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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You are among those 3% Jordani ISIS lovers, it seems or probably a false flagger Zionist.



Top ISIS leader is rotting in hell, thank God


At least 75 ISIS terrorists killed by Syrian soldiers in Deir ezzur

Don't try to paint a picture of savior complex of muslims. No muslim nation on earth has wrought death and destruction as Iran has especially through its support of Assad. History will remember this, and you have trashed all the hardly built trust that you once held with the muslim, in the trash bin just like that. Iran has no credibility any longer, and i would rather ally with Israel even though i truly despise Netanyahu, at least they don't pretend they are the ally of the Muslim Arab world, while you hypocrits support a despot in a foreign nation just for your narrow selfish goals. Shame on you!
Don't try to paint a picture of savior complex of muslims. No muslim nation on earth has wrought death and destruction as Iran has especially through its support of Assad. History will remember this, and you have trashed all the hardly built trust that you once held with the muslim, in the trash bin just like that. Iran has no credibility any longer, and i would rather ally with Israel even though i truly despise Netanyahu, at least they don't pretend they are the ally of the Muslim Arab world, while you hypocrits support a despot in a foreign nation just for your narrow selfish goals. Shame on you!
Shame on you for killing 3 million Armenian.

Shame on you terrorists supporters for being the main supporter of ISIS and several lunatic terrorist groups in Syria for 4 years which caused tragedy for Syrian people and migration of thousands to other countries and also destruction of Syria.

Also shame on you for buying oil from nasty Daesh and exporting it to Europe for 3 years.
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Fairy tales. Actually all big massacres of Palestinians were made by ur Assad psychopath regime:

1976 Tal al Zaatar
1983 Tripoli
1985-1987 War on Camps massacres.

Even Sabra and Shatila in 1982 was done by Assad's ally Elie Hobeika.


When after the massacre Hobeika and Jaja fought each other Israel supported Jaja while Assad supported the butcher of Sabra Hobeika. Fact.

Now Assad massacres and starves Palestinians in Yarmouk camp. Nazi style.

ISIS is nothing but Iraqi Baath. Same as Assad is Syrian Baath. Both same exactly shyt.

Israel signed pullout agreement with Lebanon in 1983. Hezbollah (it was called Islamic Jihad and Islamic Amal then) and other Khomeini-Assad goons foiled that agreement as result Israel STAYED in Lebanon for another 17 years.

Qadrillions. LOL where from u take these numbers. As I said since the beginning of first Intifada ~30 years ago about 10 K were killed total.
Your bullcraps and lies doesn't even worth to see, let alone reading and giving answer.
Ah the old classic allegations. These are nothing else than simple allegations. We support ISIS at the same time we are actively fighting them, makes perfect sense. While your government openly support the despot Assad, a man who day in and day out massacres his own people. These Syrians escaping Assads massacre, who is looking after them? Your poor sorry *** country that's unable to feed its own populace, or my country that currently feeds and houses 3 million Syrian refugees that you assisted in creating?

What's worse, a terrorist organization like ISIS appearing after Assad's crackdown on his own people, massacring etc. Or the result of humiliation of Syrians for years for the sake of extremely unpopularly holding his grib on a power that's possible only through the support of rogue states like Iran and Russia. My words won't penetrate your skull, i know this for a fact, since you are a simple indoctrinated sheep. You ignore the cry and humiliation of a whole country, in fact you support these actions. Therefore you are hereby ignored, i can't tolerate psychopaths who doesn't possess an inch of self-criticisim, intelligence or empathy (emotional intelligence).

Also i have to remind you. Before majority of Turkish people actually held very favorable view of Iran, prior to your stupid decisions to assist Assad. I despised Israel and their politicians for allowing the massacre of Palestinians. But you know what, now most Turks have smelled the coffee. We would rather befriend an honest foe, than a backstabbing hypocritical "friend" that's helping to orchestrate modern genocide. Dude you have passed Israel in civillian death toll by hundred fold. Enjoy being the most hated country in the Middle East, you have brought this unto yourself.
First of all sheep is your kind and your terrorist president and the ones who voted to him.

Secondly you have received billions $ from Europe for keeping Syrian refugees in camps and not letting them to migrate to Europe.

Thirdly there are 6 millions Afghan refugees in Iran and we never kept them in camps nor received billions foreign cash.

Forthly in human development you are lower than us, your economy is bubble and your people are poor especially those ones in villages. You are a third world country and your people (except the rich ones) are working 24/7.

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First of all sheep is your kind and your terrorist president and the ones who voted to him.

Secondly you have received billions $ from Europe for keeping Syrian refugees in camps and not letting them to migrate to Europe.

Thirdly there are 6 millions Afghan refugees in Iran and we never kept them in camps nor received billions foreign cash.

Forthly in human development you are lower than us, your economy is bubble and your people are poor especially those ones in villages. You are a third world country and your people (except the rich ones) are working 24/7.

It's hard to ignore fools. Turkey hasn't recieved billions for Syrian refugees so, far the expenses have passed 8 billion dollars, not a shilling foreign assistance. Keep supporting a despot who slaughters his own people, retard, you only make yourself the clown of middle east. Don't even dare compare Iran with Turkey, our GDP is double yours. 800 billion USD vs 400 billion USD. Even though your economy solely consist on natural resources, lazy country
Lies again!

Turkey and the EU Seek a Deal on Immigration to Europe - The Atlantic


Turkey Receives $6.6 Billion EU Bribe to Hold Back Refugees - Russia Insider


Today: Turkish border guards 'shoot eight Syrian refugees dead' including women and children trying to reach safety


Wikipedia says itself:


Don't quote me again.
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Considering the fact that about 300 Iranians have been killed in Syria since 2011, while nearly 140,000 rebels+ISIS are killed (possibly more), I'd say your picture doesn't really convey the proper message.

And the biggest irony? More terrorists with Saudi nationality are killed in Syria than total number of Iranian/Afghan and Hezbollah casualties combined. And I just counted Saudis, forget about Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and other places.
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Considering the fact that about 300 Iranians have been killed in Syria since 2011, while nearly 140,000 rebels+ISIS are killed (possibly more), I'd say your picture doesn't really convey the proper message.

And the biggest irony? More terrorists with Saudi nationality are killed in Syria than total number of Iranian/Afghan and Hezbollah casualties combined. And I just counted Saudis, forget about Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and other places.
The biggest irony is that US lost 172 people and CAPTURED entire Iraq.
While Khamenai lost 300 + uncounted number of cannon fodder and also LOST 2/3 of Syria.
The biggest irony is that US lost 172 people and CAPTURED entire Iraq.
True... but it lost more 4500 soldiers after that and didn't achieve its goals completely after withdrawal. Great achievement. Btw, U.S has superior firepower unlike any other country on planet, comparing it to Iran or any other country is stupid and absurd.

Israel lost 160 soldiers and didn't capture jackshit in south Lebanon. It also lost 66 in Gaza (many among its best commandos) and again didn't achieve much except destroying civilian homes and killing women or children playing on the beach.

While Khamenai lost 300 + uncounted number of cannon fodder and also LOST 2/3 of Syria.

One of the most childish arguments I have ever heard. Not surprised though.
True... but it lost more 4500 soldiers after that and didn't achieve its goals completely after withdrawal.
They achieved everything actually.

Great achievement. Btw, U.S has superior firepower unlike any other country on planet, comparing it to Iran or any other country is stupid and absurd.
US fought against army with thousands of tanks not bunch of guys with rusty AK.
Israel lost 160 soldiers and didn't capture jackshit in south Lebanon.
Israel lost 120 soldiers and captured many villages in high mountain terrain. But capturing territory was not a goal. Goal was to pacify Hezbollah and it was achieved.

It also lost 66 in Gaza (many among its best commandos) and again didn't achieve much except destroying civilian homes and killing women or children playing on the beach.
Everything was achieved. Israel pacified Hamas.

As u can see Israel pacified both Hamas and Hezbollah losing less than 200 soldiers. While Assadists and Khamenaists lost tens of thousands and achieved nothing, except murdering hundreds of thousands and expelling millions more. They actually LOST huge chunks of territory.
@BLACKEAGLE when are jordanian and saudi troops entering syria its nearly 3 months..since the dramatic saudi statement? Or is the royal scum as the american papers call salman waiting for a new american president to do your dirty work?
The 'Simpsons' animation about 'Syrian war' in the year 2001, when Bashar Assad had just took power in Syria (2000) and the US was so angry.

The armed Syrian rebels use this flag:


This animation shows that the US was planning to make civil war or use its military power against Syria since 2001 [and after that give Syrians happiness and freedom according to the animation]

9/11 2001 is when that the US [with help of Saudis] made the fake 9/11 and after that got cause to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.


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Considering the fact that about 300 Iranians have been killed in Syria since 2011, while nearly 140,000 rebels+ISIS are killed (possibly more), I'd say your picture doesn't really convey the proper message.

Agree with this. The mullah should also be displayed lugging around the collective coffins of the thousands of Syrians and Iraqis whom had perished fighting for him in the two respective countries.
Ah the old classic allegations. These are nothing else than simple allegations. We support ISIS at the same time we are actively fighting them, makes perfect sense. While your government openly support the despot Assad, a man who day in and day out massacres his own people. These Syrians escaping Assads massacre, who is looking after them? Your poor sorry *** country that's unable to feed its own populace, or my country that currently feeds and houses 3 million Syrian refugees that you assisted in creating?

What's worse, a terrorist organization like ISIS appearing after Assad's crackdown on his own people, massacring etc. Or the result of humiliation of Syrians for years for the sake of an extremely unpopularly despot holding grib on power that's possible only through the assistance of rogue states like Iran and Russia. My words won't penetrate your skull, i know this for a fact, since you are a simple indoctrinated sheep. You ignore the cry and humiliation of a whole country, in fact you support these actions. Therefore you are hereby ignored, i can't tolerate psychopaths who doesn't possess an inch of self-criticisim, intelligence or empathy (emotional intelligence).

Also i have to remind you. Before majority of Turkish people actually held very favorable view of Iran, prior to your stupid decisions to assist Assad. I despised Israel and their politicians for allowing the massacre of Palestinians. But you know what, now most Turks have smelled the coffee. We would rather befriend an honest foe, than a backstabbing hypocritical "friend" that's helping to orchestrate modern genocide. Dude you have passed Israel in civillian death toll by hundred fold. Enjoy being the most hated country in the Middle East, you have brought this unto yourself. Your current project that's about making "Erdogan" the most hated man in Euroasia, won't work. Erdogan is an intelligent man, who simply doesn't give a fack about international opinion - he says his mind. Your leaders are purely stupid, no one even gives 2 cents about them, and no one knows them
99 % of weapons of ISIS are US and Russia made and 100% of these weapons was registered to inventory of Syrian and Iraqi armies...ISIS even didnt fire a Turkish made pistol bullet by now...But some clowns still calims that Turkey support ISIS...

It should be questioned that how ISIS could manage to captures these heavy weopans, from SAA and Iraqi armies so easily?....As a matter of fact, The main two weapon suppliers of ISIS SAA and Ira army..

How ISIS could manage to siez the Sunni cities and regions from SAA and Iraqi army and why they hand back these cities over SAA and iraq army so easily?....The war between two sides is just collusion not real...

The ISIS group that operate in Syria and Iraq is a creation of Iran and his bygone extend to Iraqi Al Qaida branch...Now, they have been used as Trojan Horse among Sunnies..
If ISIS was not exist in Syria Most probabely opposition groups would topple Assad regime till end of 2013..
In fact, Sunni groups suffered heavy losses from politic front to military fronts in iraq and Syria due to ISIS...
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