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Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

Lol 1 aircraft carrier = 1 su 30? Are you on crack? The Soviet Union tasked bomber regiments for attempts to take out carriers, get with reality.

Why you think NATO won't aid a Turkey under attack by a Syria-Iran-Russia axis is beyond me.

we know that an AC comes with 50+ aircrafts, with missile defence, two submarines are kept just to defend it, along with at least 40 more ships, an Aircraft Carrier usually have. but and but, it just need one right time and one rightly targeted missile from a SU35 class aircraft, and ... bb :wave:

just imagine that you lose your 10 to 12 4th gen aircrafts to S300 missiles within 3-4 days, it will not only make a damage of over $1bn just for losing those aircrafts but also it will have broken down morale of NATO forces :agree:. as, Arabs are just no strength there and Turkey does have strength but not enough to invade Syria on its own :disagree:. and for NATO, it will be harder for them, as they can't fight on ground except putting their aircrafts in Turkey and after just 1-2 weeks, after losing 12-20 4th gen to S300/S400, their morale will have come to the shoes of Syria. how many aircrafts NATO lost during Iraq war and Afghan war in 90s/2000s? :what:, while in case of only Syria, without Iran also, you will on average lose at least 1-2 aircrafts every day :wave:

look, if Syria wants to invade Turkey, it is almost impossible for them, true. but, if Syria wants to make a credible damage to Turkey, Syria is more capable to do this than it is actually required to do so :agree:. if you see their missile defence/ aircrafts/ credible missiles and other defense arms along with properly equipped with chemical weapons and may be nuclear also, not confirmed. but if Syria wants to invade Turkey, they will need full involvements from Iran and full support from Russian air force also, its also true.................
well , if you think syria is that weak to be destroyed in one week, i can show you two things like this :
1- in WW the Stalin wanted to capture the Finland within 2-3 days, his army attack there but Finland people stood united against the might of the Stalin and his army ! and it was one of the legends of a war , the best sniper called white death killed 700 soviets !!!! that show how they defended their country!
2- iran - iraq war, saddam wanted to capture tehran in one week but what happend? 8 years of war with no resault for saddam !
saddam was supported by 58 countries !!!

and about training to avoid air defences in turkey , there is no certain training for it because the conditions in a real war is completely defferent and it's jsut 50 - 50 chance ....
something i missed : russian people are most nationalist i ever seen!
about 25 million of them were killed to defend their country in WW

so turkey can't just ignore this quality of them , i love dimitry character in COD games :D he cheated death alot :)
we know that an AC comes with 50+ aircrafts, with missile defence, two submarines are kept just to defend it, along with at least 40 more ships, an Aircraft Carrier usually have. but and but, it just need one right time and one rightly targeted missile from a SU35 class aircraft, and ... bb :wave:

just imagine that you lose your 10 to 12 4th gen aircrafts to S300 missiles within 3-4 days, it will not only make a damage of over $1bn just for losing those aircrafts but also it will have broken down morale of NATO forces :agree:. as, Arabs are just no strength there and Turkey does have strength but not enough to invade Syria on its own :disagree:. and for NATO, it will be harder for them, as they can't fight on ground except putting their aircrafts in Turkey and after just 1-2 weeks, after losing 12-20 4th gen to S300/S400, their morale will have come to the shoes of Syria. how many aircrafts NATO lost during Iraq war and Afghan war in 90s/2000s? :what:, while in case of only Syria, without Iran also, you will on average lose at least 1-2 aircrafts every day :wave:

look, if Syria wants to invade Turkey, it is almost impossible for them, true. but, if Syria wants to make a credible damage to Turkey, Syria is more capable to do this than it is actually required to do so :agree:. if you see their missile defence/ aircrafts/ credible missiles and other defense arms along with properly equipped with chemical weapons and may be nuclear also, not confirmed. but if Syria wants to invade Turkey, they will need full involvements from Iran and full support from Russian air force also, its also true.................

If the U.S. was to participate any hostilities with Turkey against Syria with its advance defense systems in the end Syria will really lose. Trust me when I said it ain't worth provoking NATO. We don't play around with SAM systems. We demolish them. Don't use the downing of one Turkish jet fighter loitering around as pride when it will be Syria's downfall with that kind of confidence.
well , if you think syria is that weak to be destroyed in one week, i can show you two things like this :
1- in WW the Stalin wanted to capture the Finland within 2-3 days, his army attack there but Finland people stood united against the might of the Stalin and his army ! and it was one of the legends of a war , the best sniper called white death killed 700 soviets !!!! that show how they defended their country!
2- iran - iraq war, saddam wanted to capture tehran in one week but what happend? 8 years of war with no resault for saddam !
saddam was supported by 58 countries !!!

and about training to avoid air defences in turkey , there is no certain training for it because the conditions in a real war is completely defferent and it's jsut 50 - 50 chance ....

thats what I said before, "A war is fought on the 'ground', which also has a sense of 'Ground Reality'." those who see Hollywood movies and find Tom Cruse jumping from sky and back with smiles, are doing a big mistake here. after losing just 20+ aircrafts to S300/S400 missiles within a week, it will be a crisis in 'Team NATO'. did they have any A2A combat during Iraq and Afghan wars in 90s/2000s, or during Libya war last year? while once an aircraft will enter in Syrian air border, the chance will be less than 50% for its return. a war is fought with 'ground reality'. even one missile will hit a prime target of Turkey, Turkish will then come to streets and start blaming their government for this mess. its simply foolish to think that 1-2 Aircraft Carriers may Help Arabs against heavily armed Syria+Iran, who will always have a sense that Russian military, their tanks and aircrafts, are just 3-4 hour distance from Turkish border? even a limited level of damage by Syria alone will have broken down morale of Turkey's rulers who will then come to the shoes of Mr Assad ..................

rest, we know how many aircrafts Saudi Arabia has, but do they have the 'people' who may fight an open war against credible opponents? poor training and just no morale Arab's militaries have. SA has a low grade military who just dont have any credibility to fight a real war........ what i mean, turkey would again send an aircraft inside Syrian border and its ending will again be the same like how one was shot down a day before. does Syria thinks while shooting down Turkish aircraft? and i tell you, Syria will never think in future also ...................
If the U.S. was to participate any hostilities with Turkey against Syria with its advance defense systems in the end Syria will really lose. Trust me when I said it ain't worth provoking NATO. We don't play around with SAM systems. We demolish them. Don't use the downing of one Turkish jet fighter loitering around as pride when it will be Syria's downfall with that kind of confidence.

now it isn't worth talking any more. but here i tell you one ground reality, other than doing Bluffs of Publicity of Superiority of NATO, that is, if Turkish aircrafts will keep visiting near Syrian border then all those aircrafts will face the same ending, no matter what what we claim here on this forum. i mean, from now onward, if Turkey doesn't get to understand the things, they are going lose more aircrafts one by one from now.,.. :wave:

rest, you may keep coming here and talk whatever you can, like how West lives in a bluff of superiority and at the same time they keep begging for debt also. neither they are morally prepared for any war nor they may fund it also, and price of this conflicts will be paid by the neighbors of Syria :wave:
When the navo attacked Iraq saddam russian systeems didnt work very good. Saddam had russian systems and didnt russian betrayed saddam with help? **** that ballistic missiles, chemical and nuclear ahaha. If you got balls use that nuclear missile. How much scuds did Saddam send to israil? Israil was braking like dog but didnt use it. So Turkey isnt capable invade Syrian?

I think your age is something between 15 and 19 years.

Pity for syrian army didnt learn from the past.

Syrian have nothing interesting for russia. They buy weapon systems but dont pay it. No oil only . Every thing have a price.

China and russian will sit on ther lacy *** en watch it.
now it isn't worth talking any more. but here i tell you one ground reality, other than doing Bluffs of Publicity of Superiority of NATO, that is, if Turkish aircrafts will keep visiting near Syrian border then all those aircrafts will face the same ending, no matter what what we claim here on this forum. i mean, from now onward, if Turkey doesn't get to understand the things, they are going lose more aircrafts one by one from now.,.. :wave:

rest, you may keep coming here and talk whatever you can, like how West lives in a bluff of superiority and at the same time they keep begging for debt also. neither they are morally prepared for any war nor they may fund it also, and price of this conflicts will be paid by the neighbors of Syria :wave:

Yeah sure Syria be out of missiles and platforms before NATO lose even close to a dozen aircraft because all Syria is going to see are bombs and missiles before a carrier battle group got even close to Syria. Nice talking with you and thanks buddy.
I am talking about firt gulf war. Maybe you where shiting in you pants that time.

amk bebesi...
now it isn't worth talking any more. but here i tell you one ground reality, other than doing Bluffs of Publicity of Superiority of NATO, that is, if Turkish aircrafts will keep visiting near Syrian border then all those aircrafts will face the same ending, no matter what what we claim here on this forum. i mean, from now onward, if Turkey doesn't get to understand the things, they are going lose more aircrafts one by one from now.,.. :wave:

rest, you may keep coming here and talk whatever you can, like how West lives in a bluff of superiority and at the same time they keep begging for debt also. neither they are morally prepared for any war nor they may fund it also, and price of this conflicts will be paid by the neighbors of Syria :wave:

Yes and Turkey is so dumb to fly blindly in to the air defence systems of Syria. What kind of retard rus are you giving conclusions based on things that even not happend.. Flying F-4 near the border is something else then a fully coordinated attack from ground and air. You mixing Nato with Turkey. Turkey is not Nato. Turkey is a whole different story.
now it isn't worth talking any more. but here i tell you one ground reality, other than doing Bluffs of Publicity of Superiority of NATO, that is, if Turkish aircrafts will keep visiting near Syrian border then all those aircrafts will face the same ending, no matter what what we claim here on this forum. i mean, from now onward, if Turkey doesn't get to understand the things, they are going lose more aircrafts one by one from now.,.. :wave:

rest, you may keep coming here and talk whatever you can, like how West lives in a bluff of superiority and at the same time they keep begging for debt also. neither they are morally prepared for any war nor they may fund it also, and price of this conflicts will be paid by the neighbors of Syria :wave:

Shooting down a old F4 is not something to be proud of or rather worth bregging about. Turkish air force is specificly trained to avoid russian air defence systems. Its a miracle that syrian air defence was able to even shot down an old F4, But doubt that would be the case from now on. Like to see them try to shot down a F-16. Regardless if we declare article 5, then i would like to ask you again if it was a wise choise by syria to do such stupid thing. We would carpet bomb the sh!t out of syria.
I say it how I see it. I have noticed every single Saudi/Jordanian that has come on the forum has been very dogmatic stubborn and irrational on this forum.

On the other hand Adir and the Israeli with the funny (dictator) avatar come over very nice decent people who I would rather have a drink with or chat. Yet you Saudi/Jordan members act as you have some god given right to expect support from Pakistani Muslims immaterial of your own leaders **** ups and at times you come on to our forum and insult us and our country.

Back to topic I think and hope it could be an innocent mistake in that the Turkish pilots made a genuine mistake and Syrians are very trigger sensitive with whats going on in their country. Hopefully it will be sorted out between Turkey and Syria amicably and peacefully. We should wait before we jump to world war 3 lol

sorry a bit offtopic....
pardon me but they were friendly and sober when came to this forum but some pakistani members bash them even in non relevant threads....as a guests on this forum we should have shown some respect but the hatred in the hearts of some members for arabs is infinite and have sadly changed the attitudes of some Arab members....so i honestly i dont blame them...
Shooting down a old F4 is not something to be proud of or rather worth bregging about. Turkish air force is specificly trained to avoid russian air defence systems. Its a miracle that syrian air defence was able to even shot down an old F4, But doubt that would be the case from now on. Like to see them try to shot down a F-16. Regardless if we declare article 5, then i would like to ask you again if it was a wise choise by syria to do such stupid thing. We would carpet bomb the sh!t out of syria.

I think Turkey has the problem with Al-Assad and his regime not with the Syrian People so avoiding the collateral damage would always be in the mind of Erdogan before taking any retaliatory decision because he wants Syrian ( especially all the Sunnis ) on his side in post Al-Assad era.
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