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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assad retaliates by barrel bombing rebel towns:
very good, that's exactly how one should deal with jihadists but I think the first video at least is 'fake', meaning that it's an older video stamped with a wrong date.
33 years ago Hezbollah terrorists (called Islamic Jihad Organization then) blew US embassy killing 60 people.


Russian news agency video of failed Assadist attack on Handarat in Aleppo. Palestinians were used as cannon fodder, a Russian advisor was present too:


They look like unorganized herd of sheeps.

So , Why did Russia back off while Aleppo was on verge of being besieged ?
Thats not just Russia. Number of Shia cannon fodder also drastically reduced compare to previous months. Previously Assadists were attacking simultaneously on several fronts, now they cant find enough people to storm one El Eis hill in Aleppo. Probably they expended all.
I can't believe 500 is still doing this daily at such a mature age whilst still claiming to be a neutral expert observer.
I can't believe 500 is still doing this daily at such a mature age whilst still claiming to be a neutral expert observer.
No doubt 500 would appreciate an occasional "thank-you" from the many readers who benefit from his posts.

Thank you, 500.
No doubt 500 would appreciate an occasional "thank-you" from the many readers who benefit from his posts.

Thank you, 500.

A terrorist cheerleader doesn't need a thank you. A person who cheers for Al-Qaeda and similar minded groups on a daily basis not only doesn't need it, but actually doesn't deserve a tiny bit of respect.
Barrel Bombs Rain Down on Syria's Besieged Daraya
A disturbing new video from the local government in Daraya shows the frightening impact of barrel bombs that have been decimating Syrian cities.

Shot by the Local Council of Daraya City and released through the international human rights organization Amnesty International, the video shows the ferocious barrel bombs raining down from airplanes and helicopters onto buildings, reducing them to smoke and rubble.
The Syrian government primarily uses barrel bombs in areas where it claims there are terrorists and rebels. The crude weapons consist of containers such as barrels or gas canisters filled with shrapnel and sometimes chemicals. The injuries are often complex and deadly.

When asked what barrel bombs do, a young girl wearing glasses says in the video: “They want to kill me.” Later, residents are seen digging a half-buried body out of the rubble with their bare hands.

While Daraya, a southwest suburb of Damascus, has been spared the devastation of barrel bombs since a cessation of hostilities went into effect on February 26, Amnesty says residents “continue to suffer from severe food and medical shortages and no electricity.”

Officials in Daraya, which has been under siege for more than 1,255 days, said 6,800 barrel bombs were dropped in the area between January 2014 and February 2016, resulting in the deaths of 42 civilians, including 17 children. Last month, the U.N. World Food Program said Daraya residents have been reduced to eating grass because food supplies cannot reach the area. Many mothers are unable to produce breast milk due to malnutrition.

Amnesty International says it hopes the video “will spur the international community to redouble its demands on the Syrian government to grant immediate lifesaving humanitarian access to Daraya and all areas still under siege.” The footage was recorded between December 2014 and February 2016.

“It is absolutely outrageous—though not surprising—that the Syrian government has continued to bombard and starve its own civilians,” Magdalena Mughrabi, Middle East and North Africa interim deputy program director at Amnesty International, said in a statement. “And it is unacceptable that the UN and other influential international players are not doing more to address the critical situation in Daraya and other besieged locations.”

Daraya is one of six besieged areas, which includes parts of Eastern Ghouta, that have not been granted government permission to receive humanitarian aid as of March 26, one month after cessation of hostilities began...........See more
I can't believe 500 is still doing this daily at such a mature age whilst still claiming to be a neutral expert observer.
No one is absolutely neutral. I dont post false or even unconfirmed news. When I saw wrong news posted by pro rebel members I mentioned it.

Difference is that I never saw pro rebels here making sickening Goebbels lies like "they gassed own children to blame cute Assad", "they starve own children to blame cute Assad". On the other hand pro Assadists do it all the time even moderators and think tanks.
A terrorist cheerleader doesn't need a thank you. A person who cheers for Al-Qaeda and similar minded groups on a daily basis not only doesn't need it, but actually doesn't deserve a tiny bit of respect.
LOL typical Khamenaist logic:

1) Those who blow up civilian buses and markets are "heroes".
2) Those who fire indiscriminate rockets at civilian towns are "resistance".
3) Those who drop barrel bombs on markets are civilized army.
4) Those who starve entire towns with civilians are good guys.

But those who kill Khamenaist soldiers and blow up their tanks are "tirarisrs".

Today Assad barrel bombs killed 45 people in Maarat an Nouman and Kafranbel towns. Both are far away from frontline and crowded with civilians. Pure terror with zero military value.
LOL typical Khamenaist logic:

1) Those who blow up civilian buses and markets are "heroes".
2) Those who fire indiscriminate rockets at civilian towns are "resistance".
3) Those who drop barrel bombs on markets are civilized army.
4) Those who starve entire towns with civilians are good guys.

But those who kill Khamenaist soldiers and blow up their tanks are "tirarisrs".

Today Assad barrel bombs killed 45 people in Maarat an Nouman and Kafranbel towns. Both are far away from frontline and crowded with civilians. Pure terror with zero military value.
List of Zionism ethnic cleansings and murderings against women, children and defenseless villagers:

Past Zionist-Jewish Terrorism - Some Historical Facts

There were some protests against Arab monarchies/regimes in 2011-2012. For example in Jordan, Saudi, Bahrain, and their monarchies didn't change and west didn't arm animals to topple those regimes.

Syria was safe before wicked Zionists and your satellite countries such as Turkey and Saudi sent lunatic salafi/wahhabi jihadis for destroying Syria (Paradise of the ME) and for sake of I$rahell and US.

Most of Syrian people are cursing U.S, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi day and night and 99% of them prefer Syrian army and regime over your jihadi rats.

Now support your terrorists as much as you want Zionist.
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There were some protests against Arab monarchies/regimes in 2011-2012. For example in Jordan, Saudi, Bahrain, and their monarchies didn't change and west didn't arm animals to topple those regimes.

Jordan and Saudi protests ended with minor casualties. Bahrain was suppressed by foreign Saudi invasion with minor casualties as well.

In Syria Assad shot hundreds protesters with guns, it did not help. Then he sent tanks killing thousands. It did not help. Then he used artillery killing tens of thousands. It did not help. Then he started barrel bombing killing hundreds of thousands. Still did not help.

Most of Syrian people are cursing U.S, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi day and night and 99% of them prefer Syrian army and regime over your jihadi rats.
Syrians dont want to fight for Assad. hats why he is forced to import sectarian mercenaries from all over the world to survive.
A terrorist cheerleader doesn't need a thank you. A person who cheers for Al-Qaeda and similar minded groups on a daily basis not only doesn't need it, but actually doesn't deserve a tiny bit of respect.
I don't see 500 cheerleading terrorists. On the other hand, haven't you been cheerleading the Iranian mullahs' terrorist satrapies and puppets?
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