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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I don't see 500 cheerleading terrorists. On the other hand, haven't you been cheerleading the Iranian mullahs' terrorist satrapies and puppets?

Problem is, I don't consider Hezbollah as terrorists, they are actually far far better than IDF or U.S army, they have more dignity and honor. But, your country does consider AQ as terrorists and @500 is cheering for them and similar groups day and night. Only because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there.

Yes I do support Hezbollah and I'm proud of that, are you proud that your dear Zionist friend is cheering for AQ? You should be, because Israel's roots are not different much compared to these groups.

LOL typical Khamenaist logic:

1) Those who blow up civilian buses and markets are "heroes".
2) Those who fire indiscriminate rockets at civilian towns are "resistance".
3) Those who drop barrel bombs on markets are civilized army.
4) Those who starve entire towns with civilians are good guys.

But those who kill Khamenaist soldiers and blow up their tanks are "tirarisrs".

Today Assad barrel bombs killed 45 people in Maarat an Nouman and Kafranbel towns. Both are far away from frontline and crowded with civilians. Pure terror with zero military value.

Zionist's logic:
Those who fight to take back their stolen land from Zionists are terrorists, but thousands of bloodthirsty terrorists‌ with many foreigners among them fighting against legitimate gov of Syria are freedom fighters.
A Zionist's mind:
Those who fight to take back their stolen land from Zionists are terrorists -
And does a Muslim like yourself change his mind when it's demonstrated that the Zionists aren't the thieves in the story?

The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes... it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country -

Just laugh and brazen it out, right?

The Syrians embraced unjustifiable Israel-hatred for decades. The tyrants of Syria and most other Arab countries encouraged it as an easy way to divert their subjects' energies from their own oppression. But that also meant promoting a culture that rejected individual rights and rule-of-law business in favor of violent extremism and wealth-by-conquest. Anger building for decades, waiting for an opportunity...after the West failed to support the democrats the remainder naturally asked, "Why should the Assads get all the dough rather than the bold seek it themselves?" - with a "religious" civil war being the inevitable result.

It starts with hating the Jews but never ends there.
I don't see 500 cheerleading terrorists. On the other hand, haven't you been cheerleading the Iranian mullahs' terrorist satrapies and puppets?
Syrian government is legal, unlike 'Arab monarchies which control a country by a family or a king' and have comprehensive support from west and the 'Democracy lover' U.S.

Obviously Syrian army have full right to kill wahhabi/salafi jihadi goons.

==> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Syria

PS. 80% of Syrian army are Sunni not Shia and wherever Syrian army liberate ground from hands of terrorists, the Syrians there say Allaho Akbar and thank God.

Btw you seem more sane than crazy terrorist lover @500.
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Syrian government is legal, unlike 'Arab monarchies -

"To vote for anything other than Bashar al-Assad is to sign your own death warrant and that of your family, and not to vote at all means you are forfeiting your chance of any kind of future in Syria." link1, link2

A monarchy doesn't have to be a tyranny. Much of Europe consists of constitutional monarchies. So was Pakistan, at first. The advantage of a constitutional monarchy is that the monarch has oversight of the bureaucracy and calls on tradition. It's long been known that monarchs who establish individual rights, rule-of-law, and secure property rights usually increase their own wealth and that of their people substantially, as long as they avoid making wars.
So , Why did Russia back off while Aleppo was on verge of being besieged ?
I also wonder the answer of that question..why Russia diminished air support?...If Russia wanted, Assad regime already could have take Alepoo...
I know West play with both side and want to prolong the war as much as posdible due to Israel factor...But what is the real plan of Russia ??.

Any how....so far the loser sides in Syria conflict: First Syrian people, Assad regime, Iran, KSA, TR and all regional people... Winners: US and Israel...
...loser sides in Syria conflict: First Syrian people, Assad regime, Iran, KSA, TR and all regional people... Winners: US and Israel...
While they were far from pleased with him, I think Israelis appreciated that Assad at least kept the Israel-Syria border stable. And the U.S. lost the status quo it had sought to maintain in the region for decades.

No, the only "winner" is Iran, which has seen the influence of its armies and Iran-supported militias grow and its weapons programs advance in the face of lessened foreign opposition, as the mullahs are seen as "allies" against ISIS and Assad's opponents.
Problem is, I don't consider Hezbollah as terrorists, they are actually far far better than IDF or U.S army, they have more dignity and honor.
* Hezbollah emerged as organization bombing embassies, just yesterday it was anniversary (except it was called Islamic Jihad Organization then). Pure terror and war crime.

* Then Hezbollah started shelling civilian towns with unguided rockets. Pure terror and war crime.

* Then it backstabbed people who supported them for years and started slaughtering them in name of corrupt psychopath dictator. Zero honor.


* Finally it started starving kids in Ghouta and Madaya. Means Hezbollah and all their supporters are lowest form of Nazi scum.


But, your country does consider AQ as terrorists and @500 is cheering for them and similar groups day and night. Only because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there.

Yes I do support Hezbollah and I'm proud of that, are you proud that your dear Zionist friend is cheering for AQ? You should be, because Israel's roots are not different much compared to these groups.
Funny thing that before the revolution Assad denied that AQ actually exist. In same time his agent Qaqa was sending kids to fight for AQ in Iraq. But once people revolted against him he started to scream:its all AQ its all AQ. Just like Ghaddafi.

Zionist's logic:
Those who fight to take back their stolen land from Zionists are terrorists, but thousands of bloodthirsty terrorists‌ with many foreigners among them fighting against legitimate gov of Syria are freedom fighters.
* Terror is not about motivation, but about METHODS. All Palestinian groups fighting Israel DELIBERATELY use terror methods (starting from stabbing civilians to blowing up markets and firing unguided rockets at neighborhoods), thats fact. Israel is very legitimate recognized by UN government in case u dont know.
* People who fight against government (dictator regime which came to power through a military coupe in case u forgot) I call rebels. If you will check dictionary u will see that its excactly what it means.
Syrian government is legal, .

By going against the majority of Syrians the Asad regime has lost its legitimacy long time ago. Only fascists see him as legitimate, people with conscience abhor homicidal maniacs like Asad.
By going against the majority of Syrians the Asad regime has lost its legitimacy long time ago. Only fascists see him as legitimate, people with conscience abhor homicidal maniacs like Asad.
well, all data shown majority of Syrian support him
Asad refused to step down and participate in a free and fair election like other candidates, this data tells a different story.
Are you for real ? All All the problems raise from the fact that cannibal and Co say Assad must not participate in the election.
Are you for real ? All All the problems raise from the fact that cannibal and Co say Assad must not participate in the election.
1) Assads were in total power for 40 years. During all that time they did not make anything even remotely similar to free elections.
2) Currently despite 100 time advantage in firepower over rebels they survive only due to foreign mercenaries.

Scum Khamenai regime keeps sending child soldiers to keep psychopath dictator on his throne:





1) Assads were in total power for 40 years. During all that time they did not make anything even remotely similar to free elections.
2) Currently despite 100 time advantage in firepower over rebels they survive only due to foreign mercenaries.

Scum Khamenai regime keeps sending child soldiers to keep psychopath dictator on his throne:





that's not the point ,we are talking about now not the time of Mr. hafiz assad .
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