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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Nusra Front opens new front in Syria's Idlib | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
BEIRUT: Islamist militants linked to al-Qaeda entered Idlib in northern Syria Monday and opened up a new front in a city that has been controlled by President Bashar Assad's forces for more than a year, both sides said.

State television said the Nusra Front militants infiltrated Idlib at dawn and were confronted by troops and pro-government militias. The Nusra Front said its fighters killed dozens, including officers, in the attack and seized buildings.

In 2012, other rebel groups, including the Western-backed Free Syrian Army, briefly took control of parts of Idlib but were pushed out by the army.

Assad, fighting an array of insurgent groups, has lost much of north and east Syria but has secured a stretch of land from the capital Damascus in the southwest up toward Aleppo in the northwest.

In the past three months, the Nusra Front has made gains in these areas, in the southern provinces of Deraa and Quneitra, and now in northwest Idlib province.

Referring to Monday's fighting, the Nusra Front said on its social media account that its forces cut the supply route to Idlib city as well as seizing the governorate building. They also seized two tanks and captured 12 soldiers.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors violence in Syria, said the insurgents were pushed out of the governorate building and a captured police station later Monday.

Syria is now beset by multiple conflicts since an uprising against Assad's rule broke out in March 2011 which transformed into a civil war after a crackdown by security services.

A U.S.-led coalition is bombing ISIS, a splinter al Qaeda group that has fought both Assad, the Nusra Front, Syrian Kurds and Sunni tribes.

The Observatory said the Syrian air force had carried out 600 airstrikes, including barrel bomb drops from helicopters, during the past week.

About 180 civilians, including more than 50 children, were killed in the attacks, it said.

Nusra Front opens new front in Syria's Idlib | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

A Turkish Ambulance Discovered in Morek by the Syrian Army

By Leith Fadel on October 27, 2014 Middle East
Upon the capture of the strategic city of Morek in the Hama Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) discovered an ambulance that possessed a Turkish license place; it was stockpiled with weapons and ammunition. This is the second time a Turkish ambulance was discovered inside of Syria – the first being in the Armenian village of Kassab. The ambulance was discovered along with a multitude of telecommunication devices inside the dilapidated buildings of the captured city.

Leith Fadel | Al-Masdar News
Journalists from Syrian TV inspect the ambulance

Leith Fadel | Al-Masdar News
Syrian TV’s, Shadi Hulwe, films the captured ambulance.

The Turkish Government has actively supported the rebels in Syria, providing them access to the vast border and supplies to continue their fight against the Syrian Arab Army and the YPG. The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has also benefitted from Turkish hospitality, as they continue to besiege the Kurdish village of Kobane (‘Ayn Al-‘Arab) in northern Aleppo, utilizing the border to launch mortar shells on YPG positions inside.


Syrian Military Sources Reject Capture of Idlib by Al-Nusra Terrorists
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian military sources rejected the western media reports that foreign-backed militant groups have captured the Northern city of Idlib.
The Reuters news agency on Monday reported that the Al-Nusra Front militants had entered Idlib city and captured a government building in there.

"The news by some western media sources that the terrorist groups had captured Idlib is not true and the Syrian troops have thwarted the attempt by the militants to seize the city," a Syrian military source told FNA on Monday.

The military source noted that Al-Nusra Front-affiliated groups, assisted by Kataeb Jund Al-Aqsa terrorists, tried to capture Idlib by attacking the city from the Northwestern side.

He reiterated that the Syrian army killed three notorious commanders of the Al-Nusra Front in the clashes in Idlib and Idlib countryside.

Idlib has been under the control of the Syrian army for more than a year.

Earlier today, the Syrian Army foiled an infiltration attempt by the al-Nusra Front terrorists into a government building in Idlib, killing and injuring dozens of them.

The army soldiers pushed out the al-Nusra terrorists as they attempted to infiltrate into a building in the Northern areas of Idlib, and managed to claim the lives of scores of them.
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Latest Online News | Agenzia Giornalistica Italia | AGI

(AGI) Beirut, Oct 27 - Islamic State militants have beheaded four members of a Sunni tribe in eastern Syria who were accused of having fought for government forces, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports. The four were members of the Sheitaat tribe from Deir Ezzoir province. Two of the men were beheaded in a public square and the other two on a round-about in the town of Abu Kamal. (AGI)

A Turkish Ambulance Discovered in Morek by the Syrian Army

By Leith Fadel on October 27, 2014 Middle East
Upon the capture of the strategic city of Morek in the Hama Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) discovered an ambulance that possessed a Turkish license place; it was stockpiled with weapons and ammunition. This is the second time a Turkish ambulance was discovered inside of Syria – the first being in the Armenian village of Kassab. The ambulance was discovered along with a multitude of telecommunication devices inside the dilapidated buildings of the captured city.

Leith Fadel | Al-Masdar News
Journalists from Syrian TV inspect the ambulance

Leith Fadel | Al-Masdar News
Syrian TV’s, Shadi Hulwe, films the captured ambulance.

Turkish License Plates


Who believes still in Pro-Assad sources, I wonder.
Today, Nusra terrorists opened a new front in city of Idlib, after getting desperate in Hama countryside. At first, they could capture some points, but SAA quickly got into action and repelled them from most areas and killed a large number of them. There are many graphic pics of their dead bodies scattered on the ground. As of latest reports, the incursion has failed and the city is calm. Some sources report that it was a stupid suicide mission by Al-Nusra to catch SAA surprised and it led to failure, leaving many of them dead. Now some scattered fighting is going on in southern villages of Idlib. Also, NDF forces have recaptured Tal Mastouma near Idlib after it was briefly taken by Nusrats this morning.

Today's attack on #Idlib city is a clear sign that insurgents gave up #Hama Governorate and seek to shift attention to other areas. #Syria

Loy.s.: #SAA recaptured Tall Mastume near #Idlib city. #Syria

Loy.sources: #SAA and #NDF foiled an attempt by #al_Nusra terrorists to infiltrate into #Idlib city from several directions. #Syria
Well,those two names I gave you are among the most inept and incapable politicians not in just India,but in the whole world perhaps.And yeah,there are a lot of Singhs in India,that's true. :)

Well, we all got them. Yes, I have noticed that.

Turkey was never under Russian or anyone elses influence...

I did not know that Turkey was located in the Caucasus or Central Asia nor was part of the Soviet Union once. I was obviously talking about the 5 Turkic states, all until recently part of the USSR and heavily Russified on certain areas.

Latest Online News | Agenzia Giornalistica Italia | AGI

(AGI) Beirut, Oct 27 - Islamic State militants have beheaded four members of a Sunni tribe in eastern Syria who were accused of having fought for government forces, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports. The four were members of the Sheitaat tribe from Deir Ezzoir province. Two of the men were beheaded in a public square and the other two on a round-about in the town of Abu Kamal. (AGI)

Yet some users here wonder why the Arab world is against ISIS.:lol:
Yeah, you were also under ottoman boots.(I mean all of your arable lands, not Rub' Al Khali that no even crazy person would step his foot there)

Maybe that's why 90%+ of ISIS members are arabs.

Who themselves were heavily Arabized, ruled an Arab system, used Arab titles, spoke Ottoman Turkish (more Arabic than Turkish) etc. Also it was not even half of the Arab world. Vice versa happened earlier. Turkish influence on Arabs is negligible and almost non-existent. The influence was much bigger the other way around.

No, it's actually closer to 60%. But very surprising that Arabs are involved when there are a twi civil wars in two ARAB countries.:lol: I was obviously talking about the states not a tiny minority of people in the overall picture. Who all by now have their citizenship revoked from them.

The butthurt seems huge.:lol:
Yeah, you were also under ottoman boots.(I mean all of your arable lands, not Rub' Al Khali that no even crazy person would step his foot there)

Maybe that's why 90%+ of ISIS members are arabs.

Stop it. Saudis are wild bunch, they write encyclopedia-long posts which nobody dares to respond. And we are getting offtopic.
Stop it. Saudis are wild bunch, they write encyclopedia-long posts which nobody dares to respond. And we are getting offtopic.

Says the guy who floods this forum with pro-ISIS material and thinks that the "evil West" has launched a war on Turks yet is silent on Turkey being a key Western ally and a NATO member since the early 1950's but complains when a few Arab states are bombing ISIS (US playing the main role here) a few times in Syria. Apparently they do, hence all the butthurt.
Yeah, you were also under ottoman boots.(I mean all of your arable lands, not Rub' Al Khali that no even crazy person would step his foot there)
sayyed rmi(obn)5@
you remind me of pishevari.
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