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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

would that help with moral of the people or the army?

You mean moral of of his Alawite clan, of course it will be adversely affected but rest of Syria will rejoice at his departure.
Are you really that stupid? Does he look 19 to you? He doesn't even have a single facial hair... Plus the picture is photoshoped on the ID card you can see half of the stamp is missing...
Plus no matter what that does not justify beheading, I thought the so called US backed were about democracy,, but they turned to be worse then i$i$ just like they amitted about themselves... And the leader of that terrorists group himself was in the video go watch it... These terrorists showed once again their true colors they are criminals terrorists...

Syrian army units haven't understand how to fight against terrorists.
They must practice tactics of Mexican cartels.
Cruel fight without prisoners.
Terrorists need to be impaled on poles...


:what: fighting over who will do friday prayers, this how petty these "rebels" are
Syrian army units haven't understand how to fight against terrorists.
They must practice tactics of Mexican cartels.
Cruel fight without prisoners.
Terrorists need to be impaled on poles...
In terms of cruelty Assad mukhabarat was always an undisputed world leader.
In terms of cruelty Assad mukhabarat was always an undisputed world leader.
if he was as cruel as you say , he would have silenced the protest in Homa in just less than two days and stopped it from getting out of control
if he was as cruel as you say , he would have silenced the protest in Homa in just less than two days and stopped it from getting out of control
He slaughted 20 thousands in Hama. Not enough for u?
its sinking in for the "rebels" that aleppo is lost

Today the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad completed its stranglehold on Aleppo. Its forces cut off and sandbagged the Castello Road, the last road north via which rebel fighters and residents of east Aleppo could escape from the city. Weeks of relentless aerial bombardment by Syrian and Russian planes, aided on the ground by Hezbollah fighters and Iranian militias have led up to this point. Hospitals and schools have been savagely targeted. The final chapter of the war has begun. Many Syrians see it as the beginning of the end.

The rebel opposition is in despair after the recent deal struck between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov his Russian counterpart in Moscow. Although the details are being kept under wraps, the consensus is that it involves US-Russian military coordination to target and eliminate Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS elements. This is a particularly difficult pill for the moderate rebel opposition to swallow since Jabhat al-Nusra have consistently been helping them to fight the Assad regime. The US-led coalition has been almost exclusively engaged in fighting ISIS, who in turn have been annihilating the moderate opposition groups. Assad and ISIS, the two extremes in this war, have only rarely fought each other – both extremes know that their real threat comes from the moderate middle.

Friday’s attempted coup in Turkey will add to rebel despair as it will inevitably lead the Turkish government even further down the road of normalising relations with Bashar al-Assad’s government. Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim just days ago appeared to do a volte-face in its foreign policy towards Syria of the last five years, as it now seeks to stabilise its borders, mend fences with Israel and Russia, and focus its energies instead on its internal threats and troublesome Kurds.

All of this affects us in Europe and the West whether we like it or not. Our failure to challenge Assad’s barbarous barrel-bombing of his own civilian population, our failure to set up a safe zone along the Turkish border, has led to the surge of refugees driven out of Syria with nowhere to go except Europe. The sight of this tide of desperate humanity was too much for most Europeans to deal with. Instead of following the noble example of Germany’s Angela Merkel in welcoming them, other European countries erected barbed wire fences. Britain voted for Brexit to keep them out, a disgrace that will surely come back to haunt its people and for which history will judge them. Russia’s President Putin is back on top and laughing. Through his intervention in Syria’s war last September to support his faltering protege Assad, he has created waves of new refugees, destabilised Europe and projected himself as a superpower once again. Watch Russian state TV (Freeview channel 135) to see for yourself.


In Damascus much of Syria’s uprising is conducted underground these days. Tunnel warfare in the suburbs has become the new normal. Residents regularly feel the earth shake but the sounds of battle are muted. In Aleppo on the other hand the battle is all too audible and everyone in Syria knows that Aleppo’s fate, as the country’s second city, will determine the outcome of the war.

We are entering the final chapter, where that once unthinkable outcome, an Assad victory, is beginning to look inevitable. God forgive us.

In terms of cruelty Assad mukhabarat was always an undisputed world leader.
And he never to claimed to be fighting for democracy.. While your beloved terrorists claimed they were fighting for democracy and freedom, and their crimes out weighs any crime by the government... Now go support your democratic fighters in Syria, you could start by learning how to behead kids..
And he never to claimed to be fighting for democracy.. While your beloved terrorists claimed they were fighting for democracy and freedom, and their crimes out weighs any crime by the government... Now go support your democratic fighters in Syria, you could start by learning how to behead kids..
In the beginning there were peaceful demonstrations demanding freedom from corrupt and cruel regime. Assad slaughtered and slaughtered and tortured and shelled and bombed and murdered and slaughtered. And world just watched not providing any help.

Now only crazy Islamists have remained. U reap what u saw. And thats only the beginning. Lucky u are in USA.
In the beginning there were peaceful demonstrations demanding freedom from corrupt and cruel regime. Assad slaughtered and slaughtered and tortured and shelled and bombed and murdered and slaughtered. And world just watched not providing any help.

Now only crazy Islamists have remained. U reap what u saw. And thats only the beginning. Lucky u are in USA.

It's okay what Assad did because that's what Erdogan would have done. All for country. Right? RIGHT?

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