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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Are you for real ? All All the problems raise from the fact that cannibal and Co say Assad must not participate in the election.

You're twisting what Asad's adversaries want. They are saying Asad can participate in the election if he steps down before the election.
that's not the point ,we are talking about now not the time of Mr. hafiz assad .
Giraffe was in power for 11 years before the revolt started. And during all that period nothing remotely similar to free elections was conducted.
Giraffe was in power for 11 years before the revolt started. And during all that period nothing remotely similar to free elections was conducted.
well, in those time Syria constitution was not remotely supported such move , but Assad changed the law at first days of uprising.

You're twisting what Asad's adversaries want. They are saying Asad can participate in the election if he steps down before the election.
and can you show me were the Cannibal and Co said such? as I knew they always said Assad must go.
by the way how you want held election if you want to dismantle the government first? who is gonna held
free election ? Al-Nusra or ISIS?
by the way how you want held election if you want to dismantle the government first? who is gonna held
free election ? Al-Nusra or ISIS?

An interim care-taker government comprised of honest people with neutral attitude towards all participants.
And weep:

The Assad Files
Capturing the top-secret documents that tie the Syrian regime to mass torture and killings.



""What we see in Syria is an absolute violation of human dignity, and the world cannot evade making a decision on what it wants to do in light of this shame – and neither can we Arabs. What is happening in Syria lies between Hitler's Nazism and Holocaust, the mass graves in Srebrenica [in Bosnia] following the fall of Yugoslavia, or the atrocities in Rwanda... It is a mark of shame for the [Arab] Ummah, which, though it has long boasted of its morality, has failed -"

Egyptian intellectual Mamoun Fandy

whilst jordanian and saudi troops watch from the sidelines and do not have the guts to help your beheaders. Once Aleppo has fallen......the revolution is over

An interim care-taker government comprised of honest people with neutral attitude towards all participants.

too much idealism......doesn't work in reality. Its either Arab nationalists and Iran or wahhabi slaves of america and israel.
By going against the majority of Syrians the Asad regime has lost its legitimacy long time ago. Only fascists see him as legitimate, people with conscience abhor homicidal maniacs like Asad.
It is very easy.

The West made good (for themselves) terrorists to topple Syrian government cause Syria was a powerful anti Israeli country and had stood up against Zionists.




You can also find more sources on internet.

Syria is trying to clean these saudi, turkish, west, rabid dogs and also keep Syria indecomposable.

These rats such as ISIS, al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham etc... are several times more savage than taliban. Syrian army can not step back.
If Syrian army step back then lifes of millions Syrians would be in real danger and these west animals will kill each other and Syrian people.

Moreover the shameless american, turkish, saudi regimes are still supporting these dogs.

The problem is west made goons and Not legal Syrian government.
An interim care-taker government comprised of honest people with neutral attitude towards all participants.
And from where you are going to find honest people who are neutral and they are dabbling in politic ? Don't tell me andromeda .
Honestly haven't you tried that in Afghanistan and Libya and Iraq and ...... ?
It is very easy.

The West made good (for themselves) terrorists to topple Syrian government cause Syria was a powerful anti Israeli country and had stood up against Zionists.




You can also find more sources on internet.

Syria is trying to clean these saudi, turkish, west, rabid dogs and also keep Syria indecomposable.

These rats such as ISIS, al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham etc... are several times more savage than taliban. Syrian army can not step back.
If Syrian army step back then lifes of millions Syrians would be in real danger and these west animals will kill each other and Syrian people.

Moreover the shameless american, turkish, saudi regimes are still supporting these dogs.

The problem is west made goons and Not legal Syrian government.
Your regime is sending children as cannon fodder for Assad, to murder and ethnically cleanse Syrians.
Your regime supports indiscriminate bombing of crowded places, industrial scale torture, starving of entire towns.

And you dare to call those who resist "dogs" and "rats"? Little Khamenaist Nazi POS. At least after Maarat an Nouman massacre u could keep quiet for several days.
Your regime is sending children as cannon fodder for Assad, to murder and ethnically cleanse Syrians.
Your regime supports indiscriminate bombing of crowded places, industrial scale torture, starving of entire towns.

And you dare to call those who resist "dogs" and "rats"? Little Khamenaist Nazi POS. At least after Maarat an Nouman massacre u could keep quiet for several days.
Shut up you Zionist subhuman ISIS terrorist!!

You Israeli berbers have massacred tens of thousands Palestinians including children and women now you are crying for al Qaeda and ISIS dogs you runty palm face terrorist

You are the ones who created and trained ISIS zombies and treat al Nusra rats in your hospitals while you goons are destroying Palestinians houses daily and drive them out from their lands

Hezbollah kicked your arse out of Southern Lebanon in 2000 and Syria will kick your arse out of Jolan soon

You Zionist goons have killed millions of Muslims since 1940's, so keep your filthy Zionist mouth closed you Israeli

For every Israeli kid killed
15.8 Palestinian kids have been killed




Past Zionist-Jewish Terrorism - Some Historical Facts

Cry for Zombies as much as you want.
You are among those 3% Jordani ISIS lovers, it seems or probably a false flagger Zionist.



Top ISIS leader is rotting in hell, thank God


At least 75 ISIS terrorists killed by Syrian soldiers in Deir ezzur

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Shut up you Zionist subhuman ISIS terrorist!!

You Israeli berbers have massacred tens of thousands Palestinians including children and women now you are crying for al Qaeda and ISIS dogs you runty palm face terrorist
Fairy tales. Actually all big massacres of Palestinians were made by ur Assad psychopath regime:

1976 Tal al Zaatar
1983 Tripoli
1985-1987 War on Camps massacres.

Even Sabra and Shatila in 1982 was done by Assad's ally Elie Hobeika.


When after the massacre Hobeika and Jaja fought each other Israel supported Jaja while Assad supported the butcher of Sabra Hobeika. Fact.

Now Assad massacres and starves Palestinians in Yarmouk camp. Nazi style.

You are the ones who created and trained ISIS zombies and treat al Nusra rats in your hospitals while you goons are destroying Palestinians houses daily and drive them out from their lands
ISIS is nothing but Iraqi Baath. Same as Assad is Syrian Baath. Both same exactly shyt.

Hezbollah kicked your arse out of Southern Lebanon in 2000 and Syria will kick your arse out of Jolan soon
Israel signed pullout agreement with Lebanon in 1983. Hezbollah (it was called Islamic Jihad and Islamic Amal then) and other Khomeini-Assad goons foiled that agreement as result Israel STAYED in Lebanon for another 17 years.

You Zionist goons have killed millions of Muslims since 1940's, so keep your filthy Zionist mouth closed you Israeli
Qadrillions. LOL where from u take these numbers. As I said since the beginning of first Intifada ~30 years ago about 10 K were killed total.
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