Your friends spammed all the twitter and here as well about beheading Assad soldier, while Asssad murders dozens of civilians on daily basis.

Circling Aleppo is another example of Assad-Khamenai sadism. Its 2+ million town without a single Alawi/Shia. What they lost there? Whats the purpose? Look at small Daraya and Jobar. They resist 4 years in total encirclement, after Assad dropped thousands of barrel bombs and uncounted number of artillery shells. So what they are going in achieve by encircling Aleppo beside mass murder of civilians there?

Well actually mass murder and ethnic cleansing is prime objective of Assad currently. He knows thhats the only way he can hold territory.

P.S. map is wrong.

I thought this site was a military oriented site. It would be interesting if military strategies and such were discussed more, rather than constantly telling everyone who is the evilest of the evil. I say, we get it, Assad loves beheadings, ethnic cleansing, genocide, holocaust, rape, torture, macho sadism, BDSM, taking candies from babies, kicking puppies, making fun of blind people, parking in handicapped parking, torrenting movies, not holding the doors for people who are carrying shopping bags in each hand, and talking on his cell phone loudly in the cinemas, and he hates walks on the beach, the sound of birds singing in the morning, old people, cookies, rainbows, mahatma ghandi, ice cream, valentine's day, and children's drawings put on the fridge door.

Okay? Done.

Now, let us please keep this thread about military strategies, tactics, maneuvers, development, etc. I thought this forum was for military nerds.
I thought this site was a military oriented site. It would be interesting if military strategies and such were discussed more, rather than constantly telling everyone who is the evilest of the evil.
Then tell it to ur friends.

Now, let us please keep this thread about military strategies, tactics, maneuvers, development, etc. I thought this forum was for military nerds.
As I said encircling of Aleppo has no direct military purpose, except mass murder and ethnic cleansing of civilians. Well thats also a part of Assads military strategy. In fact since 2013 its main part of his strategy.

Apparently more than 20 Air strikes since morning in N. Aleppo. Is the SAA going to push forward? I wonder if they are going to be hasty again.

Another report is that tanks are on Castello Road. Recent history has shown us that whenever SAA achieves a small victory, they go all out, and then face big losses. Let's see if they have learned from their 100th mistake this time.

As I said encircling of Aleppo has no direct military purpose, except mass murder and ethnic cleansing of civilians. Well thats also a part of Assads military strategy. In fact since 2013 its main part of his strategy.

For the sake of argument, let's say you are right about mass murder/ethnic cleansing/rapeforfun. But wouldn't mass murder & ethnic cleansing of civilians have a military purpose? Dropping two nukes on Japan had a military purpose, it wasn't just because American's didn't have any warehouses big enough to store their nukes.

Apparently more than 20 Air strikes since morning in N. Aleppo. Is the SAA going to push forward? I wonder if they are going to be hasty again.

Another report is that tanks are on Castello Road. Recent history has shown us that whenever SAA achieves a small victory, they go all out, and then face big losses. Let's see if they have learned from their 100th mistake this time.
History tells that if local population remains then Assadist eventually lose in that area. So they dont repeat such mistakes and cleanse all areas they capture.

Unfortunately for Assad/Khamenai, they can murder 1 million, 2 million, maybe even 3. But cant murder 20 million. So they are doomed.

But wouldn't mass murder & ethnic cleansing of civilians have a military purpose?
Thats why I said DIRECT military purpose. Strength of the rebels comes from the civilian population. Thus best way to defeat rebels is cleanse/genocide population.

Fun fact that very few know. In 1962 Nasser in attempt to prevent separation of Syria dropped Egyptian paratroopers in Layramoon in Aleppo. The paratroopers refused to shot people and it ended with nothing. This time we have much more sadistic invasion, but outcome will be the same.
Thats why I said DIRECT military purpose. Strength of the rebels comes from the civilian population. Thus best way to defeat rebels is cleanse/genocide population.

Fun fact that very few know. In 1962 Nasser in attempt to prevent separation of Syria dropped Egyptian paratroopers in Layramoon in Aleppo. The paratroopers refused to shot people and it ended with nothing. This time we have much more sadistic invasion, but outcome will be the same.

I don't understand your point. Sieges have had direct military purposes since, I don't know, some century BC?

I mean, USA's strategy against Iran has been a variant of a siege. By imposing a political, militarily, cultural, and economical embargo on us, they have been hoping to achieve a militarily purpose. I wouldn't say they have completely failed, so I can understand why they do it from a militarily perspective. Their war siege against Saddam was more successful, allowing the siege to weaken the opposition until the situation was ripe to easily remove their target.

Fun read, longest sieges,
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